كتاب Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016    كتاب Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016  Emptyالجمعة 11 يناير 2019, 11:13 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016
James D. Bethune

كتاب Engineering Design and Graphics with SolidWorks 2016  E_d_g_10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

CHAPTER 1 Getting Started 1
Chapter Objectives 1
1-1 Introduction 1
1-2 Starting a New Drawing 2
To Start a New Drawing 2
To Select a Drawing Plane 3
1-3 SolidWorks Colors 7
1-4 Creating a Fully Defined Circle 7
To Change an Existing Dimension 9
Fully Defined Entities 10
1-5 Units 12
To Change Units 13
1-6 Rectangle 13
To Sketch a Rectangle 13
To Exit the Sketch Mode 15
To Reenter the Sketch Mode 15
1-7 Moving Around the Drawing Screen 16
To Zoom the Line 16
To Move the Line 16
To Reorientate the Line 17
1-8 Orientation 17
To Return to the Top View Orientation – View Selector 17
To Return to the Top View Orientation – Top View 18
To Return to the Top View Orientation – Orientation Triad 18
1-9 Sample Problem SP1-1 18
To Fix a Line in Place 21
Sketch Relations 22
1-10 Creating 3D Models 23
To Create a 3D Model 23
1-11 Saving a Document 24
To Save a Document 24
1-12 Lines and Angles – Sample Problem SP1-2 25
1-13 Holes 29
To Create a Hole 29
Chapter Projects 34
CHAPTER 2 Sketch Entities and Tools 41
Chapter Objectives 41
2-1 Introduction 41
2-2 Mouse Gestures and the S Key 42
Mouse Gestures 42
S Key 46
2-3 Origins 50
To Show the Origin 50
2-4 Circle 51
To Sketch a Circle 51
To Sketch a Perimeter Circle Using Three Points 53
To Sketch a Perimeter Circle Tangent to Three Lines 54
2-5 Rectangle 55
To Sketch a Center Rectangle 55
To Sketch a 3 Point Corner Rectangle 56
To Sketch a 3 Point Center Rectangle 57
To Sketch a Parallelogram 58
2-6 Slots 59
To Draw a Straight Slot 60
To Draw a Centerpoint Straight Slot 61
To Draw a 3 Point Arc Slot 62
To Draw a Centerpoint Arc Slot 62
2-7 Perimeter Circle 63
To Draw a Perimeter Circle 64
2-8 Arcs 64
To Draw a Centerpoint Arc 65
To Draw a Tangent Arc 65
To Draw a 3 Point Arc 67
2-9 Polygons 67
To Draw a Hexagon 67
2-10 Spline 69
To Draw a Spline 70
To Edit a Spline 70
2-11 Ellipse 71
To Draw an Ellipse 71
To Draw a Partial Ellipse 72
To Draw a Parabola 73
Conic Section 74
To Draw a Conic 75
2-12 Fillets and Chamfers 77
To Draw a Fillet 77
To Draw a Chamfer 78
2-13 Sketch Text 80
To Add Text 80
To Change the Font and Size of Text 80
2-14 Point 83
2-15 Trim Entities 83
To Use Trim Entities 83
2-16 Extend Entities 84
To Extend Entities in a Sketch 85vi Contents
2-17 Offset Entities 86
To Draw an Offset Line 87
2-18 Mirror Entities 88
2-19 Linear Sketch Pattern 90
To Create a Linear Sketch Pattern 93
2-20 Circular Sketch Pattern 93
To Create a Circular Sketch Pattern 94
2-21 Move Entities 95
To Move an Entity 95
2-22 Copy Entities 96
To Copy an Entity 98
2-23 Rotate Entities 98
To Rotate an Entity 99
2-24 Scale Entities 99
To Create a Scale Entity 99
2-25 Stretch Entities 100
To Stretch an Entity 101
2-26 Split Entities 102
To Use the Split Entities Tool 102
2-27 Jog Lines 103
To Use the Jog Line Tool 105
2-28 Centerline 105
To Use the Centerline Tool 106
2-29 Sample Problem SP2-1 106
2-30 Sample Problem SP2-2 108
2-31 Sample Problem SP2-3 110
Chapter Projects 113
CHAPTER 3 Features 123
Chapter Objectives 123
3-1 Introduction 123
3-2 Extruded Boss/Base 123
To Use the Extruded Boss/Base Tool 124
To Create Inward Draft Sides 126
To Create an Outward Draft 127
3-3 Sample Problem SP3-1 128
3-4 Extruded Cut 131
3-5 Hole Wizard 132
3-6 A Second Method of Creating a Hole 134
3-7 Blind Holes 136
To Create a Blind Hole – Inches 136
To Create a Blind Hole – Metric 138
3-8 Fillet 140
To Create a Fillet with a Variable Radius 141
To Create a Fillet Using the Face Fillet Option 143
To Create a Fillet Using the Full Round Fillet Option 144
3-9 Chamfer 147
To Define a Chamfer Using an Angle and a Distance 147
To Define a Chamfer Using Two Distances 148
To Define a Vertex Chamfer 149
3-10 Revolved Boss/Base 150
3-11 Revolved Cut 154
3-12 Reference Planes 155
To Create a Reference Plane 155
3-13 Lofted Boss/Base 159
3-14 Shell 162
3-15 Swept Boss/Base 164
3-16 Draft 166
3-17 Linear Sketch Pattern 168
3-18 Circular Sketch Pattern 170
3-19 Mirror 171
3-20 Helix Curves and Springs 173
To Draw a Helix 173
To Draw a Spring from the Given Helix 174
3-21 Compression Springs 175
To Create Ground Ends 176
3-22 Torsional Springs 178
To Draw a Torsional Spring 178
3-23 Extension Springs 181
To Draw an Extension Spring 182
3-24 Wrap 185
To Create Debossed Text 185
3-25 Editing Features 189
To Edit the Hole 189
To Edit the Cutout 190
3-26 Sample Problem SP3-2 191
To Draw a Cylinder 192
To Create a Slanted Surface on the Cylinder 194
To Add the Vertical Slot 195
To Add the ?8 Hole 197
3-27 Sample Problem SP3-3 199
3-28 Curve Driven Patterns 202
To Use the Curve Driven Pattern Tool – Example 1 202
To Use the Curve Driven Pattern Tool – Example 2 205
Chapter Projects 208
CHAPTER 4 Orthographic Views 225
Chapter Objectives 225
4-1 Introduction 225
4-2 Third- and First-Angle Projections 227
4-3 Fundamentals of Orthographic Views 228
Normal Surfaces 229Contents vii
Hidden Lines 230
Precedence of Lines 231
Slanted Surfaces 232
Compound Lines 233
Oblique Surfaces 234
Rounded Surfaces 234
4-4 Drawing Orthographic Views Using SolidWorks 236
To Move Orthographic Views 245
To Create Other Views 245
4-5 Section Views 246
4-6 Drawing a Section View Using SolidWorks 248
To Change the Style of a Section View 253
4-7 Aligned Section Views 254
4-8 Broken Views 255
To Create a Broken View 256
4-9 Detail Views 257
To Draw a Detail View 257
4-10 Auxiliary Views 259
To Draw an Auxiliary View 259
Chapter Projects 263
CHAPTER 5 Assemblies 299
Chapter Objectives 299
5-1 Introduction 299
5-2 Starting an Assembly Drawing 299
5-3 Move Component 302
5-4 Rotate Component 303
5-5 Mouse Gestures for Assembly Drawings 303
5-6 Mate 305
To Create the First Assembly 305
To Create a Second Assembly 307
To Create a Third Assembly 310
5-7 Bottom-up Assemblies 310
5-8 Creating an Exploded Isometric Assembly
Drawing 315
5-9 Creating an Exploded Isometric Drawing
Using the Drawing Format 318
5-10 Assembly Numbers 320
5-11 Bill of Materials (BOM or Parts List) 322
To Edit the BOM 324
To Add Columns to the BOM 326
To Change the Width of a Column 327
To Change the Width of Rows and Columns 328
To Change the BOM’s Font 328
5-12 Title Blocks 329
Revision Letters 330
To Edit a Title Block 330
Release Blocks 332
Tolerance Block 333
Application Block 333
5-13 Animate Collapse 333
5-14 Sample Problem 5-1: Creating the Rotator
Assembly 335
5-15 Using the SolidWorks Motion Study Tool 338
Motion 340
5-16 Editing a Part within an Assembly 341
5-17 Interference Detection/Clearance Verification 343
Interference Detection 343
To Detect an Interference 344
To Verify the Clearance 347
To Remove the Interference 347
To Verify That a Clearance Exists 349
Chapter Projects 351
CHAPTER 6 Threads and Fasteners 375
Chapter Objectives 375
6-1 Introduction 375
6-2 Thread Terminology 375
Pitch 376
6-3 Thread Callouts—ANSI Metric Units 376
6-4 Thread Callouts—ANSI Unified Screw Threads 377
6-5 Thread Representations 378
6-6 Internal Threads—Inches 378
6-7 Threaded Blind Holes—Inches 381
6-8 Internal Threads—Metric 382
6-9 Accessing the Design Library 384
6-10 Thread Pitch 385
6-11 Determining an External Thread
Length—Inches 385
6-12 Smart Fasteners 390
6-13 Determining an Internal Thread Length 393
6-14 Set Screws 397
6-15 Drawing a Threaded Hole in the
Side of a Cylinder 398
6-16 Adding Set Screws to the Collar 402
Chapter Projects 404
CHAPTER 7 Dimensioning 439
Chapter Objectives 439
7-1 Introduction 439
7-2 Terminology and Conventions—ANSI 440
Some Common Terms 440viii Contents
8-4 Understanding Plus and Minus Tolerances 511
8-5 Creating Plus and Minus Tolerances 512
To Add Plus and Minus Symmetric Tolerances Using
the Dimension Text Box 514
8-6 Creating Limit Tolerances 515
8-7 Creating Angular Tolerances 516
8-8 Standard Tolerances 518
8-9 Double Dimensioning 518
8-10 Chain Dimensions and Baseline Dimensions 520
Baseline Dimensions Created Using SolidWorks 522
8-11 Tolerance Studies 522
Calculating the Maximum Length of A 523
Calculating the Minimum Length of A 523
8-12 Rectangular Dimensions 523
8-13 Hole Locations 523
8-14 Choosing a Shaft for a Toleranced Hole 525
For Linear Dimensions and Tolerances 526
8-15 Sample Problem SP8-1 526
8-16 Sample Problem SP8-2 527
8-17 Nominal Sizes 528
8-18 Standard Fits (Metric Values) 528
Clearance Fits 529
Transitional Fits 529
Interference Fits 529
8-19 Standard Fits (Inch Values) 529
To Add a Fit Callout to a Drawing 530
Reading Fit Tables 530
8-20 Preferred and Standard Sizes 531
8-21 Surface Finishes 533
8-22 Surface Control Symbols 534
8-23 Applying Surface Control Symbols 535
To Add a Lay Symbol to a Drawing 536
8-24 Design Problems 538
Floating Condition 539
Fixed Condition 540
Designing a Hole Given a Fastener Size 542
8-25 Geometric Tolerances 543
8-26 Tolerances of Form 543
8-27 Flatness 543
8-28 Straightness 544
8-29 Straightness (RFS and MMC) 545
8-30 Circularity 548
8-31 Cylindricity 549
8-32 Geometric Tolerances Using SolidWorks 550
Some Dimensioning Conventions 440
Some Common Errors to Avoid 441
7-3 Adding Dimensions to a Drawing 442
Controlling Dimensions 445
Dimensioning Short Distances 446
Autodimension Tool 448
To Create Baseline Dimensions 451
7-4 Drawing Scale 451
7-5 Units 452
Aligned Dimensions 453
Hole Dimensions 453
7-6 Dimensioning Holes and Fillets 457
Dimensioning a Blind Hole 457
Dimensioning Hole Patterns 459
7-7 Dimensioning Counterbored and
Countersunk Holes 460
Counterbored Hole with Threads 464
To Dimension Countersink Holes 470
To Dimension the Block 471
7-8 Angular Dimensions 471
To Dimension an Evenly Spaced Hole Pattern 476
7-9 Ordinate Dimensions 476
To Create Ordinate Dimensions 477
7-10 Baseline Dimensions 479
To Create Baseline Dimensions 479
Hole Tables 481
7-11 Locating Dimensions 483
7-12 Fillets and Rounds 484
7-13 Rounded Shapes—Internal 484
7-14 Rounded Shapes—External 485
7-15 Irregular Surfaces 486
7-16 Polar Dimensions 487
7-17 Chamfers 488
7-18 Symbols and Abbreviations 488
7-19 Symmetrical and Centerline Symbols 490
7-20 Dimensioning to a Point 490
7-21 Dimensioning Section Views 491
7-22 Dimensioning Orthographic Views 491
Dimensions Using Centerlines 492
Chapter Projects 493
CHAPTER 8 Tolerancing 509
Chapter Objectives 509
8-1 Introduction 509
8-2 Direct Tolerance Methods 509
8-3 Tolerance Expressions 511Contents ix
8-33 Datums 550
To Add a Datum Indicator 552
To Define a Perpendicular Tolerance 553
To Define a Straightness Value for Datum Surface A 554
8-34 Tolerances of Orientation 554
8-35 Perpendicularity 555
8-36 Parallelism 557
8-37 Angularity 557
8-38 Profiles 558
8-39 Runouts 560
8-40 Positional Tolerances 561
8-41 Creating Positional Tolerances
Using SolidWorks 563
To Create the Positional Tolerance 563
8-42 Virtual Condition 566
Calculating the Virtual Condition for a Shaft 567
Calculating the Virtual Condition for a Hole 567
8-43 Floating Fasteners 567
8-44 Sample Problem SP8-3 568
8-45 Sample Problem SP8-4 569
8-46 Fixed Fasteners 569
8-47 Sample Problem SP8-5 570
8-48 Design Problems 571
Chapter Projects 575
CHAPTER 9 Bearings and Fit
Tolerances 605
Chapter Objectives 605
9-1 Introduction 605
9-2 Sleeve Bearings 606
To Draw a Sleeve Bearing 606
To Use a Sleeve Bearing in an Assembly Drawing 607
9-3 Bearings from the Toolbox 609
9-4 Ball Bearings 612
9-5 Fits and Tolerances for Bearings 614
9-6 Fits—Inches 614
9-7 Clearance Fits 614
9-8 Hole Basis 615
9-9 Shaft Basis 615
9-10 Sample Problem SP9-1 615
9-11 Interference Fits 616
9-12 Manufactured Bearings 617
Clearance for a Manufactured Bearing 618
To Apply a Clearance Fit Tolerance Using SolidWorks 618
Interference for a Manufactured Bearing 619
To Apply an Interference Fit Tolerance Using
SolidWorks 619
Using SolidWorks to Apply Standard Fit Tolerances
to an Assembly Drawing 620
9-13 Fit Tolerances—Millimeters 621
Chapter Projects 622
CHAPTER 10 Gears 639
Chapter Objectives 639
10-1 Introduction 639
10-2 Gear Terminology 640
10-3 Gear Formulas 641
10-4 Creating Gears Using Solid Works 642
To Create a Gear Assembly 643
To Animate the Gears 647
10-5 Gear Ratios 648
10-6 Gears and Bearings 649
To Add Bearings 649
10-7 Power Transmission—Shaft to Gear 651
10-8 Set Screws and Gear Hubs 651
To Add a Threaded Hole to the Gear’s Hub 653
10-9 Keys, Keyseats, and Gears 656
To Define and Create Keyseats in Gears 656
To Return to the Assembly Drawing 659
To Define and Create a Parallel Key 660
To Create a Keyseat in the Shaft 661
To Create the Keyseat 663
To Create the Arc-Shaped End of a Keyseat 663
10-10 Sample Problem 10-1—Support Plates 665
To Determine the Pitch Diameter 666
To Edit the Bill of Materials 667
10-11 Rack and Pinion Gears 671
To Animate the Rack and Pinion 673
10-12 Metric Gears 673
To Create a Metric Gear 674
Chapter Projects 676
CHAPTER 11 Belts and Pulleys 699
Chapter Objectives 699
11-1 Introduction 699
11-2 Belt and Pulley Standard Sizes 699
To Draw a Belt and Pulley Assembly 700
11-3 Pulleys and Keys 705
To Add a Keyway to a Pulley 706
11-4 Multiple Pulleys 708
To Create a Multi-Pulley Assembly 708x Contents
11-5 Chains and Sprockets 711
To Create a Chain and Sprocket Assembly 712
To Add Thickness and Width to the Chain 714
Chapter Projects 717
CHAPTER 12 Cams 725
Chapter Objectives 725
12-1 Introduction 725
12-2 Base Circle 725
12-3 Trace Point 725
12-4 Dwell, Rise, and Fall 726
Shape of the Rise and Fall Lines 726
Cam Direction 726
12-5 Creating Cams in SolidWorks 726
To Access the Cam Tools 727
12-6 Cam - Circular Setup Tab 727
12-7 Cam - Circular Motion Tab 731
12-8 Cam - Circular Creation Tab 732
12-9 Hubs on Cams 733
Using the Cam - Circular Dialog Box to Create a Hub 733
Using the Sketch and Features Tools to Create a Hub 735
To Add a Threaded Hole to a Cam’s Hub 735
To Add a Keyway to Cam 739
12-10 Springs for Cams 740
To Draw a Spring 740
12-11 Sample Problem SP12-1—Cams in
Assemblies 743
Creating an Orthographic Drawing and a Bill
of Materials 746
Chapter Projects 749
Index 769
CHAPTER 13 Projects 1
13-1 Introduction 1
13-2 Project 1: Milling Vise 1
13-3 Project 2: Tenon Jig 13

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