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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol V الأحد 13 يناير 2019, 10:00 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanisms in Modern Engineering Design Vol V Hydraulic, Pneumatic and Electric Mechanisms A Handbook for Engineers, Designers and Inventors IVAN I. Artobolevsky Member , USSK Academy of Sciences
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS Preface 9 Table I , Classification of Mechanisms Based on Structural Features 11 Table 2. Classification of Mechanisms Based on Functional Features . . 18 SECTION TWENTY-EIGHT. SIMPLE HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC MECHANISMS 1. Valve Mechanisms (3591 through 3634) 2. Damper and Cataract Mechanisms (3635 through 3645) 3. Flow-Control and Directional Valve Mechanisms (3646 through 3697) 4. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (3698, 3699 and 3700) 5. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (3701 through 3737) 6. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (3738 through 3748) 7. Drive Mechanisms (3749 through 3758) 8. Brake Mechanisms (3759 through 3763) 9. Relay Mechanisms (3764 and 3765) 10. Regulator Mechanisms (3766 and 3767) . . . 11. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (3768 through SECTION TWENTY-NINE. LEVER-TYPE HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC MECHANISMS 175 L Rotary Vane and Piston Pump Mechanisms (3787 through 3850) 177 52. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (3851 through 3892) 211 3. Regulator Mechanisms {3893 through 3913) 243 4. Flow-Control and Directional Valve Mechanisms (3914 through 3925) 261 5. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices {3926 through 3942) 272 6. Damper and Cataract Mechanisms {3943 through 3947) 285 7. Drive Mechanisms (3948 through 3953) 288 8. Valve Mechanisms (3954 through 3959) 292 9. Control Mechanisms (3960 through 3968) 299 10. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (3969) . . s 308 11. Hammer, Press and Die Mechanisms (3970, 3971 and 3972) 309 12. Clutch and Coupling Mechanisms (3973) 312 13. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices {3974 through 3989) 313 SECTION THIRTY. TOOTHED HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC MECHANISMS 329 1. Rotary Vane and Piston Pump Mechanisms (3990 and 3991) 331 2. Gear and Other Rotary Pump Mechanisms (3992 through 4015) 333 3. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (4016 through 4021) 347 4. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (4022 through 4028) 352 5. Drive Mechanisms (4029 through 4035) 358 6. Brake Mechanisms (4036) 363 7. Speed-Change and Reducing Gear Mechanisms (4037 and 4038) 364 8. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (4039, 4040 and 4041) 366 SECTION THIRTY-ONE. ELASTIC-LINK HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC MECHANISMS 3B9 1. Valve Mechanisms (4042 through 4049) 371 2. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (4050 through 4083) 379 3. Regulator Mechanisms (4084 through 4113) . 404 64. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (4114 and 4115) 436 5. Rotary Vane and Piston Pump Mechanisms (4116 through 4120) 437 G. Drive Mechanisms (4121, 4122 and 4123) . 441 7. Control Mechanisms (4124 and 4125) 444 8. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (4126 through 4129} 446 SECTION THIRTY-TWO. COMPLEX HYDRAULIC AND PNEUMATIC MECHANISMS 449 1. Drive Mechanisms (4130 through 4224) 451 2. Regulator Mechanisms (4225 through 4274) 534 3. Hammer, Press and Die Mechanisms (4275 and 4276) . . , 585 4. Aircraft Landing Gear Mechanisms (4277 through 4281) 587 5. Mechanisms of Measuring and Testing Devices (4282) , . . 594 6. Mechanisms of Materials Handling Equipment (4283 and 4284) 595 7. Gripping, Clamping and Expanding Mechanisms (4285 through 4293) : 598 8. Brake Mechanisms (4294 through 4300) 607 9. Relay Mechanisms (4301) 615 10. Mechanisms of Other Functional Devices (4302 through 4310) 616 Index
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