كتاب Notes on Design Analysis of Machine Element - Douglas Wright
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 كتاب Notes on Design Analysis of Machine Element - Douglas Wright

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Notes on Design Analysis of Machine Element
Douglas Wright

كتاب Notes on Design Analysis of Machine Element - Douglas Wright P_732pdltq2
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

What is Design ?; why do we design ?; how do we design ?; problem statement; generation of ideas; criteria & con
straints; practicalising the candidates; evaluating the candidates; the feasibility study; where do we go from here ?;
more advanced considerations.
Appendices A - improvement problem; B - tube end problem; C - lessons in frustration; D - analysis of a spring
driven vehicle; E - springs as energy stores; F - JCH Roberts on Creativity.
Safety factor; stress concentration; static indeterminacy; elementary load building blocks; stress resolution; strain
resolution; failure theories; putting it all together; design equations for static shafts; power transmission shafts.
Appendix - indeterminate assemblies of multiple components.
Castigliano's theorem; thin curved beams; thick curved beams; asymmetric bending; contact stresses.
Close coiled round wire helical compression springs; the spring characteristic; stresses & stiffness; buckling; wire
materials; presetting; fatigue loading; spring design.
Appendix - presetting a torsion bar.
Thread geometry; screw thread mechanics; static failure; loads in an elastic bolted assembly; preload and its con
trol; fluid pressurised joints; bolt fatigue; non-uniformly loaded bolt groups.
Fillet welded joints; geometric properties of lines; traditional analysis; throat stresses and joint safety; unified anal
ysis; resolution.
Appendices - the compliant lap joint; extract from AWRA, Technical Note No. 8.
Axial stress; thin cylinders; thick cylinders; design equations; thin cylinder errors; strains; autofrettage; compound
cylinders; torsional loading.
Corrosion; welded joint efficiency; thin shells of revolution - heads; compensation; pipes and flanges; inspection
openings; supports; design.
Characteristics of a steady load and of a motor; matching a motor to a given steady load; periodic loading; acceler
ation; hydraulic couplings.
Appendix - integration in practice.
Overall geometry; kinetics; fatigue; effectiveness; drive selection; approximate solutions; V-flat and pivoted motor
drives. Traction mechanics.
Appendix - commercial selection tables.
System dynamics; linings; brake shoe analysis - short translational shoe; long translational shoe; short rotational
shoe; shoe figures of merit; long rigid shoe; long hinged shoes; twin shoe brakes. The braked wheel; braking of
vehicles; wheel lock - vehicle characteristic; brake control characteristic.
Overall kinetics of a gear pair; epicyclic trains; conjugate tooth action; the involute tooth; the generation process -
tooth systems and profile shift; gear meshing. Gear failure - reliability; tooth forces; bending strength; pitting resis
tance; periodic duty.
Appendices - continued fractions; geometry of the involute gear tooth.
Buckling of thin walled structures; stability of equilibrium; effects of imperfections; submerged pipelines; practical
columns - design equations.
Fatigue of ductiles; stress concentration; linear elastic fracture mechanics; plasticity; yielding fracture mechanics -
the R6 technique; fatigue crack growth. Crack growth kinetics.
Linear 1-networks; extension to 2- and 3-networks. The Rayleigh-Ritz method. Finite element theory applied to
elasticity - equilibrium of the discretised body; element stiffness. Implementation; condensation and bandwidth;
discretisation. Appendices - the refining process; 'FEM1' User's Guide.

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