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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Tribology - A Systems Approach to the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication And Wear الجمعة 03 نوفمبر 2017, 7:13 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Tribology - A Systems Approach to the Science and Technology of Friction Lubrication And Wear Horst Czichos
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents 1. INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND 1 1.1 Dynamics of physical systems and the occurrence of friction and wear 1.2 Historical development of tribology 1.2.1 Friction studies 1.2. 2 Wear studies 1.2. 3 Lubrication studies 1.3 The meaning of tribology 1.4 The scope of this volume 2. THE SYSTEM CONCEPT 14 2.1 Introduction 14 2.2 Description of a system 2.3 Energy balance, networks, analogies 2.4 Bond graph methods 2.5 Classification of systems 3. GENERAL THEORY OF TRIBOLOGY 24 3.1 Application of systems concepts to tribology 24 3.2 Function of tribo-mechanical systems 3.3 Structure of tribo-mechanical systems 3.4 Tribological interactions 3.4.1 Functional plane 3.4. 2 Mechanical work plane 3.4.3 Thermal plane 3.4.4 Material planes 3.5 Conclusions 4. TRIBOLOGICAL PROCESSES 45 Role of tribo-processes in mechanical systems Contact processes 4.2.1 Contact mechanics 4.2. 2 Contact physics and chemistry Friction processes 4.3.1 Tangential forces in contact processes 4.3. 2 Sliding friction 4.3. 3 Rolling friction 4.3. 4 Energy transmission and dissipation Wear processes 4.4.1 General description 4.4. 2 Surface fatigue wear mechanisms 4.4. 3 Abrasive wear mechanisms 4.4. 4 Adhesive wear mechanisms 4.4. 5 Tribo-chemical wear mechanisms 4.4.6 The complexity of wear processes Lubrication modes 4.5.1 Stribeck curve and lubrication modes 4.5.2 Hydrodynamic lubrication 4.5.3 Elastohydrodynamic lubrication 4.5. 4 Mixed lubrication 4.5. 5 Boundary lubrication 4.5. 6 The limits of lubrication 5. INFLUENCE OF TRIBOLOGICAL PROCESSES ON THE STRUCTURE OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 176 General considerations Changes in system ' s elements properties 5.2.1 Surface topography changes 5.2. 2 Surface composition changes 5.2 . 3 Surface strength properties changes Material losses Solutions for no-wear conditions 5.4. 1 FIuid fi 1 ms 5.4. 2 Magnetic fields 5.4. 3 Interfacial elastomers 5.4. 4 Flexural means 5.4. 5 Wear resistant coatings 6. INFLUENCE OF TRIBOLOGICAL PROCESSES ON THE FUNCTION OF MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 211 General considerations Transmission of motion and stick-slip effects 6.2. 1 Dynamics of tribo-mechanical systems 6.2. 2 Simulation of stick-slip behaviour Mechanical efficiency Functional failures 6.4.1 Causes of failure 6.4. 2 A case study; failure modes of gears Mechanical equipment reliability Requirements for proper functional behaviour 6.6.1 Study of alternative solutions 6.6. 2 Proper design of system structure 6.6. 3 Proper choice of operating variables 6.6. 4 Monitoring the function of the system 7. TRIBOMETRY : TEST , SIMULATION AND CONTROL METHODS 248 7.1 Introduction 248 Friction and wear test methods 7.2.1 Tribometer test system types 7.2. 2 Control of operating variables 7.2.3 Tribometric characteristics Simulative tribo-testing Testing of tribo-technical components Machinery condition monitoring Surface investigation techniques 8. PRACTICAL SYSTEMS METHODOLOGY 300 8 . 1 Introduction 300 A tribological systems data sheet 8.2.1 Technical function of the system 8.2. 2 Operating variables 8.2. 3 Structure of the system 8.2. 4 Tribological characteristics The description of tribo-engineering systems The presentation of friction and wear research data Application of systems methodology to the solution of tribological problems: some case studies Investigation of the validity of " Coulomb-friction " for polymer/ steel sliding pairs Characterization of the tribological behaviour of wear- resistant diffusion surface coatings Material selection for off-shore bearing application Lubricant selection for instrument pivot bearing Reduction of severe wear of cam-tappet design Reduction of friction- induced noise of wheel / rail system Failure investigation of electrical contacts Compilation of characteristics of metalworking APPENDIX 350 ( A ) A compilation of basic tribo-engineering systems (B ) Elements of tribo-engineering systems ( C ) Bibliographic work : DOCUMENTATION TRIBOLOGY 356 References 360 List of symbols 382 Author index 388 Subject index 393
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