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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Radio Systems Engineering الأربعاء 21 أغسطس 2019, 8:34 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Radio Systems Engineering Steven W. Ellingson Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS List of illustrations List of tables Preface 1 Introduction 1.1 Radio: What and Why 1.2 The Radio Frequency Spectrum 1.3 Radio Link Architecture 1.4 Elements of a Radio Link 1.5 Modern Radio Design: Levels of Integration 1.6 Specifications in Modern Radio Design 1.7 Organization of This Book Problems 2 Antenna Fundamentals 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Creation of Radio Waves 2.2.1 Physical Origins of Radiation 2.2.2 Radiation from Linear Antennas; Far-Field Approximations 2.2.3 Equivalent Circuit Model for Transmission 2.2.4 The Impedance of Other Types of Antennas 2.3 Reception of Radio Waves 2.3.1 Equivalent Circuit Model for Reception; Effective Length 2.3.2 Effective Aperture 2.4 Pattern and Reciprocity 2.4.1 Transmit Case 2.4.2 Receive Case 2.5 Polarization 2.6 Antenna Integration 2.6.1 Impedance Matching 2.6.2 Current Mode Matching; Baluns 2.7 Dipoles 2.7.1 General Characteristics2.7.2 The Electrically-Thin Half-Wave Dipole 2.7.3 Electrically-Thin Dipoles with λ/2 < L ≤ λ; Off-Center-Fed Dipoles 2.7.4 The Electrically-Thin 5/4-λ Dipole 2.7.5 Equivalent Circuits and Numerical Methods for Straight Dipoles of Arbitrary Length and Radius 2.7.6 Planar Dipoles; Dipoles on Printed Circuit Boards 2.7.7 Other Dipole-Type Antennas 2.8 Monopoles 2.8.1 General Characteristics 2.8.2 The Ideal Electrically-Thin Electrically-Short Monopole 2.8.3 The Ideal Electrically-Thin Quarter-Wave Monopole 2.8.4 The 5/8-λ Monopole 2.8.5 Practical Monopoles 2.9 Patch Antennas 2.10 High-Gain Antennas 2.10.1 Beam Antennas; The Yagi 2.10.2 Reflectors 2.11 Arrays 2.12 Other Commonly-Encountered Antennas Problems 3 Propagation 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Propagation in Free Space; Path Loss 3.3 Reflection and Transmission 3.3.1 Reflection from a Planar Interface 3.3.2 Reflection from the Surface of the Earth 3.3.3 Scattering from Terrain and Structures 3.4 Propagation Over Flat Earth 3.4.1 A General Expression for the Wave Arriving at the Receiving Antenna 3.4.2 Flat Earth Path Loss; Breakpoint Analysis 3.5 Multipath and Fading 3.5.1 Discrete Multipath Model for Terrestrial Propagation 3.5.2 The Static Channel: Channel Impulse Response 3.5.3 The Dynamic Channel: Doppler Spread and Fading 3.5.4 Spatial Autocorrelation and Diversity 3.5.5 Summary 3.6 Terrestrial Propagation Between 30 MHz and 6 GHz 3.6.1 Radio Horizon3.6.2 Delay Spread and Coherence Bandwidth 3.6.3 Fading Statistics and Coherence Time 3.6.4 Average Path Loss 3.7 Propagation Above 6 GHz 3.7.1 Increased Path Loss Due to Diminished Effective Aperture 3.7.2 Increased Path Loss Due to Media Losses; Attenuation Rate 3.7.3 Atmospheric Absorption 3.7.4 Rain Fade 3.8 Terrestrial Propagation Below 30 MHz 3.9 Other Mechanisms for Radio Propagation Problems 4 Noise 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Thermal Noise 4.3 Non-thermal Noise 4.4 Noise Characterization of Two-Port Devices; Noise Figure 4.4.1 Single Two-Port Devices 4.4.2 Cascades of Two-Port Devices 4.5 External Noise 4.5.1 Antenna Temperature 4.5.2 Natural Sources of Noise 4.5.3 Anthropogenic Sources of Noise Problems 5 Analog Modulation 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Sinusoidal Carrier Modulation 5.3 Complex Baseband Representation 5.4 Complex Baseband Representation of Noise 5.5 Amplitude Modulation (AM) 5.5.1 Modulation and Spectrum 5.5.2 Effect of Propagation 5.5.3 Incoherent Demodulation 5.5.4 Coherent Demodulation 5.5.5 Sensitivity of Coherent and Incoherent Demodulation 5.6 Single Sideband (SSB) 5.6.1 Generation of SSB 5.6.2 SSB as a Quadrature Modulation 5.6.3 Demodulation and Performance of SSB5.6.4 Vestigial Sideband (VSB) Modulation 5.6.5 Pilot-Assisted SSB and VSB 5.7 Frequency Modulation (FM) 5.7.1 Characterization of FM 5.7.2 Generation of FM 5.7.3 Demodulation 5.7.4 Preemphasis 5.7.5 Performance in Varying SNR; Threshold Effect 5.8 Techniques for Improving Audio Problems 6 Digital Modulation 6.1 Introduction 6.1.1 Overview of a Digital Communications Link and Organization of this Chapter 6.1.2 Motivation for Digital Modulation 6.2 Source Coding 6.3 Sinusoidal Carrier Modulation, Redux 6.4 Pulse Shapes and Bandwidth 6.4.1 Representation of Symbols as Pulses 6.4.2 Sinc Pulses and Intersymbol Interference 6.4.3 Raised Cosine Pulses 6.4.4 Spectral Efficiency 6.5 Representations of Signal Power, Noise Power, and SNR in Digital Modulations 6.5.1 Symbol Energy and Energy per Bit 6.5.2 The Eb/N0 Concept 6.6 Coherent Demodulation 6.6.1 Optimal Demodulation 6.6.2 Matched Filtering 6.6.3 Square Root Raised Cosine (SRRC) Matched Filtering 6.6.4 The Correlation Receiver 6.7 Demodulation of BPSK and OOK 6.7.1 Optimal Demodulation of BPSK 6.7.2 Optimal Demodulation of OOK 6.7.3 Incoherent Demodulation of OOK 6.8 Demodulation of QPSK 6.9 Demodulation of Higher-Order Phase-Amplitude Modulations 6.9.1 M-ASK 6.9.2 M-QAM6.9.3 M-PSK 6.10 Differential Detection 6.10.1 Concept 6.10.2 Performance 6.11 Frequency-Shift Keying (FSK) 6.11.1 Concept 6.11.2 Minimum-Shift Keying (MSK) 6.11.3 Demodulation and Performance 6.12 Tradeoff Between Spectral Efficiency and Energy Efficiency 6.13 Channel Coding 6.14 Communication in Channels with Flat Fading 6.14.1 Probability of Error in Flat Fading 6.14.2 Interleaving 6.14.3 Space Diversity 6.14.4 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) 6.15 Communication in Channels with Intersymbol Interference 6.15.1 Zero-Forcing Equalization 6.15.2 Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimation 6.15.3 Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) Equalization 6.16 Carrier Frequency, Phase, and Symbol Timing 6.16.1 Carrier Frequency Estimation 6.16.2 Carrier Phase Estimation 6.16.3 Symbol Timing 6.17 ATSC: The North American Digital Television Standard 6.17.1 Transmitter 6.17.2 Receiver 6.18 Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) and Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 6.18.1 Fundamentals 6.18.2 Cellular CDMA 6.19 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 6.19.1 Concept 6.19.2 Implementation Problems 7 Radio Link Analysis 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Friis Transmission Equation Revisited 7.3 Effective Radiated Power (EIRP and ERP)7.4 Signal-to-Noise Ratio at the Input of a Detector 7.5 Sensitivity and G/T 7.6 Link Budget 7.7 Analysis of a 6 GHz Wireless Backhaul; Link Margin 7.8 Analysis of a PCS-Band Cellular Downlink 7.9 Analysis of an HF-Band NVIS Data Link; Fade Margin 7.10 Analysis of a Ku-Band Direct Broadcast Satellite System 7.11 Specification of Radios and the Path Forward Problems 8 Two-Port Concepts 8.1 Introduction 8.2 s-Parameters 8.2.1 Derivation of s-Parameters 8.2.2 s-Parameters for Series and Shunt Impedances 8.2.3 s-Parameters for Transmission Lines 8.2.4 s-Parameters for Other Two-Ports 8.3 Intrinsic Properties of Two-Ports 8.4 Properties of Embedded Two-Ports 8.4.1 Reflection Coefficient for Embedded Two-Ports 8.4.2 Transducer Power Gain (TPG) 8.5 Stability and Gain 8.5.1 Instability and Oscillation 8.5.2 Determination of Stability 8.5.3 Simultaneous Conjugate Matching 8.5.4 Maximum Stable Gain 8.6 Cascaded Two-Ports 8.7 Differential Circuits 8.7.1 Applications of Differential Circuits 8.7.2 Interfaces between Differential and Single-Ended Circuits 8.7.3 Analysis of Differential Circuits Problems 9 Impedance Matching 9.1 Introduction 9.2 Some Preliminary Ideas 9.3 Discrete Two-Component (“L”) Matching 9.4 Bandwidth and Q 9.5 Modifying Bandwidth Using Higher-Order Circuits 9.5.1 Increasing Bandwidth using Cascades of Two-Reactance Matching Circuits9.5.2 Decreasing Bandwidth Using “Pi” and “T” Circuits 9.5.3 Other Considerations and Variants 9.6 Impedance Matching for Differential Circuits 9.7 Distributed Matching Structures 9.7.1 Properties of Practical Transmission Lines 9.7.2 Impedance of Single-Port Transmission Line Stubs 9.7.3 Single-Stub Matching 9.7.4 Quarter-Wave Matching 9.8 Impedance Inversion Problems 10 Amplifiers 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Transistors as Amplifiers 10.2.1 Bipolar Transistors 10.2.2 Field Effect Transistors 10.2.3 Designing with Transistors 10.3 Biasing of Transistor Amplifiers 10.3.1 Bipolar Transistors 10.3.2 FETs 10.3.3 Beyond Common Emitter and Common Source 10.4 Designing for Gain 10.4.1 Bilateral Design to Meet a Gain Requirement 10.4.2 Unilateral Design to Meet a Gain Requirement 10.4.3 Taming Unruly Transistors: Unilateralization and Stabilization 10.5 Designing for Noise Figure 10.6 Designing for VSWR 10.7 Design Example: A UHF-Band LNA 10.7.1 Inductive Degeneration 10.7.2 Selecting an Operating Point and Establishing RF Design Parameters 10.7.3 Transistor Characterization 10.7.4 Transistor Output Conditioning 10.7.5 IMN Design 10.7.6 OMN Design 10.7.7 Bias Scheme 10.7.8 Bias Circuit Integration 10.7.9 Measured Results 10.8 Beyond the Single-Transistor Narrowband Amplifier 10.9 IC ImplementationProblems 11 Linearity, Multistage Analysis, and Dynamic Range 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Characterization of Linearity 11.2.1 Linearity as Independence of Response 11.2.2 Linearity of Systems with Memoryless Polynomial Response 11.2.3 Gain Compression 11.2.4 Intermodulation; Third-Order Intermodulation 11.2.5 Second-Order Intermodulation 11.2.6 AM–PM Conversion 11.3 Linearity of Differential Devices 11.4 Linearity of Cascaded Devices 11.5 Stage/Cascade Analysis; Significance of Stage Order 11.6 Other Common Characterizations of Sensitivity 11.6.1 Minimum Discernible Signal (MDS): Concept and Zero-Input-Noise Expressions 11.6.2 Minimum Discernible Signal (MDS): Non-Zero-Input-Noise Expressions 11.6.3 Noise Floor 11.7 Dynamic Range Problems 12 Antenna Integration 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Receive Performance 12.2.1 Antenna Receive Model, Revisited 12.2.2 Signal Power Delivered by an Antenna to a Receiver 12.2.3 SNR Delivered to the Digitizer or Detector Assuming Conjugate Matching 12.2.4 SNR Delivered to the Digitizer or Detector when Two-Port Noise Parameters are Available 12.3 Transmit Performance 12.3.1 VSWR 12.3.2 Transmit Efficiency 12.4 Antenna–Transceiver Impedance Matching 12.4.1 Fractional Bandwidth Concept 12.4.2 Resonant Antennas 12.4.3 Non-Resonant Broadband Antennas 12.4.4 Electrically-Small Antennas 12.5 How Small Can an Antenna Be? 12.6 Antenna Tuners12.7 Baluns 12.7.1 Consequences of Not Using a Balun 12.7.2 Balun Contraindications 12.7.3 Compact Baluns 12.7.4 Coaxial Choke Baluns 12.7.5 Other Commonly-Used Balun Types Problems 13 Analog Filters and Multiplexers 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Characterization of Filter Response 13.3 Single-Reactance Lowpass and Highpass Filters 13.4 Single-Resonator Bandpass and Notch Filters 13.5 Discrete (LC) Filters – Specified Response 13.5.1 Butterworth Lowpass Filter Design 13.5.2 Butterworth Highpass Filter Design 13.5.3 Butterworth Bandpass Filter Design 13.5.4 Butterworth Bandstop Filter Design 13.5.5 Chebyshev Filter Design 13.5.6 Phase and Delay Response; Group Delay Variation 13.5.7 Other Specified-Response Designs and Topological Variants 13.6 Diplexers and Multiplexers 13.7 Distributed Filter Structures 13.7.1 Transmission Line Stubs as Single-Reactance Two-Ports 13.7.2 Quarter-Wave Stubs as Single-Resonance Two-Ports 13.7.3 Filters Composed of Quarter-Wave Sections 13.7.4 Specified-Response Filters Using Transmission Line Stubs 13.8 Other Filter Device Technologies 13.8.1 Coupled Resonator and Stepped Impedance Filters 13.8.2 Helical Filters 13.8.3 Coaxial Filters 13.8.4 Crystal Filters 13.8.5 Surface Acoustic Wave Devices and Dielectric Resonators 13.8.6 Mechanical and Ceramic Filters 13.8.7 Electronically-Tunable Filters Problems 14 Frequency and Quadrature Conversion in the Analog Domain 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Frequency Conversion14.2.1 Downconversion; Low- and High-Side Injection 14.2.2 Upconversion 14.2.3 Image Frequency 14.3 Mixers 14.3.1 Square-Law Processing 14.3.2 Phase-Switching 14.3.3 Double-Balanced Diode Ring Mixers 14.3.4 IC Implementation 14.4 Quadrature Conversion 14.5 Image Rejection Mixers 14.5.1 Hartley Architecture 14.5.2 Weaver Architecture Problems 15 Receivers 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Analog-to-Digital Conversion 15.2.1 Method of Operation 15.2.2 Sample Rate and Bandwidth 15.2.3 Quantization Noise 15.2.4 Characteristics of Practical ADCs 15.3 Requirements on Gain and Sensitivity 15.4 Preselection 15.5 Selectivity 15.6 Receiver Architectures 15.6.1 Lowpass Direct Sampling 15.6.2 Undersampling 15.6.3 Tuned RF 15.6.4 Single-Conversion Superheterodyne Architecture 15.6.5 The Half-IF Problem 15.6.6 Multiple-Conversion Superheterodyne Architecture 15.6.7 Other Superheterodyne Architectures 15.6.8 Direct Conversion 15.6.9 Near-Zero IF 15.6.10 Superheterodyne Architecture with Quadrature-Conversion Final Stage 15.7 Frequency Planning 15.8 Gain Control 15.8.1 AGC Strategy for a Single-Channel-Output Receivers 15.8.2 AGC Strategy for Multiple-Channel-Output Receivers15.8.3 AGC Strategy for Cellular CDMA Receivers 15.8.4 Power Measurement for AGC 15.8.5 Schemes for Varying Gain 15.9 Case Studies 15.9.1 AM/FM Broadcast Receivers 15.9.2 Television Tuners 15.9.3 HF Receivers 15.9.4 Cellular, WLAN, and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Receivers 15.9.5 Quadrature Conversion RF/IF Receivers Problems 16 Frequency Synthesis 16.1 Introduction 16.2 LC Feedback Oscillators 16.2.1 The LC Resonator 16.2.2 Sustaining Resonance Using Feedback 16.3 Design of LC Feedback Oscillators 16.3.1 Colpitts Topology 16.3.2 Analysis and Design of the Grounded Base Colpitts Oscillator 16.3.3 Alternative Implementations and Enhancements 16.4 Phase Noise, Spurious, and Reciprocal Mixing 16.5 Oscillators Using Crystals and Other High-Q Resonators 16.5.1 Crystal Oscillators 16.5.2 Temperature-Stabilized Crystal Oscillators 16.5.3 Resonator Technologies for Higher Frequencies 16.6 Variable-Frequency Oscillators and VCOs 16.7 Negative Resistance Oscillators 16.8 Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Synthesizers 16.8.1 Integer-N Synthesizers 16.8.2 Fractional-N Synthesizers 16.8.3 Dividers, Phase Comparators, Loop Filters, and Prescalers 16.8.4 PLL Design Considerations 16.9 Direct Digital Synthesis 16.10 IC Implementation of Oscillators and Synthesizers Problems 17 Transmitters 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Architectures17.3 Digital-to-Analog Conversion 17.3.1 Method of Operation 17.3.2 Sample Rate, Bandwidth, and sinc Distortion 17.3.3 Quantization Noise and Dynamic Range 17.4 Power Amplifiers 17.4.1 Efficiency vs. Linearity 17.4.2 Class A; Linear vs. Quasi-Linear Operation 17.4.3 Harmonic Filtering 17.4.4 Class B 17.4.5 Class AB and Conduction Angle 17.4.6 Class C 17.4.7 The Rest of the Alphabet: High-Efficiency Non-linear PAs 17.4.8 Repurposing Non-Linear PAs as Quasi-Linear PAs 17.5 Considerations in PA Design 17.5.1 Supply Voltage 17.5.2 Load Impedance Matching 17.5.3 Source Impedance Matching, Buffers, and Drivers 17.5.4 PAPR and Back Off 17.5.5 Power Control 17.6 PA Linearization 17.6.1 Consequences of PA Non-Linearity 17.6.2 Predistortion 17.6.3 Feedforward Linearization 17.6.4 Feedback Linearization 17.7 Quadrature-Coupled and Parallelized Amplifiers 17.7.1 Quadrature Hybrids 17.7.2 Combining Using Transformers Problems 18 Digital Implementation of Radio Functions 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Single-Rate Filters 18.2.1 FIR Filter Fundamentals 18.2.2 FIR Filter Design Using Windows; The Kaiser Method 18.2.3 Other Methods for FIR Filter Design and Applications 18.2.4 Digital Filters with Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Elliptic Responses 18.2.5 Reducing Computational Burden 18.3 Multirate Filters 18.3.1 Integer-Rate Decimating FIR Filters18.3.2 Integer-Rate Interpolating FIR Filters 18.3.3 Non-Integer and Large-R Techniques 18.4 Quadrature Upconversion and Downconversion 18.4.1 FS/4 Quadrature Downconversion 18.4.2 FS/4 Quadrature Upconversion 18.4.3 Multirate Quadrature Downconversion From Other IFs 18.5 Applications in Digital Modulation 18.5.1 Pulse Shaping 18.5.2 Symbol Timing Recovery 18.5.3 Adaptive Equalization 18.5.4 Carrier Frequency Tracking 18.6 DSP Hardware Technologies 18.6.1 CPUs, Their Limitations, and Alternatives 18.6.2 Special-Function ICs 18.6.3 FPGAs 18.6.4 ASICs Problems Appendix A Empirical Modeling of Mean Path Loss A.1 Log-Linear Model for Mean Path Loss A.2 Hata Model A.3 COST231-Hata Model A.4 Other Models Appendix B Characteristics of Some Common Radio Systems B.1 Broadcasting B.2 Land Mobile Radio B.3 Mobile Telecommunications B.3.1 General Characteristics B.3.2 First-, Second-, and Third-Generation Cellular Systems B.3.3 Fourth-Generation Cellular Systems (“4G”) and LTE B.3.4 Fifth-Generation Cellular Systems (“5G”) B.4 Wireless Data Networks B.4.1 IEEE 802.11 and 802.11b B.4.2 IEEE 802.11a, -g, and -n B.4.3 IEEE 802.11ac and -ad B.4.4 Longer-Range Systems: IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) and 802.11af (TVWS) B.4.5 Future Trends B.5 Short-Range Data CommunicationsB.5.1 Bluetooth B.5.2 ZigBee B.5.3 Automotive Applications: RKE and TPMS B.6 Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) B.7 Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) B.8 Radar, Remote Sensing, and Radio Astronomy References Index
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