كتاب Mechanical Engineering Principles
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Mechanical Engineering Principles

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18961
التقييم : 35389
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Mechanical Engineering Principles Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Mechanical Engineering Principles   كتاب Mechanical Engineering Principles Emptyالأربعاء 24 يوليو 2019, 10:00 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Mechanical Engineering Principles
Third Edition
John Bird BSc(Hons), CEng, CMath, CSci, FIMA, FIET, FCollT
Carl Ross BSc(Hons), PhD, DSc, CEng, FRINA, MSNAME  

كتاب Mechanical Engineering Principles M_d_p_14
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface ix
Part One Revision of Mathematics 1
1 Revisionary mathematics 3
1.1 Introduction 3
1.2 Radians and degrees 4
1.3 Measurement of angles 4
1.4 Triangle calculations 5
1.5 Brackets 8
1.6 Fractions 8
1.7 Percentages 10
1.8 Laws of indices 12
1.9 Simultaneous equations 14
Revision Test 1 Revisionary mathematics 18
2 Further revisionary mathematics 20
2.1 Units, prefixes and engineering notation 21
2.2 Metric – US/Imperial conversions 24
2.3 Straight line graphs 28
2.4 Gradients, intercepts and equation of a graph 30
2.5 Practical straight line graphs 32
2.6 Introduction to calculus 34
2.7 Basic differentiation revision 34
2.8 Revision of integration 36
2.9 Definite integrals 38
2.10 Simple vector analysis 39
Revision Test 2 Further revisionary mathematics 43
Part Two Statics and Strength
of Materials 45
3 The effects of forces on materials 47
3.1 Introduction 48
3.2 Tensile force 48
3.3 Compressive force 48
3.4 Shear force 48
3.5 Stress 49
3.6 Strain 50
3.7 Elasticity, limit of proportionality
and elastic limit 52
3.8 Hooke’s law 53
3.9 Ductility, brittleness and malleability 57
3.10 Modulus of rigidity 57
3.11 Thermal strain 57
3.12 Compound bars 58
4 Tensile testing 64
4.1 The tensile test 64
4.2 Worked problems on tensile testing 66
4.3 Further worked problems on tensile testing 67
4.4 Proof stress 69
5 Forces acting at a point 71
5.1 Scalar and vector quantities 71
5.2 Centre of gravity and equilibrium 72
5.3 Forces 72
5.4 The resultant of two coplanar forces 73
5.5 Triangle of forces method 74
5.6 The parallelogram of forces method 75
5.7 Resultant of coplanar forces by
calculation 76
5.8 Resultant of more than two coplanar forces 76
5.9 Coplanar forces in equilibrium 78
5.10 Resolution of forces 80
5.11 Summary 83
6 Simply supported beams 86
6.1 The moment of a force 86
6.2 Equilibrium and the principle of moments 87
6.3 Simply supported beams having
point loads 89
6.4 Simply supported beams with couples 93
Revision Test 3 Forces, tensile testing
and beams 97
7 Forces in structures 98
7.1 Introduction 98
7.2 Worked problems on mechanisms
and pin-jointed trusses 99
7.3 Graphical method 100
7.4 Method of joints (a mathematical method) 104
7.5 The method of sections (a mathematical
method) 109
8 Bending moment and shear force diagrams 112
8.1 Bending moment (M) 112vi Contents
8.2 Shearing force (F) 113
8.3 Worked problems on bending
moment and shearing force diagrams 113
8.4 Uniformly distributed loads 122
9 First and second moments of area 127
9.1 Centroids 127
9.2 The first moment of area 128
9.3 Centroid of area between a curve
and the x-axis 128
9.4 Centroid of area between a curve and
the y-axis 128
9.5 Worked problems on centroids of
simple shapes 129
9.6 Further worked problems on centroids
of simple shapes 130
9.7 Second moments of area of regular
sections 131
9.8 Second moment of area for ‘built-up’
sections 138
Revision Test 4 Forces in structures,
bending moment and shear
force diagrams, and second
moments of area 144
10 Bending of beams 145
10.1 Introduction 145
10.2 To prove that
= =
10.3 Worked problems on the bending
of beams 147
11 Torque 151
11.1 Couple and torque 151
11.2 Work done and power transmitted
by a constant torque 152
11.3 Kinetic energy and moment of inertia 154
11.4 Power transmission and efficiency 157
12 Twisting of shafts 161
12.1 To prove that
? ?
= =
12.2 Worked problems on the
twisting of shafts 163
Revision Test 5 Bending of beams, torque
and twisting of shafts 167
Part Three Dynamics 169
13 Linear and angular motion 171
13.1 The radian 171
13.2 Linear and angular velocity 171
13.3 Linear and angular acceleration 173
13.4 Further equations of motion 174
13.5 Relative velocity 176
14 Linear momentum and impulse 180
14.1 Linear momentum 180
14.2 Impulse and impulsive forces 183
15 Force, mass and acceleration 188
15.1 Introduction 188
15.2 Newton’s laws of motion 189
15.3 Centripetal acceleration 192
15.4 Rotation of a rigid body about
a fixed axis 193
15.5 Moment of inertia (I) 194
16 Work, energy and power 197
16.1 Work 197
16.2 Energy 201
16.3 Power 202
16.4 Potential and kinetic energy 205
16.5 Kinetic energy of rotation 208
Revision Test 6 Linear and angular motion,
momentum and impulse,
force, mass and acceleration,
work, energy and power 211
17 Friction 212
17.1 Introduction to friction 212
17.2 Coefficient of friction 213
17.3 Applications of friction 214
17.4 Friction on an inclined plane 215
17.5 Motion up a plane with the pulling
force P parallel to the plane 215
17.6 Motion down a plane with the
pulling force P parallel to the plane 216
17.7 Motion up a plane due to a horizontal
force P 216
17.8 The efficiency of a screw jack 219
18 Motion in a circle 223
18.1 Introduction 223
18.2 Motion on a curved banked track 225
18.3 Conical pendulum 226
18.4 Motion in a vertical circle 228
18.5 Centrifugal clutch 230
19 Simple harmonic motion 232
19.1 Introduction to simple harmonic
motion (SHM) 232
19.2 The spring-mass system 233
19.3 The simple pendulum 235
19.4 The compound pendulum 236
19.5 Torsional vibrations 237
20 Simple machines 239
20.1 Machines 239Contents vii
20.2 Force ratio, movement ratio
and efficiency 239
20.3 Pulleys 241
20.4 The screw-jack 243
20.5 Gear trains 243
20.6 Levers 245
Revision Test 7 Friction, motion in a circle,
simple harmonic motion and
simple machines 249
Part Four Heat Transfer and Fluid
Mechanics 251
21 Heat energy and transfer 253
21.1 Introduction 253
21.2 The measurement of temperature 254
21.3 Specific heat capacity 255
21.4 Change of state 256
21.5 Latent heats of fusion and vaporisation 257
21.6 A simple refrigerator 259
21.7 Conduction, convection and radiation 259
21.8 Vacuum flask 260
21.9 Use of insulation in conserving fuel 260
22 Thermal expansion 263
22.1 Introduction 263
22.2 Practical applications of thermal
expansion 264
22.3 Expansion and contraction of water 264
22.4 Coefficient of linear expansion 264
22.5 Coefficient of superficial expansion 266
22.6 Coefficient of cubic expansion 267
Revision Test 8 Heat energy and transfer,
and thermal expansion 271
23 Hydrostatics 272
23.1 Pressure 272
23.2 Fluid pressure 274
23.3 Atmospheric pressure 275
23.4 Archimedes’ principle 276
23.5 Measurement of pressure 278
23.6 Barometers 278
23.7 Absolute and gauge pressure 280
23.8 The manometer 280
23.9 The Bourdon pressure gauge 281
23.10 Vacuum gauges 282
23.11 Hydrostatic pressure on submerged
surfaces 282
23.12 Hydrostatic thrust on curved surfaces 284
23.13 Buoyancy 284
23.14 The stability of floating bodies 284
24 Fluid flow 290
24.1 Differential pressure flowmeters 290
24.2 Orifice plate 291
24.3 Venturi tube 292
24.4 Flow nozzle 292
24.5 Pitot-static tube 292
24.6 Mechanical flowmeters 293
24.7 Deflecting vane flowmeter 293
24.8 Turbine type meters 294
24.9 Float and tapered-tube meter 294
24.10 Electromagnetic flowmeter 295
24.11 Hot-wire anemometer 296
24.12 Choice of flowmeter 296
24.13 Equation of continuity 296
24.14 Bernoulli’s equation 297
24.15 Impact of a jet on a stationary plate 298
25 Ideal gas laws 301
25.1 Boyle’s law 301
25.2 Charles’ law 303
25.3 The pressure or Gay-Lussac’s law 304
25.4 Dalton’s law of partial pressure 305
25.5 Characteristic gas equation 306
25.6 Worked problems on the
characteristic gas equation 306
25.7 Further worked problems on the
characteristic gas equation 308
26 The measurement of temperature 312
26.1 Liquid-in-glass thermometer 312
26.2 Thermocouples 314
26.3 Resistance thermometers 315
26.4 Thermistors 317
26.5 Pyrometers 317
26.6 Temperature indicating paints
and crayons 319
26.7 Bimetallic thermometers 319
26.8 Mercury-in-steel thermometer 319
26.9 Gas thermometers 319
26.10 Choice of measuring devices 320
Revision Test 9 Hydrostatics, fluid flow,
gas laws and temperature
measurement 322
A list of formulae for mechanical
engineering principles 323
Metric to Imperial conversions and vice versa 328
Greek alphabet 329
Glossary of terms 330
Answers to multiple-choice questions 335
Index 33

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