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عدد المساهمات : 18928 التقييم : 35294 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Modern Control Design With MATLAB and SIMULINK الخميس 16 نوفمبر 2017, 12:17 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Modern Control Design With MATLAB and SIMULINK Ashish Tewari Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xiii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 What is Control? 1 1.2 Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Control Systems 2 1.3 Other Classifications of ControlSystems 6 1.4 On the Road to Control System Analysis and Design 10 1.5 MATLAB, SIMULINK, and the Control System Toolbox 11 References 12 2. Linear Systems and ClassicalControl 13 2.1 How Valid is the Assumption of Linearity? 13 2.2 Singularity Functions 22 2.3 Frequency Response 26 2.4 Laplace Transform and the Transfer Function 36 2.5 Response to Singularity Functions 51 2.6 Response to Arbitrary Inputs 58 2.7 Performance 62 2.8 Stability 71 2.9 Root-Locus Method 73 2.10 Nyquist Stability Criterion 77 2.11 Robustness 81 2.12 Closed-Loop Compensation Techniques for Single-Input, Single-Output Systems 87 2.12.1 Proportional-integral-derivative compensation 88 2.12.2 Lag, lead, and lead-lag compensation 96 2.13 Multivariable Systems 105 Exercises 115 References 124 3. State-Space Representation 125 3.1 The State-Space: Why Do I Need It? 125 3.2 Linear Transformation of State-Space Representations 140viii CONTENTS 3.3 System Characteristics from State-Space Representation 146 3.4 Special State-Space Representations: The Canonical Forms 152 3.5 Block Building in Linear, Time-Invariant State-Space 160 Exercises 168 References 170 4. Solving Hie State-Equations 171 4.1 Solution of the Linear Time Invariant State Equations 171 4.2 Calculation of the State-Transition Matrix 176 4.3 Understanding the Stability Criteria through the State-Transition Matrix 183 4.4 Numerical Solution of Linear Time-Invariant State-Equations 184 4.5 Numerical Solution of Linear Time-Varying State-Equations 198 4.6 Numerical Solution of Nonlinear State-Equations 204 4.7 Simulating Control System Response with SIMUUNK 213 Exercises 216 References 218 5. Control System Design in State-Space 219 5.1 Design: Classical vs. Modern 219 5.2 Controllability 222 5.3 Pole-Placement Design Using Full-State Feedback 228 5.3.1 Pole-placement regulator design for single-input plants 230 5.3.2 Pole-placement regulator design for multi-input plants 245 5.3.3 Pole-placement regulator design for plants with noise 247 5.3.4 Pole-placement design of tracking systems 251 5.4 Observers, Observability, and Compensators 256 5.4.1 Pole-placement design of full-order observers and compensators 258 5.4.2 Pole-placement design of reduced-order observers and compensators 269 5.4.3 Noise and robustness issues 276 Exercises 277 References 282 6. Linear OpHmal Control 283 6.1 The Optimal Control Problem 283 6.1.1 The general optimal control formulation for regulators 284 6.1.2 Optimal regulator gain matrix and the riccati equation 286 6.2 Infinite-Time Linear Optimal Regulator Design 288 6.3 Optimal Control of Tracking Systems 298 6.4 Output Weighted Linear Optimal Control 308 6.5 Terminal Time Weighting: Solving the Matrix Riccati Equation 312 Exercises 318 References 321CONTENTS ix 7. Kalman Filters 323 7.1 Stochastic Systems 323 7.2 Filtering of Random Signals 329 7.3 White Noise, and White Noise Filters 334 7.4 The Kalman Filter 339 7.5 Optimal (Linear, Quadratic, Gaussian) Compensators 351 7.6 Robust Multivariable LOG Control: Loop Transfer Recovery 356 Exercises 370 References 371 8. Digital Control Systems 373 8.1 What are Digital Systems? 373 8.2 A/D Conversion and the ^-Transform 375 8.3 Pulse Transfer Functions of Single-Input, Single-Output Systems 379 8.4 Frequency Response of Single-Input, Single-Output Digital Systems 384 8.5 Stability of Single-Input, Single-Output Digital Systems 386 8.6 Performance of Single-Input, Single-Output Digital Systems 390 8.7 Closed-Loop Compensation Techniques for Single-Input, Single-Output Digital Systems 393 8.8 State-Space Modeling of Multivariable Digital Systems 396 8.9 Solution of Linear Digital State-Equations 402 8.10 Design of Multivariable, Digital Control Systems Using Pole-Placement: Regulators, Observers, and Compensators 406 8.11 Linear Optimal Control of Digital Systems 415 8.12 Stochastic Digital Systems, Digital Kalman Filters, and Optimal Digital Compensators 424 Exercises 432 References 436 9. Advanced Topics in Modern Control 437 9.1 Introduction 437 9.2 Hoq Robust, Optimal Control 437 9.3 Structured Singular Value Synthesis for Robust Control 442 9.4 Time-Optimal Control with Pre-shaped Inputs 446 9.5 Output-Rate Weighted Linear Optimal Control 453 9.6 Nonlinear Optimal Control 455 Exercises 463 References 465 Appendix A: Introduction to MATLAB, SIMULINK and the Control System Toolbox 467х CONTENTS Appendix В: Review of Matrices and Linear Algebra 481 Appendix C: Mass, Stiffness, and Control Influence Matrices of the Flexible Spacecraft 487 Answers to Selected Exercises 489 Index Index Terms in italic refer to MATLAB commands abs, 34 Abstol, 208 Acceleration: angular, 21 normal, 20, 21, 192 radial, 19 acker, 236 Ackermann’s pole-placement formula, 233 Active circuit, 95 Active control, 453 Active flutter-suppression, 440, 444 Actuator, 122-123, 228 Adaptive feedback linearization, 456 Adjoint, 147 Aerodynamic: control surface, 201 forces and moments, 201 model, 463 parameters, 461-463 properties, 201, 211 Aeroelasticity, 191 Aerospace vehicles, 11 Aileron, 98, 163 Aircraft: bomber, 191 fighter, 98, 211 lateral dynamics, 217 longitudinal dynamics, 43, 143 roll dynamics, 98 wing-rock phenomenon, 211 Algorithm, 185 Aliasing, 384 Amplifier, operational, 95 Amplifier-motor, 139 Amplitude, 27 Analog system, 9 Analog-to-digital (A/D) converter, 374-376 angle, 34 Angle of attack, 43, 144, 211 Antenna, 65, 67 Arbitrary function, 26 are, 290 Asymptotic stability, 72 Attenuation, 329 augtf, 441 Automatic control, 1 Autopilot, 15 Azimuth angle, 18, 320 Backlash, 215 Balanced bridges, 227 Band-pass filter, 329 Bandwidth, 34, 334 Bandwidth, loop transfer recovery, 364-366 Bang-bang input, 447 Bank angle, 211 Bellman, 456 Bellman equation, 458 Bilinear form, 416, 485 Blakelock, 45 Block-diagonal structure, 442 Block diagram, 2-4 bode, 31 Bode plot, 30 Boundary conditions, 19 Bounded input, bounded output, 71 Breaks, 47 Burn-out time, 201, 202 Butterworth pattern, 240-243496 INDEX c2d,c2dm, 188 Canard, 192 Cancellation of poles with zeros, 99, 127, 220, 221 canon, 155 Canonical forms: controller companion form, 136-137, 152 Jordan canonical form, 152-154 observer companion form, 137-138, 152 Center of gravity, 163, 201 Capacitor, 5, 15, 32, 116 Cascade control system, 54 Cascade compensation, 88 Cauchy’s theorem, 79 Causal system, 335 Cayley-Hamilton theorem, 485 Chaotic system, 7 Characteristic equation, 40-44 Characteristic polynomial, 44, 137 Characteristic modes, 45 Chemical plant: large, 100 multivariable, 112, 113 Classical control theory, 27 Closed contour, 78 Closed-loop system, 3-5 Closure velocity, 316 Cofactor, 484 Colored noise, 336 Commutation of matrices, 175 Compensator, 64 Compensation techniques: lag compensation, 96-100 lead compensation, 96, 97, 100-102 lead-lag compensation, 96, 97, 102-105 PID compensation, 88-96 Complimentary solution, 28 Complementary sensitivity matrix, 439 Complex differentiation, 37 Complex integration, 37 Complex space, 27 cond, 159 Condition number, 159 Conditional mean, 340 Conformal mapping, 79 conj, 53 Conjugate pair, 42, 53 Constraint, 284 Constrained minimization, 284 Control, 1 Control cost matrix, 284 Control input, 1 Control system, 1 Controllability, 222-228 Controllability test matrix, 224 Controllability test theorem, 224 Control-law, 228 Controller, 1 conv, 44 Convergent series, 185 Convolution integral, 59 Corrected state, 410, 426 Correlation, 324 Correlation matrix, 324 Co-state vector, 419, 457 Coulomb friction, 215 cov, 328 Covariance matrix, 324 Covariance matrix, conditional, 340 Critical damping, 41 Critical frequencies, 401 Cross-correlation matrix, 343, Cross-spectral density matrix, 343 ctrb, 225 Current observer, 409 Cut-off frequency, 329 damp, 44 Damping, 41 Damping ratio, 41 dbode, 385 DC gain, 66 degain, 66 DC gain, digital, 392 ddamp, 389, 393 ddegain, 392 Deadbeat response, 408 Dead-zone, 116 Decoupling the state-equations, 141, 151, 158, 172, 173, 175-177 Delay element, 397 demux block, 215 Denominator polynomial, 40 Design of closed-loop systems: frequency domain, single-input, single-output, 88-105 pole-placement, single-input, regulator, 230-245 pole-placement, multi-input, regulator, 245-247INDEX 497 pole-placement, single-output, observers and compensators, 258-275 optimal, multi-input, multi-output, regulator, 284-298, 308-312 optimal, multi-input, multi-output, tracking system, 298-308 optimal, multi-input, multi-output, terminal time problem, 312-318 optimal, multi-input, multi-output, LQG compensator, 356-369 frequency domain, single-input, single-output, digital, 393-395 pole-placement, regulator, observer, and compensator, digital 406-415 optimal, multi-input, multi-output, digital, 415-432 Design parameters, 219, 228 Design tolerance, 441 Desired output, 2-5 det, 144, 234 Determinant, 112, 143, 483 Deterministic system, 7, 323 Detectable system, 258 Diagonal matrix, 154, 483 Dirac delta function, 22 Direct connection, 147 Difference equation, 397 Differential equation, 9, 13 Differential operator, 28 Direct transmission matrix, 147 Digital: approximation to analog system, 187-188, 400-402 Bode plot, 385 filter, 425 Kalman filter, 425 multivariable systems, 396 Nyquist plot, 387-389 state-equations, 397 Digital signal, 187 Digital system, 9, 187, 373 Digital-to-analog (D/А) converter, 374 dimpulse, 404 dinitial, 404, 408, 423 Discontinuous function, 36 Distillation column, 278 Distinct eigenvalues, 176 Distortion, filtered signal, 329-332 Distributed parameter system, 9, 295 dlqe, 428 dlqew, 428 dlqr, 421 dlsim, 404 dnyquist, 387 Dominant poles, 64, 92, 221 doub, 208-210 Double pendulum, 7,8, 208 dreg, 414, 415 Dryden turbulence model, 337 dsigma, 432 dstep, 404 Dynamic programming, 416 Eccentricity of orbit, 19 eig, 150 Eigenstructure assignment, 246 Eigenvalues, 44, 148, 484 Eigenvalue problem, 148 Eigenvectors, 148, 485 Electrical network: active, 95 nonlinear, 116 passive, 95-97 second order, 15, 32 Elevator, 43, 144, 192 Elliptic filter, 332, 333 Encirclement, 79 Engine RPM governor, 6 Ensemble statistical properties, 325 Equilibrium point, 15-17 Ergodic system, 325 Error signal, 4, 62 Error, steady-state, 62 estim, 262 Estimated state-vector, 259 Estimation error, 259 Excessive stability, 250 Excitation frequency, 26, 27 exp, 179 Expected value, 324 Exponential decay, 25, 41 Exponential of a matrix, 174 expm, expml, expm2, 185 ехртЗ, 179 Feedback controller, 76 Feedback loop, 3, 4 Feedback signal, 107 Feedback transmission, 107 Feedforward controller, 5, 6, 452 Feedforward gain matrix, 263 ffb 327498 INDEX Fictitious controller, 443 Filter, 329 Final value theorem, 37, 378 Finite-element model, 295 First-order actuator, 216 First-order hold, 188 Flexible modes, 448 Flexible aircraft, 191, 440 Flexible spacecraft, 295 Flutter, 440 Forward transmission, 107 Fourier transform: Imaginary axis, 27, 28 Imaginary sampler, 379 impgen, 196, 197 impresp, 54, 55 impulse, 56, 196 Impulse response, 51 Impulse response matrix, 334 Inductor, 5, 15, 32, 116 inf, 91 Infimum function, 443 Infinite series, 184 Infinite-time optimal control, 288 definition, 38-39 discrete, 326 inverse, 39 inverse discrete, 326 Frequency domain, 39 Frequency prewarping, 188, 401 Frequency response, 29 Frequency response matrix, 336 Full-state feedback, 228 Full-order observer, 258 Full-order compensator, 263 Fuselage bending mode, 191 Inherently digital system, 373, 379 initial, 237 Initial condition, 7, 13, 173 Initial response, 71 Initial-value theorem, 37, 378 Input shaping, 446 inshape, 448-450 Interpolation, 32, 187 inv, 144 Inverse of a square matrix, 112, 141, 484 Inverse transformation, 140 Inverted pendulum on a moving cart, 115 Iterative solution, 205 Gain, 30 Gain crossover frequency, 84 Gain margin, 82, 83 Gravitational constant, 18 Guidance law, 20 Gyroscope, 94, 95 Jerky motion, 453 Jordan block, 154 Kalman filter, 262, 340 kron, 448, 449 Kronecker delta function, 426 H2-norm, 438 Hoc-norm, 438 Hoc optimal control, 437 Hamiltonian function, 457 Hamiltonian matrix, 313, 419 Hard-disk read/write head, 88 Harmonic input, 26, 27 Hermitian of a complex matrix, 358, 485 High-gain feedback, 251 High-pass filter, 329 hinfopt, 440, 441 Homogeneous differential equation, 17 Homogeneous state-equation, 173 Hybrid methods, 205 Lag circuit, 95, 97 Laplace domain, 39 Laplace transform, 36 Laplace transform, inverse, 39 Laplace variable, 36 Laser-guided missile, 20 Lateral plane, 201 Lead circuit, 95, 97 Lead-lag circuit, 97 Leibniz rule, 285 Limit cycle motion, 211-213 Linear combination, 13 Linearly dependent, 178 Linear, quadratic, Gaussian (LQG) Ideal differentiator, 95 Ideal sampler, 375 Identity matrix, 112, 483 ifft, 327 Ill-conditioned square matrix, 159 compensator, 351 Linear, quadratic regulator (LQR), 285 Linear system, 9, 14 Linear, time-invariant system, 14 Linear, time-varying system, 14INDEX 499 Linear transformation, 140, 175 Lipschitz condition, 205 Loading torque, 139, 421 Logarithmic scale, 30 loglO, 34 logspace, 31 Longitudinal axis, 201 Longitudinal plane, 201 Loop shaping, 361 Loop transfer recovery (LTR), 361-368 Low-pass filter, 329 Iqe, lqe2. Iqew, 344 Iqr, lqr2. 290 !qry, 310 Isim, 194 LTI object, 31, 45 Ititr, 189 LTI Viewer, 105, 478 Lumped parameter system, 9, 13, 14 Lyapunov function, 457 Magnitude, 29 Mapping, 77 march, 189, 190 margin, 84 Mass, 16, 18, 117 MATLAB: beginning, 468-471 Control System Toolbox, 12, 31, 477, 478 introduction, 11, 467 p -Analysis and Synthesis Toolbox, 444, 478 performing matrix operations, 471-474 programming, 475-477 Robust Control Toolbox, 363, 438, 440, 444, 478 matrice, 314 Matrices and their properties, 481 -486 Matrix differential equation, 286 Matrix norm, 185, 358 Maximum overshoot, 4, 5 mean, 328 Mean state-vector, 324 Mean-square value, 326 Mean value theorem, 23 Measurement noise, 87, 247, 294, 311, 312, 339, 357, 369 Measurement noise vector, 339 M-file, 12, 475 Mid-point frequency, 327 Minimal realization, 280 Minimum-phase system, 48, 338, 362 Minimum principle, 420, 447 Miss distance, 316 Missile, 20, 162-168, 201-204 Missile guidance: beam-rider, 20 command line-of-sight, 21 misstimv, 202, 204 Mixed-sensitivity matrix, 439 Modal matrix, 420 Moments of inertia, 201 Multi-input plant, 245 Multi-output observer, 262 Multiplicity, 40 Multi-step method, 205 Multivariable system, 105 musyn, 444 /z-synthesis, 443 NaN, 91 Natural frequency, 32-35, 41 Negative feedback control system, 107 nichols, 86 Nichols plot, 85 nmass, 450, 451 Noise, 3, 81 Nominal parameters, 462 Nominal plant, 442 Nonlinear feedback control, 455 Nonlinearity, 458 Nonlinear optimal control, 456 Nonlinear state-equations, 205 Nonlinear system, 9, 14, 16, 18, 130 Non-minimum phase system, 48, 337, 365-367 Normal distribution, 327 Numerator polynomial, 31 Numerical accuracy, 205 Numerical stability, 205 Numerical solution: linear, time-invariant state-equations, 184-198 linear, time-varying state-equations, 198-204 nonlinear state-equations, 204-213 nyquist. 79 Nyquist frequency, 384 Nyquist plot, 77 Nyquist stability criterion, 79500 INDEX Objective function, 284, 312, 415, 446, 454 Observability, 256 Observability test matrix, 257 Observability test theorem, 257 Observer: full-order, 256, 258 reduced-order, 256, 269 ode!5s, odelI3, ode23, ode23s, ode23t, ode23tb, ode45, 208 Open-loop control system, 2, 81 Open-loop frequency response, 77 Open-loop transfer function, 70 Optimal control, 283 Optimal feedback gain matrix, 300 Optimal observer (see Kalman filter) Optimal regulator gain matrix, 286 Output, 1, 2 Output equation, 126, 131 Output-rate weighted linear optimal control, 453 Output vector, 105, 131 Output weighted linear optimal control, 308 Overdamped response, 42 Pade approximation, 185 parallel, 108 Parallel connection of sub-systems, 107 Parameter estimation, 262 Parameters of a system, 14 Partial differential equation, 9 Partial differentiation, 285 Partial fraction expansion, 50, 51 Particular solution, 28 Passband, 332 Path of a satellite, 18 Peak in gain plot, 32, 34, 47 Peak time, 62, 63 Penalty function, 457 Pendulum, 16, 126 Percentage residual vibration, 452 Perfect measurement, 228 Performance, 62 Performance parameters, 62 Performance robustness, 87 Phase, 29 Phase crossover frequency, 83 Phase-lag, 96 Phase-lead, 96 Phase margin, 82, 83 Phasor, 29 Phase-plane plot, 211-213 Phugoid mode, 44-48, 58, 121, 191 Piecewise continuous function, 36 Pitch-acceleration, 454 Pitch-angle, 43, 144 Pitch dynamics, 433 Pitch-rate, 144, 192 Plant, 1 place, 236 Polar coordinates, 30 Polar plot, 30, 35 Poles of a transfer function, 40 Poles of a transfer matrix, 149 Pole-placement approach, 228 pole, 72 poly, 234 Positive definite quadratic form, 486 Positive definite matrix, 289 Positive semi-definite matrix, 287 Positive feedback control system, 107 Power series expansion, 390 Power spectral density matrix, 325 Power spectrum, 338 Predicted state, 410 Prediction error vector, 426 Predictor-corrector difference equations, 426 Predictor-corrector method, 205 Pre-shaped inputs, 446 Probability distribution, 329 Probability of a state, 323 Probabilistic system (see Stochastic system) Process noise, 87, 339, 349 Process noise vector, 339, 357 Product of matrices, 107, 482 Propagation in time, 397 Proper system, 13, 40 Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) compensator, 88 Proportional-plus-integral (PI) compensator, 89 Pulse: rectangular, 24, 25, 194 sawtooth, 25, 194 Pulse transfer function, 379 Pulse transfer matrix, 399 pzmap, 72 Quadrature, 61 Quadratic factor, 41INDEX 501 Quadratic form, 284, 485 Quantization, 432 Rudder, 163, 217, 306 Runge-Kutta method, 205-208 Radar, 20 Radial line, 35 rand, 329 Random system, 323 randn, 327 rank, 225 Rank of a matrix, 224 Rational function, 40, 51, 396 Rational matrix, 146 Real axis, 27 Real differentiation, 37 Real integration, 37 Reduced-order compensator, 273-275 reg, 352 Regulator, 4, 228 RelTol, 208 Remainder series, 184 Repeated poles, 51, 72 Residual, 259 residue, 51 Residues, 50 Resistance, 5, 32 Resolvent, 181 Resonance, 32 response, 60, 61 Return difference, 73, 82 Return difference matrices, 112, 357 Return ratio, 73 Return ratio matrices, 112, 357 ric, 290 Riccati equation: Sampled data analog system, 379 Sampling interval, 373 Sampling process, 373 Sampling property, 23, 187 Sampling rate, 374 Satellite, 18 Scalar measure of a matrix, 112 Scaling factor, 74 Scaling in the z-plane, 377 Schematic diagram, 132, 397 Sensitivity, 81 Sensitivity matrix of the output, 439 Sensor, 228 Separation principle, 262, 273 series, 108, 161 Series connection of sub-systems, 107 Settling time, 62 Short-period mode, 44, 191 Sideslip angle, 211, 306 Sideslip-rate, 211 sigma, 363 Similarity transformation, 146 SIMULINK: band limited white-noise, 276, 294, 306, 311, 431 continuous blocks, 479 discrete blocks, 479 functions and tables, 479 math, 479 nonlinear blocks, 214, 479 procedure of using, 478 algebraic, 289, 301, 454 matrix, 288, 300 Rise time, 62 Right-half s-plane, 48, 73, 78, 79 rlocfind, 75 rlocus, 74 Robotic welding machine, 433 Robustness, 27, 62, 81 Robust system, 81 Rocket thruster, 19 Roll-angle, 98 Rolling moment, 201 Roll-off, 87, 100, 101, 363, 365 Roll-rate, 215, 306 Root-locus method, 73 roots, 34, 72, 75, 76 Round-off, 432 Routh array, 72 signals and systems, 479 simulation parameters, 480 sinks, 214, 480 sources, 214, 480 subsystem block library, 214, 479 Single-input, single-output system, 13 Singularity functions, 22 Singular matrix, 112, 483 Singular value decomposition, 358 Singular values, 114, 358 SISO Design Tool, 105, 478 Slope of gain plot, 42 Spacecraft, 295 Spectral norm, 358 s-plane, 77-79 Square plant, 362 .s\s, 159 ss2ss, 144502 INDEX ssdata, 159 Stable system, 4, 26, 48, 53, 65, 72 Stability, 17, 62, 71 Stability criteria, 72 Stability margin, 73, 82 Stability robustness, 81, 82 Stabilizability, 222 Stabilizing controller, 438 Starting problem, 205 State, 6, 125 State coefficient matrices, 131 State-dynamics matrix, 149 State equations, 126 State-space, 125 State-space representation, 126 State transformation, 140 State-transition marix, 175, 285, 341 State variables, 125 State vector, 131 State weighting matrix, 284 Static equilibrium, 117 Stationary system, 324 Stationary white noise, 343 Statistics, 323 Steady Kalman filter, 343 Steady-state error, 62, 64-71 Steady-state response, 4, 26, 28, 172 step, 57 stepresp, 57 Step response, 52 Stiff equations, 207 Stiffness matrix, 295, 487 Stochastic system, 7, 323 Storage of energy, 5 Strictly proper system, 35, 40, 57, 147 Structured singular value, 442 Structured uncertainty, 442 Subdiagonal, 154 Sufficient conditions, 289 Summing junction, 3 Superdiagonal, 137 Superfluous state variables, 227 Superposition principle, 14, 26, 59 Supremum function, 438 svd, 358 Symmetric matrix, 284, 483 System, 1 Tank-gun turret, 320 Target, 20 Taylor’s series, 16, 174, 206 Terminal condition, 288, 309, 313, 418 Terminal time, 312 Terminal time weighting matrix, 312 tf, 31, 148 Throttle position, 144, 421 Thrust, 201 Thrust vectoring, 201, 202 Time-constant, 211 Time domain, 27 Time-invariant system, 14 Time-marching, 185 Time-shift, 325 Time-varying system, 14 timv, 200 Torque inputs, 295 tpbvlti, 314-316 Tracking system, 4, 65, 251 Trade-off, 238 Transfer function, 3, 38 Transfer matrix, 105 Transformation matrix, 140 Transient energy, 283, 284 Transient response, 4, 28 Translation in Laplace domain, 37 Translation in time, 37, 377 Truncation error, 207 Turbo-generator, 150 Tustin interpolation, 188 Type of a closed-loop system, 70, 71 Uncontrollable system, 222-224 Uncorrelated in time, 334 Uncorrelated signals, 342 Uncorrelated state variables, 324 Undamped system, 32 Undetectable system, 258 Unforced system, 15 Uniform probability distribution, 370 Unit circle, 82, 83, 386 Unit impulse function (see Dirac delta function) Unit parabolic function, 71 Unit ramp function, 24 Unit step function, 22 Unmodeled dynamics, 81 Unpredictable system, 7, 323 Unstable system, 42, 48, 72 Unstabilizable system, 222, 223 Upper triangular matrix, 232 van der Pol equation, 115 Vector solution, 172INDEX 503 Velocity: angular, 21, 67, 139, 163 linear, 163 longitudinal, 43 transverse, 295 Vertical gust velocity, 337 Vibration suppression, 448-452 Viscous damping coefficient, 95 Viscous friction, 215 Voltage amplification ratio, 139 Voltage band, 116 vmarch, 199, 200 Weighted impulse sequence, 448 Weighted sensitivity minimization, 439 White noise, 334 White noise filter, 334 White noise process, 334 White noise vector, 334 Wiener process, 370 Wing-rock motion, 211 wrock, 211, 212 Yawing motion, 211 Yaw-rate, 306 zero, 72 Zeros, 40 Zero-pole-gain representation, 40 zpk, 40 z-transform, 376-379 #ماتلاب,#متلاب,#Matlab,
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