كتاب Nanowires and Nanobelts - Materials, Properties and Devices
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Nanowires and Nanobelts - Materials, Properties and Devices

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Nanowires and Nanobelts - Materials, Properties and Devices
Zhong Lin Wang

كتاب Nanowires and Nanobelts - Materials, Properties and Devices Jzd7917tvark
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface ix
List of Contributors xi
I Nanodevices Based on Nanowires and Nanobelts
Chapter 1 Nanodevice, Nanosensors and Nanocantilevers Based on
Semiconducting Oxide Nanobelts (Zhong Lin Wang) 3
1 Introduction 3
2 Field-Effect Transistor Based on Single Nanobelts 3
3 Oxygen Sensor Using a Single Nanobelt 8
4 Photoconductivity of Nanobelts 8
5 Gas Sensors Based on Nanobelts 9
6 Heat Transport Through Nanobelt 11
7 Nanobelt as Nanoresonators 11
8 Nanobelts as Nanocantilever 13
9 Summary 16
Chapter 2 Oxide Nanowires and Nanolasers (Peidong Yang and
Haoquan Yan) 21
1 Introduction 21
2 Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Nanowires 23
3 Controlled Growth of ZnO Nanowires 25
4 Photoluminescence and Lasing Properties 29
5 Nonlinear Optical Mixing in Single Zinc Oxide Nanowires 35
6 Photoconductive Oxide Nanowires as Nanoscale
Optoelectronic Switches 37
7 Room Temperature NO2 Photochemical Sensing 39
8 Conclusions and Outlook 42
II Functional Oxide Nanowires and Nanobelts
Chapter 3 Nanobelts and Nanostructures of Transparent
Conducting Oxides (Zhong Lin Wang) 47
1 Synthesis Method 47
2 Oxide Nanobelts 49vi Contents
3 Synthesis of New Materials using Nanobelts as Template 56
4 Complex Nanobelt Structures 59
5 Nanosheets 65
6 Nanodiskettes 65
7 Planar Defects in Oxide Nanobelts 67
8 Growth Mechanism 68
9 Summary 70
Chapter 4 Nanomechanics and Mechanical Behavior of
Nanobelts (Scott X Mao) 73
1 Nanomechanical Behavior of Semiconducting
Zinc Oxide Single Nanobelt 73
2 Bending and Cutting on Nanorodes, Nanotube
and Nanobelt Using AFM Tip 75
3 Bending and Fundamental Resonance Frequency
of Nanotube Under TEM 75
4 Electromechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotube 78
5 Revolutionary Nanowires with a Twist 80
Chapter 5 Ferroelectric Nanowires (Jonathan E Spanier,
Jeffrey J Urban, Lian Ouyang, Wan Soo Yun and Hongkun Park) 83
1 Introduction 83
2 Synthesis of BaTiO3 and SrTiO3 Nanowires 84
3 Scanned Probe Measurements of BaTiO3 Nanowires 87
4 Conclusion and Future Prospects 91
Chapter 6 Growth of Oxide Nanorods through Sol
Electrophoretic Deposition (Steven J Limmer and Guozhong Cao) 93
1 Introduction 93
2 Sol–Gel Processing 94
3 Electrophoretic Deposition 97
4 Experimental 100
5 Various Oxide Nanorods 101
6 Concluding Remarks 110
Chapter 7 Nanowires of Functional Oxides (Guanghou Wang) 113
1 Introduction 113
2 From Nanoclusters to Nanowires of Titanium Oxides 114
3 Layered Structures of Potassium Hexatitanate
Nanowhisker 125
4 Rutile Stannic Oxide Nanorods 127
5 Cu2O Nanowires 130
6 V2O5 Nanofibres 133
7 Potential Applications 134Contents vii
Chapter 8 Controlled Growth and Optical Properties of Zinc Oxide
Nanostructures (Yue Zhang and Ying Dai) 139
1 Introduction 139
2 Experimental 140
3 Nanostructures of ZnO 140
4 Growth Mechanism 148
5 Optical Properties of ZnO Nanostructures 153
6 Conclusions 154
Chapter 9 One-Step Hydrothermal Synthesis and
Characterizations of Titanate Nanostructures (L -M Peng, Q Chen,
G H Du, S Zhang and W Z Zhou) 157
1 Introduction 157
2 Experimental Procedures 158
3 Structural Characterization 159
4 Growth Mechanism 165
5 Electric and Optical Properties 169
6 Conclusions 170
Chapter 10 Nanowires and Nanotubes of Complex Oxides
(Xun Wang, Xiaoming Sun, Jian Xu and Yadong Li) 173
1 Oxides of Nanowires Based on Vapor-Transport Method 174
2 Template-Confined Method to Oxides of Nanowires 175
3 Solution-Based Synthetic Way to Oxides 1-D
Nanostructures 176
4 Prospects 188
Chapter 11 Silica Nanowires/Nanotubes
(Jing Zhu, W X Sun and Jun Luo) 191
1 Synthesis of Silica Nanowires/Nanotubes 191
2 Characterization of Structures and Properties of
Silica Nanowires/Nanotubes 197
III Sulphide, Polymer and Composite Nanowires
Chapter 12 Sulphide Nanowires (Shihe Yang) 209
1 Introduction 209
2 From 0D to 1D Sulphides 210
3 Growth of Sulphide Nanowires 211
4 Structural, Electronic, Optical, and Transport Properties 227
5 Potential Applications 231
6 Summary and Prospects 235viii Contents
Chapter 13 Generalized Solution Synthesis of Large Arrays of
Extended and Oriented Nanowires (Jun Liu, Zhengrong R Tian,
James A Voigt, Matthew J Mcdermott and Bonnie Mckenzie) 239
1 Introduction 239
2 General Approach 240
3 Results and Discussions 243
4 Summary 252
Chapter 14 Composite Nanowires (Yuegang Zhang) 257
1 Introduction 257
2 Phase Separation in Multi-Elemental Nanotubes 257
3 Filling in Carbon Nanotubes 261
4 Coaxial Nanocables 264
5 Summary and Prospect of Composite Nanowires 266
Chapter 15 Polymer Nanowires and Nanofibers (Liming Dai and
Darrell H Reneker) 269
1 Introduction 269
2 Nanofibrillar Conducting Polymers 270
3 Template Syntheses of Polymer Nanowires 271
4 Syntheses of Polymer Nanowires at a Scanning
Microscope Tip 273
5 Electrospinning of Polymer Nanofibers 276
6 Polymer Nanowires and Nanofibers with Special
Architectures 279
7 Summary 286ix

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