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| موضوع: كتاب ASM Handbook Vol 13B - Corrosion (Materials) الخميس 28 سبتمبر 2017, 4:39 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب ASM Handbook Vol 13B - Corrosion (Materials) ASM International Handbook Committee
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Corrosion of Ferrous Metals 1 Introduction to Corrosion of Ferrous Metals Jay W. Larson 3 Industry Overview . 3 Steel Products and Characteristics 3 Role of Corrosion 3 Corrosion of Carbon and Alloy Steels Corrosion of Wrought Carbon Steels Toshiaki Kodama . 5 Atmospheric Corrosion . 5 Aqueous Corrosion 7 Soil Corrosion 8 Corrosion in Concrete . 9 Boiler Service 10 Corrosion of Wrought Low-Alloy Steels Thomas G. Oakwood . 11 Corrosive Environments Encountered in the Use of Alloy Steels . 11 Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance of Low-Alloy Steels 11 Corrosion of Low-Alloy Steels in Specific End-Use Environments . 13 Corrosion of Weathering Steels F.B. Fletcher 28 Copper-Bearing Steels . 28 High-Strength Low-Alloy Steels . 28 Atmospheric Corrosion Testing 28 Estimating Atmospheric Corrosion Behavior of Weathering Steels 29 Mechanism of Corrosion Resistance of Weathering Steels 29 Corrosion Behavior under Different Exposure Conditions 30 Case Histories and Design Considerations . 30 Corrosion of Metallic Coated Steels C. Ramadeva Shastry 35 Zinc-Base Coatings . 35 Aluminum-Base Coatings . 37 Zinc-Aluminum Alloy Coatings 38 Aluminum-Zinc Alloy Coatings 38 Corrosion of Organic Coated Steels Hiroyuki Tanabe 40 How Paint Films Deter Corrosion . 40 Corrosion Protection of Steel Structures by Organic Coatings . 40 Design of Steel Structures for Coating . 40 Paint Systems for Bridges . 41 Prepaint Processing . 41 Differences between Prepaint and Postpaint . 41 Part Design Consideration in Coated Steel Sheet . 41 Selection Guideline . 42 Advantages of Prepainted Steels . 42 Corrosion of Cast Irons Thomas C. Spence . 43 Basic Metallurgy of Cast Irons . 43 Influence of Alloying . 43 Influence of Microstructure . 44 Commercially Available Cast Irons 44 Forms of Corrosion . 45 Resistance to Corrosive Environments . 46 Coatings . 48 Selection of Cast Irons 49 Corrosion of Cast Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels Raymond W. Monroe . 51 Atmospheric Corrosion . 51 Other Environments 53 Corrosion of Stainless Steels Corrosion of Wrought Stainless Steels John F. Grubb, Terry DeBold, James D. Fritz . 54 Identification Systems for Stainless Steels 54 Families of Stainless Steels . 55 Mechanism of Corrosion Resistance . 57 Effects of Composition 58 Effects of Processing, Design, Fabrication, and External Treatments . 58 Forms of Corrosion of Stainless Steels . 62 Corrosion in Specific Environments . 63 Corrosion in Various Applications 70 Corrosion Testing 75 Corrosion of Cast Stainless Steels Malcolm Blair 78 Composition and Microstructure . 78 Corrosion Behavior of H-Type Alloys 79 Corrosion Behavior of C-Type Alloys 81 Corrosion of Nonferrous Metals and Specialty Products 89 Introduction to Corrosion of Nonferrous Metals and Specialty Products Paul Crook . 93 Copper . 93 Nickel 93 Titanium 93 Aluminum 94 Specialty Products . 94 Corrosion of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Corrosion of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys G. Kaufman 95 Pitting Corrosion . 95 Solution Potentials . 96 Effects of Composition and Microstructure on Corrosion . 97 Corrosion Ratings of Alloys and Tempers 101 Galvanic Corrosion and Protection . 101 Deposition Corrosion . 104 Intergranular Corrosion . 104 Stress-Corrosion Cracking . 105 Effect of Stress-Intensity Factor 106 Exfoliation Corrosion 110 Corrosion Fatigue 111 Erosion-Corrosion . 112 Atmospheric Corrosion . 112 Filiform Corrosion . 114 Corrosion in Waters . 114 Corrosion in Soils 117 Resistance of Anodized Aluminum 118 Effects of Nonmetallic Building Materials . 119 Contact with Foods, Pharmaceuticals, and Chemicals 120 Care of Aluminum . 121 Corrosion of Copper and Copper Alloys Corrosion of Copper and Copper Alloys Arthur Cohen . 125 Effects of Alloy Composition . 125 Types of Attack . 127 Corrosion of Copper Alloys in Specific Environments . 131 Stress Corrosion Cracking of Copper Alloys in Specific Environments . 151 Protective Coatings 154 Corrosion Testing 154 Corrosion of Cobalt and Cobalt-Base Alloys Corrosion of Cobalt and Cobalt-Base Alloys . 164 Alloys Resistant to Aqueous Corrosion Paul Crook, Jim Wu 164 High-Carbon Co-Cr-W Alloys 164 Low-Carbon Co-Cr-Mo Alloys . 165 High-Carbon Co-Cr-Mo Alloys 166 Low-Carbon Co-Mo-Cr-Si Alloys 166 Age-Hardenable Co-Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys 166 Product Forms . 166 Aqueous Corrosion Properties Paul Crook . 166 Hydrochloric Acid . 167 Sulfuric Acid . 167 Phosphoric Acid 167 Hydrofluoric Acid 168 Nitric Acid . 168 Organic Acids 168 Salts . 168 Seawater 169 Alkalis 169 Environmental Cracking Paul Crook . 169 Applications and Fabrication Steve Matthews, Jim Wu 170 Hardfacing with the High-Carbon Co-Cr-W Alloys 171 Welding of Wrought Cobalt Alloys 172 Alloys Resistant to High-Temperature Corrosion Dwaine Klarstrom . 172 High-Temperature Corrosion Properties Dwaine Klarstrom, Krishna Srivastava 172 Oxidation . 172 Sulfidation 173 Carburization . 173 Corrosion by Halogens 174 Corrosion by Molten Salts . 175 Applications and Fabrication for High-Temperature Service Lee Flower, Steve Matthews . 175 Forming and Annealing . 175 Welding Characteristics 175 Corrosion of Low Melting Metals and Alloys Corrosion of Tin and Tin Alloys . 177 Pure Tin . 177 Soft Solders . 179 Pewter 181 Bearing Alloys . 181 Other Tin Alloys 182 Tin and Tin-Alloy Coatings 182 Tinplate 186 Corrosion Testing of Coatings 188 Corrosion of Lead and Lead Alloys Safaa J. Alhassan 195 The Nature of Lead Corrosion 195 Corrosion in Water 195 Atmospheric Corrosion . 196 Corrosion in Underground Ducts 197 Corrosion in Soil . 199 Resistance to Chemicals 200 Tin-Lead Solder Alloys . 203 Corrosion of Magnesium and Magnesium-Base Alloys Corrosion of Magnesium and Magnesium-Base Alloys Barbara A. Shaw, Ryan C. Wolfe 205 Environmental Factors 206 Corrosion in Real and Simulated Environments . 207 Localized Corrosion Mechanisms . 211 Galvanic Corrosion 214 Protection of Assemblies . 216 Protective Coating Systems . 220 Inhibitors 222 Industry-Proven Protection Systems . 222 Novel Magnesium Alloys with Improved Corrosion Resistance 224 Corrosion of Bulk Vapor-Deposited Alloys . 225 Metal-Matrix Composites 226 Corrosion of Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys Corrosion of Nickel and Nickel-Base Alloys Paul Crook . 228 Introduction to Alloys Resistant to Aqueous Corrosion Paul Crook, Dwaine Klarstrom, Jim Crum 228 Commercially Pure Nickel 228 Nickel-Copper Alloys 229 Nickel-Molybdenum Alloys 229 Nickel-Chromium Alloys 230 Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys . 230 Ni-Cr-Fe Alloys . 231 Ni-Fe-Cr Alloys . 231 Product Forms . 231 Aqueous Corrosion Properties Paul Crook, Sabrina Meck, Jim Crum, Raul Rebak . 231 Hydrochloric Acid . 231 Sulfuric Acid . 233 Phosphoric Acid 234 Hydrofluoric Acid 234 Hydrobromic Acid . 235 Nitric Acid . 236 Organic Acids 236 Salts . 236 Seawater 237 Alkalis 238 Environmental Cracking Raul Rebak 238 Commercially Pure Nickel 238 Nickel-Copper Alloys 238 Nickel-Molybdenum Alloys 239 Ni-Cr-Mo Alloys . 239 Ni-Cr, Ni-Cr-Fe, and Ni-Fe-Cr Alloys 240 Applications and Fabrication Brian Baker, Paul Crook, Lee Flower, Mark Rowe . 241 Petrochemical and Refining 241 Chemical Processing . 241 Power Industry . 241 Fabrication . 241 Alloys Resistant to High-Temperature Corrosion Dwaine Klarstrom . 243 High-Temperature Corrosion Properties Dwaine Klarstrom, Krishna Srivastava 244 Oxidation . 244 Carburization . 244 Metal Dusting 246 Sulfidation 246 Corrosion by Halogens 247 Corrosion by Molten Salts . 248 Applications Brian Baker, Jim Crum, Lee Flower . 248 Petrochemical and Refining 248 Heating and Heat Treating 249 Aircraft Gas Turbines 250 Power Industry . 250 Corrosion of Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys Corrosion of Titanium and Titanium Alloys Ronald W. Schutz . 252 Mechanism of Corrosion Resistance . 252 Forms of Corrosion and Related Test Methods 253 Corrosion in Specific Media 260 Expanding the Corrosion Resistance of Titanium 284 Appendix 1: General Corrosion Data for Unalloyed Titanium 286 Appendix 2: General Corrosion Data for Titanium Alloys 290 Corrosion of Zirconium and Zirconium Alloys Te-Lin Yau, Richard C. Sutherlin 300 General Characteristics 301 Variables Affecting Corrosion 302 Pitting 306 Crevice Corrosion 307 Intergranular Corrosion . 307 Stress-Corrosion Cracking . 307 Delayed Hydride Cracking 308 Effects of Surface Condition . 309 Galvanic Corrosion 309 Microbiologically Induced Corrosion . 309 Erosion-Corrosion . 310 Fretting Corrosion . 310 Effects of Tin Content in Zirconium . 310 Corrosive Environments 311 Effects of Fabrication on Corrosion 318 Protection Measures 319 Industrial Applications of Zirconium and Its Alloys 320 Safety . 322 Conclusions . 322 Corrosion of Niobium and Niobium Alloys Richard C. Sutherlin, Ronald A. Graham . 325 Niobium Alloys . 325 Mechanisms of Corrosion Resistance . 325 Applications . 333 Corrosion of Tantalum and Tantalum Alloys . 337 Mechanism of Corrosion Resistance . 337 Corrosion in Specific Media 337 Hydrogen Embrittlement, Galvanic Effects, and Cathodic Protection of Tantalum 348 Corrosion Resistance of Tantalum-Base Alloys . 348 Corrosion of Hafnium and Hafnium Alloys D.R. Holmes . 354 Production 354 Physical and Mechanical Properties of Hafnium 354 Aqueous Corrosion Testing of Hafnium and Hafnium Alloys 355 Corrosion Resistance of Hafnium . 356 Applications . 358 Corrosion of Beryllium and Aluminum-Beryllium Composites Warren J. Haws . 360 Health and Safety 360 Effects of Impurities and Composite Composition . 360 Corrosion of Beryllium in Air . 360 Aqueous Corrosion of Beryllium 362 Stress-Corrosion Cracking . 363 High-Temperature Corrosion 363 In-Process, Handling, and Storage Corrosion Problems and Procedures . 363 Corrosion-Protection Surface Treatments and Coatings . 365 Corrosion of Uranium and Uranium Alloys Jennifer A. Lillard, Robert J. Hanrahan, Jr. 370 Aqueous Corrosion 370 Atmospheric Corrosion . 375 Environmentally Assisted Cracking 379 Protective Coatings and Surface Modification 380 Storage of Uranium . 381 Environmental, Safety, and Health Considerations 382 Corrosion of Precious Metals and Alloys Corrosion of Precious Metals and Alloys Gaylord D. Smith . 385 Silver 385 Gold . 388 Platinum . 390 Palladium . 392 Rhodium 395 Iridium . 396 Ruthenium . 398 Osmium . 399 Anodic Behavior of the Noble Metals 400 Corrosion of Zinc and Zinc Alloys Corrosion of Zinc and Zinc Alloys X. Gregory Zhang 402 Applications of Zinc 402 Corrosion Performance 403 Corrosion in Waters, Solutions, Soils and Other Environments . 409 Corrosion Forms 411 Corrosion of Specialty Products Corrosion of Brazed and Soldered Joints Manish Dighe 418 Fundamentals of Corrosion of Joints 418 Corrosion of Soldered Joints . 418 Corrosion of Brazed Joints 418 Role of Proper Brazing Procedures in Minimizing Corrosion . 420 Corrosion Resistance of Particular Brazing Alloy Systems 420 Thermal Spray Coatings for Corrosion Protection in Atmospheric and Aqueous Environments Seiji Kuroda, Andrew Sturgeon . 422 Coating Types 422 Aluminum Coatings and Zinc Coatings 422 Thermal Spray Application Methods for TSA and TSZ Coatings . 423 Field Exposure Tests of TSA and TSZ Coatings 425 Application History of TSA and TSZ Coatings for Corrosion Prevention . 426 Dense Barrier Coatings by High-Velocity Spraying Processes 427 The Future Use of Thermal Spray Coatings . 429 Corrosion of Thermal Spray Coatings at High Temperatures Tapio Ma¨ntyla¨, Mikko Uusitalo 430 Oxidation . 430 Hot Corrosion 431 Corrosion-Resistant Coatings in Boilers . 431 Waste Incinerators . 432 Erosion-Corrosion in Boilers . 433 Corrosion of Electroplated Hard Chromium Allen R. Jones 434 Corrosion of Chromium Electrodeposits 434 Optimizing Corrosion Resistance 434 Duplex Coatings 440 Corrosion-Resistance Data 440 Applications . 440 Corrosion of Clad Metals Robert Baboian 442 The Cladding Process 442 Properties of Clad Metals 443 Designing with Clad Metals 443 Designing Clad Metals for Corrosion Control 443 Corrosion-Resistant Powder Metallurgy Alloys Barbara Shaw 447 Evaluating the Corrosion Resistance of P/M Alloys 447 P/M Stainless Steels 454 Influence of Processing Parameters on the Corrosion Resistance of P/M Stainless Steels 457 P/M Superalloys 468 Corrosion of Amorphous Metals John R. Scully, Ashley Lucente . 476 Synthesis of Metallic Glasses 476 Devitrification and Structural Relaxation . 477 Mechanisms of Corrosion Resistance . 478 Corrosion Behavior of Fully Amorphous and Partially Devitrified Metallic Glasses: A Historial Review 478 General Corrosion Behavior of All Classes of Amorphous Alloys . 480 Localized Corrosion Behavior of All Classes of Amorphous Alloys . 482 Environmental Cracking Behavior 485 Conclusion . 486 Corrosion of Intermetallics P.K. Datta, H.L. Du, J.S. Burnell-Gray 490 High-Temperature Corrosion of Intermetallics . 490 Aqueous Corrosion 504 Corrosion of Cemented Carbides 513 Effect of Composition on Properties . 514 Applications of Cemented Carbides 515 Selection of Cemented Carbides for Corrosion Applications . 516 Corrosion in Aqueous Media 516 Oxidation Resistance of Cemented Carbides 522 Saw Tips and Corrosion 523 Coating of Cemented Carbides . 523 Special Surface Treatments . 524 Corrosion of Metal-Matrix Composites L.H. Hihara . 526 Background 526 Parameters Affecting MMC Corrosion . 526 Corrosion of MMC Systems 531 Corrosion Protection of MMCs . 538 Other Concerns 539 Environmental Performance of Nonmetallic Materials 543 Introduction to Environmental Performance of Nonmetallic Materials David C. Silverman . 545 Thermosetting Resins and Resin-Matrix Composites . 545 Elastomers . 545 Rubber Linings 545 Protective Coatings 546 Ceramics and Refractories 546 Concrete . 546 Performance of Refractories in Severe Environments James P. Bennett, Kyei-Sing Kwong, George Oprea, Michel Rigaud, Stephen M. Winder 547 Background and Theory 547 Testing . 551 Corrosion of Steelmaking Refractories . 551 Refractories for Glass-Melting Applications 554 Refractories for Aluminum Smelting and Refining Applications . 557 Chemical-Resistant Masonry for Corrosive Liquid Environments . 560 Performance of Ceramics in Severe Environments Nathan S. Jacobson, Dennis S. Fox, James L. Smialek, Elizabeth J. Opila, Christopher Dellacorte, Kang N. Lee 565 High-Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion of Silica-Forming Ceramics . 565 Oxidation of Precursor-Derived Ceramics, Composites, and Non-Silica-Forming Ceramics 571 Corrosion of Oxide Ceramics 572 Environmental Barrier Coatings 572 Effects of Oxidation and Corrosion on Mechanical Properties . 574 High-Temperature Wear of Advanced Ceramics 575 Environmental Performance of Concrete William C. Panarese 579 Types and Causes of Concrete Degradation . 579 Addressing Durability with the Prescriptive Approach 583 Addressing Durability with the Performance Approach . 584 Sustainability . 586 Degradation of Protective Coatings Kenneth B. Tator . 589 Molecular Composition of a Polymer . 589 Environmental Effects Resulting in Coating Deterioration 591 Environmental Performance of Thermosetting Plastics and Resin Matrix Composites Terry W. Cowley 600 Fabrication of FRP Equipment 600 Resins and Their Resistance to Various Environments 600 Curing Thermosetting Resin Types 602 Environmental Performance of Rubber Linings Larry DeLashmit . 605 Commonly Used Polymers 605 Industrial Applications 607 Environmental Performance of Elastomers Jim Alexander, Pradip Khaladkar, Bert Moniz, Bill Stahl, Tommy Taylor 608 Factors Governing the Performance of Elastomers 608 Factors Affecting Chemical Resistance 610 Performance Evaluation 612 Failure Analysis . 615 Elastomer Failure Modes 615 Elastomer Material Identification 617 Quantifying Performance 617 Global Cost of Corrosion 619 Global Cost of Corrosion—A Historical Review R. Bhaskaran, N. Palaniswamy, N.S. Rengaswamy, M. Jayachandran . 621 United States of America 621 United Kingdom 622 Australia 623 Japan 623 Canada . 623 Germany 624 Poland 624 South Africa . 624 Czechoslovakia 624 Belgium . 624 Netherlands 624 Sweden 624 Finland . 624 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) 624 Kuwait . 624 India . 625 Basque Region . 625 Global Direct Cost of Corrosion . 625 Global Indirect Cost of Corrosion . 625 Global Cost of Corrosion 626 Gallery of Corrosion Damage 629 Gallery of Corrosion Damage Peter Elliott . 631 Reference Information 647 Periodic Table of Elements . 649 Crystal Structure 651 Density of Metals and Alloys 658 Reference Electrodes . 662 Overpotential . 663 Electrochemical Series 665 Galvanic Series of Metals and Alloys in Seawater . 672 Compatibility Guide 673 Corrosion Rate Conversion . 675 Metric Conversion Guide 676 Abbreviations and Symbols . 679 Index 682
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