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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical Drawing Problems الأربعاء 24 يوليو 2019, 10:40 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical Drawing Problems Charles William Weick, B. Sc. Assistant Professor of Drawing and Design, Teachers College Columbia University, in the City Op New York; Author Of "Elementary Mechanical Drawing."
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface Part I. Introduction General Information. Instruments and Materialsviii Contents Page To Construct a Regular Polygon of Any Number of Sides on a Line of Given Length 18 To Draw an Ellipse, the Major and Minor Axes Being Given ... 18 To Draw an Approximate Ellipse, the Major and Minor Axes Being Given 18 Conventional Screw Threads Screw Threads 19 Intersection of Two Cylinders. To Find the Line of Intersection of Two Cylinders With Axes in The Same Plane and at Right Angles to Each Other 20 Plane Intersection of a Solid. To Find the Lines of Intersection of a Surface of Revolution Cut by Two Planes at Right Angles to Each Other and Parallel to the Axis. 21 Part Ii. Examples and Problems Projections. Section I. Thirty Examples Sixty Problems 23-53 Developments and Intersections. Section Ii. Thirty-six Examples Seventy-two Problems. . . 54-95 Isometric Drawing. Section Iii. Twenty-two Examples Forty-four Problems. 96-117 Machine Details. Section Iv. Twenty-four Examples Seventy Problems . . 118-141 Part Iii. Tables Ltrt of Tables. I. Cap Screws 144 Ii. U.s. Standard Bolts and Nuts 145 Iii. Machine Screws 146 Iv. Briggs Standard Pipe Threads 147 V. Set Screws 148 Vi. Gib Keys ; , ' 148 Vii. Feather Keys or Splines 148 Viii. Automobile Screws and Nuts 149 Ix. Jarno Tapers 150 X. Morse Tapers !..... 150 Xi. Decimal Equivalents 151 Xii. Areas and Circumferences of Circles 152 Conventional Section Lines . 153list of Plates Section I Projections Page 1. Prism 25 2. Tapered Objects 25 3. Circular Objects 27 4. Geometric Objects 27 5. Geometric Object 29 6. Geometric Solid 29 7. Projection of Letter 31 8. Projection of Letter 31 9. Hollow Cylinder 33 10. Geometric Solid 33 11. Projection of Letter 35 12. Projection of Letter 35 13. Triangular Prism . . . , 37 14. Pentagonal Prism 37 15. Square Pyramid 39 16. Hexagonal Pyramid 39 17. Right Cone 41 18. Right Cylinder '41 19. Square Prisms 43 20. Cross and Prism 43 21. Letter and Prism ' 45 22. Letter and Prism 45 23. Cylinder and Prism 47 24. Cone and Cylinder 47 25. Projection Problems 49 26. Projection Problems 49 27. Projection Problems 51 28. Projection Problems 51 29. Projection Problems 53 30. Projection Problems 53 Section Ii Developments and Intersections 31. Rectangular Prism 55 32. Truncated Rectangular Prism 55 33. Triangular Wedge 57 34. Truncated Square Prism 57 Ixx List of Plates Page 35. Truncated Triangular Prism 59 36. Truncated Hexagonal Prism 59 37. Truncated Pentagonal Prism 61 38. Triangular Pyramid 61 39. Truncated Square Pyramid 63 40. Scalene Pyramid 63 41. Truncated Cylinder 65 42. Truncated Cone 65 43. Conic Section 67 44. Conic Section 67 45. Intersecting Cylinders 69 46. Intersecting Solids 69 47. Cone and Cylinder 71 48. Cone and Prism 71 49. Three-piece Elbow 73 50. Vertical and Oblique Cylinders 73 51. Circular Offset Pipe 75 52. Three-piece Conical Elbow 75 53. Intersecting Pipes 77 54. Intersecting Pipes 77 55. Transition Piece 79 56. Transition Piece 79 57. Scalene Cone 81 58. Transition Piece 81 59. Intersection of Two Prisms 83 60. Development of Two Intersecting Prisms 83 61. Intersection of Two Cones 85 62. Development of Two Intersecting Cones 85 63. Intersection of Two Cones 87 64. Development of Two Intersecting Cones 87 65. Intersection of Two Cones 89 66. Development of Two Intersecting Cones 89 Supplementary Problems 90-96 Section Iii Isometric Drawing 67. Isometric Blocks 97 68. Joints 97 69. Joints 99 70. Mortise and Tenon Joints 99 71. Miter Box 101 72. Drawer and Table Joints 101 73. Box With Hinged Lid 103 74. Sawhorse ' 103 75. Isometric Prisms 105 76. Prisms . . 105list of Plates Xi Page 77. Isometric Circles 107 78. Isometric Arcs 107 79. Hollow Cylinder 109 80. Bearing Cap 109 81. Magnet Pole Pieces Ill 82. Milling Cutter and Face Plate Ill 83. Knife and Fork Box 113 84. Uniform Motion Cam 113 85. Bracket Shelf 115 86. Kitchen Table 115 87. Knuckle Joint 117 88. Small Bench 117 Section Iv Machine Details 89. Eccentric Sheave 119 90. Hand-wheel 119 91. Engine Crank 121 92. Connecting-rod End 121 93. Crane Hook 123 94. Clutch Couplings 123^ 95. Screw Threads 125" 96. Bolts and Nuts 125 97. Lathe Carrier 127 98. Clamp Coupling 127 99. Stuffing Box 129 100. Safety Coupling 129 101. Nut Coupling 131 102. Forked Rod 131 103. Shifting Gear 133 104. Planer Jack 133 105. Belt Pulley 135 106. Belt Pulley 135 107. Grease Cup 137 108. Lathe Chuck .... .~ 137 109. Pipe Union 139 110. Pipe Union 139 111. Screw Jack 141 112. Ball Bearing Pages, 6x9, 324 Illustrations Mechanical Drawing Problems. Pages, 6x9, 48 Illustrations and 112 Plates In Preparation Machine Drawing Problems
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