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عدد المساهمات : 19004 التقييم : 35512 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Machine Tool Design Handbook السبت 10 نوفمبر 2018, 4:12 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Machine Tool Design Handbook Cmti
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS FOREWORD PREFACE ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS BASIC REFERENCE IlATA MATHEMATICS Numbers, cubes, squares, roots etc. Logarithmic tables Trigonometric tables involute Arens, volume etc. MECHANICS SI Units Conversion units Conversion chart (Pr-stress) CG, Ml, polar MI and section modulus Bending moment, slope and deflection DRAWING STANDARDS Drawing sheet sizes Principles of orthographic projections Conventional representation Symbols for machine tool indication plates Graphical symbols for kinematic schemes of machine topis Geometrical tolerances- interpretation SCREW THREADS AND THREADED FASTENERS Thread profiles and standard pitch diameter combination Dolts, nuts and screws Thread runout and undercut Clearmice holes MleVhanittd properties of threaded fasteners Permissible load carrying capacity for fastenen-guide Washers and spring washers GENERAL ENGINEERING TABLES Centre holes Countersinks and counterbores Tapers Relief grooves Radii and chamfers Knurling Preferred numbers 142alv CONTENTS BASIC REFERENCE DATA (Could.) Speeds and feeds 141) TNIMA, tenons, T-bolts and T-nuts Circlips i 'yliiti'iiical and taper pins Space required tor open jnw spanners Minimum bending radii for sheets and tubes MACHINE ELEMENTS SHAFTS, KEYS AMD SP1 INFS Design *'»f MIIAI'I* Calculation procedure for strength Calculation procedure for stiffness Formulae for critical speeds Calculation foi MIMI.IIIIIY In Imekling Checking calculation for keys Checking calculation for splines Dimensions for parallel keys anti key ways (sliding and non-sliding) Dimensions for woodruff keys Dimensions for straight sided splines for machine tool* Rotary shaft seals TOOTHED CLUTCHES 186 Calculation of tooth parameters Strength calculation ot clutch teeth UNI-DIRECTIONAL CLUTCHES (ROLLER TYPF) 196 SAHKTY CI .UTCHKS (OVKRI.OAD) Toothed type . Rail type FRICTION CI UTCHFS 210 Disc dutches Cone clutches HKAKLS 2 ) 9 UNIVERSAL JOINTS BELTS Hat beds -helis Timing belt KOI I HR CHAINS 244 TOOTHKD ( tKAKINCv Nomenclature for toothed gearing Basic rack profile 258CONTENTS XV MACHINE ELEMENTS (Comd.) SPUR AND HI'LlCAL. GEARS Standard spur gearing Corrected spur gearing Tolerances tor spur geoi s Strength calculation Helical gears Tolerances tor helical gears Strength calculation for helical gears INTERNAL GEARS Determination of tooth parameters Correction of internal gears Limiting values for number of teeth MEASUREMENT OVER ROLLERS FOR GEARS 296 TABLE l OR VARIOUS GEAR RATIOS AND NO. Oh TEETH C ROSSED HELICAL GEARS WORM GEARING Types of cylindrical worms Design considerations Worm gear correction Loud capacity BEVEL GEARING Types ot bevel gears Tiniih profile of straight bevel gears Rating of straight tooth bevel gears in strength and wear Sprifil bevel gents Type of tooth Iraeet Zetol bevel gears Ai;eo* >tey gulden mid lolmanees PI ANFTARY GEARING CALCULATIONS OF REARING LOADS DIJF. TO DIFFERENT TYPES Oh GI'.XRS INFORMATION FOR GIVING GEAR DATA ON DRAWINGS REARING Life ealeulation of bearing Elastic deformation in rolling bearing Speed limit lor tolling beating Calculation factors for bearings Bearing dimension and load rating Tolerance for antifriction bearing Tolerances for mounting of bearings iivi CONTENTS MACHINE ELEMENTS (Coilld,) hearing nUllinliilg HiixilgrinunlM Sealing of rolling hearings Hydrodynamic bearings HELICAL COMPRESSION SPRINOS HELICAL TENSION SPRINOS HEMCAL TORSION SPRINGS FLAT SPIRAL SPRINGS DISC SPRINGS MACHINE TOOL HKSKjiN TOLERANCES AND FITS ISO system of tolerance . Allowable deviations for dimensions without tolerances Selected shall and hole tolerances and fils Tolerances SURFACE ROUGHNESS Guide for MUKielinn Surface roiigltnnrM nhiHiiiNlrlu fmm niHiiiifactiiiing proces>.es Surface roughness symbols M ACHINE TOOL TABLES - SIZES 573 QUALITY OF SCRAPED SURFACES niJIUUWAVS FOR MACHINE TOOLS Checking calculations Allowable hearing pressures Survi-y i.|» profiles Dimensions tor different types Of guidewpys and g|b* Inspection of dovetail guideways MACHINE TOOL SPIN I ILLS Rigidity calculations Dimensions of type A spindle noses Dimensions of camlock spindle noses Dimension ot boyonel spindle nose . Dimensions of milling spindle noses Dimensions of self holding tapers and drillchuck tapers Dimensions ol grinding spindles Adjustable u1.ipti;iM Ini IIHIIM LUBRICANTS AND LUBRICATION Type* of Inin Irani* M.iduH nf liihricnlinii Solorfion nf lubricants Lubrication grooves GEAR BOXES FOR MACHINE TOOLS 599CONTENTS XVii MACHINING DATA POWER AND FORCE REQUIREMENTS CUTTING CONDITIONS TOOL OF.OMF.TR 'Y MATERIALS AND HEAT TREATMENT CAST IRON STEELS NON-EERKOUS METALS AND ALLOYS NON- METALLIC MATERIALS HARDNESS CONVERSION HF.AT TR KATMKNT ( >K SI EHI ,S . ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT FOR MACHINE TOOLS DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OK ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT Connections to supply network Emergency slopping devices Protective liuiflMnuK Control circuits Control and operating devices Wiring Tests Safety practices ELECTRIC MOTORS Mourning Synchronous speed*} *nd rated speeds Insulation, protection and cooling Standard dimensions of toot, flange and face mounted motors Duty cycler. Recommended vibration elaHH lor different applications ELECTRICAL ELEMENTS Electromagnetic: clinches and brakes Electromagnets Switching, control and pioiuciivu devious GUIDE KOK SELECTION OF FUSES AND WIRES GRAPHICAL SYMBOLS FOR ELECTRICAL CIRCUITS COOLANT PUMP 773xvlll CONTENTS Oil. HYORALICS IN MACHINE TOOIM INTRODUCTION HYDRAULIC FLUIDS AND FLUID FLOW HYDRAULIC KIFMLNTS Power generating element Hiiwf.r utilizing elements Control nf pumps, and motors Control valve* Accessories HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS HyOiwuIk power supply Hydrostatic transmission APPLICATIONS IN MACHINE TOOLS Cyliiulrjpal grinding machine HROACHlug machine Flow forming lathr. Copying systems Electrohydraulic servomechaumnw HYDRAULIC. KKFKRF.NCE DATA MHO
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