كتاب Principles of Composite Material Mechanics
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Principles of Composite Material Mechanics

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Principles of Composite Material Mechanics
Fourth Edition
Ronald F. Gibson

كتاب Principles of Composite Material Mechanics  P_o_c_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface to the First Edition . Xiii
Preface to the Second Edition . Xvii
Preface to the Third Edition Xix
Preface to This Edition . Xxi
Author .xxiii
1. Introduction .1
1.1 Basic Concepts .1
1.2 Constituent Materials for Composites .5
1.2.1 Reinforcement Materials Including
Nanoreinforcements .10
1.2.2 Matrix and Filler Materials .12
1.3 Structural Applications of Composites 18
1.4 Multifunctional Applications of Composites 28
1.5 Fabrication Processes 31
1.6 Elements of Mechanical Behavior of Composites 42
1.7 Review of Basic Mechanics of Materials Equations .44
References .55
2. Lamina Stress–strain Relationships 57
2.1 Introduction .57
2.2 Effective Moduli in Stress–strain Relationships 58
2.3 Symmetry in Stress–strain Relationships . 62
2.4 Orthotropic and Isotropic Engineering Constants 69
2.5 Specially Orthotropic Lamina .73
2.6 Generally Orthotropic Lamina .78
References .94
3. Effective Moduli of a Continuous Fiber-reinforced Lamina .95
3.1 Introduction .95
3.2 Elementary Mechanics of Materials Models . 104
3.2.1 Longitudinal Modulus 106
3.2.2 Transverse Modulus 110
3.2.3 Shear Modulus and Poisson’s Ratio 112
3.3 Improved Mechanics of Materials Models 120
3.4 Elasticity Models . 124
3.4.1 Finite Difference Models . 126
3.4.2 Finite Element Models . 129viii Contents
3.4.3 Closed-form and Variational Models . 133
3.5 Semiempirical Models 134
References . 140
4. Strength of a Continuous Fiber-reinforced Lamina 143
4.1 Introduction . 143
4.2 Multiaxial Strength Criteria 146
4.2.1 Maximum Stress Criterion . 147
4.2.2 Maximum Strain Criterion . 151
4.2.3 Quadratic Interaction Criteria 153
4.3 Micromechanics Models for Lamina Strength . 167
4.3.1 Longitudinal Strength . 168
4.3.2 Transverse Strength . 176
4.3.3 in-plane Shear Strength 180
4.3.4 Multiaxial Strength 181
References . 186
5. Analysis of Lamina Hygrothermal Behavior . 191
5.1 Introduction . 191
5.2 Hygrothermal Degradation of Properties . 193
5.3 Lamina Stress–strain Relationships Including
Hygrothermal Effects .208
5.4 Micromechanics Models for Hygrothermal Properties 217
References .228
6. Analysis of a Discontinuously Reinforced Lamina 231
6.1 Introduction . 231
6.2 Aligned Discontinuous Fibers 232
6.2.1 Stress and Strength Analysis .233
6.2.2 Modulus Analysis 239
6.3 Off-axis-aligned Discontinuous Fibers 249
6.3.1 Stress and Strength Analysis . 249
6.3.2 Modulus Analysis 251
6.4 Randomly Oriented Discontinuous Fibers .260
6.4.1 Stress and Strength Analysis . 261
6.4.2 Modulus Analysis 262
6.5 Nanofibers and Nanotubes 271
6.5.1 Stress and Strength Analysis . 274
6.5.2 Modulus Analysis 275
6.6 Particulates . 279
6.6.1 Stress and Strength Analysis .280
6.6.2 Modulus Analysis 282
6.7 Hybrid Multiscale Reinforcements .284
References . 294contents Ix
7. Analysis of Laminates .299
7.1 Introduction .299
7.2 Theory of Laminated Beams .300
7.2.1 Flexural Stresses and Deflections 300
7.2.2 Shear Stresses and Deflections 305
7.3 Theory of Laminated Plates With Coupling 317
7.4 Stiffness Characteristics of Selected Laminate
Configurations 324
7.4.1 Specially Orthotropic Laminates . 325
7.4.2 Generally Orthotropic Laminates . 325
7.4.3 Symmetric Laminates . 326
7.4.4 Antisymmetric Laminates 327
7.4.5 Quasi-isotropic Laminates . 327
7.5 Derivation and Use of Laminate Compliances .335
7.5.1 Inversion of Laminate Force–deformation Equations 335
7.5.2 Determination of Lamina Stresses and Strains . 337
7.5.3 Determination of Laminate Engineering Constants 338
7.5.4 Comparison of Measured and Predicted
Compliances .341
7.6 Hygrothermal Effects in Laminates .350
7.6.1 Hygrothermal Degradation of Laminates 350
7.6.2 Hygrothermal Stresses in Laminates 350
7.6.3 Laminate Hygrothermal Expansion Coefficients .353
7.7 Interlaminar Stresses 354
7.8 Laminate Strength Analysis 360
7.8.1 First Ply Failure and Subsequent Ply Failures Due
To in-plane Stresses 360
7.8.2 Delamination Due to Interlaminar Stresses 363
7.9 Deflection and Buckling of Laminates 383
7.9.1 Analysis of Small Transverse Deflections 384
7.9.2 Buckling Analysis 390
7.10 Selection of Laminate Designs 394
7.11 Application of Laminate Analysis to Composite Structures 401
7.11.1 Composite Sandwich Structures . 401
7.11.2 Composite Grid Structures .404
References . 417
8. Analysis of Viscoelastic and Dynamic Behavior . 421
8.1 Introduction . 421
8.2 Linear Viscoelastic Behavior of Composites .425
8.2.1 Boltzmann Superposition Integrals for Creep
And Relaxation 428
8.2.2 Differential Equations and Spring–dashpot Models 432
8.2.3 Quasielastic Analysis 442x Contents
8.2.4 Sinusoidal Oscillations and Complex Modulus
Notation .445
8.2.5 Elastic–viscoelastic Correspondence Principle .449
8.2.6 Temperature and Aging Effects .455
8.3 Dynamic Behavior of Composites 474
8.3.1 Longitudinal Wave Propagation and Vibrations
In Specially Orthotropic Composite Bars . 475
8.3.2 Flexural Vibration of Composite Beams . 481
8.3.3 Transverse Vibration of Laminated Plates .485
8.3.4 Analysis of Damping in Composites 492
8.4 Nanoenhancement of Viscoelastic and Dynamic Properties . 502
References . 514
9. Analysis of Fracture . 519
9.1 Introduction . 519
9.2 Fracture Mechanics Analyses of Through-thickness Cracks .519
9.2.1 Stress Intensity Factor Approach .522
9.2.2 Strain Energy Release Rate Approach 526
9.2.3 Virtual Crack Closure Technique 530
9.3 Stress Fracture Criteria for Through-thickness Notches 536
9.4 Interlaminar Fracture .543
9.5 Nanoenhancement of Fracture Toughness .555
References . 562
10. Mechanical Testing of Composites and Their Constituents . 569
10.1 Introduction . 569
10.2 Measurement of Constituent Material Properties 570
10.2.1 Fiber Tests . 570
10.2.2 Neat Resin Matrix Tests 573
10.2.3 Constituent Volume Fraction Measurement 576
10.3 Measurement of Basic Composite Properties . 578
10.3.1 Tensile Tests 578
10.3.2 Compressive Tests 582
10.3.3 Shear Tests .585
10.3.4 Flexure Tests . 594
10.3.5 Interlaminar Fracture Tests 595
10.3.6 Fiber/matrix Interface Tests .599
10.3.7 Open-hole and Filled-hole Tests 601
10.3.8 Bearing Tests .602
10.3.9 Pull-through Tests .604
10.4 Measurement of Viscoelastic and Dynamic Properties 613
10.4.1 Creep Tests 613
10.4.2 Vibration Tests 617contents Xi
10.5 Measurement of Hygrothermal Properties . 624
10.5.1 Glass Transition Temperature Tests 625
10.5.2 Thermal Expansion Tests 625
10.5.3 Moisture Absorption Tests . 626
References .630
11. Answers to Selected Problems .639
Appendix a: Matrix Concepts and Operations .641
Appendix B: Stress Equilibrium Equations . 651
Appendix C: Strain–displacement Equations

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