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| موضوع: كتاب Vertical Milling in the Home Workshop الإثنين 11 يونيو 2018, 7:37 am | |
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أحضرت لكم كتاب 02 - Vertical Milling in the Home Workshop ماكينة التفريز الرأسية في الورش المنزلية من سلسلة Workshop Practices Series Arnold Throp C.Eng., F.I.Mech.E.
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS Chapter One Chapter Tw o Chapter Three Chapte r Four Chapter Five EVOLUTION OF THE VERTICAL MILLER 12 Early history of indu strial machines: milling in the early sma ll lathes: milling attachments for lat hes circa 19 20s: E.T, W estbury's experimental machine 1964: the Dare-Westbury machine 1968: curre ntly avail able sma ll machines and attachments, MILLING FLAT SURFACES 27 Surfaces parallel to table: simple fixed-radius f1 ycutt ers: var iab le-radius bor ing head flycutting: multiple -tooth face mills: work holding: multip lepass mi lling: surfaces square w it h table : using side of endmill. SLITTING AND CUTTING 35 Use of slitting saw for cutting through machinery component bosses : eccentric sheaves and straps: mar ine type big ends of connecting rods. KEYWAY CUTTING 37 Endmilling round ended 'feath er' keyways : keyways on taper shafts: use of disc tvoe cutters for plain sunken keyways : \Noodru ff keyways: making Woodruff cutters in the home workshop : table of suggested sizes of \N oodruff keys and kevvvavs fo r model engineers, FLUTING COMPONENTS OTHER THAN TOOLS 43 Correct form of flutes ir loco connecting and cou pling rods: mounting rods against angleplate for flu ting: parallel flutes: taper flutes: preferred type of cutting too l.Chapte r Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven BORING 45 Dealing with parts too large to swing in lathe: trepanning large holes. 'J IG- BORING' 46 Using the miller as a measuring machine : drilling holes at one setting of work and precise cent res: engine beam: back-lash precautions: tri p gear component : mu lti-ho le boiler plates. PROFILING 49 Curves on parts too large for lathe: loco frames : smokebox castings : machine pad bolts: loco con nec ting rod s and coupling rod s. END-ROUNDING 52 Use of hardened f ilin g gu ides deprecated: mounting work on rot ary table: sta ndard size guide plugs: anti-slip precau tio ns: direction of feed for exte rnal and inte rnal surfaces. DIVIDING HEADS 54 Simple ungeared dividing heads : using change w hee ls as index plates: examples of dividing w ork : hexagons. squares. dog clutch teeth : avoiding odd numbers: the Myford worm-geared dividing head : avoiding back-lash erro rs : packing block for bringing to lathe centre height: universal steady stand for Myford head: three further dividing heads. DIVIDING HEA DS AND GEAR-CUTT IN G 62 Limitations to strai ght spu r gears: sim ple head : M yford worm -geared head: tooth cutting on integral pi nion : use of home made Ilvcutters: Brown & Sharpe disc type cutters: selectio n of cutter to suit numb er of teet h: cutting a large coa rse tooth gear: anti-slip back-up devices , Chapt er Tw elve Chapter Thirt een Chapter Fourt een Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen DIVI DING HEADS AND TOOL MAK ING 66 Fluting taps : example 5-flute Acme tap: producing a small fine tooth milling cutter w ith ball end : use of table stop blocks: combination of rotary tabl e with ma in table movement: large 60 deg ree countersink fluting . DIVIDING HEADS AND GRAD UATED SCALES 71 Cutti ng graduation marks: use of rotary 'engraving' cutters : use of non-r otating plani ng type tools : use of table stops to control line lengths: graduating cyli ndr ical scales: gradua ting flat angular scales : checking correct way of figuring when stamping scales , CUTTER SPE EDS FOR VERTICAL MILLERS 74 Speeds affect ti me occupied on job: speeds too high may cause excessive cutter wear and chatter: rigidity of work, cutter and mac hine inferior as a rule to indust rial condi tions, dry cutting instead of lubricated: Table III gives speeds for cutters in different kinds of tasks: machine speeds may not alwa ys be suitable. WORK -HOLDING WITH D IFFICULT SHAPES 78 Comparison with full scale engi neering : use of chucking pieces on components : thin components and use of adhesives: advisability of making fixtures fo r difficul t pieces : three-sided angleplates. CHUCKS FOR MILLING CUTTERS 81 Never use taper shank tools or chucks without drawbar: chucks for screw ed shank self-tightening collets : Clarkson chuck : Dsborn Titanic chuck: Chucks for tee -headed locking cutters: Clare chucks : use of small end mills and D-bits withou t locking features : ph ilosophy of 'throw - aw ay' cutters. List of Illustrations Fig.
1 Ab w ood mi llin g attac hment of the 1920s 13
2 E. T. W estb ury 's mill ing machine 14
3 Dore-W estbury machine 15
4 Dare-W estbury M k II machine 16
5 Rodney attachm ent 17
6 Rodney machin e 18
7 Am olco attach men t 19
8 Amol co machine 20
9 M ent or mach ine 2 1
10 M aximat attachment 23
1 1 Astra mach ine 2
12 Tw in machi ne 22
13 Senior machine 26
14 Set of three flycutt ers 2 8
15 Flycutt ing a bracket 28
16 Flycutting connecting rod ends 29
17 Flycutting tapered bar mat erial 29
18 Flycutting cy linde r soleplate 30
19 Facem ill 3
20 M illing flywheel joint face 31
21 Mi lling crosshe ad slide 32
22 M illing bear ing jaw s in bedpl ate 33
23 Slitting boss of casting 35
4 Milling feath er kevw av 3 7
25 M illing feath er keyway on tap ered shaft 38
26 Mil ling keyway with slitting saw 39
27 Set of four Woodruff keyway cutters 39
28 M ill ing W oodruff kevwav 4 1
29 Fluting locomo tive connecting rod 4 4
30 Draw ing of steam hook (lever) 4 7
3 1 Photograph of steam hook 48
32 Profiling pad bolt 50
33 Profiling coupling rods 50
34 End-rounding wi th rotary tabl e 53
35 Cutting teeth in dog clutch par t 5 5
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