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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Machine Elements in Mechanical Design الإثنين 05 نوفمبر 2018, 10:44 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Machine Elements in Mechanical Design Sixth Edition Robert L. Mott University of Dayton Edward M. Vavrek Purdue University Jyhwen Wang Texas A&M University
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
2–9 Tool Steels 51 2–10 Cast Iron 51 2–11 Powdered Metals 53 2–12 Aluminum 56 2–13 Zinc Alloys and Magnesium 58 2–14 Nickel-Based Alloys and Titanium 59 2–15 Copper, Brass, and Bronze 60 2–16 Plastics 61 2–17 Composite Materials 64 2–18 Materials Selection 76 References 81 Internet Sites Related to Design Properties of Materials 82 Problems 83 Supplementary Problems 85 Internet-Based Assignments 86 3 Stress and Deformation Analysis 87 The Big Picture 87 You Are the Designer 88 3–1 Objectives of This Chapter 91 3–2 Philosophy of a Safe Design 91 3–3 Representing Stresses on a Stress Element 92 3–4 Normal Stresses Due to Direct Axial Load 93 3–5 Deformation Under Direct Axial Load 94 3–6 Shear Stress due to Direct Shear Load 94 3–7 Torsional Load—Torque, Rotational Speed, and Power 94 3–8 Shear Stress due to Torsional Load 96 3–9 Torsional Deformation 98 3–10 Torsion in Members Having Non-Circular Cross Sections 98 3–11 Torsion in Closed, Thin-Walled Tubes 100 3–12 Torsion in Open, Thin-Walled Tubes 100 3–13 Shear Stress Due to Bending 102 Preface ix Acknowledgments xv PART 1 Principles of Design and Stress Analysis 1 1 The Nature of Mechanical Design 2 The Big Picture 2 You Are the Designer 7 1–1 Objectives of This Chapter 8 1–2 The Design Process 8 1–3 Skills Needed in Mechanical Design 9 1–4 Functions, Design Requirements, and Evaluation Criteria 10 1–5 Example of the Integration of Machine Elements into a Mechanical Design 12 1–6 Computational Aids 13 1–7 Design Calculations 14 1–8 Preferred Basic Sizes, Screw Threads, and Standard Shapes 14 1–9 Unit Systems 20 1–10 Distinction Among Weight, Force, and Mass 21 References 22 Internet Sites for General Mechanical Design 22 Internet Sites for Innovation and Managing Complex Design Projects 23 Problems 23 2 Materials in Mechanical Design 25 The Big Picture 25 You Are the Designer 26 2–1 Objectives of This Chapter 27 2–2 Properties of Materials 27 2–3 Classification of Metals and Alloys 39 2–4 Variabilty of Material Properties Data 43 2–5 Carbon and Alloy Steel 43 2–6 Conditions for Steels and Heat Treatment 46 2–7 Stainless Steels 51 2–8 Structural Steel 51 CONTENTSviii Contents 22–14 Drum Brakes 768 22–15 Band Brakes 772 22–16 Other Types of Clutches and Brakes 773 References 775 Internet Sites for Clutches and Brakes 775 Problems 775 23 Design Projects 778 23–1 Objectives of This Chapter 778 23–2 Design Projects 778 List of Appendices 781 Appendix 1 Properties of Areas 782 Appendix 2 Preferred Basic Sizes and Screw Threads 784 Appendix 3 Design Properties of Carbon and Alloy Steels 787 Appendix 4 Properties of Heat-Treated Steels 789 Appendix 5 Properties of Carburized Steels 791 Appendix 6 Properties of Stainless Steels 792 Appendix 7 Properties of Structural Steels 793 Appendix 8 Design Properties of Cast Iron—U.S. Units Basis 794 Appendix 8A Design Properties of Cast Iron—SI Units Basis 795 Appendix 9 Typical Properties of Aluminum 796 Appendix 10–1 Properties of Die-Cast Zinc Alloys 797 Appendix 10–2 Properties of Die-Cast Magnesium Alloys 797 Appendix 11–1 Properties of Nickel-Based Alloys 798 Appendix 11–2 Properties of Titanium Alloys 798 Appendix 12 Properties of Bronzes, Brasses, and Other Copper Alloys 799 Appendix 13 Typical Properties of Selected Plastics 800 Appendix 14 Beam-Deflection Formulas 801 Appendix 15 Commercially Available Shapes Used For Load-Carrying Members 809 Appendix 16 Conversion Factors 829 Appendix 17 Hardness Conversion Table 830 Appendix 18 Stress Concentration Factors 831 Appendix 19 Geometry Factor, I, for Pitting for Spur Gears 834 Answers to Selected Problems 837 Index 848 21 Electric Motors and Controls 723 The Big Picture 723 You Are the Designer 725 21–1 Objectives of This Chapter 725 21–2 Motor Selection Factors 725 21–3 AC Power and General Information about AC Motors 726 21–4 Principles of Operation of AC Induction Motors 727 21–5 AC Motor Performance 728 21–6 Three-Phase, Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors 729 21–7 Single-Phase Motors 731 21–8 AC Motor Frame Types and Enclosures 733 21–9 Controls for AC Motors 735 21–10 DC Power 742 21–11 DC Motors 742 21–12 DC Motor Control 744 21–13 Other Types of Motors 744 References 746 Internet Sites for Electric Motors and Controls 746 Problems 747 22 Motion Control: Clutches and Brakes 749 The Big Picture 749 You Are the Designer 751 22–1 Objectives of This Chapter 751 22–2 Descriptions of Clutches and Brakes 751 22–3 Types of Friction Clutches and Brakes 751 22–4 Performance Parameters 756 22–5 Time Required to Accelerate or Decelerate a Load 758 22–6 Inertia of a System Referred to the Clutch Shaft Speed 760 22–7 Effective Inertia for Bodies Moving Linearly 761 22–8 Energy Absorption: Heat-Dissipation Requirements 762 22–9 Response Time 762 22–10 Friction Materials and Coefficient of Friction 764 22–11 Plate-Type Clutch or Brake 765 22–12 Caliper Disc Brakes 767 22–13 Cone Clutch or Brake 767
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