كتاب CAD/CAM In Practice
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب CAD/CAM In Practice

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب CAD/CAM In Practice    كتاب CAD/CAM In Practice  Emptyالخميس 20 يونيو 2019, 3:18 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
CAD/CAM In Practice
A Manager's Guide to Understanding and Using CAD/CAM
A J Medland and Piers Burnett

كتاب CAD/CAM In Practice  C_a_d_11
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Chapter 1: CAD - What is it All About?
Concepts and descriptions 12
The design process 13
The origins of CAD 15
Automated drafting: creating a model 17
Representations and simulations 21
Analytical programs: simulating performance 27
Summary: CAD defined 29
Chapter 2: CAM - An Introduction
Design and manufacture: two processes or one? 31
Numerical control: the basis of CAM 36
Computer-assisted part programming 38
Direct numerical control 42
Computer numerical control 44
The future of numerical control 44
Flexible manufacturing systems 46
Computer-integrated manufacturing 47
Group technology 48
Summary: from CAD/CAM to CADAM 51
Chapter3: The Elements of a CAD System
From mainframe to mini 53
Enter the micro - distributing 'intelligence' 56
Memory and storage devices 61
Machine communicates with man: the graphics display 66
Stroke-writing display systems 67
Raster display systems 69
Man communicates with machine: menus and input
arrangements 72
Light pen input 73
Cursor steering input devices 74
Graphics tablet input 77
Choosing an input system 78
Plotters and other hard copy devices
53Chapter 4: Principal Types of CAD System
Two-dimensional modellers 85
Wire-frame modellers 88
Surface modellers 95
Solid modelling I: boundary representation 99
Solid modelling II: constructive solid geometry 100
Summary: making a choice of modelling system 102
Chapter 5: The Software - What CAD Can Do
Basic drafting 106
Macros 108
Parametrics 108
Graphic conventions 111
'Drafting' with primitive solids 112
Transformations 113
Taking things apart - sectioning 117
Putting things together - segmentation and assembly 119
Moving things about - simulated operations 120
Automatic dimensioning 121
Testing things - analytical programs 125
Chapter 6: A Look Ahead
Towards standardization? 129
Horses for courses: tailor-made CAD 130
Extending CAM - computer-aided everything 131
Building-in more knowledge - expert systems 132
Trends (and limitations) in hardware development 136
New roles for CAD 138
Near relations: computer graphics and simulators 140
Chapter 7: Justifying CAD/CAM
The fallacy of productivity 143
Not-so-simple arithmetic 144
Saving waste - consistency of information 147
Saving time - availability of information 149
Saving trouble - analysis of information 151
Doing what could not be done before 152
Chapter 8: Identifying the Needs of a Company
Who should conduct the feasibility study? 153
Geometrical information - the vital commodity 156
Where does the information originate? 158
How is information stored, communicated and used? 160
The place of CAD/CAM in the information structure 162
Setting identifiable goals  
153Chapter 9: Choosing a System and Persuading the Company to Buy It 165
'Turnkey' systems 165
Assembled systems 167
Sources of information 168
The politics of CAD 169
Making a shortlist 171
Benchmarking 174
The 'best' system? 175
Ready, get set ... 178
Chapter 10: Buying and Installing a System
Implementation: the role of the CAD manager 182
Planning the installation: physical factors 183
Planning the installation: psychological and organizational
factors 187
Selling CAD to the users 189
Training 190
The first six months 192
Appendix I: Glossary of terms and acronyms used in CAD/ CAM 197
Appendix II: Checklist for potential purchasers of CAD systems 211
Appendix III: Suppliers of turnkey CAD systems in the UK and USA 217
Select bibliography 223
Index 22

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