كتاب Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2   كتاب  Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2 Emptyالإثنين 18 سبتمبر 2017, 3:47 am

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
تصميم المنشآت الخرسانية الجزء الثاني
الدكتور مشهور أحمد غنيم - الدكتور محمود ثروت المهيلمي
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2
Mashhour Ahmed Ghoneim
Professor of Concrete Structures - Cairo University
Mahmoud Tharwat El-Mihilmy
Associate Professor of Concrete Structures - Cairo University 

كتاب  Design of Reinforced Concrete Structure - Volume 2 Ha8ki8rimmq0
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Introduction 1
One-Way Solid Slabs
Structural Behavior
Effective Span
Minimum Thickness
Bending moments
Example 1.1
Two-Way Slabs .
Definition ,
Elastic Analysis of Plates
Load Distribution Factors According to ECP 203
Minimum Thickness
Related Code Provisions
Comer Reinforcement
Example 1.2
2.1 Introduction 29
2.2 One-Way Hollow Block Slabs
2.2.1 General
2.2.2 Arrangement of blocks
2.2.3 Code Provisions
2.2.4 Design of One-way Hollow Block Slabs Design of Ribs Design of Hidden Beams
Example 2.1
2.3 Two-Way Hollow Block Slabs
2.3.1 Method of Analysis
2.3.2 Design of two-way hollow slabs with projected beams Design of ribs Design of Projected beams
Example 2.2
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Load Distribution
3.3 Code Provisions
3.4 Simplified Design Method
3.5 Design of Skew Paneled Beams
Example 3.1
5.1 Introduction . 174
5.2 Structural Systems of Stairs
5.2 Cantilever Type
Example 5.1
82 81 5.3 Slab Type 194
Example 5.2 198
4. FLAT SLABS Example 5.3 207
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Statical Equilibrium of Flat Slabs
4.3 Minimum Dimensions According to ECP 203
4.4 Analysis of Flat Slabs
4.5 Direct Design Method
4.5.1 Limitation of the direct method
4.5.2 Definition of column strip and field strip
4.5.3 Calculation of slab load
4.5.4 Statical Moment Mo
4.5.5 Distribution of the Statical Moment ,
4.5.6 Moment Correction
4.5.7 Provision for Pattern Loading
4.5.8 Design Steps According to the Direct Design Method
4.6 Reinforcement of Flat Slabs
4.6.1 General
4.6.2 Column Head Reinforcement
4.6.3 Reinforcement at Openings in Flat Slabs
4.7 Punching Shear Strength of Flat Slabs
4.7.1 General
4.7.2 Critical Sections
4.7.3 Concrete Punching Shear Strength
4.7.4 Detailed Analysis Introduction Calculations of the Punching Stresses
4.7.5 Simplified Method
4.8 One-Way Shear Strength
Example 4.1
Example 4.2 .
Example 4.3
Example 4.4
4.9 The Equivalent Frame Method
4.9.1 Introduction
4.9.2 Structural Analysis
Example 4.5,
4.10 Computer Model of Flat Slabs :
6.1 Introduction 223
6.2 Axially Loaded Tied Columns
6.2.1 Behavior and Strength
6.2.2 Code Provisions for Tied Columns ..
6.2.3 Splicing of Vertical ReinforcementExample 6.1
Example 6.2
6.3 Axially Loaded Spiral Columns
6.3.1 Behavior and Strength
6.3.2 Minimum Spiral Reinforcement
6.3.3 Code Provisions for Spiral Columns
Example 6.3
Example 6.4
6.4 Design of Composite Columns
6.4.1 Design Guidelines
Example 6.5
Example 6.6
Example 6.7
6.5 Calculation of Axial Loads on Columns
6.5.1 Area Method
6.5.2 Reaction Method
163 7.1 Introduction 262
7.2 Interaction Diagrams
7.2.1 Definition
7.2.2Modes of Failure
7.2.3 Development of the Interaction Diagram
in7.2.4 Plastic Centroid
Example 7.1
Example 7. 2
Example 7.3 ...
7.3 Sections Subject to Eccentric Compression Forces
7.3.1 Design Using Interaction Diagrams
Example 7.4
7.3.2Design Using MUS Approach
Example 7.5
7.3.3 Design Curves For Eccentric Sections
Example 7.6
7.4 Sections Subjected to Eccentric Tension Forces
7.4.1Sections Subject to Small Eccentric Tension Forces
Example 7.7
7.4.2Sections Subjected to Big Eccentric Tension Forces
Example 7.8
7.5 T-Sections Subjected To Eccentric Forces
Example 7.9
Example 7.10
Example 7.11 '
7.6 Analysis of Irregular Sections
7.6.1 General
7.6.2Strength of Shear Walls
Example 7.12
7.7 Interaction Diagrams For Circular Columns
Example 7.13
Example 7.14
Example 7.15
7.8 Interaction Diagrams For Box Sections
Example 7.16
7.9 Columns Subjected to Biaxial Bending
7.9.1 General
7.9.2Exact Analysis of Biaxial Bending
7.9.3 Minimum Eccentricity for Biaxially Loaded Columns
Example 7.17
7.9.4 Biaxial Interaction Diagrams
7.9.5The use of Biaxial Interaction Diagrams
Example 7.18
7.9.6 ECP-203 Design Procedure for Biaxial Bending
Example 7.19
7.9.7 Biaxial Bending in Unsymmetrically Reinforced Sections
Example 7.20
7.9.8Circular Columns under Biaxial Bending
Example 7.21
7.9.9 Interaction Diagrams for L-Sections
273 8.1 Definition of Slender Columns 369
8.2 Classification of Buildings
8.3 Braced and Unbraced Columns
8.4 Slenderness Considerations in the Egyptian Code
8.4.1 Code Definition of Slender Columns
8.4.2 Unsupported Height of a Compression Member (Ho)
8.4.3 Effective Height of a Compression Member (He)
8.5 Design Moments in Slender Braced Columns
8.5.1 Calculation of the Additional Moments
8.5.2 Design Moments
8.6 Design Moments in Unbraced Slender Columns
8.6.1 Additional moment .'
8.6.2 Design moments
Example 8.1
Example 8.2
Example 8.3
Example 8.4
Example 8.5
Example 8.6
320 9.1 Introduction 419
9.2 Definition of the Frame
9.3 The Choice of the Type of the Frame
9.4 Layout of a Hall Supported by R/C Frames
9.5 Reinforcement Detailing of Rigid Frames...
9.6 Hinged Bearings
Example 9.1
Example 9.2
345 Appendix A Design Charts for Sections Subjected to Flexure 465
Appendix B Interaction Diagrams Top and bottom steel
Appendix C Interaction Diagrams Uniform steel
Appendix D Design Charts for Sections Subjected to Eccentric Forces
Appendix E Interaction Diagrams for Circular Sections
Appendix F Interaction Diagrams for Hollow Circular Sections
Appendix G Interaction Diagrams for Box Sections ...
Appendix H Interaction Diagrams for Biaxially Loaded Sections
Appendix I Interaction Diagrams for L-Sections

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