كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools
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 كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools    كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools  Emptyالخميس 22 مارس 2018, 11:06 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools
Applications to manufacturing processes
Fusaomi Nagata, Keigo WataNabe  

كتاب Controller Design for Industrial Robots and Machine Tools  P_811h2onj1
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface xxi
About the authors xxiii
Introduction xxv
1 Velocity-based discrete-time control system with intelligent control concepts for openarchitecture industrial robots 1
1.1 Background . 2
1.2 Basic Servo System . 3
1.3 Dynamic simulation 13
1.4 In case of fuzzy control . 19
1.5 In case of neural network . 27
1.6 Conclusion . 32
2 Preliminary simulation of intelligent force
control 35
2.1 Introduction . 36
2.2 Impedance model following force control . 37
2.3 Influence of environmental viscosity 42
2.4 Fuzzy environment model . 46
2.5 Conclusion . 63
vController design for industrial robots and machine tools
3 CAM system for articulated-type industrial robot 65
3.1 Background . 66
3.2 Desired trajectory . 68
3.3 Implementation to industrial robot RV1A 73
3.4 Experiment . 78
3.5 Passive force control of industrial robot RV1A 80
3.6 Conclusion . 84
4 3D robot sander for artistically designed furniture 91
4.1 Background . 92
4.2 Feedfoward position/orientation control
based on post-process of CAM 94
4.3 Hybrid position/force control with weak coupling . 96
4.4 Robotic sanding system for wooden parts
with curved surfaces 98
4.5 Surface-following control for robotic sanding
system 100
4.6 Feedback control of polishing force 101
4.7 Feedforward and feedback control of position 103
4.8 Hyper CL data . 105
4.9 Experimental result 106
4.10 Conclusion . 110
5 3D machining system for artistic wooden paint
rollers 113
5.1 Background . 113
5.2 Conventional five-axis nc machine tool with a
tilting head . 118
5.3 Intelligent machining system for artistic design of wooden paint rollers 120
5.4 Experiments . 135
5.5 Conclusion . 140
Published by Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2013Contents
6 Polishing robot for pet bottle blow molds 141
6.1 Background . 142
6.2 Generation of multi-axis cutter location data 146
6.3 Basic Polishing Scheme for a Ball-End Abrasive Tool . 147
6.4 Feedback Control of Polishing Force . 149
6.5 Feedforward and Feedback Control of Tool
Position . 150
6.6 Update timing of CL data . 152
6.7 Experiment . 154
6.8 Conclusion . 161
7 Desktop orthogonal-type robot for LED lens
cavities 163
7.1 Background . 164
7.2 Limitation of a polishing system based on an
articulated-type industrial robot . 165
7.3 Desktop orthogonal-type robot with compliance controllability . 167
7.4 Transformation technique of manipulated
values from velocity to pulse 168
7.5 Desired damping considering the critically
damped condition 170
7.6 Design of weak coupling control between force
feedback loop and position feedback loop . 172
7.7 Basic experiment 174
7.8 Frequency characteristics . 184
7.9 Application to finishing an LED lens mold 186
7.10 Stick-slip motion of tool 186
7.11 Neural Network-Based Stiffness Estimator . 191
7.12 Automatic Tool Truing for Long-Time Lapping Process . 199
7.13 Force Input Device . 208
7.14 Conclusion . 210
8 Conclusion 213
Published by Woodhead Publishing Ltd., 2013Controller design for industrial robots and machine tools
References 215

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