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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Advanced Materials Interfaces الإثنين 14 يناير 2019 - 10:22 | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Advanced Materials Interfaces من سلسلة علم المواد المتقدمة Advanced Material Series Ashutosh Tiwari, Hirak K. Patra and Xuemei Wang
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Preface xiii Part 1 Interfaces Design, Fabrication, and Properties 1 Mixed Protein/Polymer Nanostructures at Interfaces 3 Aristeidis Papagiannopoulos and Stergios Pispas 1.1 Introduction 3 1.2 Neutral and Charged Macromolecules at Interfaces 4 1.3 Interfacial Experimental Methods 7 1.4 Interactions of Proteins with Polymer-Free Interfaces 9 1.5 Polymers and Proteins in Solution 11 1.6 Proteins at Polymer-Modifed Interfaces 14 1.6.1 Steric E?ects 15 1.6.2 Polyelectrolyte Multilayers: Electrostatic Nature of Interactions 21 1.6.3 Counterion Release: Charge Anisotropy 23 1.7 Protein-Loaded Interfaces with Potential for Applications 26 1.8 Conclusions 30 References 30 2 Exploitation of Self-Assembly Phenomena in Liquid-Crystalline Polymer Phases for Obtaining Multifunctional Materials 37 M. Giamberini and G. Malucelli 2.1 Introduction 37 2.2 Amphiphilic Self-Assembled LCPs 41 2.3 Self-Assembled LCPs Trough External Stimuli 44 2.4 Supramolecular Self-Assembled LCPs 48 2.5 Self-Assembled LCPs Trough Surface E?ects 54 2.6 Conclusions and Perspectives 57 References 59vi Contents 3 Scanning Probe Microscopy of Functional Materials Surfaces and Interfaces 63 Pankaj Sharma and Jan Seidel 3.1 Introduction 64 3.2 Scanning Probe Microscopy Approach 65 3.2.1 Piezoresponse Force Microscopy 68 Advanced Modes of PFM 73 Enhancing Temporal Resolution 76 3.2.2 Conductive-Atomic Force Microscopy 79 3.2.3 Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy 81 3.3 Functional Material Surfaces and Interfaces 85 3.3.1 Ferroelectric Tunnel Junctions 86 3.3.2 Ferroic Domain Walls and Structural-Phase Boundaries 93 3.3.3 Complex-Oxide Tin Films and Heterostructures 95 3.3.4 Photovoltaics 104 3.4 Conclusion and Outlook 111 References 114 4 AFM Approaches to the Study of PDMS-Au and Carbon-Based Surfaces and Interfaces 127 Giorgio Saverio Senesi, Alessandro Massaro, Angelo Galiano and Leonardo Pellicani 4.1 Introduction 127 4.2 AFM Characterization of Micro–Nano Surfaces and Interfaces of Carbon-Based Materials and PDMS-Au Nanocomposites 130 4.3 3D Image Processing: ImageJ Tools 136 4.4 Scanning Capacitance Microscopy, Kelvin Probe Microscopy, and Electromagnetic Characterization 138 4.5 AFM Artifacts 141 4.6 Conclusions (General Guidelines for Material Characterization by AFM) 143 Acknowledgments 146 References 146Contents vii 5 One-Dimensional Silica Nanostructures and Metal–Silica Nanocomposites: Fabrication, Characterization, and Applications 149 Francesco Rufno 5.1 Introduction: Te Weird World of Silica Nanowires and Metal–Silica Composite Nanowires 150 5.2 Silica Nanowires: Fabrication Methodologies, Properties, and Applications 155 5.2.1 Metal-Catalyzed Growth 158 5.2.2 Oxide-Assisted Growth 174 5.3 Metal NPs-Decorated Silica Nanowires: Fabrication Methodologies, Properties, and Applications 177 5.4 Metal NPs Embedded in Silica Nanowires: Fabrication Methodologies, Properties, and Applications 188 5.5 Conclusions: Open Points and Perspectives 197 References 197 6 Understanding the Basic Mechanisms Acting on Interfaces: Concrete Elements, Materials and Techniques 205 Dimitra V. Achilllopoulou 6.1 Summary 205 6.2 Introduction 207 6.3 Existing Knowledge on Force Transfer Mechanisms on Reinforced Concrete Interfaces 212 6.3.1 Concrete Interfaces 212 6.3.2 Reinforcement E?ect on Concrete Interfaces 217 6.3.3 Interfaces of Strengthened RC Structural Elements 224 6.4 International Standards 236 6.4.1 Fib Bulletin 2010 237 6.4.2 ACI 318-08 238 6.4.3 Greek Retroft Code (Gre. Co.) Attuned to EN-1998/part 3 238 6.5 Conclusions 241 References 242 7 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSA) Based on Silicone 249 Adrian Krzysztof Antosik and Zbigniew Czech 7.1 Introduction 249 7.2 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives 250 7.2.1 Goal of Cross-Linking 251viii Contents 7.3 Signifcant Properties of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives 253 7.3.1 Tack (Initial Adhesion) 253 7.3.2 Peel Adhesion (Adhesion) 254 7.3.3 Shear Strength (Cohesion) 255 7.3.4 Shrinkage 255 7.4 Silicone PSAs 256 7.4.1 Properties 256 7.4.2 E?ect of Cross-LinkingAgent to the Basic Properties Si–PSA 260 7.4.3 Application 267 7.5 Conclusion 272 References 273 Part 2 Functional Interfaces: Fundamentals and Frontiers 8 Interfacing Gelatin with (Hydr)oxides and Metal Nanoparticles: Design of Advanced Hybrid Materials for Biomedical Engineering Applications 277 Nathalie Steunou 8.1 Introduction 278 8.2 Physical Gelation of Gelatin 279 8.3 Synthesis of Gelatin-Based Hybrid Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites 282 8.3.1 Preparation of Hybrid Composites by Gelifcation and Complex Coacervation 282 8.3.2 Processing of Gelatin-Based Hybrid Materials into Monoliths, Films, Foams and Nanofbers 288 8.3.3 Synthesis of Hybrid and Core–Shell Nanoparticles and Nano-Objects 290 8.4 Characterization of Gelatin-Based Hybrid Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites 294 8.5 Mechanical Properties of Gelatin-Based Hybrid Nanoparticles and Nanocomposites 296 8.6 Design of Gelatin-Based Hybrid Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery 302 8.7 Design of Nanostructured Gelatin-Based Hybrid Sca?olds for Tissue Engineering and Regeneration Applications 310 8.8 Conclusions and Outlook 316 References 318Contents ix 9 Implantable Materials for Local Drug Delivery in Bone Regeneration 325 P. D?az-Rodr?guez and M. Landin 9.1 Bone Morphology 325 9.2 Bone Fracture Healing Process 326 9.3 Current Materials for Bone Regeneration 327 9.3.1 Metals 329 9.3.2 Ceramics 330 Biodegradable Ceramics 330 Non-Absorbable Ceramics 332 9.3.3 Polymers 332 Natural Polymers 333 Synthetic Polymers 334 9.3.4 Composites 335 9.4 Terapeutic Molecules with Interest in Bone Regeneration 336 9.4.1 Antibiotics 337 9.4.2 Growth Factors 339 9.4.3 Bisphosphonates 340 9.4.4 Corticosteroids 341 9.4.5 Hormones 341 9.4.6 Antitumoral Drugs 341 9.4.7 Others 342 9.5 Mechanism for Loading Drugs into Implant Materials and Release Kinetics 343 9.5.1 Unspecifc Adsorption 344 9.5.2 Physical Interactions 345 9.5.3 Physical Entrapment 348 9.5.4 Chemical Immobilization 350 9.6 In Vitro Drug Release Studies 350 9.6.1 Drug Release Kinetic Analysis 354 9.7 Translation to the Human Situation 355 9.8 Conclusions (Future Perspectives) 356 Acknowledgments 357 References 357 10 Interaction of Cells with Di?erent Micrometer and Submicrometer Topographies 379 M.V. Tuttolomondo, P.N. Catalano, M.G. Bellino and M.F. Desimone 10.1 Introduction 379 10.2 Synthesis of Substrates with Controlled Topography 380x Contents 10.3 Methods for Creating Micro- and Nanotopographical Features 381 10.4 Litography 381 10.4.1 Photolithography 381 10.4.2 Electron-Beam Lithography 382 10.4.3 Nanoimprint Lithography 383 10.4.4 Sof Lithography 384 10.5 Polymer Demixing 384 10.6 Self-Assembly 385 10.7 Cell Material Interactions 386 10.7.1 Lithography Method 386 10.7.2 Polymer Demixed 390 10.7.3 Cell Behaviour onto EISA obtained flms 390 10.7.4 Biological Evidence 395 10.8 Conclusions 397 Acknowledgements 399 References 399 11 Nanomaterial—Live Cell Interface: Mechanism and Concern 405 Arka Mukhopadhyay and Hirak K. Patra 11.1 Introduction 405 11.2 Protein Destabilization 407 11.3 Nanomaterials-Induced Oxidative Stress 408 11.3.1 Transitional Metal–Oxide Nanomaterials and ROS 409 11.3.2 Prooxidant E?ects of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 409 11.3.3 CNT-Induced ROS Formation 412 CNT-Induced In?ammation and Genotoxicity and ROS 415 11.4 Nucleic Acid Damage 415 11.5 Damage to Membrane Integrity and Energy Transduction 418 11.6 Conclusions 418 References 419Contents xi 12 Bioresponsive Surfaces and Interfaces Fabricated by Innovative Laser Approaches 427 F. Sima, E. Axente, C. Ristoscu, O. Gallet, K. Anselme and I.N. Mihailescu 12.1 Introduction 428 12.2 Pulsed Laser Methods Applied for the Grown of Inorganic and Organic Coatings 430 12.3 Combinatorial Laser Approaches: New Tool for the Fabrication of Compositional Libraries of Hybrid Coatings 434 12.4 Tin Bioresponsive Coatings Synthesized by Lasers 437 12.4.1 Bioactive Inorganic Coatings Obtained by PLD 438 12.4.2 Bioactive Organic Coatings Obtained by MAPLE 439 12.4.3 Bioactive Inorganic–Organic Coatings Obtained by Pulsed Laser Techniques 440 12.4.4 Combinatorial Tin Coatings Libraries Synthesized by C-MAPLE 442 Tailoring Cell Signaling Response by Compositional Gradient Bioactive Coatings 442 Coatings for Protein Immobilization and Controlled Release 448 12.5 Conclusion and Perspectives 452 Acknowledgments 453 References 453 13 Polymeric and Non-Polymeric Platforms for Cell Sheet Detachment 463 Ana Civantos, Enrique Martinez-Campos, Maria E. Nash, Alberto Gallardo, Viviana Ramos and Inmaculada Aranaz 13.1 Introduction 463 13.2 Te Extracellular Matrix 465 13.3 Platforms for Cell Detachment 466 13.3.1 Electroresponsive Platforms 466 Electroactive Self-Assembled Monolayers 466 Polyelectrolyte-Modifed Surfaces 46913.3.2 Light-Induced Detachment 469 Photosensitive Inorganic-Based Surfaces 469 Photosensitive Organic-Based Surfaces 471 13.3.3 pH-Sensitive Surfaces 473 13.4 Degradable Platforms 475 13.4.1 Other Detaching Systems 476 13.4.2 Mechanical Platforms 476 13.4.3 Magnetic Platforms 479 13.4.4 Termoresponsive Platforms 480 13.4.5 Clinical Translation 485 13.5 Conclusions 487 References 487 Index 49
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