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| موضوع: كتاب Engineering Mechanics - Statics Meriam 5th Edition الجمعة 18 أغسطس 2017, 11:24 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Engineering Mechanics - Statics Meriam 5th Edition I. L. MERIAM, L. G. KRAIGE, WILLIAM I. PALM
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS Chapter I N T R O D U C T I O N T O S T A T I C S 3 1/1 Mechanics 1/2 Basic Concepts 1/3 Scalars and Vectors Conventions for Equations and Diagrams 5 Working with Vectors 6 1/4 Newton's Laws 1/5 Units SI Units 9 U.S. Customary Units 9 Primary Standards 10 Unit Conversions 11 1/6 Law of Gravitation Gravitational Attraction of the Earth 12 1/7 Accuracy, Limits, and Approximations Differentials 14 Small-Angle Approximations 14 1/8 Problem Solving in Statics Making the Appropriate Assumptions 15 Using Graphics 15 Formulating Problems and Obtaining Solutions 16 The Free-Body Diagram 16 Numerical Values versus Symbols 17 Solution Methods 17 Chapter Review Chapter 2 F O R C E S Y S T E M S 23 2/1 Introduction 2/2 Force External and Internal Effects 24 Principle of Transmissibility 24 Force Classification 24 Action and Reaction 25 Concurrent Forces 25 Vector Components 26 A Special Case of Vector Addition 26 SECTION A. T W O - D I M E N S I O N A L F O R C E S Y S T E M S 2/3 Rectangular Components Conventions for Describing Vector Components 27 Determining the Components of a Force 28 2/4 Moment Moment about a Point 37 The Cross Product 38 Varignon’s Theorem 38 2/5 Couple Vector Algebra Method 48 Equivalent Couples 48 Force-Couple Systems 49 2/6 Resultants Algebraic Method 56 Principle of Moments SECTION B. T H R E E - D I M E N S I O N A L F O R C E S Y S T E M S 2/7 Rectangular Components Dot Product 65 Angle between Two Vectors 66 2/8 Moment and Couple Moments in Three Dimensions 73 Evaluating the Cross Product 73 Moment about an Arbitrary Axis 74 Varignon’s Theorem in Three Dimensions 74 Couples in Three Dimensions 75 2/9 Resultants Chapter Review Chapter 3 E Q U I L I B R I U M 103 3 1 Introduction 103 SECTION A . E Q U I L I B R I U M I N T W O D I M E N S I O N S 104C o n t e n t s X V 3/2 System Isolation and the Free-Body Diagram Modeling the Action of Forces 105 Construction of Free-Body Diagrams 108 Examples of Free-Body Diagrams 109 3/3 Equilibrium Conditions Categories of Equilibrium 115 Two- and Three-Force Members 116 Alternative Equilibrium Equations 117 Constraints and Statical Determinacy 118 Adequacy of Constraints 119 Approach to Solving Problems SECTION B. E Q U I L I B R I U M I N T H R E E D I M E N S I O N S 138 3/4 Equilibrium Conditions Free-Body Diagrams 139 Categories of Equilibrium 139 Constraints and Statical Determinacy 141 Chapter Review 138 156 Chapter 4 S T R U C T U R E S 165 4/1 Introduction 4/2 Plane Trusses Simple Trusses 167 Truss Connections and Supports 168 4/3 Method of Joints Internal and External Redundancy 170 Special Conditions 170 4/4 Method of Sections Illustration of the Method 179 Additional Considerations 180 4/5 Space Trusses Statically Determinate Space Trusses 188 Method of Joints for Space Trusses 189 Method of Sections for Space Trusses 189 4/6 Frames and Machines Interconnected Rigid Bodies with Multiforce Members 195 Force Representation and Free-Body Diagrams Chapter Review Chapter 5 D I S T R I B U T E D F O R C E S 225 5/1 Introduction 225 SECTION A. C E N T E R S O F M A S S A N D C E N T R O I D S 227XVI Contents 5/2 Center of Mass Determining the Center of Gravity 227 Center of Mass versus Center of Gravity 229 5/3 Centroids of Lines, Areas, and Volumes Choice of Element for Integration 231 5/4 Composite Bodies and Figures; Approximations An Approximation Method 246 Irregular Volumes 247 5/5 Theorems of Pappus SECTION B. S P E C I A L T O P I C S 5/6 Beams- External Effects Types of Beams 264 Distributed Loads 265 5/7 Beams-lnternal Effects Shear, Bending, and Torsion 271 Shear-Force and Bending-Moment Diagrams 272 General Loading, Shear, and Moment Relationships 272 5/8 Flexible Cables General Relationships 283 Parabolic Cable 285 Catenary Cable 287 5/9 Fluid Statics Fluid Pressure 297 Hydrostatic Pressure on Submerged Rectangular Surfaces 298 Hydrostatic Pressure on Cylindrical Surfaces 300 Hydrostatic Pressure on Flat Surfaces of Any Shape 301 Buoyancy 302 Chapter Review Chapter 6 F R I C T I O N 327 6/1 Introduction SECTION A. F R I C T I O N A L P H E N O M E N A 6/2 Types of Friction 6/3 Dry Friction Mechanism of Dry Friction 329 Static Friction 330 Kinetic Friction 330 Friction Angles 331 Factors Affecting Friction 332 Types of Friction Problems SECTION B. A P P L I C A T I O N S O F F R I C T I O N I N M A C H I N E S 348C o n t e n t s XVII 6/4 Wedges 6/5 Screws Force Analysis Conditions for Unwinding 6/6 Journal Bearings 6/7 Thrust Bearings; Disk Friction 6/8 Flexible Belts 6/9 Rolling Resistance Chapter Review Chapter 7 V I R T U A L W O R K 385 7/1 Introduction 7/2 Work Work of a Force 386 Work of a Couple 387 Dimensions of Work 388 Virtual Work 388 7/3 Equilibrium Equilibrium of a Particle 389 Equilibrium of a Rigid Body 389 Equilibrium of Ideal Systems of Rigid Bodies Principle of Virtual Work 391 Degrees of Freedom 392 Systems with Friction 392 Mechanical Efficiency 393 7/4 Potential Energy and Stability Elastic Potential Energy 405 Gravitational Potential Energy 406 Energy Equation 407 Active-Force Diagrams 407 Principle of Virtual Work 408 Stability of Equilibrium 409 Chapter Review A/1 Introduction A/2 Definitions Rectangular and Polar Moments of Inertia 428 Radius of Gyration 429 Transfer of Axes 430 A/3 Composite Areas A/4 Products of Inertia and Rotation of Axes Definition 449 Transfer of Axes 449 Rotation of Axes 450 Mohr’s Circle of Inertia
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