Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Mechanical Design An Integrated Approach الخميس 28 سبتمبر 2017, 10:22 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Mechanical Design An Integrated Approach Ansel C. Ugural
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
P A R T 1 FUNDAMENTALS 2 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN 3 1.1 Scope of Treatment 4 1.2 Engineering Design 4 1.3 The Design Process 5 1.4 Design Analysis 8 1.5 Problem Formulation and Computation 1.6 Factor of Safety and Design Codes 11 1.7 Units and Conversion 14 1.8 Load Classification and Equilibrium 1 1.9 Load Analysis 17 1.10 Case Studies 19 1.11 Work and Energy 23 1.12 Power 25 1.13 Stress Components 27 1.14 Normal and Shear Strains 29 References 31 Problems 32 Chapter 2 MATERIALS 38 2.1 Introduction 39 2.2 Material Property Definitions 40 2.3 Static Strength 41 2.4 Hooke’s Law and Modulus of Elasticity 2.5 Generalized Hooke’s Law 47 2.6 Thermal Stress-Strain Relations 51 2.7 Temperature and Stress-Strain Properties 51 2.8 Moduli of Resilience and Toughness 53 2.9 Dynamic and Thermal Effects: Brittle-Ductile Transition 55 2.10 Hardness 57 2.11 Processes to Improve Hardness and the Strength of Metals 59 2.12 General Properties of Metals 61 2.13 General Properties of Nonmetals 65 References 68 Problems 68 t Chapter 3 STRESS AND STRAIN 71 3.1 Introduction 72 3.2 Stresses in Axially Loaded Members 72 3.3 Direct Shear and Bearing Stresses 75 3.4 Thin-Walled Pressure Vessels 77 3.5 Stress in Members in Torsion 79 3.6 Shear and Moment in Beams 84 3.7 Stresses in Beams 87 3.8 Design of Beams 94 3.9 Plane Stress 102 3.10 Combined Stresses 108 3.11 Plane Strain 114 3.12 Stress Concentration Factors 117 3.13 Importance of Stress Concentration Factors in Design 118 3.14 Contact Stress Distributions 120 *3.15 Maximum Stress in General Contact 125 3.16 Three-Dimensional Stress 128 *3.17 Variation of Stress Throughout a Member 134 3.18 Three-Dimensional Strain 136 References 137 Problems 138 Chapter 4 DEFLECTION AND IMPACT 151 4.1 Introduction 152 : . 4.2 Deflection of Axially Loaded Members 152 4.3 Angle of Twist of Bars 156 4.4 Deflection of Beams by Integration 159 4.5 Beam Deflections by Superposition 162 4.6 Beam Deflection by the Moment-Area Method 166 4.7 Impact Loading 172 4.8 Longitudinal and Bending Impact 172 4.9 Torsional Impact 177 *4,10 Bending of Thin Plates 179 4.11 Deflection of Plates by Integration 183 References 185 Problems 186 8.11 Design for Simple Fluctuating Loads 320 Design for Combined Fluctuating Loads 327 10.6 Hydrodynamic Lubrication Theory 388 10.7 Design of Journal Bearings 391 10.8 Methods of Lubrication 397 10.9 Heat Balance of Journal Bearings 399 10.10 Materials for Journal Bearings 400 Part B Rolling-Element Bearings 401 10.11 Types and Dimensions of Rolling Bearings 402 10.12 Rolling Bearing Life 408 10.13 Equivalent Radial Load 409 10.14 Selection of Rolling Bearings 411 10.15 Materials and , Lubricants of Rolling Bearings 4l6 10.16 Mounting and Closure of Rolling Bearings 417 References 418 Problems 419 mm 8.12 8.13 Prediction of Cumulative Fatigue Damage 329 Fracture Mechanics Approach to Fatigue 330 Surface Fatigue Failure: Wear 333 8.14 8.15 Chapter 7 References 335 FAILURE CRITERIA AND RELIABILITY 265 7.1 Introduction 266 7.2 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics 266 7.3 Stress-Intensity Factors 267 7.4 Fracture Toughness 268 7.5 Yield and Fracture Criteria 273 7.6 Maximum Shear Stress Theory 275 7.7 Maximum Distortion Energy Theory 277 7.8 Octahedral Shear Stress Theory 279 7.9 Comparison of the Yielding Theories 282 7.10 Maximum Principal Stress Theory 283 7.11 Mohr’s Theory 284 7.12 The Coulomb-Mohr Theory 285 7.13 Reliability 288 7.14 Normal Distributions 289 7.15 The Reliability Method and Margin of Safety 291 References 294 Problems 295 Problems 336 P A R T 2 APPLICATIONS 342 Chapter 9 SHAFTS AND ASSOCIATED PARTS 343 Chapter 5 ENERGY METHODS IN DESIGN 195 5.1 Introduction 196 5.2 Strain Energy 196 5.3 Components of Strain Energy . 198 5.4 Strain Energy in Common Members 199 5.5 The Work-Energy Method 203 5.6 Castigliano’s Theorem 204 5.7 Statically Indeterminate Problems 212 5.8 Virtual Work and Potential Energy 216 *5.9 Use of Trigonometric Series in Energy Methods 217 *5.10 The Rayleigh-Ritz Method 220 References 222 Problems 223 9.1 Introduction 344 Materials Used for Shafting 345 Design of Shafts in Steady Torsion 345 Combined Static Loadings on Shafts 347 Design of Shafts for Fluctuating and Shock Loads 348 Interference Fits 354 Critical Speed of Shafts 355 Mounting Parts 358 Stresses in Keys 361 Splines 362 Couplings 364 Universal Joints 9.3 Chapter 1 1 9.4 SPUR GEARS 423 Introduction 424 Geometry and Nomenclature 425 Fundamentals 428 Gear Tooth Action and Systems of Gearing 430 Contact Ratio and Interference 433 Gear Trains 433 Transmitted Load 436 The Bending Strength of a Gear Tooth: The Lewis Formula 440 Design for the Bending Strength of a Gear Tooth: The AGMA Method 445 11.10 The Wear Strength of a Gear Tooth: The Buckingham Formula 452 Design for the Wear Strength of a Gear Tooth: The AGMA Method 455 11.12 Materials for Gears 459 11.13 Gear Manufacturing 460 References 465 Problems 466 References 369 Problems 370 Chapter 8 11.8 FATIGUE 301 8.1 Introduction 302 8.2 The Nature of Fatigue Failures 302 8.3 Fatigue Tests 304 8.4 The S-N Diagrams 305 8.5 Estimating the Endurance Limit and Fatigue Strength 308 8.6 Modified Endurance Limit 309 8.7 Endurance Limit Reduction Factors 310 8.8 Fluctuating Stresses 316 8.9 Theories of Fatigue Failure 317 8.10 Comparison of the Fatigue Criteria 319 11.9 Chapter 1 0 BEARINGS AND LUBRICATION 376 Introduction 377 Part A Lubrication and Journal Bearings 377 Lubricants 377 Types of Journal Bearings and Lubrication 378 Lubricant Viscosity 382 Petroff’s Bearing Equation 386 Chapter 6 BUCKLING DESIGN OF MEMBERS 232 10.1 6.1 Introduction 233 6.2 Buckling of Columns 233 6.3 Critical Stress in a Column 236 6.4 Initially Curved Columns 242 6.5 Eccentric Loads and the Secant Formula 244 6.6 Design of Columns Under a Centric Load Chapter 1 4 SPRINGS 559 15.16 Welded Joints Subjected to Eccentric Loading 641 Brazing and Soldering 646 Adhesive Bonding 647 Chapter 1 2 HELICAL, BEVEL, AND WORM GEARS 472 8 17.5 Properties of Two-Dimensional Elements 730 Triangular Element 733 Plane Stress Case Studies 736 15.17 17.6 15.18 References 649 Introduction 560 Torsion Bars 561 Introduction 473 14.1 Helical Gears 473 Helical Gear Geometry 475 Helical Gear Tooth Loads 478 Helical Gear-Tooth Bending and Wear Strengths 479 Bevel Gears 485 Tooth Loads of Straight Bevel Gears Bevel Gear-Tooth Bending and Wear Strengths 490 Worn Gearsets 492 Worm Gear Bending and Wear Strengths 496 Thermal Capacity of Worm Gearsets 498 References 745 Problems 746 Axisymmetric Element 742 Helical Tension and Compression Springs 562 Spring Materials 566 Helical Compression Springs 570 Buckling of Helical Compression Springs 572 Fatigue of Springs 574 Design of Helical Compression Springs for Fatigue Loading 575 Helical Extension Springs 580 Torsion Springs 582 Leaf Springs 585 Miscellaneous Springs 588 12.3 14.3 Problems 650 14.4 Chapter 1 6 AXISYMMETRIC PROBLEMS IN DESIGN 659 14.5 12.6 14.6 A p p e n d i x A UNITS, PROPERTIES OF SHAPES, AND BEAM DEFLECTIONS 753 Table A.l Conversion factors: SI units to U.S. customary units 754 SI prefixes 754 Properties of areas 755 Properties of some steel pipe and tubing 756 Properties of solids 757 Properties of rolled-steel ( W ) shapes, wide-flange sections 758 Table A.7 Properties of rolled-steel (S ) shapes, American standard 1 beams 760 Table A,8 Properties of rolled-steel ( L) shapes, angles with equal legs 762 Table A.9 Deflections and slopes of beams 764 Table A.10 Reactions and deflections of statically indeterminate beams 766 12.7 488 16.1 Introduction 660 Basic Relations 660 Thick-Walled Cylinders Under Pressure 661 Compound Cylinders: Press or Shrink Fits 666 Disk Flywheels 669 Thermal Stresses in Cylinders 675 Fully Plastic Thick-Walled Cylinders 679 Stresses in Curved Beams 682 Axisymmetrically Loaded Circular Plates 689 Thin Shells of Revolution 692 Special Cases of Shells of Revolution 694 Pressure Vessels and Piping 699 The ASME Code for Conventional Pressure Vessels 702 Filament-Wound Pressure Vessels 703 Buckling of Cylindrical and Spherical Shells 705 12.8 14.7 14.8 16.2 12.9 16.3 12.10 14,9 Table A.2 Table A.3 Table A.4 14.10 16.4 12.11 14.11 14.12 16,5 References 502 References 592 16.6 Problems 503 Table A.5 Table A.6 Problems 593 *16.7 Chapter 1 5 POWER SCREWS, FASTENERS, AND CONNECTIONS 598 Chapter 1 3 BELTS, CHAINS, CLUTCHES, AND BRAKES 507 13.1 Introduction 508 Part A Flexible Elements 508 13.2 Belts 509 13.3 Belt Drives 512 13.4 Belt Tension Relationships 516 13.5 Design of V-Belt Drives 518 13.6 Chain Drives 524 13.7 Common Chain Types 525 PartB High“Friction Devices 531 13.8 Materials for Brakes and Clutches 531 !3.9 Internal Expanding Drum Clutches and Brakes 533 13.10 Disk Clutches and Brakes 534 13.11 Cone Clutches and Brakes 539 13.12 Band Brakes 541 13.13 Short-Shoe Drum Brakes 543 13.14 Long-Shoe Drum Brakes 546 13.15 Energy Absorption and Cooling 551 References 553 Problems introduction 599 Standard Thread Forms 600 Mechanics of Power Screws 604 Overhauling and Efficiency of Power Screws 608 Ball Screws 610 Threaded Fastener Types 612 Stresses in Screws 614 Bolt Tightening and Preload 617 Tension Joints Under Static Loading 619 Gasketed Joints 621 Determining the Joint Stiffness Constants 622 Tension Joints Under Dynamic Loading 625 Riveted and Bolted Joints Loaded in Shear 629 Shear of Rivets or Bolts Due to Eccentric Loading 634 Welding A p p e n d i x B MATERIAL PROPERTIES 767 Table B.i References 706 Problems 707 15.9 Average properties of common engineering materials 768 Typical mechanical properties of gray cast iron 770 Mechanical properties of some hot-rolled (HR) and cold-drawn (CD) steels 770 Mechanical properties of selected heat-treated steels 771 Mechanical properties of some annealed (An.) and cold-worked (CW) wrought stainless steels 772 15.10 Table B.2 Chapter 1 7 15.11 FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS IN DESIGN 714 Table B.3 15.12 17.1 Introduction 715 Stiffness Matrix for Axial Elements 716 Formulation of the Finite Element Method and Its Application to Trusses 720 Beam and Frame Elements 724 Figure C.7 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kf for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in axial tension 111 Figure C.8 Theoretical stress-concentration factor K{ for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in torsion 778 Figure C.9 Theoretical stress-concentration factor K( for a shaft with a shoulder fillet in bending 778 Figure C.10 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kf for a grooved shaft in axial tension 779 Figure C.l1 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a grooved shaft in torsion 779 Figure C.12 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a grooved shaft in bending 780 Figure C.l 3 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kf for a shaft with a transverse hole in axial tension, bending, and torsion 780 Table B.6 Mechanical properties of some aluminium alloys 772 Table B.7 Mechanical properties of some copper alloys 773 Table B.8 Selected mechanical properties of some common plastics 773 A p p e n d i x C STRESS CONCENTRATION FACTORS 774 Figure C. l Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a filleted bar in axial tension 775 Figure C.2 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt for a filleted bar in bending 775 Figure C.3 Theoretical stress-concentration factor K{ for a notched bar in axial tension 776 Figure C.4 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kf for a notched bar in bending 776 Figure C.5 Theoretical stress-concentration factor Kt: A— for a flat bar loaded in tension by a pin through the transverse hole; 8— For a flat bar with a transverse hole in axial tension 111 Figure C.6 Theoretical-stress concentration factor Kt for a fiat bar with a transverse hole in bending 111 A p p e n d i x D SOLUTION OF THE STRESS CUBIC EQUATION 781 ANSWERS TO SELECTED PROBLEMS 783 Index 7 9 1 Chapter 9 Shafts and Associated Parts Chapter 10 Bearings and Lubrications Chapter 11 Spur Gears Chapter 12 Helical, Bevel and Worm Gears Chapter 13 Belts, Chains, Clutches and Brakes Chapter 14 Springs Chapter 15 Power Screws, Fasteners and Connections Chapter 16 Axisymmetric Problems in Design Chapter 17 Finite Element Analysis in Design
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عدل سابقا من قبل Admin في الأحد 26 سبتمبر 2021, 5:19 pm عدل 2 مرات |
Ahmed Al-Kttawy مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 3 التقييم : 3 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/09/2019 العمر : 43 الدولة : مصر العمل : مهندس الجامعة : الزقازيق
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Mechanical Design An Integrated Approach الثلاثاء 05 مايو 2020, 10:21 am | |
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Mechanical Design An Integrated Approach الثلاثاء 05 مايو 2020, 1:40 pm | |
- Ahmed Al-Kttawy كتب:
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