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عدد المساهمات : 19001 التقييم : 35505 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Turn Tutorial - Solidworks 2019 CAM الأربعاء 15 مايو 2019, 4:43 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Turn Tutorial - Solidworks 2019 CAM Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Table of Contents CHAPTER 1: LEARNING 2 AXIS TURN 7 Turn 1 8 Steps to Generate Turn Toolpaths and NC Code 8 Step 1: Model Part in SOLIDWORKS or Import Part .9 Viewing the FeatureManager Design Trees .10 Step 2: Change to SOLIDWORKS CAM Feature Tree .10 Changing default machine in TechDB 10 SOLIDWORKS CAM Machining Trees 11 SOLIDWORKS CAM Menu and SOLIDWORKS CAM NC Manager 12 SOLIDWORKS CAM Command Manager .12 SOLIDWORKS CAM Options 13 Step 3: Define the Machine 13 Step 4: Edit the Stock Definition 18 Step 5: Define Machinable Features 20 Using Automatic Feature Recognition (AFR) 20 Defining Machinable Features Automatically 21 Defining Features Interactively (IFR) .24 Step 6: Generate Operation Plan and Adjust Operation Parameters 27 Step 7: Generate Toolpaths 30 Step 8: Simulate Toolpaths 31 Change the Machining Order 34 Step 9: Post Process Toolpaths .34 Setup Sheets 37 Turn 2 38 Turn Feature Types Recognized by AFR and IFR 38 Supported Turn Feature Types 38 Step 1: Open the Part .39 Step 2: Defining the Machine and Editing the Stock Definition .39 Define the Machine .39 Editing the Tool Crib 40 Selecting the Post Processor .44 Editing the Stock Definition .44 Step 3: Extracting Machinable Features and Editing Feature Parameters 45 Extracting Machinable Features .45 Feature Strategy 46 Step 4: Generating Operations 47 Step 5: Generating NC Code .50 Turn 3 51 Step 1: Open the Part, Define the Machine, Edit the Stock Definition and Extract Machinable Features 51Turn Tutorial 4 Table of Contents Define the Machine Parameters 51 Editing the Stock Definition .52 Extract machinable Features .52 Step 2: Interactively Inserting an OD Profile for Threading .52 Step 3: Reorganizing Machinable Features .54 Step 4: Suppressing Machinable Features .54 Step 5: Saving the File .55 Step 6: Generating an Operation Plan and Toolpaths .55 SOLIDWORKS CAM Message Window 56 Step 7: Simulate Toolpaths 56 Viewing XZ cutter coordinates of the Tool in SOLIDWORKS CAM Message Window.57 Step 8: Post Processing Toolpaths .59 Turn 4 60 Step 1: Open the Part and Define the Machine .60 Step 2: Defining the Stock as a Forging or Casting 61 Step 3: Recognizing Machinable Features using AFR 61 Deleting Unwanted Features Recognized by AFR .62 Step 4: Defining a Rectangular OD Groove Feature Interactively .62 Step 5: Deleting an Operation .64 Step 6: Adjusting Operation Parameters .64 Step 7: Displaying the Chuck in Graphics Area 65 Step 8: Defining Program Zero .65 Step 9: Simulate Toolpath .67 Step 9: Post Processing Toolpaths .68 Turn 5 69 Step 1: Opening the Part and Defining the Machine and Stock 69 Open the Part .69 Define the Machine Parameters 69 Defining the Stock 69 Step 2: Extract Machinable Features .70 Deleting Features 71 Step 3: Adding an ID Groove Feature Interactively 71 Step 4: Adding OD Thread and ID Thread Features Interactively .72 Interactively Inserting a Threaded OD Feature 73 Interactively Inserting a Threaded ID Feature 75 Step 5: Changing Feature Parameters, Generating Operations and Modifying Operation Parameters .77 Changing Feature Parameters and Renaming Features 77 Generating Operations 77 Modifying Operation Parameters 78 Step 6: Defining the Machining Sequence and Generating Toolpaths .79 Step 7: Displaying the Chuck/Fixture .80 Step 8: Defining the Chuck/Fixture .80 Step 9: Defining the Chuck Location 83 Step 10: Simulate Toolpath .85Turn Tutorial Table of Contents 5 Step 11: Post Processing Toolpaths .85 Turn 6 86 Step 1: Opening the Part 86 Step 2: Defining Machine Parameters .86 Step 3: Establishing Part Zero .87 Step 4: Defining the Stock from a Sketch for Double Chucking 88 Step 5: Defining Machinable Features 89 Changing Feature Definitions for OD and ID Profiles .90 Step 6: Changing the Origin Machining Direction .92 Step 7: Generating Operations and Editing Operation Parameters .93 Step 8: Defining the Chuck Configuration 94 Step 9: Setting the Chuck Display State 95 Step 10: Setting the Chuck Location .96 Step 11: Simulating the Toolpaths for Double Chucking .97 Step 12: Post Processing Toolpaths .98 Turn 7 99 Step 1: Opening the Part and Defining the Machining Parameters .100 Defining Machining Parameters .100 Step 2: Extracting Machinable Features using Plane Section Method 100 Setting the Method for AFR .100 Extracting Machinable Features .101 Step 3: Using the Plane Section to Extract Machinable Features Correctly .101 Viewing the Feature Relative to the Standard Orientation .103 Turn 8 105 Step 1: Open the Part and Defining the Machine Parameters .105 Step 2: Defining a Thread Feature 105 Step 3: Cutting Multiple Start Threads 109 Step 4: Enabling the ‘Process by Level’ Option for a Threading Operation 110 Step 5: Step Through Toolpath .110 Step 6: Simulating the Threading Toolpath 111 Turn 9 113 Step 1: Opening the Part 113 Step 2: Define the Machine Parameters 114 Step 3: Defining the Stock .115 Step 4: Defining Features Automatically and Interactively 116 Step 5: Editing Machinable Features .117 Extends of the OD feature .117 Extends of the ID feature 118 Interactively inserting Face Feature and OD Feature in Turn Setup2 118 Step 6: Generating Operations and Toolpaths .120 Step 7: Defining the Chuck Location for Turn Setup1 .123 Disabling Chuck/Fixture Display in Graphics Area .123 Defining the Geometry of the chuck .123 Step 8: Defining the Chuck Location for Turn Setup2 .125Turn Tutorial 6 Table of Contents Step 9: Simulating the Toolpaths for Multiple Turn Setups .128
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Turn Tutorial - Solidworks 2019 CAM رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Turn Tutorial - Solidworks 2019 CAM