كتاب Engineering Ethics - Concepts and Cases
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Engineering Ethics - Concepts and Cases

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18864
التقييم : 35108
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Engineering Ethics - Concepts and Cases    كتاب Engineering Ethics - Concepts and Cases  Emptyالإثنين 06 نوفمبر 2017, 7:18 am

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Engineering Ethics - Concepts and Cases
Charles E. Harris, Michael S. Pritchard, Michael J. Rabi Ns, Ray James, Elaine Englehardt

كتاب Engineering Ethics - Concepts and Cases  P_672919qv3
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

1 Engineering Ethics: Making the Case 1
The Challenger Disaster 1
Water Reslocation in Sarajevo 3
Hurricane Katrina 4
Introduction 5
Engineering and Ethics 6
Getting Started 9
Codes of Ethics 11
Engineering as a Profession 12
Ethics: Prohibitive
, Preventive, and Aspirational 14
Aspirational Ethics and Professional Character:
The Good Engineer 18
Cases, Cases, Cases 20
Chapter Summary 21
1.10 Engineering Ethics on the Web 21
2 A Practical Ethics Toolkit 24
Introduction 25
Determining the Facts 25
Clarifying Concepts 26
Determining how Concepts Apply: Application Issues 27
Deciding Moral Issues: Line Drawing 27
Conflicting Values: Creative Middle Way Solutions 29
Common MoraIity 31
Fcwmulaiions of Common Morality: Virtues 31
Fftrniulailmis of(Common Morality;Rules and Duties 32
Equating Actions vs. Evaluating the Person
2.8 The Structure of Common Morality 34
Judgments in Common Morality 34
Levels of Canunoi) Manlky 34
2.9 Modeling Common Morality 35
Modeling in Echics 33
Two Models of Common Moratory 33
Limnanous olThe Two Modds 30
Cccvagcncc and Divergence of the Two MockIs 37
2.10 Tests or Application Procedures for Using the Two Models 38
L’dliurim Thinking 38
Bfspca for Persons Approach 43
The Self-Defeating Approach 43
The Rights Approach 47
2.11 Chapter Summary 48
2.12 Engineering Ethics on the Web 49
3 Responsibility in Engineering 51
3.1 Introduction 52
3.2 Engineering Standards 53
3.3 The Standard of Care 54
3.4 Responsible Oversight 56
3.5 Blame-Responsibilily and Causation 57
3.6 Liability 59
3.7 Good Works 61
3.8 Applications: A Case Study 64
3.9 Design Standards 66
3.10 The Range of Standards of Practice 67
3.11 The Problem of Many Hands 68
3.12 Chapter Summary 69
3.13 Engineering Ethics on the Web 70
4 The Social and Value Dimensions of Technology 72
4.1 Technology is Socially Embedded 73
4.2 Technology Affects Society 74
4.3 Society Affects Technology 75
4.4 Technology and Social Policy: Privacy 76
4.5 Technology and Poldie Policy: Intellectual Properly 77
Should Software Be Protected? 77
How Should Software P.c Procrocd? 78
4.6 Evaluating Technology: Technological Determinism
J J I J I TiW-fcirtAfr’irtiir'al ( L ( i rr'n i K f iConicnis ix
4.7 Evaluating Technology: Technological Pessimism 82
Technology as a Threat to Freedom S2
Tcihndogi, and DecEne of Meaning S3
4.8 A Critical Attitude Toward Technology 85
Democratic Deliberation on Technology fib
The Critical Altitude in Design Sti
4.9 Chapter Summary 87
4.10 Engineering Ethics on the Web 88
5 Trust and Reliability 90
5.1 Introduction 91
5.2 Honesty 91
53 Forms of Dishonesty 92
Lying 92
DeEberate Deception 92
Withholding Information 92
Failure to Seek Our the Tmrh 93
5.4 Why is Dishonesty Wrong? 93
5.5 Dishonesty on Campus 95
5.6 Dishonesty in Research and Testing %
5.7 Confidentiality 97
5.8 Intellectual Properly 99
5.9 Expert Witnessing 100
5.10 Informing the Public 101
5.11 Conflicts of Interest 103
5.12 Chapter Summary 105
5.13 Engineering Ethics on the Web 106
6 Risk and Liability in Engineering 107
6.1 Introduction 108
6.2 The Engineer's Approach lo Risk 110
Risk os the L J L >dtiL! of the Probahilitv and Magnitude of Harm 110
One Engineering Approach ru Defining Acceptable Risk 111
Expanding the Engineering Account of Rtvfc. The Capabilities Approach
ro Identiiying Harm and Benefit 113
6.3 The Public's Approach to Risk 115
Expert and Layperson; Differences In Foemat Beliefs 113
-Risky'" Situations and Acceptable Risk 116
Free and Informed Consent El7
Eepaity or Justice 118x Contents
Communicating Risk anti Public Policy 119
Connuinicjiring Risk to the Public 119
An Example of Public Policy: Building Coda 121
Difficulties in Determining the Causes and Likelihood of Haim:
The Critical Altitude 122
limitation?, in Idenritying Failure Modes 123
limitations due to Tight Coupling and Complex Interactions 126
Nomulizlng Deviance and Sdt'-Decepdon L 2S
The Engineer 's Liability tor Risk 129
The Standards of Ton Law 1 30
Protecting EDjpoccK from Liability 133
Becoming a Responsible Engineer Regarding Risk 122
Chapter Summary 04
Engineering Ethics on the Web
7 Engineers in Organizations 138
7.1 Introduction 139
Ray Anderson and Interface 340
7.2 Avoiding Blind Spots 140
7.3 Autonomy and Authority 143
7.4 Croupthink 144
7.5 Engineers and Managers 1 46
7.6 Being Morally Responsible in an Organisation 148
The importance erf Orgamzatn.mal Culture 148
Three Types of Organizational Culture 1+8
Acting Ethically without Having to Make DMicuJr Choices 150
7.7 Proper Engineering and Management Decisions 151
Functions of Engineers and Managers 151
Paradigmatic and Nonparadigmaik: Examples 153
7.8 Responsible Organizational Disobedience 155
Disobedience by Contrary Action 156
Disobedience by Nonparociparion 157
7.9 Disobedience By Protest 1 58
Richard Nixon v. Ernest Firzgcrakl 15S
What Is Whistleblowing? 159
WhLstleblow ing: A Harm-Preventing Fustilkauon 159
UTiLstkblowing; A Complicity- Avoiding \'iew 160
Some Practical Advice on Whistleblowing 162
7.10 Employee and Employer 162
Analvsis of I^otenz Case 163Conitnn si
7.11 Roger Eloisjoly and the Challenger Disaster 164
Proper Management and Engineering; Dedsksn* 164
WhisilctJowing and Organisational Loyalty 167
7.12 Chapter Summary 166
7.13 Engineering Ethics on the Web 169
8 Engineers And the Environment 173
Introduction 174
Environmental Imperatives in Engineering Codes and the law 174
The Environmental Challenge 175
Three Iiillnential Wrincrs 176
Key Envutanmejiial Concepo. 176
Responding to the Environmental Challenge: Tire Business
Response 178
Three Anil udes toward the Envkofimcm I7S
An Example of the Progressive Anirude; The C ERES Principles 179
Responding to the Environmental Challenge: Sustainability 180
What Is Sustainability? 180
life Cycle Analysis 181
Environmental Stewardship and Engineering Professionalism
and Elhics
A Phtlui-ophy of Huvii oEuncoial Srevi ardship 182
Environmental SsevsaftishJp and Profeauiul Obtigariuiui IS3
Chapter Summary 184
Engineering Elhics on the Web
9 Engineering in the Global Context 187
Introduction 188
Tire Emergence of International Engineering Standards 188
An International Concept of Engineering Professionalism? 189
Toward Global Standards of Conduct for Engineers 192
Ethical Resources lor Globalised Engineering 193
Creative Middle Ways 193
The Golden Rule 193
Universal Human Right* 194
Projnoikig EJSJC Human ‘Well-Being 195
Codes of Engineering Societies 196
Economic UnderdevelopnK-m: The Problem of Exploitation 196
Paying for Special Treatment: The Problem of Bribery 197
Paying foe Deserved Services: Die Problem of Extortion
and Grease Payments 19S
Exrofikm 198
Grease Payments 200
The Extended Family Unit: The Problem of Nepotism 200
Business and Friendship: The Problem of Excessive Gifts 201
The Absence of Technical-Scientific Sophistication: The Problem
of Paternalism 202
Differing Business Practices: The Problem of Negotiating Taxes 204
Chapter Summary 204
Engineering Ethics on the Web 205
APPENDIX Codes of Ethics 288

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