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| موضوع: كتاب Mathematics for Machine Technology الإثنين 09 يوليو 2018, 6:51 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mathematics for Machine Technology Fourth Edition Robert D. Smith
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Preface ix SECTION 1 Common Fractions, Decimal Fractions, and Percentage 1 UNIT 1 UNIT 2 UNIT 3 UNIT 4 UNIT 5 UNIT 6 Introduction to Common Fractions and Mixed Numbers Addition of Common Fractions and Mixed Numbers Subtraction of Common Fractions and Mixed Numbers Multiplication of Common Fractions and Mixed Numbers Division of Common Fractions and Mixed Numbers Combined Operations of Common Fractions and Mixed Numbers Computing with a Calculator: Fractions and Mixed Numbers Introduction to Decimal Fractions Rounding Decimal Fractions and Equivalent Decimal and Common Fractions Addition and Subtraction of Decimal Fractions Multiplication of Decimal Fractions Division of Decimal Fractions Powers Roots Table of Decimal Equivalents and Combined Operations of Decimal Fractions Computing with a Calculator: Decimals Introduction to Percents Basic Calculations of Percentages, Percents, and Rates Percent Practical Applications Achievement Review—Section One 16 11 15 19 22 UNIT 7 UNIT 8 UNIT 9 27 32 36 UNIT 10 UNIT 11 UNIT 12 UNIT 13 UNIT 14 UNIT 15 41 45 47 51 57 62 UNIT 16 UNIT 17 UNIT 18 UNIT 19 UNIT 20 68 74 77 82 88 SECTION 2 Linear Measurement: English and Metric 95 UNIT 21 English and Metric Units of Measure. . UNIT 22 Degree of Precision, Greatest Possible Error, Absolute Error, and Relative Error UNIT 23 Tolerance, Clearance, and Interference UNIT 24 English and Metric Steel Rules UNIT 25 English Vernier Calipers and Height Gages UNIT 26 Metric Vernier Calipers and Height Gages UNIT 27 English Micrometers VVi MATHEMATICS FOR MACHINE TECHNOLOGY UNIT 28 Metric Micrometers 141 UNIT 29 English and Metric Gage Blocks UNIT 30 Achievement Review— Section Two SECTION 3 Fundamentals of Algebra 155 UNIT 31 Symbolism 155 UNIT 32 Signed Numbers UNIT 33 Algebraic Operations of Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication UNIT 34 Algebraic Operations of Division, Powers, and Roots UNIT 35 Introduction to Equations UNIT 36 Solution of Equations by the Subtraction, Addition, and Division Principles of Equality UNIT 37 Solution of Equations by the Multiplication, Root, and Power Principles of Equality UNIT 38 Solution of Equations Consisting of Combined Operations and Rearrangement of Formulas UNIT 39 Ratio and Proportion UNIT 40 Direct and Inverse Proportions UNIT 41 Applications of Formulas to Cutting Speed, Revolutions Per Minute, and Cutting Time UNIT 42 Applications of Formulas to Spur Gears UNIT 43 Achievement Review—Section Three SECTION 4 Fundamentals of Plane Geometry 258 UNIT 44 Introduction to Geometric Figures UNIT 45 Protractors—Simple and Vernier UNIT 46 Angles UNIT 47 Introduction to Triangles UNIT 48 Geometric Principles for Triangles and Other Common Polygons UNIT 49 Introduction to Circles UNIT 50 Arcs and Angles of Circles UNIT 51 Fundamental Geometric Constructions UNIT 52 Achievement Review—Section Four SECTION 5 Trigonometry 333 UNIT 53 Introduction to Trigonometric Functions UNIT 54 Analysis of Trigonometric Functions UNIT 55 Basic Calculations of Angles and Sides of Right Triangles UNIT 56 Simple Practical Machine Applications 354CONTENTS Vii UNIT 57 Complex Practical Machine Applications UNIT 58 The Cartesian Coordinate System UNIT 59 Oblique Triangles: Law of Sines and Law of Cosines UNIT 60 Achievement Review —Section Five SECTION 6 Compound Angles 390 UNIT 61 Introduction to Compound Angles UNIT 62 Drilling and Boring Compound-Angular Holes: Computing Angles of Rotation and Tilt Using Given Lengths UNIT 63 Drilling and Boring Compound-Angular Holes: Computing Angles of Rotation and Tilt Using Given Angles UNIT 64 Machining Compound-Angular Surfaces: Computing Angles of Rotation and Tilt UNIT 65 Computing Angles Made by the Intersection of Two Angular Surfaces UNIT 66 Computing Compound Angles on Cutting and Forming Tools . . . . 418 UNIT 67 Achievement Review —Section Six SECTION 7 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) 428 UNIT 68 Introduction to Computer Numerical Control (CNC) UNIT 69 Control Systems, Absolute Positioning, Incremental Positioning UNIT 70 Binary Numeration System UNIT 71 Achievement Review —Section Seven Appendix Answers to Odd-Numbered Applications . Index 477INDEX signed numbers in, 162-171 signs of operation in, 155, 163-171 for spur gears, 246-251 substituting values in, 218-219 subtraction in, 177-178, 200-201 symbolism in, 155-158 terms vs. factors in , 176 transposition in, 201-202 unknown quantity in, 193 word statements and, 193-196 Algebraic expressions, 155-158, 179 Allowance, 109 steel rules and , 115 vernier height gage and, 122 Alternate interior angles, 278, 279* 280 Altitude, 292-293, 356 Ambiguous cases, 376-377 American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 95 Angle cuts, 357-358 Angles, 259-280 acute, 277, 347, 349-351, 372 adjacent, 278 alternate interior, 278. 279, 280 base, 284-285, 292, 356 bisecting, 322-323 calculator and, 262-266, 335-338, 347-351 coordinates and, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system central, 301, 303. 309-311 of circles, 309-310 complementary, 274, 279, 344 compound, 390-422 corresponding. See Corresponding angles English measurement of, 260, 261, 335, 347 formed on circles, 311 formed outside circles, 312 functions and, 335-338, 342-385, See also Cartesian coordinate system geometric principles and, 278-280 increasing, 342-344 inscribed, 301, 302, 310 mean, 337-338 metric measurement of, 260, 261-263, 335, 347 naming, 277 obtuse, 277 of polygons, 294 protractors and, 271-274 reference, 334, 372 reflex, 277 right, 277 of right triangles, 347-351 . See also Right triangle of rotation , 393—415 sine bar/plate and, 355 straight, 277 supplementary, 274, 279 taper, 355-356 of of triangles tilt, 393—, 415 285-286 trigonometry and, 333-385. See also Right triangle; Trigonometry true, 391-392, 418-419 types of, 277 278 units of measure of, 260-261 vertex of, 271, 292, 372 ANSI. See American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Anvil micrometers, 135 Arc, 301, 303, 309-313 intercepted, 309-312 trigonometry and, 337-338, 363-367 Arccos, 337-338 Arcsin, 337-338 Arctan, 337-338 Area measurements, 95, 157-158. See also Powers; Roots Arithmetic algebra and, 155, 179, 182-184 in angular measurement, 263-266 Arithmetic numbers, 155 Auxiliary lines. 254-257, 361-367 , 398-401 , 405 422 Axes, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system Axioms, 258 259 A Abscissa, 372 Absolute coordinates, 433-436 Absolute error, 104-105 Absolute positioning, 432-436 Absolute value, 163-171 Acute angle, 277, 347, 349-351, 372 Acute triangle. 375-378 Addendum, 246 Addition in algebra, 157, 176-177, 185 in angular measurement., 263-264 on calculator, 28-30, 68 in combined operations, 23-24 of decimal fractions, 41, 68 of fractions, 8, 28 - 30 of fractions and mixed and whole numbers, 9 of mixed numbers, 9, 28-30 in order of operations, 63 powers and. 52 of signed numbers, 164—165 Addition principles of equality, 202-203 Adjacent angles, 278 Adjacent side (in triangle), 334, 347-351 , 372 Algebra, 155-251 addition in, 176-177, 202-203 combined operations in , 185-186, 216-218 combined with trigonometry, 333 common letter designations in, 193 for cutting speed, 237-242 for cutting time, 238 -242 definitions in, 176 direct proportions in, 232-233 division in, 182-183, 203-204 ratios in, 224-225 equations in, 192-251 formulas in, 218—221. See also Formulas for gears, 246-251 inverse proportions in, 233—234 multiplication in, 178-179, 209 parentheses in, 185 powers in, 183- 184, 210-211 principles of equality in, 199-204 proportions in, 226-227, 231-234 rearranging formulas in, 219-221 for revolutions per minute, 238-242 roots in, 184 -185, 209-210 scientific notation in, 186-188 B Base (in percentage problem), 77-84 Base angles, 284-285, 356 isosceles triangle and, 292 Bench micrometers, 134 Bevel protractor, 273-274 Bevels, 355-356 Bilateral tolerance, 107-109 Binary numeration system, 439-442 Bisecting of angles, 322-323 of circles, 303, 304, 321 of triangles, 292-293 477478 MATHEMATICS FOR MACHINE TECHNOLOGY Bisector, perpendicular, 320-321 Corresponding angles, 278 » 279, 286, Bit, 440 Boring See Drilling/boring holes Bow micrometers, 135 Brackets, 63, 157 Bureau of Standards, 95 Byte. 440 Circular tooth thickness, 247-251 Circumference, 301, 301- 305 in arc length formula, 310-311 Clearance, 108-109, 247-251 cutting/forming tools and, 420-422 CNC. See Computer numerical control (CNC) Cofunctions, 335-338, 342-385 Combined operations in algebra, 185-186, 216-218 on calculator, 28, 30-31, 71-74 of common fractions and mixed numbers, 22-25 of decimal fractions, 63-65 powers and, 52 of signed numbers, 170-171 Common factors, dividing by, 15-16 Comparison measurement, 103 Complementary angles, 274, 344 Complex fractions, 2, 24—25 Compound angles, 390—422 angles of rotation/tilt and, 393—4 ) 5 clearance and, 420-422 cutting/forming tools and, 418-422 diagonal of rectangular solid and, 390-391 drilling/boring holes and, 393—401 holes and, 393-401 machining surfaces and, 404-409 made by intersecting surfaces, surfaces 412and —415 , 404-422 formulas for, 390. See also Formulas true lengths/angles and, 391-392, 412^22 Computer aided drafting/design (CAD), 439 Computer aided manufacturing (CAM), 439 Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM), 439 Computer numerical control (CNC), 162, 428-442 absolute binary numeration positioningsystem in, 432in—,436 439-442 incremental positioning in, 432, 436 —437 language-based vs. graphic-based programs for, 428-429 programming three-axis system for, in 428 , 429 —429, 432 two-axis system in , 429 —430 Computers, bits and bytes in, 440 Congruent triangles, 290 Continuous path, 432 Coordinates absolute, 433-436 incremental, 436-437 See also Cartesian coordinate system 291 congruent triangles and, 290 Corresponding sides, 286, 291- 292 Cos. See Cosine (cos) Cosecant, 334, 336-338, 342-385 Cartesian coordinate system and, 373 Cosine (cos), 334, 335-338, 342-385 Cartesian coordinate system and, 372-373 Law of Cosines and, 378 380 Cotangent (tan), 334, 336-338, 342-385 Cartesian coordinate system and, CAD. See Computer aided drafting/design (CAD) Calculator angular measurement on, 262-266, 375- 338, 347-351 clearing, 28 combined operations and, 28, 30-31, 71-74 decimals and, 68-74 fractions and, 28-30 mixed numbers and, 27-30 positive vs. negative numbers on , 164—171, 186-187 powers and, 69, 167-168 roots and, 59, 70, 169-170 scientific notation and, 187-188 trigonometry on , 335-338, 347-351 Calipers dial, 103 gage blocks and, 146 vernier, 103, 121-124, 129-131 CAM. See Computer aided manufacturing (CAM) Cancellation , 15- 16 Cartesian coordinate system , 371-373 absolute positioning and, 432- 436 and computer numerical control (CNC), 428, 429^37 incremental positioning and, 432, 436 —4-37 Law of Cosines and, 378, 380 Centimeters, 97-98, 99 Central angle. 301 , 303, 309-311 Chord, 301, 303, 305. 310-312 perpendicular bisector of , 321 CIM. See Computer integrated manufacturing (CIM) Circle, 301-315 angle formed on, 311 angle formed outside, 312 angles of, 260, 309-310 area of, 157-158 definitions involving, 301 degrees and, 260. See also Degrees polygon inscribed in , 302 tangent circle to another, 301, 304, 313-315, 366-367 tangent lines to, 323-324 Circular pitch. 247-251 Circular sections, computing areas of, 51, 57. See also Arcs; Powers; Roots 373 Cross multiplying , 226 Cutting speed, 237-242 Cutting time, 238-242 Cntting/forming tools, 418-422 D Decimal degrees, 260, 261-263 Decimal-inches on steel rules, 117 on vernier calipers, 121-124 on vernier height gages, 121-122, 124-125 Decimals, 32-49 addition of , 41 binary numbers and , 439 442 on calculator, 68-74 combined operations of, 63-65 division of, 47—49, 69 equivalent, 62 - 63 expressing as common fractions, 38 expressing as percents, 74-75 expressing common fractions as, 33, 37-38 expressing percents as, 75 multiplication of, 45-46, 69 reading and writing, 32-33 rounding, 36-38, 68 in scientific notation, 186-188 on steel rules, 117 structure of system of, 440 subtraction of , 42 terminating vs. nonterminating, 37 Decimeters, 97-98 Dedendum, 246 Degrees, 260-266 in arc length formula, 3 ) 0-311 calculator and, 335 338 protractors and, 271-274 trigonometry and, 335-338, 342-385 See also Angles Degrees of precision, 103-104, 320 angles and, 260 gage blocks and, 146 pi and, 302INDEX 479 for cutting time, 238-242 definition of, 192 for front-clearance-angle applications, 421—422 for gears, 246-25 i Law of Cosines and, 378-380 Law of Sines and, 375-378 for percentages, 78-84 rearranging , 175, 219-221, 248, 380 for revolutions per minute, 238-242 for spur gears, 246-251 square roots and, 57, 58 substituting values in , 218-219, 248 iSee also Equations Fraction bar, 63, 157 Fractional degrees, 260. See also Degrees Fractional exponents, 170-171. See also Exponents Fractions, 1-49 addition of, 6-11, 28-30 calculator and, 28-30 combined operations involving, 22-25 common, 1-38 complex, 2, 24-25 decimal. See Decimals definitions of , 2 division of, 19-20, 28-30 equivalent, 3, 7-8 expressing as percents, 75 expressing common fractions as decimal, 33, 37-38 expressing decimal fractions as common , 38 expressing percents as common, 76 improper, 2, 3^1 inverting, 19-20 multiplication of, 15-17, 28-30 reduced to lowest tenns, 3 roots of, 58 subtraction of, 11- 12, 28-30 Functions angles and , 335-385. See also Cartesian coordinate system Co-, 335-338, 342-385 of complementary angles, 344 inverse, 337-338 in trigonometry, 335-338, 342 - 385 variations of, 342-344 Equal sign, 192-193 Equality expression of, 192-193 principles of, 199-204, 209-211 Equations, 175, 192-251 checking, 196 combined operations in, 216-218 definition of, 192 and principles of equality, 199-204, 209-211 solving, 199-204 transposition and, 201-202 writing from word statements, 193- 196 See also Formulas Equidistant lines, 259 Equilateral triangle. 285, 292 -293 Equivalent decimals, 62-63 Equivalent fractions, 3, 7-8 Errors (in measurement), 104-105 gage blocks and, 147 Exponents, 51 algebra and, 176-179, 182-184 fractional, 170-171 positive vs. negative, 167-171, 186-187, 440 scientific notation and, 186-188 Extremes, 226 steel rules and, 115 vernier calipers and, 121, 129 Denominate numbers, 78, 95 Denominator, 2 cancellation and, 15-16 least common, 6-8 in parentheses, 22, 52, 63 Depth gage attachment, 124 Depth micrometers, 134, 135 Diagonals, 390 392 Dial calipers, 103 Dial indicators, 103, 124, 129 gage blocks and, 146 Diameter, 246, 247-251 circumference and, 302 definition of, 301 Diametral pitch, 247-251 Disc and blade micrometers, 134 Dividers, 320 Division in algebra, 157, 182-183, 185, 187 in angular measurement, 265-266 on calculator, 28-30, 69 in combined operations, 23-24 by common factors, 15-16 of decimal fractions, 47-49, 69 of fractions, 19-20, 28-30 of mixed numbers, 20, 28-30 in order of operations, 63 powers and, 52 scientific notation and, 187 of signed numbers, 167 Division principles of equality, 203-204 Dovetails, 357-358 Drill press, culling speed of, 237-239 Drilling/boring holes, 393-401 Dual dimensioning, 98 F Factors in algebra, 176-179, 182-185 conversion, 99 dividing by common, 15-16 literal , 176 -179, 182-184 powers and, 51 Feet, 96-97, 99 Flame cutting, 428 Forming tools. See Cutting/forming tools Formulas, 51 algebraic, 155-158 for angle of rotation in relation to frontal plane used in drilling, 399 —401 for angle of rotation in relation to frontal plane used in machining, 408^109 for angle of rotation/tilt. 399—415 for angle of tilt used in drilling, 399-401 for angle of tilt used in machining, 408-409 for angles of intersecting angular surfaces, 414-415 arc length, 310-311 circumference, 302-305 compound angles and, 390, 399-L22 for cutting/forming tools, 419-422 for cutting speed, 237-242 £ Electrical discharge machines, 428 Electronic comparators, 103 Ellipse, perimeter of , 158 English measurement angular, 260, 261, 335, 347 conversion between metric and, 98-99 cutting speed using, 237-239 expressing larger units as smaller in, 96 expressing smaller units as larger in, 96-97 gage blocks and, 146, 147 metric vs., 95 micrometers and, 134-138 revolutions per minute using, 238 on steel rules, 115 117 units of, 96 vernier calipers and , 121-124 vernier height gages and, 121-122, 124 —125 " G Gage blocks, 146-148 trigonometry and, 355 Gages, vernier. See Vernier height gages Gearing-diametral pitch system, 247-249 Gearing-metric module system, 249-251480 MATHEMATICS FOR MACHINE TECHNOLOGY auxiliary, 254-257 » 361-367, 398 —401, 405-422 dividing into equal parts, 324 geometric constructions of, 320-324 oblique, 259 parallel . See Parallel lines perpendicular. See Perpendicular lines projected, 354-358. 361-367, Literal factors 398—401 , 176 , 405 -179 -422 , 182-184 Literal numbers, 155 Location of points, 259, 429-430 Geais, 246-251 Geometric constructions, 319-324 Geometric principles, 278-280 applications of, 354-358 circles and, 303-305 Geometry, 51, 258-328 algebra and, 155, 192 angles in, 259-266 axioms and postulates in, 258-259 circles in, 301-315 combined with trigonometry, 333 plane, 258-328 points and lines in, 259 polygons in, 284-295 triangles in, 284—295 Greatest possible error, 104 Grinder computer numerical control (CNC) for, 428 cutting speed of , 237-239 Grouping symbols, 63, 64. See also Fraction bar; Parentheses; Radical symbol Inverse functions, 337-338 Inversion , 19-20, 440 Involute curve, 246, 248 Irrational number, 302 Isosceles triangle, 284, 285, 292-293 applications of, 356-357 K Kilometers, 97-98, 99 L Lathe computer numerical control (CNC) for, 428, 429-430 cutting speed of, 237-239 Law of Cosines, 378 -380 Law of Sines , 375-378 Least common denominator, 6-8 Legs (of triangle), 284, 285 Lengths computing angles using given , 393-395 true, and compound angles, 390. See also Compound angles See also Linear measurement; Powers; Roots; Unknown sides/angles Like terms, 176-179, 182-185, 225-227 Limits (in tolerance), 107-109 Linear measurement absolute error in, 104-105 allowance in, 109, 115 basic dimension in, 107-108 clearance in, 108-109. See also Clearance conversion between English and metric, 98-99 decimal-inch rules for, 117-118 definition of , 95 degrees of precision in, 103-104. See also Degrees of precision English, 96-97. See also English measurement errors in, 104-105 fit of mating parts in, 108-109 fractional-inch rules for, 116-117 gage blocks and, 146-148 greatest possible error in, 104 interference in , 109 limits in, 107-109 mating parts and, 108-109 mean dimension in, 107-108 metric, 97-98. See also Metric measurement relative error in, 104—105 tolerance in, 107-109. See also Tolerance M Machining, of compound-angular surfaces, 404-409 Machining centers, 428 Marking tools, 320-324 Mating parts, 108-109 Mean , 226 in angles, 337-338 in dimensions, 107-108 Measurement absolute error in, 104-105 angular, 260-284, 335, 347. See also Angles calipers for, 103, 121-124, 129-131 comparison, 103 decimal-inch rules for, 117-118 definitions of, 95-96 degrees of precision in, 103-104. See also Degrees of precision English vs. metric, 95. See also English measurement; Metric measurement fractional-inch rules for, 116-117 greatest possible error in, 104 height gages for, 121-122, 124-125, 130-131 high amplification comparators for, 103 instruments of, 103 of length. See Linear measurement limitations in, 103 linear. Sec Linear measurement micrometers for, 103, 134-138, 141-143, 146 protractors for, 271-274 relative error in, 104-105 of squares. See Squares, computing areas of of volume. See Volumes, computing steel rules for, 103, 115-118 vernier bevel protractor for, 273-274 vernier calipers for, 103 vernier height gages for, 121-122, 124-125. 130-131 vernier micrometers for, 137-138, 142-143 H Hectometers, 97-98 Hexagon, 294 High amplification comparators, 103 Holes absolute positioning system for, 433-436 compound-angular, 393-401 distance between, 356 drilling/boring, 393—401 Horizontal coordinates, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system Hypotenuse, 285, 293, 334, 347-351 Cartesian coordinate system and, 372-373 sine bar/plate and, 355 I Improper fractions, 2, 3-4 Inches, 96-97, 99, 347 computer numerical control (CNC) and, 429, 430 decimal-. See Decimal-inches degrees of precision and, 104 on steel rules, 115-1 17 Incremental coordinates, 436-437 Incremental positioning, 432, 436—437 Indicators, dial. See Dial indicators Infinity, 344 Inscribed angle, 301, 302, 310 Inside micrometers, 134, 135 Inspection, 428 Intercepted arc, 309-312 Interference, 109 International System of Units (SI), 95 Intersecting surfaces, 412-415 Lines, 259INDEX 481 Mechanical comparators, 103 Meters, 97-98, 99 Metric measurement angular, 260, 261-263, 335, 347 conversion between English and, 98-99 cutting speed using, 240 English vs., 95 gage blocks and, 147, 148 micrometers and, 141-143 revolutions per minute using, 240 on steel rules, 115-118 units of linear, 97 vernier calipers and, 129-131 Micrometers, 103 English, 134-138 gage blocks and, 146 metric, 141-143 Miles. 96-97, 99 Millimeters, 97-98, 99, 347 computer numerical control (CNC) and, 429, 430, 432 Milling machine computer numerical control (CNC) for, 428, 429 continuous-path , 432 cutting speed of, 237-239 point-to-point, 432, 433-436 Minus sign, 163-171 Minutes (angles), 260-266 Mixed numbers addition of, 9, 28-30 calculator and , 27-30 combined operations involving , 22-25 definition of, 2 division of, 20, 28-30 expressed as improper fractions, 3-4 expressed as percents, 75 improper fractions expressed as, 4 multiplication of, 16-17 subtraction of, 12-13 Module system, 249-251 Multiplication in algebra, 155, 157, 178-179, 185 m order of operations, 25, 63-65 parentheses within , 63 powers and, 51 Percentages calculating, 77-84 practical applications involving, 82-84 types of complex problems involving, 84 types of simple problems involving, 77-78 Percents, 74-84 definition of, 74 expressing common fractions as, 75 expressing decimal fractions as, 74-75, 75 expressing mixed numbers as, 75 Penmeter calculating, 157, 158 circumference and, 302 Perpendicular bisector, 320-321 Perpendicular lines, 259. 279, 292 circles and, 303, 304 geometric constructions and, 320-321 Pi , 157 158, 302 Pinions, 246 251 Pitch, 246, 247-25 1 Pitch circles, 246 Pitch diameter, 246 Plane geometry, 258-328 circles in , 301-315 polygons in , 284-295 triangles in, 284-295 Planes in angles of rotation/tilt., 404-415 compound angles and, 390^-09 cutting/forming tools and, 421-422 See also Surfaces Plotting points, 259, 429^130 Plus sign , 163-171 Pneumatic comparators. 103 Point-to-point system, 432, 433-436 Points (geometric), 259 computer numerical control (CNC) and, 429-430 Polygons, 284, 290, 294-295 inscribed in circles, 302 regular, 294, 302 similar, 290 types of, 294 Posihoning absolute, 432-436 incremental, 432, 436 437 for machining, 407 system for hole, 433-436 system for tool , 432 437 Positive exponents, 167-171, 186' 187. 440 Positive functions/values, 372-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system N NC . See Numerical control (NC) Negative exponents, 167-171, 186-187, 440 Negative functions/values, 372-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system Negative numbers, 163-171. 186-187 Number scale, 163-171 Numbers arithmetic vs. literal, 155 binary, 439^142 degree of precision of, 103-104 directed, 163 inational , 302 positive vs. negative, 163-1.7 j , 186-187 signed, 162-171 whole. See Whole numbers Numerator, 2 cancellation and, 15-16 in parentheses, 22, 52, 64 Numerical coefficients, 176 -179, 182-184 , Numerical control (NC), 162, 439. See also Computer numerical control (CNC) O Oblique lines, 259 Oblique triangles, 371, 375-380 Obtuse angle, 277, 375-378 Obtuse triangles, 375-378 ON/OFF, 439-442 Opposite side (in triangle), 334, 347-351, 372 gage blocks and, 355 Law of Sines and , 375-378 Optical comparators, 103 Order of operations. 22-23, 63 in algebra, 157-158, 185-186 calculator and, 30 decimal fractions and, 63-65 powers and, 52, 63 radical symbol and, 58 roots and, 58, 63 signed numbers and, 170 Order of terms, 225 Ordinate, 372 Origin , 371-373, 433 Outside diameter, 246 187 in angular measurement, 265 on calculator, 28-30, 69 in combined operations, 23—24 cross, 226 of decimal fractions, 45-46, 69 decimal places and, 65 division as inverse of, 19-20 of fractions, 15-17, 28-30 of mixed numbers, 16-17 in order of operations, 63 powers and, 52, 65 scientific notation and , 187 of signed numbers. 166 Multiplication principles of equality, P Parallel lines, 259, 292 geometric constructions and, 322 transversals and, 279-280 Parallelogram, 294 Parentheses, 22-23 in algebra, 155, 157, 185 209 in combined operations, 25482 MATHEMATICS FOR MACHINE TECHNOLOGY Solid, rectangular, 390-392, 398^422 Solid trigonometry, 390. See also Compound angles Spur gears, 246-251 Square, 294 computing area of, 51-53, 57. See also Powers; Roots Square roots, 57-59, 69, 70. See also Roots Squared numbers, 51-53, 69. See also Powers Steel rules, 103, 115-118 Straight angle, 277 Subtraction in algebra, 157, 177 178 , 185, 200-201 in angular measurement, 264-265 on calculator, 28-30, 68 in combined operations, 23 -24 of decimals, 42, 68 of fractions, 11-12, 28-30 of mixed numbers, 12-13, 28-30 in order of operations, 63 powers and, 52 of signed numbers, 165-166 Subtraction principles of equality, 200 201 Supplementary angles, 274, 279 Surfaces, compound -angular, 404-422 angles made by intersecting, 412-415 Rectangular solid, 390-392, 398-422 Reference angle, 334, 372 Reflex angle, 277 Regular hexagon, 294 Regular polygons, 294, 302 Relative error, 104-105 Revolutions per minute, 238-242 Right angle, 277 greater than, 371, 375. See also Obtuse angle less than, 375. See also Acute angle Right triangle, 285, 292-293 complex applications of , 361-367 compound angles and, 397, 405-415 ratio of sides of, 333, 347-351 simple applications of , 354-358 terms for sides of, 334 trigonometry and, 333-334, 347-367 Root circle, 246 Root diameter, 246 Root principles of equality, 209-210 Roots, 57-59 algebra and, 157 on calculator, 59, 70, 169-170 in order of operations, 63 principal , 169 of signed numbers, 169-170 that are not whole numbers, 59 Rotation, double, 404 Rotation, angle of. 292-415 Rounding, 36-38, 68 Rules, steel , 103, 115-118 Positive numbers, 163-171, 186-187 Postulates, 258-259, 278. See also Geometric principles Power principles of equality, 210-211 Powers, 51-53 algebra and, 157, 183-184 on calculator, 69, 167-168 decimal places and, 65 in order of operations, 63 of signed numbers, 167 - 168 Precision, degrees of . See Degrees of precision Principal root, 169 Principles, geometric. See Geometric principles Principles of equality, 199-204, 209-211 addition , 202-203 division, 203-204 multiplication, 209 power, 210-211 root, 209-210 subtraction, 200-201 Projected lines, 354-358, 361-367, 398-401, 405-422 Proportions, 226-227 circles and, 303 direct, 232-233 inverse. 233-234 Protractors, 271-274 bevel, with vernier scale, 273-274 simple semicircular, 271-273 Pyramids, 405 Pythagorean Theorem, 293, 304, 351 Symbol(s) in algebra, 155-158 fraction bar, 63, 157 grouping, 63, 64 infinity, 344 parentheses as. See Parentheses radical , 57, 58, 157 S Q Scalene triangle, 284 Scientific notation, 186-188 Screw thread micrometers, 134, 135 Scriber, 124 Secant , 301, 312 Cartesian coordinate system and, 373 in trigonometry, 334, 336-338, 342-385 Seconds (angles), 260-266 Sector, 301 Segment, 301, 305 SI. See International System of Units Quadrants, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system T Tangent (tan), 301, 304, 311-315 R Cartesian coordinate system and, 373 Radical symbol, 57, 58, 157 in order of operations, 63 Radius, 301. 303 in arc length formula. 311 Rate (percent), 77-84 Ratio to circle, 323-324, 357-358 circles that are, 301, 304, 313-315 , 366-367 constructing , 323-324 in trigonometry, 334—338, 342-385 Tapers, 355-356 Terms (in algebra), 176-179, 182-185 order of, 225 ratios and, 225-227 Thread cutting. 420-422 Thread wire checking dimensions, 357-358 Tilt, angle of , 393- 415 Tilt , double, 404 Tolerance, 107-109, 320 Tool -positioning systems, 432 -437 Tools/instruments calipers, 103, 121-124, 129-131 (SI) in arc length formula, 310-311 description of , 224-225 expressed in lowest terms. 225 proportion in, 226, 231-234 right triangle and, 333 trigonometry and, 333-335 Rectangle, 294 perimeter of, 157 solid, 390-392, 398-422 Rectangular coordinate system, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system Signed numbers, 162-171 calculator and, 164-165 Signs of operation , 155, 163-171 Similar figures, 290 Similar polygons, 290 Similar triangles, 291, 292 Sine (sin), 335-338, 348-385 Cartesian coordinate system and, 372-373 Law of Sines and, 375 —378 Sine bar, 355 Sine plate, 355INDEX 483 cutting/forming, 418-422 depth gage attachment, 124 dial indicators, 103, 124, 129 gage blocks. See Gage blocks height gages, 121-122, 124-125, 130-131 high amplification comparators, 103 marking , 320- 324 measuring, 103 micrometers, 103, 134—138, 141-143, 146 positioning systems for, 432-437 protractors for, 271-274 steel rules, 103, 115-118 vernier bevel protractor, 273-274 vernier calipers, 103 vernier height gages, 121 -122, 124-125, 130—131 vernier micrometers, 137-138, 142-143 Tooth thickness, 247-251 Trammels , 320 Transposition, 201 202 Transversal , 278-280 Triangles, 284-295 acute, 375-378 adjacent side in , 334 , 347-351, 372 coordinates and, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system congruent, 290 equilateral, 285, 292-293 hypotenuse of. See Hypotenuse isosceles. See Isosceles triangle legs of, 284, 285 oblique, 371, 375-380 obtuse, 375-378 opposite side in, 334, 347-351, 372 right . See Right triangle scalene, 284 trigonometry and , 333- 385 types of, 284-285 Trigonometry, 333-385 algebra and, 155, 192 analysis of functions in , 342-344 Cartesian coordinate system in. 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system complex applications of, 361-367 powers and, 51 ratio method in, 334-335 rectangular coordinate system in, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system right-angle. 354-358. See also Right triangle signed numbers and, 162 simple applications of, 354-358 solid, 390. See also Compound angles three-dimensional, 390. See also Compound angles unity or unit circle method in, 334 True length/angle, 391-392 cutting/forming tools and, 418-422 True value, 104-105 Turning center, 428 Vernier height gages English, 121-122, 124-125 metric, 130-131 Vernier micrometers English, 137-138 metric, 142-143 Vertex, 271, 292, 372 Vertical coordinates, 371-373. See also Cartesian coordinate system Volumes, computing, 51-53 English vs. metric measurements for, 95. See also English measurement ; Metric measurement W Whole depth. 246 Whole numbers addition of fractions and mixed and, 9 dividing decimals by, 48-49 roots of, 57-59 roots that are not, 59 Word statements (writing equations from), 193-196 Working depth, 247-251 U Unilateral tolerance, 107-109 Unity/unit circle method, 334 Unknown quantity, 193, 226 gears and, 248-251 Unknown sides/angles, 291-292, 333 347-367 compound angles and, 390-422 Law of Cosines and, 378-380 Law of Sines and , 375-378 Unlike terms, 176-179, 182-185, 225-227 X saxis, 371-373, 429-430, 432. See also Cartesian coordinate system y yaxis, 371-373, 429-430, 432. See also Cartesian coordinate system Yards, 96-97, 99 V V -blocks, 357-358 V-slots, distance between , 356-357 Vernier bevel protractor, 273-274 Vernier calipers, 103 English , 121-124 gage blocks and, 146 metric, 129-131 Z zaxis, 429^130, 432 Zero/one (binary system), 439^442 Zero point, 433. See also Origin
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