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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Solid Liquid Separation - Fourth Edition الثلاثاء 26 ديسمبر 2017, 10:26 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Solid Liquid Separation - Fourth Edition Ladislav Svarovsky, Dipl Ing, PhD, CEng, FlCherm E Professor of Chemical Engineering, EPS Institute, England and University of Pardubice,Czech Republic OXFORD AUCKLAND BOSTON JOHANNESBURG MELBOURNE NEW DELHIContents
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Preface to the fourth edition Preface to the first edition 1 Introduction to solid-liquid separation— L. Svarovsky Pretreatment of suspensions Equipment and principles The spectrum of particle size References 28 2 Characterization of particles suspended in liquids— L. Svarovsky Introduction, the reasons for particle characterization Definitions of particle size Types of particle size distribution Measures of central tendency Presentation of data Sampling Laboratory measurement of particle size On-line measurement techniques Statistical measurement control Appendix 2.1 Appendix 2.2 References Further reading 3 Efficiency of separation of particles from fluids— L. Svarovsky Introduction 66 3.1 66 3.2 Basic definitions and mass balance equations Basic relationships between £T, G(x) and the particle size distributions of the products Modifications of efficiency definitions for applications with an appreciable underflow-to-throughput ratio A new method of testing separators Nomenclature 101 References 102 4 Coagulation and flocculation Part I — M. A. Hughes Introduction 104 4.1 104vi Contents 4.2 The colloidal model 4.3 Electrokinetic phenomena and the zeta potential 4.4 Practical applications of the zeta potential 4.5 Flocculation by polyelectrolytes 4.6 Other considerations References Bibliography Part II — Orthokinetic flocculation— K. J. Ives Nomenclature 130 130 Introduction Theory Laboratory testing Practical flocculators Current developments 5 Gravity clarification and thickening— L. Svarovsky Clarifiers Thickeners 166 5.1 167 5.2 178 References Further reading 188 189 6 Hydrocyclones— L. Svarovsky Nomenclature 191 191 6.1 Introduction and description Liquid flow patterns Motion of suspended particles Pressure distribution within the flow, static pressure drop Hydrocyclone function, design and merits Theories of separation Hydrocyclone selection and scale-up Design variations, other design features Applications Conclusions 7 Separation by centrifugal sedimentation— L. Svarovsky Nomenclature 246 246 7.1 Introduction 246 7.2 Theoretical performance predictions Equipment Factors affecting the choice of centrifugal equipment Recent developments 247 7.3 256 7.4 269 7.5 272 References 279Contents vii 8 Filter media, filter rating— Lawrence G. Loff Introduction Filter media— general Cartridge filters Rigid porous media Non-woven media Woven wire Woven fabrics Material selection Filter rating Summary 8.9 298 8.10 299 Bibliography 300 9 Filtration fundamentals— L. Svarovsky Nomenclature 302 302 9.1 Introduction Flow rate-pressure drop relationships Filtration operations— basic equations, incompressible cakes Filtration operations— basic equations, compressible cakes Relationship between specific cake resistance, porosity and specific surface Cake moisture correction— mass balance Further development of filtration theory The benefits of pre-thickening Filtration of non-Newtonian liquids References 333 10 Cake washing— L. Svarovsky Introduction, methods of washing solids Principle of cake washing, the washing curve Is it always best to dewater before cake washing? How much wash liquid is needed? Can the washing curve be predicted? An example of a cake washing calculation Cake washing on continuous filters Practical considerations 11 Methods for limiting cake growth— L. Svarovsky Introduction Removal of cake by mass forces Mechanical cake removal Dislodging of cake by reverse flow 349 11.1 349 11.2 350 11.3 351 11.4 351viii Contents 11.5 11.6 References Bibliography Prevention of cake deposition by vibration Cross-flow filtration 352 353 363 365 12 Pressure filtration— L. Svarovsky Part I— Batch pressure filtration 12.1 12.2 368 368 Introduction 368 Batch pressure filtration 369 Part II — Continuous filtration Continuous pressure filtration 393 12.3 References 393 406 13 Vaccum filtration— L. Svarovsky Nutsche filter Enclosed agitated vacuum filters Vacuum leaf filter Tipping pan filter Horizontal rotating pan filters Horizontal belt vacuum filters Rotary vacuum drum filters Rotary vacuum disc filters Selection of continuous vacuum filters Improvement of filter performance by physical pretreatment of the slurry References 430 14 Centrifugal filtration— L. Svarovsky Perforate basket centrifuge Peeler centrifuge Conical basket centrifuge Pusher centrifuge Scale-up and testing 15 Countercurrent washing of solids— L. Svarovsky Introduction The pumping arrangements Advantages and capabilities of a countercurrent washing system Mass balance calculations for the solids Washing efficiency calculations Washing train design recommendations Applications, case studies 15.7 464Contents ix References Conclusions Appendix 16 Separator series and networks— L. Svarovsky Introduction Series connections on overflow Series connections on underflow Series connections on both outlets Mass balance calculations References 17 The selection of solid-liquid separation equipment— H. G. W. Pierson References 512 Introduction 512 Sedimentation or filtration? Sedimentation equipment Filtration equipment A note from the editor 18 Particle-fluid interaction, thermodynamics of solid-liquid separation— L. Svarovsky Part I — Particle-fluid interaction Nomenclature References Part IT— Thermodynamics of solid-liquid separation Nomenclature References Introduction Motion of particles in fluids Flow through packed beds Particles in non-Newtonian liquids Introduction Some notes on entropy Entropy index Criterion of separation Estimates of sediment porosity Conclusions Index 549
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