كتاب Applied Statics and Strength of Materials
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Applied Statics and Strength of Materials

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Applied Statics and Strength of Materials Sixth Edition
George F. Limbrunner, P.E.
Hudson Valley Community College (Emeritus)
Craig T. D’Allaird, P.E.
Hudson Valley Community College

كتاب Applied Statics and Strength of Materials A_s_s_10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Brief Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 Principles of Statics 16
3 Resultants of Coplanar Force Systems 31
4 Equilibrium of Coplanar Force Systems 62
5 Analysis of Structures 88
6 Friction 113
7 Centroids and Centers of Gravity 142
8 Area Moments of Inertia 157
9 Stresses and Strains 177
10 Properties of Materials 199
11 Stress Considerations 219
12 Torsion in Circular Sections 247
13 Shear and Bending Moment in Beams 263
14 Stresses in Beams 301
15 Deflection of Beams 334
16 Design of Beams 366
17 Combined Stresses 381
18 Columns 418
19 Connections 436
20 Pressure Vessels 456
21 Statically Indeterminate Beams 466
Appendices 485
Notation 517
Answers to Selected Problems 519
Index 527Contents
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Mechanics Overview 1
1.2 Applications of Statics 2
1.3 The Mathematics of Statics 2
1.4 Calculations and Numerical Accuracy 7
1.5 Calculations and Dimensional Analysis 8
1.6 SI Units for Statics and Strength of Materials 10
Summary by Section Number 13
Problems 13
2 Principles of Statics 16
2.1 Forces and the Effects of Forces 16
2.2 Characteristics of a Force 16
2.3 Units of a Force 16
2.4 Types and Occurrence of Forces 17
2.5 Scalar and Vector Quantities 17
2.6 The Principle of Transmissibility 18
2.7 Types of Force Systems 18
2.8 Orthogonal Concurrent Forces: Resultants and Components 19
Summary by Section Number 26
Problems 27
3 Resultants of Coplanar Force Systems 31
3.1 Resultant of Two Concurrent Forces 31
3.2 Resultant of Three or More Concurrent Forces 35
3.3 Moment of a Force 373.4 The Principle of Moments: Varignon’s Theorem 39
3.5 Resultants of Parallel Force Systems 40
3.6 Couples 47
3.7 Resultants of Nonconcurrent Force Systems 48
Summary by Section Number 50
Problems 51
4 Equilibrium of Coplanar Force Systems 62
4.1 Introduction 62
4.2 Conditions of Equilibrium 62
4.3 The Free-Body Diagram 63
4.4 Equilibrium of Concurrent Force Systems 67
4.5 Equilibrium of Parallel Force Systems 72
4.6 Equilibrium of Nonconcurrent Force Systems 74
Summary by Section Number 77
Problems 77
5 Analysis of Structures 88
5.1 Introduction 88
5.2 Trusses 88
5.3 Forces in Members of Trusses 89
5.4 The Method of Joints 89
5.5 The Method of Sections 94
5.6 Analysis of Frames 97
Summary by Section Number 104
Problems 104
6 Friction 113
6.1 Introduction 113
6.2 Friction Theory 114
6.3 Angle of Friction 115
6.4 Friction Applications 115
6.5 Wedges 1256.6 Belt Friction 128
6.7 Square-Threaded Screws 132
Summary by Section Number 135
Problems 135
7 Centroids and Centers of Gravity 142
7.1 Introduction 142
7.2 Center of Gravity 142
7.3 Centroids and Centroidal Axes 145
7.4. Centroids and Centroidal Axes of Composite Areas 145
Summary by Section Number 151
Problems 152
8 Area Moments of Inertia 157
8.1 Introduction and Definitions 157
8.2 Moment of Inertia 158
8.3 The Transfer Formula 160
8.4 Moment of Inertia of Composite Areas 161
8.5 Radius of Gyration 167
8.6 Polar Moment of Inertia 169
Summary by Section Number 172
Problems 172
9 Stresses and Strains 177
9.1 Introduction 177
9.2 Tensile and Compressive Stresses 177
9.3 Shear Stresses 183
9.4 Tensile and Compressive Strain and Deformation 187
9.5 Shear Strain 188
9.6 The Relation between Stress and Strain (Hooke’s Law) 189
Summary by Section Number 194
Problems 19410 Properties of Materials 199
10.1 The Tension Test 199
10.2 The Stress-Strain Diagram 200
10.3 Mechanical Properties of Materials 203
10.4 Engineering Materials: Metals 205
10.5 Engineering Materials: Nonmetals 209
10.6 Allowable Stresses and Calculated Stresses 210
10.7 Factor of Safety 212
10.8 Elastic-Inelastic Behavior 213
Summary by Section Number 215
Problems 215
11 Stress Considerations 219
11.1 Poisson’s Ratio 219
11.2 Thermal Effects 223
11.3 Members Composed of Two or More Components 226
11.4 Stress Concentration 232
11.5 Stresses on Inclined Planes 235
11.6 Shear Stresses on Mutually Perpendicular Planes 237
11.7 Tension and Compression Caused by Shear 237
Summary by Section Number 240
Problems 240
12 Torsion in Circular Sections 247
12.1 Introduction 247
12.2 Members in Torsion 247
12.3 Torsional Shear Stress 249
12.4 Angle of Twist 255
12.5 Transmission of Power by a Shaft 257
Summary by Section Number 260
Problems 260
13 Shear and Bending Moment in Beams 263
13.1 Types of Beams and Supports 26313.2 Types of Loads on Beams 264
13.3 Beam Reactions 266
13.4 Shear Force and Bending Moment 268
13.5 Shear Diagrams 276
13.6 Moment Diagrams 282
13.7 Sections of Maximum Moment 287
13.8 Moving Loads 289
Summary by Section Number 292
Problems 292
14 Stresses in Beams 301
14.1 Tensile and Compressive Stresses Due to Bending 301
14.2 The Flexure Formula 303
14.3 Computation of Bending Stresses 305
14.4 Shear Stresses 310
14.5 The General Shear Formula 311
14.6 Shear Stresses in Structural Members 313
14.7 Inelastic Bending of Beams 319
14.8 Beam Analysis 322
Summary by Section Number 327
Problems 328
15 Deflection of Beams 334
15.1 Reasons for Calculating Beam Deflection 334
15.2 Curvature and Bending Moment 335
15.3 Methods of Calculating Deflection 337
15.4. The Formula Method 337
15.5 The Moment-Area Method 341
15.6 Moment Diagram by Parts 349
15.7 Applications of the Moment-Area Method 352
Summary by Section Number 360
Problems 36016 Design of Beams 366
16.1 The Design Process 366
16.2 Design of Steel Beams 368
16.3 Design of Timber Beams 374
Summary by Section Number 378
Problems 378
17 Combined Stresses 381
17.1 Introduction 381
17.2 Biaxial Bending 381
17.3 Combined Axial and Bending Stresses 383
17.4 Eccentrically Loaded Members 387
17.5 Maximum Eccentricity for Zero Tensile Stress 390
17.6 Eccentric Load Not on Centroidal Axis 391
17.7 Combined Normal and Shear Stresses 393
17.8 Mohr’s Circle 402
17.9 Mohr’s Circle: The General State of Stress 405
Summary by Section Number 409
Problems 409
18 Columns 418
18.1 Introduction 418
18.2 Ideal Columns 419
18.3 Effective Length 422
18.4 Real Columns 423
18.5 Allowable Stresses for Columns 424
18.6 Axially Loaded Structural Steel Columns (AISC) 425
18.7 Axially Loaded Steel Machine Parts 426
18.8 Axially Loaded Timber Columns 429
Summary by Section Number 432
Problems 433
19 Connections 436
19.1 Introduction 43619.2 Bolts and Bolted Connections (AISC) 436
19.3 Modes of Failure of a Bolted Connection 439
19.4 High-Strength Bolted Connections 441
19.5 Introduction to Welding 446
19.6 Strength and Behavior of Welded Connections (AISC) 447
Summary by Section Number 451
Problems 451
20 Pressure Vessels 456
20.1 Introduction 456
20.2 Stresses in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 457
20.3 Joints in Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 461
20.4 Design and Fabrication Considerations 463
Summary by Section Number 463
Problems 464
21 Statically Indeterminate Beams 466
21.1 Introduction 466
21.2 Restrained Beams 466
21.3 Propped Cantilever Beams 467
21.4 Fixed Beams 470
21.5 Continuous Beams: Superposition 474
21.6 The Theorem of Three Moments 475
Summary by Section Number 482
Problems 482
Appendices 485
Appendix A Selected W Shapes: Dimensions and Properties 486
Appendix B Selected Pipes: Dimensions and Properties 489
Appendix C Selected Channels: Dimensions and Properties 491
Appendix D Selected Angles: Properties for Designing 493
Appendix E Properties of Structural Timber 495
Appendix F Design Values for Timber Construction 499Appendix G Typical Average Properties of Some Common Materials 501
Appendix H Beam Diagrams and Formulas 503
Appendix I Steel Beam Selection Table(Zx ) 509
Appendix J Steel Beam Selection Table(/x ) 511
Appendix K Centroids of Areas by Integration 513
Appendix L Area Moments of Inertia by Integration 515
Notation 517
Answers to Selected Problems 519
Index 527

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