Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18959 التقييم : 35383 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol III الإثنين 21 يناير 2019 - 23:52 | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol III Gear Mechanisms A Handbook for Engineers Designers and Inventors by IVAN I, ARTOBOLEVSKY, D.Sc.(Eng,) Member USSR Academy of Sciences
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS Preface Table 1 , Classification of Mechanisms Based on Structural Features , Table 2. Classification of Mechanisms Based on Functional Features SECTION THIRTEEN . SIMPLE GEAR MECHANISMS 1. General-Purpose Three-Link Mechanisms (2289 through 2. General- Purpose Four-Link Mechanisms (2345 through 2352) 3. Dwell Mechanisms (2353 through 2379} 4. Mechanisms for Generating Curves (2360 through 2384) . 5. Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms (2385 through 2391) 6. Link-Length Adjustment Mechanisms (2392, 2393 and 2394) 7. Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms (2395 and 2396) . , , . 8. Indexing Mechanisms (2397) 9. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (2398) . 10. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (2399} . , 11. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices SECTION FOURTEEN. LEVER-GEAR MECHANISMS . , 119 1. General-Purpose Four-Link Mechanisms (2403 through Mechanisms (2412 through 3. General -Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2434 through 4. Mechanisms for Generating Curves (2466 through 2486) . 182 5. Mechanisms for Mathematical Operations (2486 through i 6. Dwell Mechanisms (2507 through 2618) 7. Operating Claw Mechanisms of Motion Picture Cameras 56. Guiding Mechanisms and Inversors (2523 through 2628) 9, Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2529 through 2532) . , , , , . 10. Piston Machine Mechanisms (2533 and 2534) . . . . . . 11 . Mechanisms of Vibrating Machines and Devices (2535 and 2536) 12. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (2537 and 2638) 13. Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms (2539 and 2540) . , . . 14. Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechanisms (2541) 15. Link-Length Adjustment Mechanisms (2542) 16. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2543 through 2576) SECTION FIFTEEN. PIN-GEAR MECHANISMS 1. General- Purpose Three-Link Mechanisms (2S77 through 2. General-Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2592 through 2595} 3. Dwell Mechanisms (2596 through 2622) 4. Geneva Wheel Mechanisms (2623 through 2652) 5. Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms (2653 and 2654) 6. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2655 through SECTION SIXTEEN, RATCHET-GEAR MECHANISMS 1. General- Purpose Three-Link Mechanisms (2660 through , 2. General-Purpose Four-Link Mechanisms (2698 through 3. General-Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2710 through 4. Dwell Mechanisms (2741 through 2745) 5. Governor Mechanisms (2746 through 2752) 6. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2753) , . 7. Stop, Detent arid Locking Mechanisms (2754 through 2763) 8. Brake Mechanisms (2764 and 2765) 9, Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (2766 through 2775) 10. Sorting and Feeding Mechanisms (2776 through 2780) . . 11. Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechanisms (2781) 12. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2782 through SECTION SEVENTEEN. CAM-GEAR MECHANISMS . , . 1. General-Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2791 through 2. Dwell Mechanisms (2795 through 2798) . 3. Sortings and Feeding Mechanisms (2799, -2800 and 2B0 I ) . 4.'' -Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2802 and 5. Mechanisms for Generating Curves (2804) . . . . . . . . . 6, Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices tSECTION EIGHTEEN, WORM-GEAR MECHANISMS . . 483 1. General- Purpose Three-Link Mechanisms (2807 through 2812) 2. General-Purpose Four-Link Mechanisms (2813, 2814 and 2815) 3. General-Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2816 through 2823) 4. Dwell Mechanisms (2824, 2825 and 2826) 5. Switching, Engaging and Disengaging Mechanisms (2827 and 2828) . 6. Speed-Change and Reducing Gear Mechanisms (2829) . . 7. Mechanisms for Mathematical Operations (2830, 2831 and 2832) . . . . 8. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2833, 2834 and 2835) 9. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (283G through SECTION NINETEEN. COMPLEX GEAR MECHANISMS . . 515 1. Speed-Change and Reducing Gear Mechanisms (2843 through 2869) . 2. Planetary Speed-Change and Reducing Gear Mechanisms (2870 through 2899) 3. Differential Speed-Change and Reducing Gear Mechanisms (2900 through 2925) 4. Strain Wave Gearing Mechanisms (2926 through 2932) . . 5. General-Purpose Multiple-Link Mechanisms (2933 through 2944) . 6. Mechanisms For Mathematical Operations (2945 through 2950) 7. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (2951 through 2958) . . . . . 8. Mechanisms of Vibrating Machines and Devices (2959, 2960 and 2961) 9. Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms (2962 and 2963) . . . . 10. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (2964 through 2967) . . . . 11. Brake Mechanisms (2968) 12. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (2969 through Index T
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol III رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol III
ahmed raaft مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 54 التقييم : 54 تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010 العمر : 38 الدولة : مصر العمل : مهندس ميكانيكا الجامعة : بنـــــــــــــــــــها
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol III الأحد 27 يناير 2019 - 16:00 | |
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18959 التقييم : 35383 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol III الإثنين 28 يناير 2019 - 7:35 | |
- ahmed raaft كتب:
- كتاب فعلاا اكثر من رائع
لاتنسى المساهمة معنا بعمل اللايك والشير للمنشورات والفيديوهات والإشتراك فى القناة وزيارة الموقع "" والاعجاب بصفحة المنتدى على الفيسبوك وجروب المنتدى على الفيسبوك |