كتاب Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18936
التقييم : 35318
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures   كتاب Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures Emptyالإثنين 16 أبريل 2018, 10:45 pm

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures
Applications in Robots, Machine Tools, and Automobiles
Dai Gil Lee
Nam Pyo Suh  

كتاب Axiomatic Design and Fabrication of Composite Structures A_d_a_15
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Part I: Basics
1 Introduction to Design of Composite Materials 3
2 Introduction to Composite Materials 14
3 Macromechanical Behavior of Unidirectional Composites 64
4 Composite Lamination Theory 110
5 Failure Criteria for Composite Materials 152
6 Behavior of Composite Laminated Plates and Beams 202
7 Micromechanics for Composite Materials 256
8 Transport Phenomena in Composite Materials 289
9 Machining and Joining of Composite Materials 335
10 Dynamic and Fatigue Performances of Composite Materials 400
Part II: Applications
11 Fundamentals of Axiomatic Design 449
12 Axiomatic Design of Materials and Materials-Processing
Techniques 486
13 Axiomatic Design of Composite Robot Structures 513
14 Axiomatic Design of Composite Machine Tool Structures 565
15 Axiomatic Design of Composite Automotive Parts and
Infrastructures 621
Glossary 675
Index Terms Links
Abrasion 357
belt 329
particle 343
water jet machining 342 343
Absorbers 41
Absorption 34 41
Acid-catalyzed reaction 32
Acrylic 33 296
Acrylonitrile–Butadiene copolymer 41
Activation energy 28
Active agents (coupling agent) 36
Advanced composites 15
mechanism 289
polymerization 27
Additives 37
length 573 575 580 582
thickness 573 575 580 582
Adhesion 35
bonding 352 375
constitutive equation 354
joining 352
joint 352
thickness 366 601Index Terms Links
Adhesively bonded joint
applications in the harmonic drive 553 554
applications in the robot 546 547
Advantage of fatigue life diagram 437
Air bearing 568
Air spindle 568
Alkaline catalyst 32
Allowable flaw size 185
Allowable tolerance 478
Alumina 54
Alumina trihydrate 38
Aluminum oxide fiber 25
Aminosilane 36
Angular contact ball bearing (applications
in the robot) 527 528
Anisotropic 23
strength property 131
symmetric (sandwich structure) 236
Anthropomorphic robot 18 513 526 538
in the hand of the handling robot 514
in the hand of the LCD robot 514
in the harmonic drive 550
in the robot 514
in the wrist of the handling robot 525
in the wrist of the LCD robot 520
Aramid fiber 25 26
Aramid–phenolic composites 31
Arithmetic surface roughness 376 607 608
Arm in the robot 514 515
Arm-type robot for LCD panel handling 516Index Terms Links
hydrocarbons 23
ring structures 33
Arrhenius dependence 28
Articulated robot 513
Aspect ratio 14 233
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) 391
cure cycle with cooling and reheating 327
molding 37 327
vacuum bag degassing process 604
Automotive one-piece composite propeller
shaft 623
engineering CTE 140
shear strain 45
stress 123
stress criteria 191
through-thickness strain 146
modulus 42
modulus of the laminate 124 125
Poissons ratio 43
shear modulus 45
stiffness of the preloaded angular
contact ball 527 528
strain of the box-type beam 248 250
Axiom 18 455
Axiomatic design 449
Balance equation 125 179
Balanced laminate 125Index Terms Links
Basal planes 24
Batch process 488 489 498
Beam 240
Bearing 209 227 241
material 33
stiffness of the preloaded angular
contact ball 527 528 577 592
Bearing failure (of mechanical joint) 346 347 351
Bed 566
Belt 536 537
of a plate 209
of clamped laminate plate 227
of symmetrically laminated beam 241
moment of narrow beam 242
response 121
stiffness 68
stiffness matrix 119
Bending stiffness 119
of wide beam 245
Bending–stretching coupling 116
Benzene rings 26
Benzoquinone 28
Benzoyl peroxide 28
Bias 471 474
Biaxial ratio 170
Bismaleimide (BMI) 73
Bleeder papers 52
Blowing agents 508 509
pull-out (of mechanical joint) 346
shear failure (of mechanical joint) 346
stiffness 347Index Terms Links
epoxy composite 104
fiber 24
trichloride 24
beam for side-door impact beam 644
beam fracture mode 646
composite beam 248
cross-sectional shape in the robot 518 529
B-stage 30 37
Buckling 229 239 240
load 217 239
of simply supported rectangular plates 216
torque 555
Buckminster fullerene 23
modulus 86
polymers 19
Bumper beams 633 634
Butt joint 352
Calcium carbonate 38
Cantilever beam 195
Capacitance 302
Carbon 22
black 39
epoxy composite robot structures 18
epoxy composite spindle shaft 17
fiber 15 23
fiber epoxy composite 60 107 177 181
187 255 256 287
297 309 327 337Index Terms Links
Carbon (Cont.)
340 386 424 516
535 567 598 612
625 633 636 671
Cartesian robot 513
Cartesian tensors 68
Castiglianos theorem in calculating the
deflection of robot 195 530
Catalysts 27
Catastrophic failure 350
Cavity channel 310
enhanced beam 647
enhanced beam manufacturing method 646
enhanced beam three point bending test 647
Centrifugal force 568 572 575
fibers 25
matrix 34
matrix composite (CMC) 34
Chain-like molecules 26
Change 316
Characteristic damage state (CDC) 435 437
Charge 50
preheating 315
Charpy test 414
Chemical mechanical planarization (CMP) 450
Chemical surface treatment 379 380
Chemical vapor deposition 24
Chentsov coefficients 105
Chisel angle 339
Chopped strand mat (CSM) 22
Clamped edge (boundary condition of a plate) 210Index Terms Links
Clamped laminate plate 227
Classical laminated plate theory (CLPT) 111 138 148
Classical lamination theory (CLT) 111 148
Cleavage failure (of mechanical joint) 346 347 351
Coal tar pitch 23
of friction 346
of hygroscopic expansion (CHE) 113
of mutual influence 104
of mutual influence of the laminate 124
of thermal expansion (CTE) 49 113 139 148
of variation 258
Collision analysis for composite bumper
beam 639
Column (definition) 240
Combinational complexity 479 480
Common range (CR) 470
Compaction 280
Comparative robustness of a decoupled
design 485
Compatibility equation 71
Compensation 477
Complex modulus 617
Complexity 479 487
Compliance matrix 75 94 146
Complicated chemical mechanical
planarization (CMP) 450
Composite boring bar 597
Composite bumper beam design 636
Composite finite element (FE) analysis 520 572 575 577
579 614
Composite joint design 649
composite shear-out failure mode 649Index Terms Links
Composite laminate plate 202
Composite materials 14
Composite propeller shaft 623
joining 625
manufacturing method 624 625
Composite rotor 582
Composite shear-out failure mode 649
Composite side-door impact beam 642
dynamic energy absorption 649
energy absorption ratio 648
impact characteristics 648
impact energy absorption 649
three-point bending 644
Composite stress concentration factor 651
Composite structure 110
Compression 292
fatigue 434
incident stress 401
molding 50 311 315
preload for propeller shaft 628
strength after impact (CAI) 416
Compressive strength
of composite extensional mode
microbuckling 278
of composite shear failure 283
of composite shear mode microbuckling 280
of composite transverse tensile rupture 282
Concurrent engineering 468
Condensation mechanism 289
Condensation polymerization 27
Condition of symmetry of the compliances 87
Conductivity 583 597 599
Consolidation 290Index Terms Links
Constant of randomly oriented
continuous fiber composite 285
discontinuous fiber composite 284
Constituents 14
Constitutive equation 96
Constrained damping mechanism 599
Constraint 454 455 460
applications in the hand of the
LCD robot 516
applications in the harmonic drive 552 553
applications in the wrist of the
LCD robot 517 518
for bumper beams 624
for propeller shaft 625
for side-door impact beam 643
for trenchless sewage pipe repair 657 658
Contact angle 35 375 384 386
391 393
Control volume approach 314
Conventional serial manipulator 513
corrugated core 234
foam core 234
honeycomb core 234
materials 15
truss core 234
weak core 239
web core 234
Corollary 455
Correction factor 218
Corrugated core 234Index Terms Links
Coupled design 459 461
applications in the hand of the handling
robot 518 519
Coupling 117 122 131 132
Coupling coefficient of the quasi-isotropic
laminate 131
diamond structure 23
interaction 25
model ineffective length 272
model longitudinal modulus 272
model representative volume element
(RVE) 269
Cracking 4 34 336
Crash test of bumper beams 634 637 648
Creativity 452
Creep property 27
Criterion 115 153 160 180
buckling load 219 239
damping (damping ratio) 617
energy release rate 193
failure mode 350
stress intensity factor 185 193
Crossply 14
Crystal 18 21 33
Crystalline 22
Crystallinity 33
Crystallites 33
Cumulative distribution function 259
Cure cycle with cooling and reheating 327Index Terms Links
Cure monitoring 301
Curing agent 27
Curvature 113 121 123
in classical lamination theory 207
in flange of the box-type beam 248
of a plate 113 121 122
of narrow beam 243
of symmetrically laminated beam 241
of wide beam 245
attributes 455
Customer domain 454
Customers needs 451
Cut-off grinding 340
Cutting force 341
Cycloaliphatics 30
Cylindrical bending (of laminated plate strips) 241
tolerance 401
tolerant design 183 401
characteristics 566
core 599 603
core material 599 603
ratio (critical damping) 565 598 608 616
ratio, experimental data 538 550 551
Damping capacity 617
Drainage 292
Darcys law 290 323 659
Double cantilever beam (DCB) test 394Index Terms Links
Debonding 64 440
Decomposition 461 465
of FR and DP for trenchless sewage
repair 657
Decomposition process 465
Decoupled design 459
applications in the hand of the handling
robot 518
applications in the wrist of the handling
robot 518 519
Decoupling of decoupled design 482 483
Deflection of narrow beam 242
Degradation of polymer 327 389
of cure 295
of saturation 291
of wet-out 325
Delamination 340
energy 416
failure 173
Delivery system 322
Deposit-oxide film 375
Design 450 451
in the absence of complete inform 484
axioms 456
decomposition process 467
equation for bumper beams 634
equation for propeller shaft 625
equation for side-door impact beam 643
equation for trenchless sewage pipe
repair 657Index Terms Links
Design (Cont.)
hierarchy 458
intent 466 467
for manufacturability 483
manufacturing interface 484
matrix 458 459 460
parameter 18 451
parameter for bumper beams 634
parameter for propeller shaft 625
parameter for side-door impact beam 643
parameter for trenchless sewage pipe
repair 657
parameter, in the hand of the handling
robot 516 517
parameter, in the harmonic drive 552
parameter, in the wrist of the handling
robot 517 518
parameters 455
range 470 478
range and coupling 484
Design–build–test 499
Diagonal matrix 459 462
Diamine 33
Diamond structure 23
Die sinking method 345
constant 302
materials 301
Dielectrometry 301
interdigital sensor 306
Diethylene triamine (DETA) 29Index Terms Links
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) 295 301
Diffusion coefficient 307
Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) 28
Diluent 28
Dimensional stability 36
Direct-drive manipulator 513 525
Discontinuous fiber 14
Dissipation factor 258 302
customer domain 486
functional domain 486
physical domain 486
process domain 486
arm-type robot for LCD panel handling 514
cantilever beam 195 394
lap adhesive joint 352 353 372
strap adhesive joint 353
Drilling 339
Drive shaft (transmission shaft) in the robot 540 545
Drop-weight impact test 415 416
grinding 340
spot 314
winding 321
Ductility index 424
Duhamel integral method 224
Duration measuring 409
Dwelling 52
Dynamic amplification factor (quality factor) 617
Dynamic energy absorption 648
Dynamic response (of composite laminate) 225Index Terms Links
Dynamic stiffness in the robot 517
Dyneema® (DSM) 25
effect 350
ratio 570 582
Eddy current 583 586
Edge (boundary condition of a plate) 209 219
Edge distance 351
of fiber orientation on fatigue strength 429
of mean stress on fatigue life 431
of stress ratio on fatigue strength 430
of target flexibility 410
of temperature and moisture 442
bending stiffness (definition) 242
bending stiffness (of wide beam) 246
stiffness (of the box-type beam) 250
torsional rigidity (of the box-type beam) 251
Effector (hand) in the robot 515 516
E-glass 21
Einsteins photoelectric effect 371
Elastic constant of
foundation 238
quasi-isotropic composite 133
randomly oriented continuous fiber
composite 285
randomly oriented discontinuous fiber
composite 284
Elastic shear stress–strain characteristics 355Index Terms Links
Elastic–perfectly plastic shear stress–strain
characteristics 355
Electric conductivity 582
insulator 22
resistivity 345
Electro-discharge machining (EDM) 345
Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis
(ESCA) 391
Electrostatic bonding 36
effector (hand) in the robot 514 515
notched flexure 195
End beam buckling test 638
End beam compression test 638
End beam of bumper beams 634 638
balance equation 295
control 426
criterion 230
criterion approach 183 192
release rate 192
Energy absorption characteristics 417
Energy absorption ratio 417
Energy method 195
Energy release rate 192
constants 82 102
shear strains 68
Epoxy resin 28
Equality of information content 484
Equation for moisture diffusion 307
Equilibrium 69Index Terms Links
hygroscopic bending moment 120
hygroscopic force 118
thermal bending moment 120
thermal force 118
Ethylene 28
Euler–Bernoulli beam theory 242
Eutectic 22
Existence of uncoupled or decoupled
design 404
Exothermic reaction 327
Expansion 292
Failure (of mechanical joint) 347
Failure criterion 160
Failure-inducing surface crack 19
Failure index 169
Fastener 349
characteristics 424
control mode 425
damage mechanisms 426 434
diagram 349 350 429
failure criterion 349
life diagram 437
safety factor 349
FEM (finite element method)
of bumper beams 637
in the wrist of the handling
robot 521Index Terms Links
bed 290
break-out 339
buckling 336
cutting 336
deformation 292
delivery system 322
impregnation 27
kink 282
preform for trenchless sewage pipe
repair 658
pull-out 339
reinforced polymeric matrix composite
for automotive parts 621
tension 323
volume 291
volume fraction 41 46 291
weight fraction 41
wet-out 325
Fiber–resin stream 325
Ficks law of diffusion 307
Filament winding 37 53 321
patterns 53
Filler 37 38 352
Filler-to-resin ratio 39
Finite difference method 317
First-order shear deformation theory 206 219
First-ply failure (FPF) 171
Flake 18
Flame retardants 41
Flange definition of box-type beam 249
Flank wear 337Index Terms Links
Flexibility 21
Flexibilizers 28
Flexspline 550
fatigue 431
rigidity 612
rigidity (of isotropic symmetric
sandwich structure) 235
rigidity (of sandwich structure with
dissimilar faces) 238
stiffness 238
stiffness-to-weight ratios 15
Flux density 586
Foam core
applications in the robot 518 522
vibration 565
vibration (of a composite laminate
subjected to dynamic lateral load) 223
Forces per unit length 120
Formaldehyde 32
Fouriers law of heat conduction 306
Four-point bending test of the
quasi-isotropic laminates 132
Fracture 182
energy 34
initiation energy 36
toughness 27 41 186
body diagram 174
edge (boundary condition of a plate) 210
vibration 229Index Terms Links
Free (Cont.)
vibration (of simply supported
symmetric plate) 217
Friction resistance 31
Functional domain 454 461 465
Functional requirement 18 449 451 455
applications in the hand of the handling
robot 516
applications in the wrist of the handling
robot 517 518
applications in the harmonic drive 552
bumper beams 634
propeller shaft 624
side-door impact beam 643
trenchless sewage pipe repair 657
Fundamental natural bending frequency
of propeller shaft 623 625
Galvanic corrosion 335 626
Gamma irradiation 28
Gas diffusion 490
Gaussian (normal) distribution 260
Geometric compatibility 358 360 363
Glass epoxy composite 104
Glass-fiber composites 16
Glass fibers 15 21
Glass sphere 38
Glass transition temperature 40 327 352 353
Global laminate coordinate 111 115
Global system of coordinates 66 153
Goodman fatigue failure criterion 349 350Index Terms Links
Graphite fiber 23
Graphite structure 22 23
Graphitization 24
Griffith 192
Grinding 339
Half sorption process 308
Half-apex angle 348
Halpin–Tsai equations 283 284
Hand (end effector) in the robot 519
Hand of the handling robot 519
Harmonic drive 550
Heat-affected zone (HAZ) 344
Heat conduction equations in the
transformed coordinate 300
Heat deflection temperature (HDT) 31
Heat flux 300
Heat generation 295
Heat transfer rate 307
Hele–Shaw model, generalized 317
Helical winding 322
Helix angle 339
Henrys constant 493
Hexagonal layers 23
Hexamethylenetetramine 32
Hierarchy 461 465
High-speed aerostatic spindle 567 575 582 588
590 597
High-speed resin transfer molding
(HSRTM) 311
Histogram 259
Homogeneous 72Index Terms Links
Honeycomb core 609
Hookes law 146
Hybrid composite 15
Hybrid joint, applications in the robot 547
Hybrid joint for propeller shaft 631
Hybrid machine tool structure 612
Hybrid propeller shaft 623
Hybrid propeller shaft design 623
Hydrocarbons 23
Hydrodynamic friction coefficient 319
Hydroquinone 28 39
Hydrostatic state 168
bending moment 120
expansion 113
force 118
influence coefficient 117
in-plane influence coefficient 117
strain 113
change 289
effect 208
properties of unidirectional carbon epoxy
composite 309
residual stress 141
Ideal design 461 463 483
Ignition loss method 42
Imbibition 292
Immunity of FR 475Index Terms Links
damage 401
energy absorption characteristics 417
isotropic materials 403
modifiers 41
nonisotropic materials 406
resistance 423
Impact energy absorption 417
Impingement mixing 55 311
Impregnation 29
Impulse 223
Impulse dynamic test
(impulse response test) 602 614
In-plane shear loading 183
In situ monitoring of the temperature and
dissipation 305
Incident stress 401
Independence and design range 483
Independence axiom 456 486
Inertia effects of resin 312
Information axiom 456 469 470
Information content 456 469
Infrastructure constructions 17
Inhibitor 28 39
Inhomogeneous 14
Initiation energy 418 424
Initiator 28
compression molding (ICM) 309 310
molding 508
force 121 122
forces per unit length 121Index Terms Links
In-plane (Cont.)
shear modulus 251
shear strength 26
stiffness 116 235
strain 147
strain (in web of the box type) 248
Insulator 22 31
Integration of physical parts 482
Interdiffusion 36
Interdigital sensor 305 306
Interfacial bonding 35
Interfacial free energy 384
fracture 195
shear fatigue 431
shear strain 146
shear strength 26
shear stress (in the box-type beam) 251
shear stress (of a rectangular beam) 247
strength 112
stress 112 173 195
tensile strength 180
Interlocking 375
Internal mold release agent 39
International space station (ISS) 449
Invariance 484
Invariant 460
Ion-scattering spectroscopy (ISS) 391 449
Ionic bond 34
Isophthalic 28
Isothermal degree of cure 296
Isothermal rate of cure 295
Isothermal scanning 295Index Terms Links
Isotropic 209
plate 233
symmetric (sandwich structure) 235
Isotropic materials 80
Izod test 117 118
Jet impingement angle 343
Joint 346 352
for composite materials 549 671
Kaolin clay 38
Kelly–Tyson model
critical length 274
ineffective length 274
interfacial shear strength 274
Kevlar 25
Keying 25
Kinetic energy (of an elastic body) 228
Kink 282
Kirchhoff 206 210
Kirchhoff–Love hypothesis 111 206
Kirchhoffs hypothesis 111 146
Kozeny–Carman constant 294
Lamellae 33
Lamina 66
average stress 113
beam 240
coordinate 66 111
hygroscopic in-plane influenceIndex Terms Links
Lamina (Cont.)
coefficient 117
strain 112 123 146
thermal bending influence coefficient
matrix 119
thermal influence coefficient 117
thermal in-plane influence coefficient 116
Laser cutting 343
Last-ply failure (LPF) 172
Layered manufacturing process (rapid
prototyping) 504
LCD (liquid crystal display) glass panel
handling robot 18 514
Leakage flux 587
Leakage reactance 587
Leaves 466
Levy solution (for rectangular plates) 213
Life diagrams 437
elastic adhesive property 358
elastic–perfectly plastic approximation 362
elastic–perfectly plastic shear
stress–strain 355
elastic shear stress–strain
characteristics 355
composite molding (LCM) 309
crystal 23
temperature 22
Load transmission capability 354
plastic deformation 183Index Terms Links
Local (Cont.)
ply coordinate (principal material
coordinate) 111
thermodynamic equilibrium 384
Log decrement 617
Long fiber 14
Longitudinal compressive strength of
composite 276
extensional mode microbuckling 278
shear failure 283
shear mode microbuckling 280
transverse tensile rupture direction 282 283
Longitudinal tensile strength of composite
critical volume fraction 276
fiber dominated failure 275 276
loss angle 303
matrix dominated failure 275 276
Loss factor 567 617
Low-energy impact 416
Low-profile additives 40
Low-velocity impact 416
Lower triangular matrix 459
Machinability 358
Machine tool 565
Machine tool dynamics 565
Machining 336
Macromechanics 64
Macromolecular chains 25
density 584 585 588
flux density 588Index Terms Links
Magnetic (Cont.)
intensity 584 586 589 590
permeability 583 586
powder epoxy composite 583 586
Magnetization 583 586
Magnetizing reactance 590 594 595
Magnetomotive force 591
Major Poissons ratio of the laminate 124 126
Maleic anhydride 28 33
Mandrel 32 53
Manufacturing of composite bumper beam 639
Mapping 458
Mass balance equation 314
Mass flow rate 569 570
Master design matrix for trenchless sewage
pipe repair 662
Material removal rate 3 43
Matrix 14 26
cracking 159 434
digestion method 42 419
weight fraction 42
Maturation 39
Maximum allowable tolerance 479
strain criterion 165
stress criterion 160
stress failure criterion 160
Mean stress, effect on fatigue life 431
abrasion 375
bonding 36
fastener 346
interlocking 35Index Terms Links
Mechanical (Cont.)
joining 345
joint 345
Melt spinning 23
Melt-crystallized polyethylene 25
Mercury seal 25
Mesophase 23
Metal cutting stability 600
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKPO) 28 669
Methylene chloride 36
Microcellular 487
plastics advantages 502
plastics batch process 488
Microchipping 343
Micromechanics 64
Midplane strain 113 123
Minimization of FRs 482
Minimum set of independent requirement 456
Minor Poissons ratio of the laminate 124 126
Mixed chopped and continuous fibers
(mixed fiber) 15
Mode of fatigue crack growth 427
Moisture 442
absorption 113 380
concentration 113 307 380
diffusion 309 383
Mold closing speed 316
Moldability 38
Molten glass 22
Moment of inertia 21
Moments per unit length 118
Monoclinic 76
Monocrystalline fibers 18Index Terms Links
Multidirectional continuous fiber
composite 14
Multilayered composites or laminates 14
Multilinear elastic strain-hardening
characteristics 335
Multilinear strain-hardening approximation 365
Mutual influence of the laminate 124 126
Nanomechanics 64
Narrow beam 241
National aeronautics and space agency
(NASA) 449
Natural frequency
damped 225
experimental data 538 550 551
of simply supported symmetric plate 219
of the composite laminate plate 223
Natural generalization of Hookes law 72
Natural vibration (of a beam) 232
approach 239
solution (for rectangular plates) 211
Navier–Stokes equation 312
Netting analysis 131
Neutral axis 237
Neutral axis (of narrow beam) 245
Neutral surface (of laminated plate) 206
Nomex 31
Non-cross-linked resins 32
Noncrystalline material 21
Nondimensional stress deviation factor 368
Nonlinear behavior of adhesive 354Index Terms Links
Normal shelf life 37
Novolac 32
Nucleation 56 493 494
Number of classes 258
Nylon 26 33
Optimum scheduling 485
Orbital space plane (OSP) 449
Organic fibers 25
Organic peroxide 28
Organosilanes 22
Oriented polyethylene fibers 25
Orowan–Irwin fracture criterion 193
Orthophthalic 28
Orthotropic 64
Orthotropic material 113 140
Out-of-plane shear 184
array 298
efficiency 294
pressure 502
Pad of bumper beams 634
PAN-based carbon fiber 24
Parabenzoquinone 39
Particulate reinforcement 14
Path dependence of uncoupled and
decoupled design 483
Path independence of uncoupled design 483
Peel stress 36 352
Penetration rate 339Index Terms Links
Permeability 290 313
for trenchless sewage pipe repair 659
matrix 313
of vacuum 302
Periodic complexity 480 485
Petroleum 23
angle 303
difference 303
Phenolic resin 31
Photoreactive resin 505
Physical domain 461 465 484
Pigments 37 41
moment 118
stress 115
strain 240
Plasma surface treatment 383
Plastic work per unit area 193
Plate, simply supported 239
Platinum orifice 21
Plunge cut grinding 340
Ply 64
angle 111 115 125
stress 153
thermal influence coefficient 141
thickness 115
Ply coordinate (principal material
coordinate) 111
Point-stress criterion 188
Poissons effect 241
Poissons ratio 147 167
Polar winding 322Index Terms Links
Polyacrylate copolymers 40
Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) 23
Polyamideimide (PAI) 33
Polyarylsulfone 33
Polybutylene terephthalate (PBT) 33
Polycaprolactone 40
Polycarbonate 33
Polyetherether ketone (PEEK) 33
Polyethylene 25
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) 33
Polyimides 32 33 353
Polymer matrix composite (PMC) 27
Polymer pyrolysis 25
Polymeric chains 25
Polymeric composite structure 113
Polymeric fibers 19
Polymeric matrix 113
Polymerization 27
Polymerize 23
Polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) 33
Polypropylene 33
Polystyrene 33
Polyurethanes 31
Polyvinylacetate 40
Porous release cloth 52
Potential energy due to a deflection 228
Power dissipation 566 593
Preform for trenchless sewage pipe repair 31
Preinjection mixing ratio 311
Preload for propeller shaft 623 671
Prepreg 30 37 51
Primer 36 353
Principal material coordinate 89 111 153Index Terms Links
Probability density function (PDF) 256 260
Probability of success 471
Process design 459
Process domain 454
Process variables 454 455
Product design 458
Propagation energy 418
Propeller shaft (or drive shaft) 15 623
Propylene glycol 28
Pseudoplastic behavior 346
Pulling force 326
Pull-out 343 346
Pull system 485
Pull winding 55
Pultrusion 37 53 324
Push system 485
Pyrolysis 23
Pyrolytic graphite-coated carbon-fiber core 25
Quadratic delamination criterion 180
Quality factor (dynamic amplification
factor) 617
Quasi-isotropic laminate 131
Racetracking in mold filling process 311
Racetrack polar winding 322
Radial clearance 590 591
Radial resin flow velocity 323
Radial stiffness of the angular contact ball
bearing 527 528
Rake angle 336Index Terms Links
Random coil configuration 25
Random variable 258
Random variation 476
of cure 295 296
of deformation of SMC 319
of degree of cure 328
Rayon 23
Reaction heat 295
Reaction injection molding (RIM) 55
Ready-to-mold fiber-reinforced
polymer sheets 37
Reduced stiffness 96
Redundant design 461 463 483
Reheating stop 328
Reinforcement 14 18
Reinforcement–matrix interaction 34
Relative permeability 659
Release rate 344
Reliability (cumulative distribution function
for survival) 261 290 291 298
Representative volume element (RVE) 267
Residual strength 436
Residual stress 624 627
Residual stress in hybrid propeller shaft 627
Residual thermal stress 352 624
curing process 295
flow 290 291 312
flow during trenchless
sewage pipe repair 659
penetration 325Index Terms Links
Resin (Cont.)
transfer molding (RTM) 55 310 659
volume 291
Resistance of
the material to extension deformation 320
the material to transverse shear 320
Resistivity 584 585
Resole resins 32
Rigidity of
isotropic symmetric
sandwich structure 235 236
sandwich structure with
dissimilar faces 237 238
Ring structures 32 33
Ritz method 227
Rivet 347
Robot (definitions and classifications) 513 514
Robust design 473 474 477
Robustness of design 484
Rod (definition) 240
Rounding wear 337
Roving 53 321
RTM 19 310
for underground large composite
structures 659
Rubber-toughened adhesive 352 354 355
Rule of mixtures (ROM) 43 182 272
Sample standard deviation 258
plate (on an elastic foundation) 238Index Terms Links
Sandwich (Cont.)
structure 15 234 566 609
structure, applications in the robot 518
structures (with dissimilar faces) 237
robot 18 525
type robot 514 525
Scarf adhesive joint 352 353
SDOF (single-degree-of-freedom system) 223 224
Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) 391
Self-excitation vibration (chatter) 565 605 606 615
Self-tapping screw 347
SEM 370 371
S-glass 22
Shattered chip 337
correction factor 213
coupling 241
coupling coefficient of the
quasi-isotropic laminate 131
failure (of mechanical joint) 347
force (of narrow beam) 242
rate 297
strength versus fiber volume fraction 420
stress 352
stress (in the box-type beam) 251
Sheet molding compound (SMC) 19 37 50 315
503 504
Short fiber 14
Short-range network structure 21
Shrinkage 28
stress 353Index Terms Links
Side-door impact beam 642
Side-relief face 337
Silane coupling 36
Silica 21
carbide fiber 25
simultaneous engineering 468
steel rotor 583 584 591 593
Simple bending theory 21
Simply supported edge (boundary
condition of a plate) 210 216 239
Simply supported symmetric plate 216 217
Single crystalline region 33
Single edge-notched tension 187
Single-lap adhesive joint 352 353 365 387
Single-strap adhesive joint 353
Single-stage resin 32
Singularity 178
Sink mark 29 315
Sinking method 345
Slip speed 593 596 597
Sol–gel technique 25
Solution-neutral environment 455
Solvent 37
Sonotrode 343
Specially orthotropic laminate 208
cutting force (specific cutting power) 600 615
damping capacity 617
moisture asorption 121
moisture concentration 131 307Index Terms Links
Specific (Cont.)
relative permeability 586
stiffness 16 46 567 597
598 609
strength 16 46
surface energy 192
Spectra® (AlliedSignal) 25
Splintered chip 337
Squirrel cage 587 591
Stability (of simply supported
symmetric plate) 217
Stability limit 565 607 608
Stacking sequence 66 579
Standard deviation 258
Starch–oil emulsion 22
Static characteristics of side-door
impact beam 644
Static stiffness 565 568 574 575
Steady flow 292
belt in the SCARA-type robot 536 537
cover 601 602 604
cover thickness 601 602 604
Stepped-lap adhesive joint 352 353
Stiffness 474
Stiffness design 565
Stiffness matrix 75 117 125 152
for sandwich structure 234
Stiffness of the preloaded angular contact
ball 527
Stiffness transformation equation 93Index Terms Links
axial strain of the box-type beam 250
capability 352
control 426
distribution of narrow beam 244
energy (of an elastic body) 227
energy release rate 192
in flange of the box-type beam 249
in web of the box-type beam 249
of symmetric laminate without
in-plane force 247
of the laminate plate 112 208
transformation matrix 92
variation 115
Strand 22
Strap adhesive joint 353
Strength design 152 196
Strength properties of the quasi-isotropic
composite 186
Strength tensors 169
Strength versus fiber volume
fraction 420
concentration 352 360 374
concentration factor 189
distribution 130 138
failure criterion 161
gradient 114
intensity factor 190
ratio on fatigue strength 430
transformation matrix 90
variation 114
Stretching response 121Index Terms Links
Structural flexibility 23
Structural reaction injection molding
(SRIM) 57 310 311
Styrene monomer 32 661 662
Styrene–butadiene copolymer 41
Supercritical fluid 493
Sum of information 484
active agents (coupling agent) 36
deposit-oxide film 375
energy 192
free energy 35 384
modification 26
roughness 36 375
treatment 26 375
Swelling coefficient 309
Symmetric sandwich structure 235
Symmetric laminate 66 175
Symmetrically laminated beam 240 241
Synthetic composites 15
constraint 460 461
probability density function (PDF) 470
range 470
Talc 38
end beam of bumper beams 639 640
end beam buckling test 639 640
end beam compression test 639 640
Target flexibility 410Index Terms Links
Tarpaulin film for trenchless sewage pipe
repair 662
Teflon 51 522
Temperature gradient 300 307
Tension failure (of mechanical joint) 346 351
Tensioning mechanism in the
SCARA-type robot 537
Tension–tension fatigue 428
Tension–tension S–N curve 428
notation 114
transformation relation 140
Theorem 455
Theoretical cohesive strength 19
Theoretical stress concentration factor 189
bending influence coefficient matrix 119
bending moment 120
conductivity 298 338
contraction ratio 40
force 118
influence coefficient 117
in-plane influence coefficient 114 119
residual stress 141
residual stress in hybrid propeller
shaft 627
resistance 298
shrinkage 40
Thermodynamic equilibrium 490 493
Thermoplastic injection molding (TIM) 55
Thermoplastic polymers 27 33
Thermosets 27
Thermosetting polymers 27Index Terms Links
Thick composite laminate 327
Thickener 39
Thickening agents 37
Thickness integral 115 118
Three-piece molds 534 535
Three-point bending 645
Through-thickness strain 146
combinational complexity 480
periodic complexity 480
real complexity 479
imaginary complexity 480
Tolerance 474
Toluene diisocyanate 36
Tool wear 565
Torque transmission capability
of hybrid propeller shaft 361 623 627
Torsional fatigue 433
Torsional rigidity (of the box-type beam) 251
Torsional shear strain-cycle diagram 434
Torsional S–N diagram 433
Toughness 15
Tow 53 321
Traction-free condition 177
Transformation matrix 89
Transformed constitute equation 102
Transmission shaft (drive shaft) in the
robot 540 545
Transport phenomena 328
direction 46
modulus 44Index Terms Links
Transverse (Cont.)
modulus of the laminate 124 125
moment (of narrow beam) 241
shear deformation 207 217
shear deformation (in dynamic analysis
of composite) 221
shear deformation (in static analysis
of composite) 219
shear force 204
shear stress 219
Transversely isotropic 79
Traveling wire electrode process 345
Trenchless sewage pipe repair
by RTM 657
development through design axioms 657
Tresca theory 160
Triangular matrix 459 462
Triclinic material 76
Trimming 336
Truss core 234
Tsai–Hill criterion 167
Tsai–Wu tensor failure criterion 169
Tubular double-lap joint 371
Tubular single-lap joint 357
Tungsten carbide boring bar 597 598
Twisting moment (of narrow beam) 241
Two-parameter exponential approximation
of adhesive 335
Two-parameter shear stress–strain
characteristics 360
Two-stage resins 32Index Terms Links
Ultrasonic machining 343
Ultraviolet 28
absorbers 41
surface treatment 390
Uncoupled design 459
with less information 483
Unidirectional continuous fiber composite 14
Unidirectional (UD) lamina 64
Unsaturated points 32
Unsaturated polyester resin 28
Upper triangular matrix 459
Use of standardization 482
Use of symmetry 482
USM foam molding process 507
Vacuum-assisted molding 315
Vacuum-assisted RTM (VARTM) 310
Vacuum bag degassing process 52
Vacuum bagging process 51
Van der Waals type bond 23
Variance 474
Velocity profile 320
Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) 584
of simply supported symmetric plate 217
of a composite laminate subjected to
dynamic lateral load 223
Vinyl esters 32
Vinylsilane 36
Viscoelastic 27
Viscosity of a thermosetting resin 297Index Terms Links
Viscous damping factor 225
Void ratio 291
Void volume 291
Volatile 32
flow rate 568 569
susceptibility 584
Von Mises theory 160
Warpage 148
Water jet machining 342 343
Water-resistant polyester glass-fiber
composite 20
Waviness 339
Weak core 237
Web (definition) 248
Web core 234
Weber number 492
distribution 260
distribution scale (location) parameter 260
distribution shape parameter 260
parameters of composite materials 272
Weight fraction 42
grinding 340
winding 53 321
Wettability 35
Wetting of matrix into fiber 35 659
Whirling of propeller shaft 623
Whirling vibration 567 568 582
Whisker 18Index Terms Links
Whitney–Nuismer failure criterion 188
Wide beam 245
Winding angle 322
Woven fabric continuous fiber
composite 14
Wrist of the robot 520 523
Wrist of the handling robot 513 514 520 523
536 539
X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) 3 91
Yarn 53 321
tension 325
Youngs equation 35
Zigzagging 461 465 466

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» كتاب Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design
» كتاب Composite Structures Vol. 47
» كتاب Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures
» كتاب Damage and Fracture of Composite Materials and Structures
» كتاب Vibration Based Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Skin-Stiffener Structures

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