كتاب Technical Writing - A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Technical Writing - A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18967
التقييم : 35407
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Technical Writing - A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists
Phillip A. Laplante

كتاب Technical Writing - A Practical Guide for Engineers and Scientists  N8evn9hkhhhj
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

What Every Engineer Should Know: Series Statement . xiii
Preface .xv
 1. The Nature of Technical Writing 1
1.1 Introduction .1
1.2 Who Writes Technical Documentation? 2
1.3 Taxonomy of Technical Writing 3
1.4 Technical Reporting 4
1.5 Business Communications .5
1.6 Scientifc Writing .5
1.6.1 Books 7
1.6.2 Journals .7
1.6.3 Magazines .7
1.6.4 Conference Proceedings .8
1.6.5 Newsletters .8
1.6.6 Websites and Blogs 8
1.7 Exercises .9
References .9
 2. Technical Writing Basics . 11
2.1 Introduction . 11
2.2 Structuring Your Writing . 11
2.3 Positioning Your Writing . 14
2.3.1 Know Your Audience 14
2.3.2 Are You Talking to Me? 14
2.4 Choosing the Right Words 15
2.4.1 Conciseness . 15
2.4.2 Precision 17
2.4.3 Universal and Existential Quantifcation .20
2.5 Avoiding Traps 21
2.5.1 Clichés . 21
2.5.2 Anthropomorphic Writing .22
2.5.3 Malapropisms .22
2.5.4 Opinion versus Fact .22
2.5.5 Acronyms, Domain-Specifc Terms, and Jargon . 24
2.6 Making Your Technical Writing More Interesting .26
2.6.1 Humor .26
2.6.2 Allegory .28
2.7 The 5 Cs of Technical Writing .28
2.7.1 IEEE 830-1993 29viii Contents
2.7.2 Correctness .30
2.7.3 Clarity 30
2.7.4 Completeness 31
2.7.5 Consistency . 31
2.7.6 Changeability . 32
2.7.7 An Example 32
2.8 Referencing 34
2.8.1 Choose the Right References 34
2.8.2 Web References 35
2.8.3 Reference Styles 35
2.9 Exercises .36
References . 37
 3. The Writing Process .39
3.1 Introduction .39
3.2 The Traditional Writing Process .40
3.2.1 Brainstorming . 41
3.2.2 Drafting .42
3.2.3 Revising .43
3.2.4 Editing .43
3.2.5 Publishing .46
3.2.6 Case Study: A Paper on Software Control on Oil Rigs 46
3.3 Environment 48
3.4 Dealing with Writer’s Block .50
3.5 Meeting Deadlines 51
3.6 Writing Tools . 51
3.7 Permissions and Plagiarism 52
3.7.1 Permissions . 52
3.7.2 Plagiarism .54
3.7.3 Self-Plagiarism .54
3.7.4 Detection Tools .55
3.7.5 Paper Generators 56
3.8 Exercises .60
References .60
 4. Scientifc Writing 63
4.1 Introduction .63
4.2 Technical Reports 63
4.3 Tutorials 65
4.4 Opinion . 67
4.5 Research Papers .69
4.5.1 Survey of the Field .69
4.5.2 Based on Survey Data .72
4.5.3 Based on Experimentation .73Contents ix
4.6 Reviews of Books, Papers, and Reports .79
4.6.1 Reviews .79
4.6.2 Journal and Conference Paper Reviews .79
4.6.3 Book Reviews . 81
4.6.4 Blind Reviews .82
4.7 Exercises .85
References .85
 5. Business Communications .87
5.1 Introduction .87
5.2 Resumés 87
5.2.1 Name 88
5.2.2 Contact Information 89
5.2.3 Summary .89
5.2.4 Statement of Objective .90
5.2.5 Experience .90
5.2.6 Education and Training 90
5.2.7 Licenses and Certifcations . 91
5.2.8 Consulting . 91
5.2.9 Hardware and Software . 91
5.2.10 Foreign Languages 92
5.2.11 Security Clearance .93
5.2.12 Military and Other Service .93
5.2.13 Awards and Honors 93
5.2.14 Publications .94
5.2.15 Affliations 94
5.2.16 Interests .94
5.2.17 References .95
5.2.18 Order Matters .96
5.2.19 Things to Avoid on a Resumé 96
5.2.20 Honesty Is the Best Policy 97
5.2.21 Examples .97
5.3 Transmittal Letters 101
5.4 Writing Letters of Reference 101
5.4.1 Letter of Reference for a Subordinate . 102
5.4.2 Letter of Reference for a Casual Acquaintance . 103
5.4.3 Generic Letter of Reference 104
5.4.4 Form-Based Letter of Reference . 105
5.5 Memos 106
5.6 Meetings, Agendas, and Minutes . 107
5.6.1 Meeting Invitations . 107
5.6.2 Agendas . 108
5.6.3 Meeting Minutes 109x Contents
5.7 Customer Relations Writing 110
5.7.1 Vignette: A Customer Inquiry Letter 110
5.7.2 Vignette: Response to a Customer Inquiry Letter 112
5.8 Press Releases 113
5.9 Presentations 114
5.9.1 Vignette: A Presentation on Cyberpandemics 115
5.10 Exercises . 119
References . 119
 6. Technical Reporting . 121
6.1 Introduction . 121
6.2 Technical Procedures 122
6.2.1 Vignette: PC Repair Book .122
6.2.2 Vignette: Building an Aquarium . 124
6.2.3 Vignette: Operational Instructions for Krav Maga . 126
6.3 Proposals 128
6.3.1 Vignette: Grant Proposal 129
6.3.2 Vignette: Proposal for Consulting Services . 133
6.4 Panel Sessions 135
6.5 Strategic Plans and Planning 137
6.5.1 Executive Summary . 138
6.5.2 The Mission Statement 139
6.5.3 SWOT Analysis 139
6.5.4 Competitive Market Analysis 140
6.5.5 Goals, Objectives, and Strategies . 141
6.5.6 Budget Appendix . 142
6.6 Problem Reports 143
6.7 Exercises . 144
References . 144
 7. Using Graphical Elements 147
7.1 Breaking up the Monotony 147
7.2 Modeling Ideas with Graphics 147
7.2.1 A Picture Is Worth 1,437.4 Words 148
7.2.2 Modeling Behavior 149
7.2.3 The Evolution of an Idea . 152
7.3 Selecting the Best Model for a Schedule 153
7.4 Dealing with Figures 157
7.4.1 Callouts, Captioning, and Placement 157
7.4.2 Permissions for Figures . 157
7.5 Dealing with Tables 159
7.6 Dealing with Equations . 162
7.6.1 Using Microsoft Equation Editor . 164
7.6.2 Using MathType . 164
7.6.3 Using LaTeX 164Contents xi
7.7 Dealing with Dynamic Content 166
7.8 Exercises . 170
References . 170
 8. Publishing Your Work . 171
8.1 Introduction . 171
8.1.1 What Kinds of Work Can Be Published? 171
8.1.2 Why Publish Your Work? 171
8.2 Making a Living as a Writer 172
8.2.1 Freelance Writing . 173
8.2.2 Writing Technical Books . 173
8.2.3 Getting Rich Writing Books . 174
8.2.4 Why Are Technical Books So Expensive? 176
8.2.5 Vignette: A Writing Failure 177
8.2.6 Vignette: Bootleg Books 178
8.3 The Review Process 179
8.3.1 Administrative Rejection 179
8.3.2 Review Flow . 179
8.3.3 Review of Books . 181
8.4 Handling Rejection . 181
8.4.1 Rejection Letters . 182
8.4.2 Responding to Rejection Letters 182
8.4.3 Succeeding at Publishing 183
8.5 Open Access Publishing 185
8.5.1 The For-Proft Publishing Model . 185
8.5.2 The Non-Proft Publishing Model . 185
8.5.3 The Bethesda Statement 185
8.5.4 The Open-Access Publishing Model . 186
8.5.5 Vignette: Open-Access Publishing 186
8.6 Self-Publishing 187
8.6.1 Vanity Presses 187
8.6.2 Online Publishing 188
8.7 Exercises . 188
References . 189
 9. Writing for E-Media . 191
9.1 Introduction . 191
9.2 E-Mail Can Be Dangerous . 192
9.2.1 Rules for E-mails 193
9.2.2 The Signature Line 193
9.2.3 Use of Emoticons 195
9.3 E-Newsletters . 196
9.4 Blogging 198
9.5 Social Networks 199
9.6 E-Magazines .200xii Contents
9.7 E-Readers 201
9.7.1 Common Features 202
9.7.2 Distribution Model 203
9.8 Exercises .204
References .204
 10. Writing with Collaborators 205
10.1 Introduction .205
10.2 Writing in Different Voices 206
10.2.1 Using Metrics to Detect Nonhomogeneous Writing 207
10.2.2 Dealing with Different Voices 207
10.3 Very Large Collaborative Writing Projects 208
10.3.1 Building a Dictionary 208
10.3.2 Building an Encyclopedia . 210
10.4 Behavior of Groups . 211
10.4.1 Tuckman’s Model . 211
10.4.2 Forming . 212
10.4.3 Storming 212
10.4.4 Norming 213
10.4.5 Performing 213
10.4.6 Mourning 213
10.5 Other Paradigms for Team Building 214
10.5.1 Group Writing and Improvisational Comedy . 214
10.5.2 Team Technical Writing as Scriptwriting 215
10.6 Antipatterns in Organizations 216
10.6.1 Divergent Goals 217
10.6.2 Process Clash 218
10.7 Exercises . 218
References . 219
Glossary .

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