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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research - Second Edition الإثنين 06 نوفمبر 2017, 7:24 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Ethics in Engineering Practice and Research - Second Edition Caroline Whitbeck Case Western Reserve University
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Note to Students page xiii Foreword to the First Edition by Woodie Flowers xv Preface to the First Edition xvii Acknowledgment xxi Acknowledgments to the First Edition xxiii PART 1: VALUES AND THE EVALUATION OF ACTS IN ENGINEERING Introduction to Ethical Reasoning and Engineer Ethics 3 Section 1. Ethics, Values, and Reason 3 Values and Engineering 3 Ethics in Popular Culture and in Reality 5 The Perspective of This Book 6 One Model of Ethics 9 Moral and Amoral Agents 10 Section 2. Values and Value Judgments 11 The Difference between Values and Preferences 11 Opinions and Judgments 14 Types of Value and Value Judgments 16 Religious Value in Relation to Ethical Value 21 Relations among Types of Value 22 Section 3. Ethics and Ethical Justification 23 Ethical Conventionalism and Ethical Relativism(s) 24 Ethical Evaluation, Justification, and Excuses for Actions 31 Examples of Justifications and Excuses for Lying 32 Section 4. Interests and Consequences 35 Interests and Conflicts of Interest 35 Consequences: Harms, Benefits, and Risks 38 Consequences for Whom? Moral Standing 42 Section 5. Moral Obligations and Moral Rules in Engineering 44 Moral Obligations and Moral Rules 44 Prima Facie and Absolute Obligations and Rules: The Burden of Proof 47 Negative and Positive, and Universal and Special, Obligations and Rules 48 viiviii Contents Section 6. Categories of Moral (and Legal and Institutional) Rights 53 Moral Rights 53 Human and Special Rights 55 Alienable/Inalienable and Absolute/Prima Facie Rights 58 Negative/Positive Rights 64 Section 7. Rights of Privacy/Confidentiality and Intellectual Property 68 Rights of Privacy and Confidentiality 68 Intellectual Property Rights 71 Ethics, Conscience, and the Law 74 1. Professional Practice in Engineering 77 Professions and Norms of Professional Conduct 77 How Norms of Ethical Conduct Vary with Profession 79 Responsibilities, Obligations, and Moral Rules in Professional Ethics 85 Which Mistakes Are Culpable? 88 The Autonomy of Professions and Professional Codes of Ethics 92 Does Employee Status Prevent Acting as a Professional? 99 The Limits of Predictability and Responsibilities of the Engineering Profession 102 Summary 103 2. Two Examples of Professional Behavior: Roger Boisjoly and William LeMessurier 105 Section 1. Roger Boisjoly’s Attempts to Avert the Challenger Disaster 105 Moral Lessons from Actions Intended to Forestall the Challenger Explosion 105 The Post-Flight Inspection in January 1985 107 The Significance of the O-Ring Seals and Escape of Hot Gas 107 Pursuing a Hypothesis about the Effect of Cold Temperature 111 Stagnation in the Face of Mounting Evidence about Seal Erosion 112 A Company’s Concern about Its Image 114 Working with Poor Management Support 115 The Day and Evening before the Challenger Flight 116 Preventing Accidents 120 A Note on the Challenger Disaster as a Formative Experience for Many Engineers and for Popular Culture 120 Section 2. William LeMessurier’s Handling of the “Fifty-Nine Story Crisis” 121 LeMessurier’s Innovative Design for the Citicorp Tower 122 The Discovery of the Change from Welds to Bolts 124 Investigating the Effects of Quartering Winds 125 Wind Tunnel Evidence of the Danger 126 Informing Those Who Need to Know and Mobilizing Support 127 Accomplishing the Repair without Causing Panic 128 The Insurer’s Response: LeMessurier’s Good Name 129 Section 3. The Mystery of the Misidentified Student 129 Section 4. Comparison of the Stories of Boisjoly and LeMessurier 131ix Contents PART 2: ENGINEERING RESPONSIBILITY 3. Ethics as Design – Doing Justice to Moral Problems 135 Design Problems 137 The Design Analogy 138 Four Moral Lessons from Design Problems 143 Implications of the Dynamic Character of Ethical Problems 148 Problems as Experienced by Agents 150 Making and Assessing Ethical Judgments 151 Summary and Conclusion: Improving on Excellence 153 4. Central Professional Responsibilities of Engineers 155 The Centrality of Responsibility in Professional Ethics 155 Ethical Responsibility and Official Responsibility 159 Trust and Responsibility 164 Trustworthy Engineers/Trustworthy Professional Practice 166 Character and Responsibility 168 The Specific Professional Responsibilities of Engineers 170 The Emerging Consensus on the Responsibility for Safety among Engineers 170 Lessons from the 1979 American Airlines DC-10 Crash and the Kansas City Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse 172 “Bugs,” Glitches, and Errors as Central Concerns in Software Engineering 176 Knowledge, Foresight, and Changing Criteria for Responsible Practice 178 Hazards and Risks 182 The Scope and Limits of Engineering Foresight 185 Matching an Engineer’s Foresight with Opportunities for Influence 189 Summary 191 5. Computers, Software, and Digital Information 192 What Is Different about Digital Systems and Digital Information? 192 Software as Intellectual Property 195 GNU/Free Software/Open Source Movement 197 The Faces of “Hacking” 199 The Changing Culture of Computing 201 Raising Concerns in Cyberspace 205 Privacy in the Information Age 206 Challenges of the Information Age 208 6. Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Intellectual Property 211 Individual Credit and the Ownership of Innovation 211 Copyrights, “Fair Use,” and the DMCA 213 Patents and Trade Secrets 215 Property Rights Contrasted with Credit for Invention or Authorship 218 Patenting of Inventions Contrasted with Publication of Research 220x Contents Benchmarking and Reverse Engineering 222 Conclusion 226 7. Workplace Rights and Responsibilities 227 Engineers and Managers 228 Organizational Complaint Procedures 231 Government Agencies 234 Difference of Professional Judgment within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) 234 Professional Judgment in the American Forestry Service 236 The Hanford Nuclear Reservation 238 Disagreeing with Your Supervisor 240 IEEE “Guidelines for Engineers Dissenting on Ethical Grounds” 240 Employment Guidelines from Engineering and Scientific Societies 246 Organizational Control and Individual Privacy: The Biological Testing of Workers 248 Limits on Acceptable Behavior and Resources for Resolution of Problems in a Large Corporation 253 Lockheed Martin’s Gray Matters Ethics Game 254 Advice from the Texas Instruments Ethics Office 258 The Work Environment and Ethical and Legal Considerations 260 Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 261 U.S. Supreme Court Decision on Harris v. Forklift 262 From Overcoming Prejudice to Valuing Diversity 263 Organizational Responses to Offensive Behavior and Harassment 265 Ethics in a Global Context 267 Conclusion 268 PART 3: RESPONSIBLE RESEARCH CONDUCT 8. Ethics in the Changing Domain of Research 273 The U.S. Government-Wide Definition of Research Misconduct 276 Research Misconduct Distinguished from Mistakes and Errors 280 Recent History of Attention to Research Misconduct 281 Distinguishing Falsification from Legitimate “Data Selection” 284 Robert Millikan’s Treatment of the Data for Determination of Electron Charge 285 The Research Misconduct Cases of Hendrik Schon and Victor Ninov 290 ¨ Fabrication: From Hoaxes to “Cutting Corners” 293 Self-Deception in Research Misconduct 296 Honesty about Method and Results Central to Research Integrity 298 Factors That Undermine Research Integrity 299 The Emerging Emphasis on Understanding and Fostering Responsible Conduct 301 Responsible Authorship, Reviewing and Editing 302 Conflicts of Interest in Authoring, Editing, or Reviewing Research 305xi Contents Responsibilities in the Supervisor–Trainee (“Mentor–Mentee”) Relationship 308 Human Research Subjects/Participants 310 Historical Background 310 Current Requirements Governing Human Subjects/Participants 312 Human Subjects/Participants in Product Testing 314 The Common Rule for the Protection of Human Subjects/ Participants in Research 315 Responsibility for Experimental Animals 318 Raising Ethical Concerns in Research 322 9. Responsible Authorship and Credit in Engineering and Scientific Research 324 Citation and Acknowledgment 325 Authorship 327 Qualifications for Authorship 327 Responsibilities of Authors 329 Categories of Authors and Their Special Obligations and Responsibilities 329 Plagiarism 331 Fair Sharing of Credit among Coauthors 332 When Supervisors and Their Supervisees Share Authorship 334 Responsibility for Research Quality 338 Authors’ Responsibility for the Quality of Their Research/Reports 338 Supervisors’ Oversight of the Research of Their Trainees 338 Criteria for Deciding What Credit Trainees Merit 339 Subsidiary Obligations of Authors 340 Do Not Fragment Your Research Reports 340 If You Republish Your Previously Published Work, Cite It 341 Make Available Any Special Research Materials Used in Reported Research 342 Disclose Any Financial Conflicts of Interest 343 Warn Subsequent Investigators of Any Hazards in Conducting the Research You Report 344 Disciplinary or Field Differences in Conventions for Authorship 345 Crediting Others When Publishing outside of the Technical Literature 345 Responsibilities of Editors and Reviewers That Authors Should Know 346 PART 4: THE FUTURE OF ENGINEERING 10. Responsibility for the Environment 351 The Rise of Ecology and New Ways of Thinking about the Environment 352 Rachel Carson 352 Key U.S. Environmental Legislation, 1969–1986 354 The Concept of an Ecosystem 355 Hazards and Risks to the Environment 356 Illustration from the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Case 358xii Contents Responsible Behavior in Assessing Risk 359 Ecological Thinking and the Question of Who/What Counts 361 Moral Standing and the Environment 362 Some Illustrative Cases 363 The Costs of Environmental Protection: The Case of Timbering and the Northern Spotted Owl 363 The 1995 Supreme Court Decision on “Taking” of a Threatened Species 364 Acid Rain and Unforeseen Consequences of Human Action 366 The Discovery of the Effects of Chlorofluorocarbons on the Ozone Layer 367 Superfund Sites and the Monitoring of Communities for Toxic Contamination 369 Love Canal 369 Environmental Norms in U.S. Corporations 372 From “Global Warming” to “Climate Change” 374 Technological Innovation in Response to Environmental Challenges 375 The Concern with Sustainability and Sustainable Development 376 Summary and Conclusion 377 11. A Note on End Use and “Macro” Issues 379 The “End-Use Problem” 379 What Are “Macro” Issues? 381 The Use of Human Growth Hormone as an Example of an Issue for the Whole Society 382 Epilog: Making a Life in Engineering 383 Miguel Barrientos, Building a Water Pump for Andean Alpaca Breeders 383 Jim Melcher, Witnessing against Waste and Violence 386 References 389 Index 40
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