كتاب شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس - Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial
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 كتاب شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس - Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس - Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial   كتاب شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس - Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial Emptyالثلاثاء 12 ديسمبر 2017, 8:11 am

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شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس
Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial

كتاب شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس - Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial P_708mgldi4
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Introduction 1
Tutorial Goals .2
Before You Begin .2
If You Need More Help 3
Additional Documentation 4
2D Toolpaths . 5
1. General Setup - Mold Core . 7
Lesson Goals 7
About the Mold Core Part .7
Exercise 1: Selecting Your Machine . 8
2. The 2D Facing Toolpath . 11
Lesson Goals 11
Exercise 1: Defining the Tool plane . 11
Exercise 2: Setting Up the Stock Model . 13
Exercise 3: Creating the Facing Toolpath 14
Exercise 4: Backplot and Verify the Facing Toolpath 17
Exercise 5: Verifying All of the Toolpaths . 19
Exercise 6: Posting the Toolpath 20
3. 2D Area Mill . 23
Lesson Goals 23
Exercise 1: Creating the Area Mill Toolpath 23
Exercise 2: Backplotting and Verifying the Toolpath . 27
Exercise 3: Verifying All of the Toolpaths . 28
Exercise 4: Posting the Toolpath 29IV • MASTERCAM FOR SOLIDWORKS TUTORIAL
3D High Speed Toolpaths 31
1. General Setup - Phone Cradle . 33
Lesson Goals . 33
About the Phone Cradle Sample Part 33
Exercise 1: Selecting Your Machine 35
Exercise 2: Defining the Tool Plane .36
Exercise 3: Defining the Stock 38
2. The Core Roughing Toolpath . 41
Lesson Goals . 41
Exercise 1: Creating the Toolpath .41
Exercise 2: Backplotting and Verifying the toolpath 45
Exercise 3: Posting the Toolpath .46
3. The Rest Roughing Toolpath . 49
Lesson Goals . 49
Exercise 1: Creating the Toolpath .49
Exercise 2: Backplotting and Verifying the toolpath 53
4. The Scallop Toolpath 57
Lesson Goals . 57
Exercise 1: Creating the Toolpath .58
Exercise 2: Backplotting and Verifying the toolpath 61
5. The Waterline Toolpath 65
Lesson Goals . 65
Exercise 1: Creating the Waterline Toolpath .65
Exercise 2: Backplotting and Verifying the toolpath 68
FBM Toolpaths 71
1. FBM Mill 73
About the FBM Sample Part 73
Lesson Goals . 74
Exercise 1: Set Up 74
Exercise 2: Defining the Stock 75
Exercise 3: Creating the Mill Toolpaths .76
Exercise 4: Customizing the Toolpaths 78V
Exercise 5: Backplotting and Verifying the Toolpaths . 80
2. FBM Drill 83
Lesson Goals 83
Exercise 1: Creating the Drill Toolpaths 84
Exercise 2: Customizing the FBM Drill Toolpaths 86
Exercise 3: Backplotting and Verifying the Toolpaths

 كلمة سر فك الضغط : books-world.net
The Unzip Password : books-world.net
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كتاب شرح برنامج ماستر كام للسوليدوركس - Mastercam for SolidWorks Tutorial
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