Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Computer Aided Design in Power Engineering الثلاثاء 21 مايو 2019, 2:30 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Computer Aided Design in Power Engineering Application of Software Tools Zlatan Stojkovic, Ph. D.
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Preface 11 Acknowledgment 17 1. Computer-aided Modeling and Simulation 19 1.1. Introduction . 19 1.2. Definitions 19 1.3. Categories of approaches to modeling . 19 1.4. Phases of development . 20 1.5. The role of computers in modeling and simulation 21 1.6. Methodology of computer-aided modeling and simulation 21 1.6.1. Formulation of the problem . 21 1.6.2. Analysis of the problem . 23 1.6.3. Forming the mathematical model 24 General considerations 24 General principles of good modeling 36 1.6.4. Selection of computerized methods . 49 1.6.5. Forming the program . 50 Development of the algorithm 51 Requirements for resources 54 Program characteristics . 54 1.6.6. Simulation . 86 Aspects of performing simulation 86 Advantages of simulation 98 1.7. Supplement: GIC – software tool for calculating the grounding grid impulse characteristics . 99 1.7.1. Purpose of the program . 99 1.7.2. Mathematical model of a grounding grid in an impulse regime 100 1.7.3. Sequence of calculation 100 1.7.4. Description of the software 101 Defining the parameters for calculating grounding grid impulse characteristics . 1026 CONTENTS Executing the calculation 106 Display of calculation results 106 1.7.5. Calculation examples . 108 1.7.6. Input-output values and possible errors . 113 Input-output variables 113 Possible Errors 114 Messages when working with the software tool GIC 116 1.7.7. Using windows commands 117 Opening the program . 117 Appearance of screen with windows commands . 117 Description of individual commands using the help menu . 117 LITERATURE 130 2. APPLICATION OF SOFTWARE TOOLS IN POWER ENGINEERING CALCULATIONS 135 2.1. MATLAB /Simulink . 135 2.1.1. Introduction 135 2.1.2. Basic groups of blocks in Simulink software? . 138 2.1.3. Additional module SimPowerSystemsTM? 142 2.1.4. Application of MATLAB technical computing software in calculation of characteristic values of fault current . 160 General considerations 160 Calculation of characteristic values of the fault current . 160 Calculation process using the Simulink module . 162 2.1.5. SPLCAD software tool for designing medium-voltage overhead lines . 167 Introduction 167 Description of SPLCAD software tool and an example of its application 169 2.1.6. Simulink model of a turbine regulator in the ”Kokin Brod” hydroelectric power plant . 180 General data on the hydroelectric power plant180 Modeling the ”Kokin Brod” HPP 180 Display of the ”Kokin Brod” HPP turbine regulator . 184CONTENTS 7 Simulink model of turbine regulator 185 Comparative analysis of numerically and experimentally obtained results 187 2.2. EMTP / ATP 188 2.2.1. Introduction 188 2.2.2. Examples of calculations of overvoltages caused by switching operations of the disconnector in metalenclosed SF6 gas insulated switchgears . 192 General considerations 192 Electromagnetic transient processes in secondary circuits of measurement transformers in GIS . 197 Calculation of growth of potential of the metal enclosure of an SF6 gas insulated switchgear caused by switching operations of the disconnector 207 2.3. MS Excel / MS Access . 216 2.3.1. Introduction 216 2.3.2. Application of databases in designing high-voltage substations 219 Criteria for selection of high-voltage equipment 219 Calculation of characteristic values of fault current 221 2.3.3. Application of databases in selection of high-voltage equipment . 226 Definition of database types . 226 Example of the application of MS Excel 228 Example of the application of MS Access 232 2.3.4. Application of MS Excel macros for design in power engineering 238 Developing macros in MS Excel . 238 Examples of the application of macros . 241 2.3.5. Application of MS Excel in designing the power supply of telecommunications equipment 246 Technical description of power supply with direct voltage . 246 Technical calculations 248 2.4. AutoCAD 255 2.4.1. Introduction 255 2.4.2. Spatial (3D) model of a turbogenerator . 2558 CONTENTS 2.4.3. Calculation of the moment of inertia of busbars 260 2.4.4. Designing lightning protection for general and special purpose structures 263 General considerations 263 Theoretical assumptions for calculation of the protection level and protected zone . 264 Examples of calculations of the protected zone for a general purpose structure 271 Example of calculation of protected zone for a special purpose structure 274 2.4.5. Designing lightning protection for substations . 281 General considerations 281 Overview of the method for evaluating the protected zone of substation as a special purpose structure . 281 Example of calculation of protected zone for substation . 290 2.4.6. Designing lightning protection for overhead lines . 293 General considerations 293 Review of the method for calculating the protected zone of overhead lines as structures with limited danger 295 Program organization 297 Examples of calculation of overhead line shielding zone . 300 2.4.7. Conclusions 303 LITERATURE 305 3. APPLICATION OF SOFTWARE TOOLS IN DRAFTING GRAPHICAL DOCUMENTATION 312 3.1. Introduction . 312 3.2. Graphical documentation 313 3.2.1. Electrotechnical graphic symbols 313 3.2.2. Types of electrical diagrams . 315 3.2.3. Marking of devices and connections in diagrams 321 3.3. EPLAN 334 3.3.1. Introduction 334 3.3.2. EPLAN concept 334 3.3.3. Main functions of the CAE tool EPLAN Electric P8 336 3.3.4. Example of the application of EPLAN . 337CONTENTS 9 3.4. Application of the program SIMARIS DESIGN and SIMARIS SIVACON for design and installation of low-voltage switchgear 339 3.4.1. Introduction 339 3.4.2. Application of the program SIMARIS DESIGN 340 3.4.3. Application of the program SIMARIS SIVACON 359 LITERATURE 367 4. APPLICATION OF SOFTWARE TOOLS IN POWER ENGINEERING PROJECT MANAGEMENT 369 4.1. About projects 369 4.1.1. Definition of a project 369 4.1.2. Types of designs . 369 4.1.3. Participants in realization of the project 371 4.1.4. Content of main design 377 4.1.5. Phases within the realization of the project from the perspective of the investor 386 4.1.6. Types of contracts 388 4.1.7. Example contract . 392 4.2. Basics of project management . 395 4.2.1. Project cycle . 396 4.2.2. Phases of project management 397 4.3. Examples of project management . 398 4.3.1. Application of the program MS Excel 398 Forming dynamic Gantt charts . 399 Description of activities . 400 4.3.2. Application of the program MS Project . 403 MS Project basics 403 Application of MS Project in the drafting a complete project 405 Closing considerations 425 LITERATURE 427 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 430 INDEX OF KEY WORDS
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ahmed raaft مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 54 التقييم : 54 تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010 العمر : 38 الدولة : مصر العمل : مهندس ميكانيكا الجامعة : بنـــــــــــــــــــها
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Computer Aided Design in Power Engineering السبت 15 يونيو 2019, 5:01 pm | |
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Computer Aided Design in Power Engineering السبت 15 يونيو 2019, 5:39 pm | |
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- متشكرين على مجهوداتك على هذة المعلومات القيمة فى الكتاب
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