دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training    دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training  Emptyالثلاثاء 10 سبتمبر 2019, 11:11 pm

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دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training  

دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training  S_w_s_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

About this course
▪  Prerequisites
▪ Course Design Philosophy
▪  Using this book
▪ A note about files
▪ Conventions used in this book
▪  Class Introductions
Design Validation Products
What is Finite Element Analysis ?
Building the FEA Model
Building the FEA Model - Fixtures
Building the FEA Model - Loads
FEA for structural analysis
Mesh, Nodes, Elements, …
Using Stress Results to Validate Design
Assumptions in Linear, Static Analyses
Check list for SolidWorks Simulation
Lesson 1 The Analysis Process
 Introduction to the Simulation interface
 Perform linear static analysis – Static
• Material properties
• Restraints
• Loads
• Mesh
• Run
 Influence of mesh density on displacement
and stress results
 Post-processing
Lesson 2 Mesh Controls, Stress Concentrations and Boundary Conditions
▪ Using SolidWorks Configurations
▪ Use of mesh controls, automatic transition
▪ FEA Convergence issues
▪ Different boundary conditions
Lesson 3 Assembly Analysis with Contact
▪ Assembly Analysis Basics
▪  Interference Detection
▪ Global and Local Contact/ Gaps conditions
Lesson 4 Symmetrical and Free Self-Equilibrated Assemblies
▪  Analyze shrink-fit problem
▪  Use of symmetry
▪ Review stress results in local coordinat systems
▪ Solver options to eliminate rigid body modes
Lesson 5 Assembly Analysis with Connectors
▪ Connectors
 Rigid
 Spring
 Pin
 Elastic Support
 Bolt
 Spot Weld
 Edge Weld
 Link
 Bearing
▪ Global and local contact conditions
Lesson 6 Compatible/Incompatible Meshing
▪ Compatible solid element mesh with Bonded contacts
▪ Incompatible solid element mesh with Bonded contacts
▪ Simplified bonding for incompatible solid meshes
Lesson 7 Assembly Analysis Mesh Refinement
▪ Analyze larger assembly using solid elements
▪  Remote load feature
▪ Define multiple contact conditions
▪ Nontraditional contact and connector use
▪ Analyze mesh quality and question the results of the simulation
Lesson 8 Analysis of Thin Components
▪  Shell Elements
▪ Mid-plane and surface shell element meshing
▪  Alignment of shell mesh
▪  Evaluating  mesh sizes
▪ Evaluating results for shell elements
▪  Reaction forces
▪ Solid vs. Shell meshing
Lesson 9 Mixed Meshing Shells & Solids
▪  Mixed meshing
▪  Solid-shell bonding
▪  Shell offset
▪  Mesh failure diagnostics
Lesson 10 Mixed Meshing Solids, Beams & Shells
▪  Beam elements
▪  Joints
▪  Bonding of beams
▪ Post-processing of beam elements
Lesson 11 Design Study
 Design Study – performing several studies for different
input data (model geometry or loads)
 Stresses in vehicle suspension when vehicle is:
 Stationary and loaded
 Moving at constant acceleration on a smooth road
 Moving on a bumpy road
 Moving at a constant speed on a banking road
 Different loads in different directions
 Review different connectors and fixtures
Lesson 12 Thermal Stress Analysis
▪ Static analysis with temperature load
▪ Use of various contact conditions
▪  Temperature dependent material properties
▪ Soft spring and Inertia relief options
Lesson 13 Adaptive Meshing
Why and What is Adaptivity?
What do FEM results depend on?
1. Mesh
2. Type and order of the elements used (Draft or High quality)
3. Other phenomena (numerical errors, modeling errors etc.)
What is our Goal? Is it just to obtain a solution?
Make sure our results are close to some defined accurate solution. (typical parameter is strain
energy density)
How to achieve it?
1. Modify and refine the mesh topology
2. Modify the “order” of elements
Lesson 14 Large Displacement Analysis
▪  Surface contact
▪ Contact analysis with the large displacement option
▪ Evaluate mesh adequacy for modeling bending stresses
▪ Limitations of the linear material model

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دورة تعليم المحاكاة باستخدام السوليدوركس - SolidWorks Simulation Training
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى شروحات البرامج الهندسية-
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