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عدد المساهمات : 19001 التقييم : 35505 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: حل كتاب Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Instructor Solution Manual الإثنين 1 أكتوبر 2018 - 15:48 | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم حل كتاب Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Instructor Solution Manual (3rd Edition) Anthony Hayter
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents 1 Probability Theory 7 1.1 Probabilities . 7 1.2 Events 9 1.3 Combinations of Events 13 1.4 Conditional Probability 16 1.5 Probabilities of Event Intersections 22 1.6 Posterior Probabilities . 28 1.7 Counting Techniques 32 1.9 Supplementary Problems 37 2 Random Variables 49 2.1 Discrete Random Variables 49 2.2 Continuous Random Variables . 54 2.3 The Expectation of a Random Variable . 58 2.4 The Variance of a Random Variable . 62 2.5 Jointly Distributed Random Variables 68 2.6 Combinations and Functions of Random variables 77 2.8 Supplementary Problems 86 3 Discrete Probability Distributions 95 3.1 The Binomial Distribution . 95 3.2 The Geometric and Negative Binomial Distributions 99 3.3 The Hypergeometric Distribution . 102 3.4 The Poisson Distribution . 105 3.5 The Multinomial Distribution . 107 3.7 Supplementary Problems 109 4 Continuous Probability Distributions 113 4.1 The Uniform Distribution . 113 4.2 The Exponential Distribution . 116 4.3 The Gamma Distribution . 119 4.4 The Weibull Distribution . 121 4.5 The Beta Distribution . 123 4.7 Supplementary Problems 125 34 CONTENTS 5 The Normal Distribution 129 5.1 Probability Calculations using the Normal Distribution 129 5.2 Linear Combinations of Normal Random Variables . 135 5.3 Approximating Distributions with the Normal Distribution 140 5.4 Distributions Related to the Normal Distribution 144 5.6 Supplementary Problems 148 6 Descriptive Statistics 157 6.1 Experimentation 157 6.2 Data Presentation . 159 6.3 Sample Statistics 161 6.6 Supplementary Problems 164 7 Statistical Estimation and Sampling Distributions 167 7.2 Properties of Point Estimates . 167 7.3 Sampling Distributions . 170 7.4 Constructing Parameter Estimates 176 7.6 Supplementary Problems 177 8 Inferences on a Population Mean 183 8.1 Confidence Intervals 183 8.2 Hypothesis Testing . 189 8.5 Supplementary Problems 196 9 Comparing Two Population Means 205 9.2 Analysis of Paired Samples 205 9.3 Analysis of Independent Samples . 209 9.6 Supplementary Problems 218 10 Discrete Data Analysis 225 10.1 Inferences on a Population Proportion 225 10.2 Comparing Two Population Proportions . 232 10.3 Goodness of Fit Tests for One-way Contingency Tables . 240 10.4 Testing for Independence in Two-way Contingency Tables . 246 10.6 Supplementary Problems 251 11 The Analysis of Variance 263 11.1 One Factor Analysis of Variance . 263 11.2 Randomized Block Designs 273 11.4 Supplementary Problems 281 12 Simple Linear Regression and Correlation 287 12.1 The Simple Linear Regression Model . 287 12.2 Fitting the Regression Line 289 12.3 Inferences on the Slope Parameter ?ˆ1 . 292 12.4 Inferences on the Regression Line . 296 12.5 Prediction Intervals for Future Response Values . 298 12.6 The Analysis of Variance Table 300 12.7 Residual Analysis 302CONTENTS 5 12.8 Variable Transformations . 303 12.9 Correlation Analysis 305 12.11Supplementary Problems 306 13 Multiple Linear Regression and Nonlinear Regression 317 13.1 Introduction to Multiple Linear Regression . 317 13.2 Examples of Multiple Linear Regression . 320 13.3 Matrix Algebra Formulation of Multiple Linear Regression . 322 13.4 Evaluating Model Accuracy 327 13.6 Supplementary Problems 328 14 Multifactor Experimental Design and Analysis 333 14.1 Experiments with Two Factors 333 14.2 Experiments with Three or More Factors 336 14.3 Supplementary Problems 340 15 Nonparametric Statistical Analysis 343 15.1 The Analysis of a Single Population . 343 15.2 Comparing Two Populations . 347 15.3 Comparing Three or More Populations 350 15.4 Supplementary Problems 354 16 Quality Control Methods 359 16.2 Statistical Process Control . 359 16.3 Variable Control Charts 361 16.4 Attribute Control Charts . 363 16.5 Acceptance Sampling 364 16.6 Supplementary Problems 365 17 Reliability Analysis and Life Testing 367 17.1 System Reliability . 367 17.2 Modeling Failure Rates 369 17.3 Life Testing . 372 17.4 Supplementary Problems
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