كتاب Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018
Paul M. Kurowski, Ph.D., P.Eng.  

كتاب Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation  E_a_w_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of contents
About the Author
Table of contents
Before You Start
Notes on hands-on exercises and functionality of SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Selected terminology
1: Introduction
What is Finite Element Analysis?
Finite Element Analysis used by Design Engineers
Objectives ofFEA for Design Engineers
What is SOLIDWORKS Simulation?
Fundamental steps in an FEA project
Errors in FEA
A closer look at finite elements
What is calculated in FEA?
How to interpret FEA results
Units of measure
Using online help
Limitations of Static studies
2: Static analysis of a plate
Using the SOLIDWORKS Simulation interface
Linear static analysis with solid elements
Controlling discretization error with the convergence process
Finding reaction forces
Presenting FEA results in a desired format
Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018
3: Static analysis of an L-bracket
Stress singularities
Differences between modeling errors and discretization errors
Using mesh controls
Analysis in different SOLIDWORKS configurations
Nodal stresses, element stresses
4: Static and frequency analyses of a pipe support
Use ofshell elements
Frequency analysis
Bearing load
5: Static analysis of a link
Symmetry boundary conditions
Preventing rigid body motions
Limitations of the small displacements theory
6: Frequency analysis of a tuning fork and a plastic part
Frequency analysis with and without supports
Rigid body modes
The role of supports in frequency analysis
Symmetric and anti-symmetric modes
7: Thermal analysis of a pipe connector and a heater
Analogies between structural and thermal analysis
Steady state thermal analysis
Analysis of temperature distribution and heat flux
Thermal boundary conditions
Thermal stresses
Vector plots
8: Thermal analysis of a heat sink
Analysis of an assembly
Global and local Contact conditions
Steady state thermal analysis
Transient thermal analysis
Thermal resistance layer
Use ofsection views in result plots
Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018
9: Static analysis of a hanger
Global and local Contact conditions
Hierarchy of Contact conditions
10: Thermal stress analysis of a bi-metal loop
Thermal deformation and thermal stress analysis
Eliminating rigid body motions
Converting Sheet Metal bodies to Solid bodies
"Parasolid" round trip
Saving model in deformed shape
11: Buckling analysis of an I-beam
Buckling analysis
Buckling load safety factor
Stress safety factor
12: Static analysis of a bracket using adaptive solution methods
h-adaptive solution method
p-adaptive solution method
Comparison between h-elements and p-elements
13: Drop test
Drop test analysis
Stress wave propagation
Direct time integration solution
14: Selected nonlinear problems
Large displacement analysis
Analysis with shell elements
Membrane effects
Following and non-following load
Nonlinear material analysis
Residual stress
15: Mixed meshing problem
Using solid and shell elements in the same mesh
Mixed mesh compatibility
Manual and automatic finding of contact sets
Shell Manager
Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018
16: Analysis of weldments using beam and truss elements
Different levels of idealization implemented in finite elements
Preparation of a SOLIDWORKS model for analysis with beam elements
Beam elements and truss elements
Analysis of results using beam elements
Limitations of analysis with beam elements
17: Review of 20 problems
Classification of finite elements
2D axi-symmetric element
2D plane stress element
2D plane strain element
18: Vibration analysis - modal time history and harmonic
Modal Time History analysis (Time Response)
Harmonic analysis (Frequency Response)
Modal Superposition Method
19: Analysis of random vibration
Random vibration
Power Spectral Density
RMS results
PSD results
Modal excitation
20: Topological Optimization
Definition ofTopological Optimization
Design space
Goals and constraints
Topological Optimization criteria
Examples ofTopological Optimization
Engineering Analysis with SOLIDWORKS Simulation 2018
21: Miscellaneous topics
Mesh quality
Solvers and solvers options
Displaying mesh in result plots
Automatic reports
E drawings
Non uniform loads
Frequency analysis with pre-stress
Interference fit analysis
Rigid connector
Pin connector
Bolt connector
Remote load/mass
Weld connector
Bearing connector
Cyclic symmetry
Strongly nonlinear problem
Terminology issues in the Finite Element Analysis
22: Practice problems
Displacement and stress singularities
Shell elements
2D problems
23: Implementation of FEA into the design process
Verification and Validation of FEA results
FEA driven design process
FEA project management
FEA project checkpoints
FEA reports
24: Glossary of terms
25: Resources available to FEA users
26: List of exercises

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Solidworks Simulation Validation
» كتاب Vibration Analysis with SolidWorks Simulation
» كتاب An Introduction to SolidWorks Flow Simulation
» كتاب Solidworks Simulation - Theoretical Manual
» كتاب Introduction to Static Analysis Using SolidWorks Simulation

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى كتب ومحاضرات الأقسام الهندسية المختلفة-
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