كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing    كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing  Emptyالسبت 25 مايو 2019, 10:43 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Processes and Design for Manufacturing
Second Edition
Sherif D. ElWakil
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth  in the United States of America

كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing  P_a_d_10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Chapter 1 Overview 1
1.1 Definition of Manufacturing 1
1.2 Relationship Between Manufacturing and Standard of Living 2
1.3 Overview of the Manufacturing Processes 2
1.4 Types of Production 3
1.5 Fundamentals of Manufacturing Accuracy 4
1.6 The Production Turn 6
1.7 Product Life Cycle 7
1.8 Technology Development Cycle 8
1.9 The Design Process 10
1.10 Product Design: The Concept of Design for Manufacturing 14
Review Questions 16
Chapter 2 Concurrent Engineering 17
2.1 Reasons for Adopting Concurrent Engineering 19
2.2 Benefits of Concurrent Engineering 20
2.3 Factors Preventing the Adoption of Concurrent Engineering 2
2.4 The Four Pillars of Concurrent Engineering 22
2.5 Forces of Change 24
2.6 A Success Story: Nipponese 30
Review Questions 32
iiiiv Contents
Chapter 3 Casting and Foundry Work 33
3.1 Classifications of Casting by Mold Material 34
3.2 Classifications of Casting by Method of Filling the Mold 52
3.3 Classifications of Casting by Metal to be Cast 58
3.4 Foundry Furnaces 63
3.5 Casting Defects and Design Considerations 68
3.6 Cleaning, Testing, and Inspection of Castings 72
3.7 Castability (Fluidity) 75
Review Questions 76
Design Example 78
Design Projects 81
Chapter 4 Joining of Metals 84
4.1 Riveting 84
4.2 Welding 84
4.3 Surfacing and Hard-Facing 120
4.4 Thermal Cutting of Metals 121
4.5 Brazing and Soldering 123
4.6 Sticking of Metals 128
Review Questions 130
Problems 133
Design Example 133
Design Projects 137
Chapter 5 Metal Forming 139
5.1 Plastic Deformation 140
5.2 Rolling 145
5.3 Metal Drawing 155
5.4 Extrusion 158
5.5 Forging 176
5.6 Cold Forming Processes 201
Review Questions 204
Problems 207
Design Example 207
Design Projects contents
Chapter 6 Sheet Metal Working 211
6.1 Press Working Operations 212
6.2 High-Energy-Rate Forming (HERF) 238
6.3 Spinning of Sheet Metal 241
Review Questions 242
Problems 244
Design Example 245
Design Projects 246
Chapter 7 Powder Metallurgy 248
7.1 Metal Powders 249
7.2 Powder Metallurgy: The Basic Process 254
7.3 Operational Flowchart 258
7.4 Alternative Consolidation Techniques 258
7.5 Secondary Consolidation Operations 263
7.6 Finishing Operations 264
7.7 Porosity in Powder Metallurgy Parts 266
7.8 Design Considerations for Powder Metallurgy Parts 268
7.9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Powder Metallurgy 270
7.10 Applications of Powder Metallurgy Parts 270
Review Questions 274
Problems 275
Design Project 277
Chapter 8 Plastics 278
8.1 Classification of Polymers 279
8.2 Properties Characterizing Plastics and Their Effect on Product Design 282
8.3 Polymeric Systems 283
8.4 Processing of Plastics 291
8.5 Fiber-Reinforced Polymeric Composites 303
References 328
Review Questions 328
Design Projects 330vi Contents
Chapter 9 Physics of Metal Cutting 331
9.1 Cutting Angles 332
9.2 Chip Formation 334
9.3 Cutting Forces 339
9.4 Oblique Versus Orthogonal Cutting 343
9.5 Cutting Tools 348
9.6 Machinability 353
9.7 Cutting Fluids 354
9.8 Chatter Phenomenon 356
9.9 Economics of Metal Cutting 356
Review Questions 358
Problems 359
Design Project 360
Chapter 10 Machining of Metals 361
10.1 Turning Operations 362
10.2 Shaping and Planing Operations 379
10.3 Drilling Operations 382
10.4 Milling Operations 392
10.5 Grinding Operations 400
10.6 Sawing Operations 405
10.7 Broaching Operations 407
10.8 Nontraditional Machining Operations 408
Review Questions 411
Problems 413
Chapter 11 Product Cost Estimation 415
11.1 Costs: Classification and Terminology 416
11.2 Labor Cost Analysis 418
11.3 Material Cost Analysis 421
11.4 Equipment Cost Analysis 423
11.5 Engineering Cost 425
11.6 Overhead Costs 425
11.7 Design to Cost contents vii
Review Questions 427
Problems 428
Design Project 430
Chapter 12 Design for Assembly 431
12.1 Types and Characteristics of Assembly Methods 432
12.2 Selection of Assembly Method 435
12.3 Product Design for Manual Assembly 436
12.4 Product Design for Automatic Assembly 438
12.5 Product Design for Robotic Assembly 445
12.6 Methods for Evaluating and Improving Product DFA 446
Review Questions 459
Design Project 459
Chapter 13 Environmentally Conscious Design
and Manufacturing 460
13.1 Solid-Waste Sources 462
13.2 Solid-Waste Management 464
13.3 Guidelines for Environmentally Conscious Product Design 469
13.4 Environmentally Conscious Manufacturing 472
13.5 Environmental Protection and Pollution Control Legislation 473
Review Questions 475
Chapter 14 Computer-Aided Manufacturing 476
14.1 Numerical Control (NC) 476
14.2 Computerized Numerical Control (CNC) 494
14.3 Direct Numerical Control (DNC) 498
14.4 Computer-Aided Part Programming 499
14.5 Other Applications of Computer-Aided Manufacturing 514
Review Questions 516
Problems 518
Chapter 14 Appendix 520viii Contents
Chapter 15 Industrial Robots 523
15.1 Reasons for Using Robots 524
15.2 Methods for Classifying Robots 525
15.3 Components of a Robot 536
15.4 End Effectors 537
15.5 Sensors 540
15.6 Industrial Applications of Robots 541
Review Questions 545
Chapter 16 Automated Manufacturing Systems 547
16.1 Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) 548
16.2 Group Technology (GT) 556
16.3 Computer-Aided Process Planning (CAPP) 562
16.4 Material-Requirement Planning (MRP) 565
16.5 The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing 566
16.6 Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) 568
Review Questions 575
Appendix Materials Engineering 577
A.l Types of Materials 577
A.2 Properties of Materials 580
A.3 Standard Tests for Obtaining Mechanical Properties 580
A.4 Phase Diagrams 590
A.5 Ferrous Alloys 595
A.6 Aluminum Alloys 603
A.7 Copper Alloys 604
References 605

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مهندس تحت الاختبار
ahmed raaft

عدد المساهمات : 54
التقييم : 54
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010
العمر : 38
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مهندس ميكانيكا
الجامعة : بنـــــــــــــــــــها

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing    كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing  Emptyالسبت 15 يونيو 2019, 5:01 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing    كتاب Processes and Design for Manufacturing  Emptyالسبت 15 يونيو 2019, 5:40 pm

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» كتاب Manufacturing Processes
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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