كتاب Wood Pattern-Making
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Wood Pattern-Making

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Wood Pattern-Making
By Herbert J. Mccaslin
Instructor in Pattern-making, Industrial Department, William L. Dickinson
High School, Jersey City, N . J.
First Edition  

كتاب Wood Pattern-Making  W_p_m_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

If Auk
To the Student
Wood Pattern-making; Pattern-making and Founding Defined;
Requirements to Be Met; Numbering and Recording Patterns.
Machines and Tools
Part I
Bench Work
Pattern Woods
Qualities Necessary; Study of Wood; Woods Chiefly Used for Pattern Work; Seasoning Lumber; Measuring Lumber. Questions on
Pattern Woods.
The Plane
The Selection, Use and Care of a Plane; Grinding, Whetting and
Stropping a Plane-bit; Truing Up the Surface of an Oil-stone;
The Jointer and Its Operation. Questions on the Plane.
Exercise 1
Planing the Surface of Wood; Testing Surfaces at Right Angles
With a Try-square; the Marking-gage; Laying Off Distances;
Scribing Lines With a Knife; the Bench-stop; the Band-saw.
Questions on Exercise 1.
Exercise 2
Laying Out the Shape of an Irregular Object; Planing Across
The Grain of Wood at an Angle Other Than 90 Degrees.
Exercise 3
Application of Center Lines; the Dividers, Their Use and Care;
The Paring-chisel and Its Use; the Trammels.
Exercise 4
Scribing an Arc, the Center of Which Falls Outside the Limit of the
Material; the Use and Care of the Paring-gouge; the Buffingwheel. Questions on Exercises 2-3-4.
The Bench-hook
Presenting the Back-saw; Bit-brace, Twist-bit, Countersink
And Screw-driver; the Size, Selection and Use of Flat-head Woodscrews; the Hand-drill. Questions on the Bench-book.
Pattern 1 Plate
Draft; Making a Green-sand Mold; Shrinkage of Metal; Contraction; the Contraction Rule; Graduating a Contraction Rule;
Sandpapering Patterns; the Source, Preparation and Use of
Shellac; Colored Shellac, Container for Shellac. Questions on
Pattern 1.
Pattern 2 Washer
A Green-sand Core; Draft Allowance on the Wall of Small Holes and
Openings; the Use and Care of the Auger-bit; the Expansion Bit;
The Bit-file; Sandpapering the Wall of Small Interior Conical
Holes; Numbering of Patterns. Questions on Patterns 1 and 2.
Machine- Finish
Finishing the Surface of Metal; the Indication Mark Used on
The Drawing to Specify That the Operation is Required; Finish
Pattern 3 - Platen
Finish Allowance for Cast Iron; Drilled Holes; Sandpapering Small
Interior Concave Surfaces.
Pattern 4 Surface-plate
The Name of the Parts or Members of a Casting; the Requirements
Of a Casting Which Determine the Molding Position of the Pattern;
Draft Allowance on Coped Surfaces; Built Up Patterns; Application of the Butt-joint; Glue, Its Preparation and Use; the Size,
Selection and Use of Wire Brads; Leather and Wax Fillets; the
Trimmer; the Fillet Press. Questions on Patterns 2, 3 and 4.
Pattern 5 Clamp
Cores and Core-prints; Table of Core-print Proportions; Determining Between the Use of a Green-sand Core and a Dry-sand
Core; the Bevel; the Use of the Protractor; the Bevel-protractor;
The Firmer-gouge; Shellacking Core-prints; Marking the Location
Of the Core on the Pattern; When the Core Comes Just to the
Surface of the Casting, Sectional View of the Clamp Mold;
Numbering Core-boxes.
Core-box for the Clamp Pattern . .
A Parted Core-box; Dowel-pins; Selection of Dowels; Locating
Dowels; Cutting Dowel Stock; Setting Wood and Metal Dowels;
Calculating the Depth of Auger-bit Holes; Shellacking Core-boxes.
Questions on Patterns 4 and 5.
Pattern 6 Link
Parted Patterns; Contrasting the Parting of a Mold Made by a
Parted Pattern With the Parting Required to Be Made for a Solid
Pattern; Contraction Allowance for Steel.
Pattern 7 Guide .*
Securing a Vertical Dry-sand Core at Both Ends; Cope Coreprints; Finish Allowance for Brass; Contraction Allowance for
Brass; Avoiding the Exposure of End Grain Wood; Application of
Dowel-pins; the Use and Adjustment of Hand-screws.
Core-box for the Guide Pattern
Making a Dry-sand Core in Halves; Core-box for a Core Made in
Halves; Toeing a Nail; Draft Allowance on the Wall of Core Cavities.
Pattern 8 Bracket
Pattern Construction; Application of the Rabbet-joint, the Discsander.
Pattern 9 Pedestal
Parting Patterns; Supporting a Core Horizontally in the Mold;
Allowing for Cope Clearance at the End of Cores; Assembling the
Parts of a Pattern; Grind-finish; Contraction Allowance for
Core-box for the Pedestal Pattern
Core-frame Construction; Allowing Clearance at the Ends of
Cores; Application of the Dado-joint; the Router; the Saw-l>ench.
Questions on Patterns G-7-8-9.
Pattern 10 - Pawl
Counter-sawing; the Use and Care of the Spoke-shave. Compensating for the Waste of Material by the Saving of Time.
Pattern 11
- Support
Shaping Patterns; Finish Allowance on the Walls of Cored Holes.
Core-box for the Support Pattern
Shaping the Cavity of Semicircular Core-boxes; Arranging the
Material for Core-boxes; Roughing Out the Core Cavity Upon a
Saw-bench; the Core-box Plane; the Rabbet-plane; Testing With
A Try-square the Accuracy of a Semicircular Core-box.
Laying Out Patterns
Pattern 12
- Lathe-leg
A Pattern Layout; Pattern Construction; Band-sawing;
Application of a Templet; What to Avoid When Operating a Bandsaw. Questions on Patterns 10-11-12.
Pattern 13
- Bell-crank
Application of the End-lap, Arranging the Material So as to Obtain
The Maximum Strength of the Wood; Application of a Templet;
A Cross-section or a Section View of a Casting; Sandpapering
The Rounded Edges of Pattern Members; Supplimentary Patterns.
Pattern 14
- Tool-rest Slide
Giving Greater Strength to a Pattern by the Arrangement of the
Core-print; Arranging a Core-print So as to Simplify the Construction of the Core-box; Proportioning a Core-print So as to Balance
A Core.
Core-box for the Tool-rest Slide
Core-frame Construction.
Pattern 15 Steady-rest
Simplifying the Parting of a Mold by the Use of a Dry-sand
Core; Registering a Core; Strengthening a Fragile Section of a
Pattern; Methods of Producing Openings in Web Members of
Patterns; the Compass-saw.
Core-box for the Steady-rest
Core-box Arrangement and Construction.
Pattern 16 Shackle
Pattern Arrangement and Construction.
Pattern 17 Bracket
Pattern Arrangement and Construction; Using a Core-print to
Protect a Pattern From Being Distorted by the Ramming of the
Core-frame for the Bracket
Band-sawing a Core-frame to Shape. Questions on Patterns
Pattern 18 Tail-stock
Pattern Arrangement and Construction; Loose Piece Feature;
Scribing Lines Upon Irregular Surfaces; Application of Templet;
Band-sawing Methods; Avoiding Short Grain Wood; Application of
Counter Sawing; Indicating Where Fillets Not Formed in the Pattern
Are Required in the Casting.
Pattern 19 Yoke
Pattern Arrangement and Construction; Strengthening a Yoke
Shape Pattern With a Tie-piece; Casting in a Tie-piece to Prevent
The Distortion of the Casting; the Comering-tool.
Pattern 20 Separator
Locating a Core Above or Below the Parting of the Mold; Tail
Or 8top-off Core-prints; Making Tail Core-prints; Core-lwx
Arrangement and Construction.
Pattern 21 Bracket
Attaching Loose Pieces; Loose Dowels; Method of Molding; Sectional Layout of a Core-box; Shaping Members Which Have a
Diminishing Thickness.
Pattern 22 Hopper
Laying Out the Joint Surfaces of Material Which Meet at an Angle
And Are Inclined to the Horizontal Plane; Stopping Off a Coreprint Depression; Supporting Fragile Patterns to Prevent Their
Distortion on Ramming the Mold.
Core-box for the Hopper
Core-box Construction and Arrangement.
Pattern 23
Pattern - Arrangement Bracket and Construction; Laminated Construction ;
The Cake or Cover-core; Method of Molding the Bracket Pattern;
Core-box Construction.
Pattern 24
- Gear-case *
Using a Core-print in Order to Strengthen a Pattern; Core-box
Construction. Questions on Pattern 13 to 24 Inclusive.
Part Ii
Lathe Work
Pattern Turning
Method of Mounting Material in the Lathe.
Exercise 6
Turning a Cylinder; Centering Rectangular Stock; Mounting
Material Between the Centers of the Lathe; Setting the Tool-rest;
The Turning-gouge; Grinding and Whetting Turning Tools; the
Outside Calipers; Establishing the Diameter of a Cylinder; the Use
Of the Parting Tool and Flat-chisel; Application of Dividers; the
Exercise 7
Turning a Tapered Object; Mounting Stock for Tapered Object;
Centering Cylindrical Stock; the Center-square; Testing a Conical
Surface; Sandpapering a Revolving Surface.
Exercise 8
Turning Core-prints; Turning a Number of Similar Shaped Objects
From One Piece of Material.
Face-plate Turning
Types of Screw and Face-plates; Placing the Screws Which
Secure the Material to the Face-plate; the Use of a Thickness of
Facing Material Between the Face-plate and Work. Questions
On Exercise 6-7-8.
Pattern 25
- Base
Preparing and Mounting Material Upon a Screw-plate;
Application of the Dividers; the Care and Useof the Diamond-point
And Round-nose Tool.
Pattern 26
- Collar
Preparing and Mounting Material Upon a Face-plate; Turning
An Interior Surface or Wall of a Hole; Inside Calipers; Sandpapering an Interior Surface;
Pattern 27
- Cover
Rechucking a Piece of Work; Determining the Surface of the Work
To Be Turned First; Separating a Piece of Work From the Enclosed
Waste; the Right and Left-hand Side-toola; Securing the Work to a
Chuck by Friction; Chalking or Moistening Contacting Surfaces to
Obtain Additional Adherence; Application of the Dividers.
Pattern 28 Cylinder-head
Application and the Laying Out of Templets.
Pattern 29 Hand-wheel
Scribing Lines Upon Irregular Surfaces; Application of Templets;
Securing Rechuckcd Work to a Face Plate; Application of the
The Sureace Plate
The Surface Plate and Its Useful Adjuncts; the Angle-plate;stepblock; Scriber and Surface-gage. Questions on Patterns 25 to
29 Inclusive.
Pattern 30 Star-washer
Application of the Half-lap Joint; Arranging the Material in Order
To Obtain the Maximum Strength of the Wood; Scribing Lines
Upon a Revolving Interrupted Surface; Turning an Interrupted
Pattern 31 Tool-rest
Making Provision Upon the Pattern for the Mounting of a Casting
Between the Centers of the Lathe; Responsibility of the Patternmaker; the Dowel-joint; Application of Counter Sawing.
Mounting the Material for Turning Parted Patterns . . . 214
Methods of Holding Stock Together While Turning; the Pinchdog; the Corrugated-fastner; Stiffening the Material for Turning
Fragile Parted Patterns.
Pattern 32 Lever
Combination Lathe and Bench Work; Turning a Parted Pattern.
Pattern 33 Reducino-connection
Pattern Construction; Flange Insertion; Arranging and Shaping
The Core-print Portion of a Pattern to Simplify the Making of the
Pattern 34 Rammer-head
Pattern Construction; Proportioning and Shaping a Core-print in
Such a Way as to Assure a Correct Registering and Anchorage of the
Core in the Mold; Order of Procedure in Turning Fragile Patterns.
Pattern 35
-  Carburetor-connection
Pattern Arrangement and Construction; Application of Templets;
Shaping Core-box; a Right and Left-hand Half Core-box; the
Spoon or Short Bend Carving Tool. Questions on Patterns 30
To 35 Inclusive.
Pattern 36 Glue Pot
Application of the Suspended Core; Core-box Arrangement
Turning the Core Cavity of a Parted Core-box; Mounting the
Material Upon a Face-plate for Turning Parted Work; Applications
Of Pinch-dogs.
Pattern 37 Water-jacket
A Matched Parting; Core-box Construction.
Pattern 38 Piston
Core-box Construction; Attaching Small Bosses to Irregular
Surfaces; the Fostner-bit.
Pattern 39 Hand-wheel
Loose Piece Feature; Application of Templets.
Pattern 40 Three Leo-base
Spider Construction, Rechucking; Securing Rechucked Work to
A Face-plate.
Pattern 41
- Tiller-wheel
Pattern Construction; Mounting Material Upon a Face Plate
Without the Use of Metal Fasteners; Application of a Jig.
Pattern 42 Chamber
Coring Holes in Castings Which Are to Be Tapped for Pipe Connections; Joining at Right Angles Material of a Semicylindrical
Cross-section; Application of a Jig; Combination Right and Lefthand Core-box.
Pattern 43 - Elbow With Side Outlet
Construction; Loose Flange Application; the Slab-core; Setting
A Core Before Drawing the Pattern; Application of Dowel-pins;
Application of a Jig; Core-box Construction.
Pattern 44 Hose-connection
An Irregular Parting Surface; Bedding in a Pattern; Core-print
Arrangement; Application of the Dowel-joint; Shaping Coreboxes; Application of a Templet.
Pattern 45 Ring
Segmental Construction; Table of Chords of Segments.
Pattern 46
- Housing
Three Part Mold; Segmental Construction; Application of
Templets; Application of a Loose-flange.
Pattern 47 Flywheel
Wheel Pattern Construction; the Three-part Lap; Mounting the
Material for Turning Small Hubs and Bosses; Questions on
Patterns 40 to 47 Inclusive.
Stave Construction
Determining the Number of Staves Required; Concaving the
Face of Staves on a Saw-bench.  
Index 287

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