كتاب Cambridge Robotics For Electronics Manufacturing - Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automation
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 كتاب Cambridge Robotics For Electronics Manufacturing - Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automation

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Cambridge Robotics For Electronics Manufacturing
Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automation

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ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Cambridge Robotics For Electronics Manufacturing
Principles and Applications in Cleanroom Automation
Zitech Engineering, LLC
Preface page xi
1 Industrial robotics 1
1.1 History of industrial robotics 1
1.2 The global robotics industry 2
1.3 Applications and operational stock by region 5
1.4 Socioeconomic impact 6
1.5 Definitions, standards, and terminology 7
1.6 Applicable and related standards 11
2 Cleanroom robotics 12
2.1 Manufacturing in cleanroom environments 12
2.2 Semiconductor manufacturing 14
2.3 Flat panel display manufacturing 20
2.4 Substrate-handling robots 23
2.5 Applicable and related standards 28
3 Design of atmospheric robots 30
3.1 Clean materials 30
3.2 Prevention of electrostatic charge 37
3.3 Surface finishes for cleanroom robotics 43
3.4 Clean drive trains 48
3.5 Arm compliance 53
3.6 End-effectors 60
3.7 Robot assembly and handling 62
3.8 Applicable and related standards 70
4 Design of vacuum robots 73
4.1 Robotics challenges in vacuum environments 73
4.2 What is vacuum? 74
4.3 Static vacuum barrier 76
4.4 Dynamic vacuum barrier 794.5 Clean drive trains 92
4.6 External and internal leaks 99
4.7 Materials and surface finishes 104
4.8 Assembly and installation of vacuum robots 115
4.9 Applicable and related standards 120
5 Kinematics 124
5.1 Joint space, operational space, and workspace 124
5.2 Kinematic robot structures 126
5.3 Mathematical foundations 129
5.4 Forward kinematics 134
5.5 Inverse kinematics 149
5.6 Commercial substrate-handling robots 150
5.7 Applicable and related standards 153
6 Dynamics and control 154
6.1 Manipulator dynamics 154
6.2 Robot motion control 162
6.3 Networked, decentralized robot control 172
6.4 Applicable and related standards 177
7 Test and characterization 179
7.1 Airborne particle contamination 179
7.2 Surface particle contamination 182
7.3 Positioning accuracy and repeatability 186
7.4 Path accuracy and repeatability 199
7.5 Vibration analysis 206
7.6 Mechanical axis decoupling 212
7.7 Applicable and related standards 218
Appendix A SI units and conversion tables 220
Appendix B Standards organizations 223
Appendix C Standard temperature and pressure (STP) 225
References 226
Index 23

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