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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering X الثلاثاء 03 أبريل 2018, 1:04 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Computer Aided Optimum Design in Engineering X S. Hernandez University of La Coru?a, Spain C.A. Brebbia Wessex Institute of Technology, UK
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Section 1: Algorithmic and topology optimisation Numerical experiences with parallel clusters for generating Pareto surfaces: application in structural topology optimization S. Wuppalapati, A. D. Belegundu, A. Aziz & V. Agarwala ..3 Global versus local statement of stress constraints in topology optimization of continuum structures J. Par?s, F. Navarrina, I. Colominas & M. Casteleiro 13 Block aggregation of stress constraints in topology optimization of structures J. Par?s, F. Navarrina, I. Colominas & M. Casteleiro ..25 Design of experiments and optimization of composite structures using solid-shell elements M. Hannachi, H. Naceur, J. L. Batoz & S. Belouettar .35 Evaluation of extended Stochastic Schemata Exploiter T. Maruyama & E. Kita ..45 Section 2: Shape optimisation Shape optimization of composites based on minimum potential energy P. Proch?zka 57 Optimization of geometry for the lateral buckling process of a cantilever beam R. Drazumeric, F. Kosel & T. Kosel .67 Geometric optimization of shells P. Bro? . Genetic algorithms and finite element coupling for mechanical optimization G. Corriveau, R. Guilbault & A. Tahan ..87 Towards the optimization of photoacoustic sensors B. Kost, B. Baumann, M. Wolff & H. Groninga ..97 Section 3: Applications in construction engineering MINLP cost optimization of industrial steel building S. Kravanja & T. ?ula 109 Parametric optimization of steel floor system cost using Evolver B. S. Platt & P. V. Mtenga ..119 Selection of optimum structural systems and materials O. S. Al Shamrani & G. G. Schierle 129 Threshold accepting optimization of road vaults and rectangular hollow bridge piers A. Carbonell, F. Martinez, V. Yepes, A. Hospitaler & F. Gonzalez-Vidosa 141 VTOP – an improved software for design optimization of prestressed concrete beams S. Hernandez, D. Marcos, A. N. Fontan & J. Diaz .151 Section 4: Applications in mechanical and aircraft engineering Optimal design of fatigue loaded heavy-duty machine spring elements H. Martikka & I. P?ll?nen ..167 Non-parametric shape optimization method for thin-walled structures under strength criterion M. Shimoda, J. Tsuji & H. Azegami 179 A study on torsional stiffness of the competition go-kart frame C.-C. Liang, C.-H. Yu & C.-C. Wu ..189 Active vibration suppression of a flexible link manipulator using piezoelectric actuator H. Salmasi, R. Fotouhi & P. N. Nikiforuk 199Aerodynamic optimization of a biplane configuration using differential evolution R. W. Derksen & A. G. Kraj 209 Design optimization application in accordance with product and process requirements A. Del Prete, D. Mazzotta & A. Anglani ..219 Section 5: Applications to process optimisation Evaluation of optimum landfill design: Mid Auchencarroch experimental landfill emissions T. C. Koliopoulos & G. Koliopoulou .231 Optimization of surface utilization using heuristic approaches Y. Langer, M. Bay, Y. Crama, F. Bair, J. D. Caprace & Ph. Rigo .241 Author Index 25
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