كتاب 123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب 123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius

كتاب 123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius  1_2_3_11
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

EXPERIMENT 15 Resistors and Voltage
Myke’s Rules of Robotics
Section One Introduction to
Robots Current Measurement
and Ohm’s Law
EXPERIMENT 1 Toilet Paper Roll
Mandroid Kirchoffs Voltage Law
and Series Loads
EXPERIMENT 2 Pipe Cleaner Insect 5
EXPERIMENT 18 Variable Resistors 50
EXPERIMENT 3 LEGO Mobile Robots 7
Kirchoffs Current Law
and Parallel Loads
EXPERIMEN r 4 Cardboard Arm 10
EXPE RIME NT 20 Theyinia's Equivalency 55
Section Two Robot Structures 15
EXPE RIMENT 21 Power 57
EXPERIMENTS Cutting Plywood 17
EXPERIMENT 22 Batteries 59
EXPERIMENT 6 Strengthening Structures 20
EXPERIMENT 7 Finishing Wood 22 Section Four Magnetic Devices 63
EXPERIMENT 23 Elect romagnets 65
EXPERIMENT 8 A Gaggle of Glues 24
EXPERIMENT 9 Nuts and Bolts 25 EXPERIMENT 24 Relays 67
Measuring the Earth's
Magnetic Field
EXPERIMENT 10 Soldering and Splicing
Wires 28 69
Direct Current (DC)
EXPERIMENT 11 Assembling the Included
PCB 31 71
Section Five Drivetrains 75
Section Three Basic Electrical
Theory 35 Exerimenl 27 Motor-Driven Crane 77
EXPERIMENT 12 Electrical Circuits and
Experiment 28 Pulleys Added to
37 Crane 79
EXPERIMENT 13 Electrical Circuits and
Experiment 29 Switch DC Motor
40 rH-Bridge” 80
EXPERIMENT 14 Voltage Measurement 41
Contents VExperiment 30 Differential Drive EXPERIMENT 48 Line-Following Robot 135
Robot Chassis 82
Section Nine Audio Electronics 139
Experiment 31 Stepper Motors 85
EXPERIMENT 49 Buzzers 141
Experiment 32 Muscle Wire 88
EXPERIMENT 50 Basic Transistor Oscillator
Section Six Semiconductors 91 Code Practice Pool 143
EXPERIMENT 33 Diodes 93 EXPERIMENT 51 Electronic Stethoscope 145
EXPERIMENT 34 Light-Emitting Diodes EXPERIMENT 52 Sound-Level Meter 148
(LEDs) 95
Section Ten Digital Logic 151
EXPERIMENT 35 NPN Transistor and TwoLED Lighting Control 97 EXPERIMENT 53 Basic Gale Operation 153
EXPERIMENT 36 Driving a Motor with a
EXPERIMENT 54 CMOS Touch Switch 155
EXPERIMENT 55 Bipolar Transistor-Based
EXPERIMENT 37 Bipolar PNPTransistor TTL “NOT” Gate
Motor Control
EXPERIMENT 56 Sum of Product Circuits 161
EXPERIMENT 38 Transistor Motor
H-Bridge 104 EXPERIMENTS? Common Logic Built
from the NOR Gate 163
Section Seven Our Friend, the
555 Chip 107 EXPERIMENT 58 XORs and Adders 166
EXPERIMENT 39 Blinking LEDs 109 EXPERIMENT 59 Pull-Llps/Pull-Downs 168
EXPERIMENT 40 555 Button Debonnce 112 EXPERIMENT 60 Mickey Mouse Logic 170
EXIT RIMENT 41 R/C Servo Control 114 Section Eleven Power Supplies 173
EXPERIMENT 42 Light Seeking Robot 117 EXPERIMENT 61 Zener Diodes 175
Section Eight Optoelectronics 121 EXPERIMENT 62 Linear Power Supply 177
EXPERIMENT 63 Switch Mode Power
EXPERIMENT 43 Different Color LEDs 124
EXPERIMENT 44 Changing an LED's
Brightness Section Twelve Sequential Logic
-P EXPERIMENT 45 Multisegment LEDs 128
c EXPERIMENT 64 RS Flip Flops 185
(U EXPERIMENT 46 Optoisolator Lock and
-P Key 131 EXPERIMENT 65 Edge-Triggered Flip
c Flops 187
EXPERIMENT 47 White/Black Surface
o Sensor 133 EXPERIMENT 66 Full D Flip Flop 189
v i C o n t e n t sEXPERIMENT 67 Flip Mop Reset 191 EXPERIMENT 85 Creating Simple Program
EXPERIMENT 86 Conditionally Looping 233
EXPERIMENT 68 Parallel Data 193
EXPERIMENT 69 Traffic Lights 194 ct
EXPERIMENTS? ’’Power Off ” (D
EXPERIMENT 70 Shift Registers 198 Application 235 £
dEXPERIMENT 88 Conditionally Executing
EXPERIMENT 71 Christinas Decoration 200
EXPERIMENT 72 Random Movement
Robot EXPERIMENT 89 Advanced Conditional
EXPERIMENT 73 Counters 205
EXPERIMENT 90 l Jsing the “for” Loop
EXPERIMENT 74 Schmitt Trigger Inputs in Your Application
and Button Debounce
EXPERIMENT 91 Saving Code Space
EXPLRIMEN I 75 PWM Generation 209 ( Jsing Subroutines 242
Section Thirteen 1 earning to
Program Using the Parallax
BASIC’ Stamp 2
Section Fourteen Interfacing
Hardware to the BASIC
Stamp 2
EXPERIMENT 92 Controlling an I-ED
213 247
Windows Editor
Software on Your PC
214 EXPERIMENT 93 Cylon Eye 250
EXPERIMENT 77 Connecting the PCB
and BS2 to Your PC
and Running Your First
EXPERIMENT 94 llitachi 44780-Controlled
Liquid Crystal Display 252
216 LXPERIMENT 95 Musical Tone Output 254
Saving Your Applications
on Your PC
EXPERIMENT 78 EXPERIMENT 96 Electronic Dice 256
EXPERIMENT 97 Keypad Input 257
EXPERIMENT 79 The “Hello World!”
Application Explained EXPERIMENT 98 Resistance
1 XPERIMEKT 80 Variables and
Data Types 222 EXPERIMENT 99 PW M Analog Voltage
( )utput 261
1 XPERIMENT 81 Number Data Formats 224
EXPERIMENT 100 R-2R Digital-toEXPERIMENT 82 ASCII Characters 226 Analog Converter 262
EXPERIMENT 83 Variable Arrays 228 Section Fifteen Sensors 265
EXPERIMENT 84 Using Mathematical
Operators in the
Assignment Statement
EXPERIMENT 101 bLiza, the Snarky
Computer 267
C o n t e n t s v i iEXPERIMENT 102 Multiple Seven-segment EXPERIMENT 115 Robot Artist 305
Displays 271
EXPERIMENT 116 Parallax’s “GUI-Bot”
EXPERIMENT 103 RCtime Light Sensor 273
EXPERIMENT 104 Differential Light
Sensors 275 EXPERIMENT 117 Stepper Motor Control
EXPERIMENT 118 Infrared Two-Way
Comm uideations
EXPERIMENT 105 Sound Control 278
EXPERIMENT 106 Robot ’‘Whiskers” 280
Section Seventeen Navigation 319
EXPERIMENT 107 IR Object Sensors 283
EXPERIMENT 119 Line-Following Robot 321
Section Sixteen Mobile Robots 287
EXPERIMENT 120 Wall -Following Robot 324
EXPERIMENT 108 DC Motor Control
Base with H-Bridge
EXPERIMENT 121 Ultrasonic Distance
289 Measurement 326
EXPERIMENT 109 State Machine EXPERIMENT 122 Hall Effect Compass 330
Programming 292
EXPERIMENT 123 NMEA GPS Interface 332
EXPERIMENT 110 Robot Moth Example 294
PHASIC Reference 335
Random Movement
296 Acknowledgments 341
Remote-Control Car
Robot Base
Index 343
About the Author 357
EXPERIMENT 113 R/C Servo Setup 300
Controlling Multiple

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كتاب 123 Robotics Experiments for the Evil Genius
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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