كتاب Manufacturing and Engineering Technology
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Manufacturing and Engineering Technology

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Manufacturing and Engineering Technology   كتاب Manufacturing and Engineering Technology Emptyالثلاثاء 16 يناير 2018, 8:43 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Manufacturing and Engineering Technology (ICMET 2014)
Ai Sheng, Yizhong Wang
Ai Sheng
Information Science and Engineering Technology Research Association (ISET),
Hong Kong, China
Yizhong Wang
Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Tianjin, China  

كتاب Manufacturing and Engineering Technology P_8698frun4
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of contents
ICMET 2014 committee
Using an FPGA-based system for IEEE 1641 waveform generation
C. Liu & C. Meng
Analysis of GTM-AS rapier loom’s rapier mechanism
J.Y. Xu
Analysis of GTM-A rapier loom’s take-up mechanism
J.Y. Xu
Design of wireless communication platform of MCU based on Wi-Fi
M.-L. Wen, J.-C. Wang & X. Wang
The controlled blasting technology of sewage treatment pool concrete wall water hole
in complicated environment
P. Huang, E.H. Wu, Q.S. Liu, S.L. Yang & J. Li
Research based on thermal shock in gear temperature field and stress field
D. Wang, G.H. Li, H.J. Zhang & X.S. Ma
Study on the setting and evaluation of left-turn waiting area at signalized intersections
B.Q. Sun & J.Y. Chen
Pretreatment of pineapple leaf fiber with Bu-gong tea saponin
J.H. Bai & S.L. Cui
Design of automatic vacuum casting machine
J. Wang & J.F. Zhao
Consider tooth surface forming error of spiral bevel gears parameterized modeling
and modification technology research
Z.H. Zhou, K. Huang & Y.S. Xiong
A reliability allocation method for Weapon Systems based on multi-expert blur theory
X.-J. Wei & J.-S. Xue
Research on system reliability allocation based on BP neural network and improved
algebraic method
J.-S. Xue, Y.-S. Zhang & X.-J. Wei
The design and realization of a user mode device driver framework
H.J. Bian, X.X. Zhao, J.H. Lei & H.C. Ou
The research on the planning strategy of rural environmental image improvement—
taking Tiangongsi village of Baoding as an example
J.Y. Guo, Y.H. Wang & L.N. Feng
Trajectory optimization with multiple constraints for a guided bomb using
a pseudospectral method
Y.B. Yuan & K. Zhang
The research and design of terminal data security in power system
W.W. Li, T. Zhang, Y.Y. Ma & S. Deng
Study on crash simulation and structure optimization of rear bumper of the truck
X.-N. Ye, W. Huang & H.-C. Yuan
Impact analysis of optimized rear bumper of the truck (mobile barrier 50% bias)
S.-L. Feng, X.-N. Ye & Z.-Y. Zhang
2DLDA based semi-supervised face recognition
W.-M. Shi & X.-Y. Yang
Reheating furnace model system based on Message-Oriented Middleware
L. He, K. Chen, H.L. Ke & Y.H. Peng
Research of the effects fabric performance for outside contour loose quantity
of the fold collar
Y.N. Han & Y. Liu
Corrosion behavior of X80 pipeline steel in soil environment containing
Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria
D. Wang, M. Wu, F. Xie, L. Ge, W.J. Zhang & Y. Fu
The application of torsion angle method in shaft dynamic torque measurement
X.Y. Zi, S. Geng & S.F. Zhao
The application of torque-sensitive materials in shaft dynamic torque measurement
X.Y. Zi, S. Geng, H. Wu & S.F. Zhao
Research on evaluation method of design schemes for customized product based
on house of quality and its applications
Y.K. Ding, F.F. Zhu, W.Y. Shi & X.S. Xu
Research on the tungsten alloy long-rod penetrator penetrating concrete target
G.Y. Hang, W.L. Yu, T. Wang, J.T. Wang & Z. Li
The research of photocatalytic degradation of compound TiO2 film in dyeing wastewater
L. Wang, C.S. Hao & M.X. Li
Effect of slag composition on inclusion transformation process for high-speed
wheel steel during LF–VD process
Y. Tang
The influence of line spacing and text background on visual search of web pages
N.N. Zhang & D. Xu
Study on pre-drainage seam gas technology with borehole drilled along seam
in outburst and soft mine
Z.-L. Wang, Z.-L. Li & A.-M. Liang
Research on the master/slave model of the parallel processing technology
for homogeneous multicore DSP
M.J. Wu, H.Y. Zhao, S.Y. Xie, W.W. Wu, X.F. Zhang & N.C. Yuan
Research key technologies of the current network security situation awareness
X.J. Guan, T. Zhang, Y.Y. Ma & S. Deng
Study on the data mining method of vehicle insurance based on a rough set
H. Che, J. Cheng & W.P. Ding
Assessment for the fire risk of the underground parking area
H. Che, W.P. Ding & J. Cheng
Deep-hole precision processing method of pin bush
H.H. Chen, Q.T. Wu, F.M. Nie, B.G. Hu & Z. Kang
Workflow-based airworthiness certification document flow and its management system
X.B. Yan, J.J. Jiang, J.B. Wang & Y.M. Cao
Influence of fit tolerance between square tenon thickness and oval mortise width
on ultimate pulling resistance
M. Chen, Y.-Q. Yang, X. Wu & J.-H. Lyu
Influence of fit tolerance between tenon width and mortise length on joint performance
of oval-tenon manufactured by Alnus formosana wood
M. Chen, Z.-G. Cai, Y.-Q. Yang & J.-H. Lyu
Air flow noise analysis for the intake manifold based on CFD
P.H. Huang, J.C. Zhang & B. Feng
Probabilistic design of spherical function mechanisms
A.P. Zhuang, J.F. Zhang, J.M. Liao & Y.J. Li
An indirect measurement method of volumetric errors for linear axes
in CNC machine tools
J.W. Fan, Y.H. Tang & Y. Song
CPOM to synthesis gas by ceria-promoted nickel nanowire catalyst
X.-B. Hong
Research and development of a multiple data source curve drawing software
for IC equipment
N. Jin, A.D. Xu, M.Z. Liu, K. Wang & C.X. Wang
Analysis and calculation for LV auxiliary power system short-circuit current
of the fossil fuel power plant
H.Y. He, Z.H. Wang & N. Jin
An open-source musculoskeletal model for lumbar force predictions
X.J. Meng, D.E. Anderson, A.G. Bruno, W.J. Wang, M.L. Bouxsein, S.B. Li & B. Cheng
Improvement of the algorithm in addition to optimize the canal with the application
L.L. Deng & X. Zhang
Thermal analysis of a power box
B. Chen & N. Li
FA used in the development of the vending machine with the function of returning change
W. Wang & H. Gu
Research on the cost driver selection and combination in Activity-Based Costing
Q.Y. Cui, X.R. Dong & Y.Z. Ma
First-principle simulations of quantum transport for a nanoscale InAs device
L.Y. Zhang, L. Fang, N. Xu & H.H. Sun
Application and realization of remote control in power ultrasonic treatment
Y.G. Kong, Y.Z. Yang & M.D. Luo
A novel method for deriving reservoir operation curves based on the concept
of dynamic variable sampling space
X. Wang, X.N. Guo, X. Chen, X.H. Lei, Y.Z. Jiang & H. Wang
IETM data in the comprehensive utilization of equipment life cycle
J. Zhang, H.Y. Zhao & J.Q. Zhang
Research on the PV-Storage-Charging station method base on graph theory
J. Yu, H. Ge & H.G. Wang
Analysis of vibration characteristics of a ball screw system
J.J. Yang & Q. Wu
Design of a multiplexing Pulse Power Source control system based on the CAN bus
X. Zhang & Z. Zhang
Research on discrete bipolar switching effect in memristor device
Z.-S. Tang, N. Xu, R.-L. Liu, Y.-Q. Chi & L. Fang
Modification of the analytical model for drag bits in rotary rock drilling
Z.T. Li, Y.Z. Ma, L. Yin, F.X. Li & F. Jin
Influence of titanium on hot-dip 55% Al–Zn alloy coating
T.X. Guo, C.S. Liu & Y.L. Zhou
Designing and testing the control circuit for the base current of SiC transistors
T. Jing & H.B. Wang
Management of the food supply chain-based networking technology
H.B. Wang
Research of a cold-chain logistics security monitoring platform based on Internet of things
H.B. Wang & T. Jing
The study of the impact of RMB appreciation on China’s service trade and the dealings
of the enterprise’s strategies
Q.C. Wu
The study of the causes of the impact of RMB appreciation on service export
Q.C. Wu
Gray correlation of China’s logistics capability and the growth of agriculture economy
X.M. Liu & Z.H. Ouyang
Diploma of patriarch-based management in Quanzhou’s industry transformation
and upgrading, and the analysis of its strategies
S.F. Huang
E-commerce development strategy and platform establishment for the agricultural
products of Quanzhou city
W.C. Hong
Quanzhou rural tourism development model and marketing strategy analysis
C.P. Li
Econometric analysis on the relationship between regional logistics and industrial
structure’s changes in Fujian province of China
S.B. Yan
Study on the relationship between the economic growth and environmental pollution
in Fujian province based on the VAR model
X.Z. Xu
Analysis of online consumer’s shopping behavior
Y.Y. Wang
The comparison and evaluation on the regional scientific and technological innovation
efficiency in Fujian province of China
T.E. Su
Business model analysis of bank online store
C.P. Li
Target detection and tracking based on digital image
J.X. Wang, Y.L. Wang & H.B. Kang
Research and implementation of retrieval technology based on image content
J.X. Wang, Y.L. Wang & H.Y. Sun
Hybrid ring coupler with arbitrary power division using phase inverters
N. Zhang, C.-L. Zhong, X.-H. Xu & Y.-P. Sun
Research on developing a log system based on .Net
Y.-L. Liu, Y.-H. Liu, X. Wang, Y.-B. Zhang & X.-Z. Cheng
Kinematic analysis of a deployable mast used for solar cell arrays
H.Y. Tan, Y.J. Hu, L. Ling & J.L. Li
Research on the genetic algorithm-based all-terminal network optimization
G.Z. Zou & X.L. Huang
Evaluation of an equipment operation maintenance plan based on the AHP
and entropy weight methods
T.P. Li, Y.L. Qian & Y. Li
A new guidance method for reentry warhead against a stationary target
Z.D. Hu, X.M. Tang, F.Y. Zhou & Z.J. Li
Magnetorheological elastomer damper design and finite-element analysis
W.J. Xu, Z. Ren, J.Y. Wang, T.S. Zhang, C. Zhao & C.R. Tang
Research on a new cloud trust model and its defense abilities
M.H. Yang, Z.P. Wang & J.J. Yao
A secure data access method based on eID for mobile Internet
M.H. Yang, J.J. Yao & Z.X. Liu
Research on security access control method of power intranet terminal
L. Chen, X. Liu & S. Deng
An on-line monitoring system for the determination of ammonium nitrogen in waters
K.-L. Wei & Q. Fang
Research on calculation of thermal electromotive force of second-class Pt-Rh
10%-Pt thermocouple on 100 temperature points based on LabVIEW
B. Zhou, J.H. Zhao, Y.K. Wei & D.D. Li
Competitive dynamic I-Ching decision model—solar battery industry in Taiwan
W. Pei & K.-H. Lin
Thermal effects of various conductive thin films deposited on flexible substrates
F.Y. Chen, M.J. Kuo & R.C. Chang
Preservative effects of antimicrobial controlled-release coatings containing Tea
Polyphenol nanoparticles on tilapia fillets
H. Wang, Z.H. Huang, R. Hu & J.Y. He
Stress analysis and injury research of human thorax tissues during vehicle rear impacts
D.W. Cheng & Q. Xue
Research on Y-shaped elastomeric reciprocating seal lubrication conditions based
on numerical calculation
B. Hong & F.Y. Zhang
Residual stresses effects of transparently conductive thin films deposited
on flexible substrates
M.J. Kuo, F.Y. Chen & R.C. Chang
Development of an ice shape non-contact measuring system based on 3D scanning technology
L. Guo, J. Ma & M. Li
The feedback and correction of classification model for cold strips surface defects based
on the immune algorithm
T. Shi, J.Y. Kong, X.D. Wang, J.W. Liu & Z. Liu
Research on nonlinear polynomial least square error compensation based on method DEWE 2010
C. He, G.L. Dong, Q. Li & M.Y. Ye
An efficient distance metric for time series data mining
Y.-Q. Shi & Y.-L. Zhu
Research on the damping characteristics optimization of the tracked vehicle
Y.J. Chen, M.X. Hou, Y.F. Zhang, H.J. Ju & X.L. Han
Rubber chemicals wastewater treatment technology research
X. Bian, W. Hong, X. Tan, F. Ma, X.F. Zou & W. Zhao
Research on three-dimensional measurement of wind tunnel model based on Kinect
W.M. Zhao, L. Liang, L.J. Zhang & Y. Cheng
Preparation of metallographic specimen of commercial pure titanium used for surgical implants
M. Chang & J. Su
Practical studies on a central solar heating system with high efficiency
Y.W. Li, Y.X. Jiang, L.L. Zhao & J.Y. Li
Research on spillage refinement algorithm of 70,000 tons tanker based on damage probability
J.N. Zhang, M.Y. Jing, M.X. Jin & L. Zhang
Research on some Thermal Weapon Sights signal acquisition technology
N. Li, T.C. Huang & R.X. Duan
The formation mechanism and control measures of leakage defects on the cast
aluminum heat exchanger
R.H. Zhang, D.X. Ma, S.C. Sun & J.Z. Mao
Optimizing an intake manifold shape for better function
P. Zhou, W.-H. Qian, L. Liu, X.-J. Hu & J. Luo
The study of the road deceleration strip
J.B. She, J. Liu, Y.Z. Xu & Y. Wang
Crowdsourcing for early provisioning of road-disruption information:
Model and implementation
T. Dirgahayu, B.K. Widodo & R.U.M. Akbar
A study on effective implementation of staff rotation system in a state-owned enterprise
X.M. Long, Y.Y. Tian & H.M. Shen
Research on cylindrical equipment launch process parameters simulation
H. Chen, Z.H. Kong, X. Wang & K. Zhang
Design of mobile phone bluetooth remote control light switch
F. Hou
A review of firm’s low carbon capability
T. Yang & S.C. Li
Light trapping effect of aluminum back reflector on stainless steel substrate
for a-Si solar cell
T.-C. Li, H. Ay, Y.J. Ciou, C.F. Ai, J.D. Jun, M.C. Wang & T.K. Tsai
A study on modeling of underwater FCAW process based on MATLAB
H. Wang & B. Chen
Fabrication and characterizations of electrospark coating on aluminum alloy substrate
F. Guo, J.Z. Hao & P. Li
Cause analysis of the high logistics cost in China and relevant suggestions
N. Dong
The development strategy of Chinese road freight enterprise under new circumstance
J. Wang, C.L. Jiang, N. Dong & Y.F. Li
The higher order crack tip fields for anti-plane crack in power functionally graded
piezoelectric materials
Y. Dai, X. Chong & J.C. Huang
The higher order crack tip fields for arbitrarily oriented crack with the physical
Y. Dai, X. Chong & J.W. Pan
A simulation model of spare inventory with complex conditions
J.M. Zhao, Q.W. Hu & Y. Tian
An aggregate-function-based filled function method for constrained global optimization
W. Liu
The simulation model for research of island operation control strategy
in HVDC weak sending-end system
Y.D. Song, Q. Zhang, J.S. Liu, J.Y. Zhang, W. Fan, L.Y. Yang, F.W. Duan & C.F. Zhao
Parametric screening and design refinement of ceiling fan blades
S. Ahmad, R. Ahmad & A. Maqsood
Prediction of thermophysical properties of hydrogen via linear prediction
and Artificial Neural Networks
S.J. Yang & J.Y. Wang
Research on the development process, existing problems and countermeasures
of organization system, management mechanism, and law system of emergency
management of mega city in China—taking Shanghai as an example
X.-L. Yan
The affection of the dip angle changing to the meridional velocity distribution
for variable-obliquity inducer
R.-N. Li, Y.-X. Deng, W. Han, Z. Li & D.-W. Wang
Designed Textile Reinforced Concrete elements for architectural facade applications
K. Pidun & M. Schulze

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