كتاب Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19004
التقييم : 35512
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition   كتاب Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition Emptyالإثنين 24 يوليو 2017, 12:11 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition
by W. David Kingery, H. K. Bowen , Donald R. Uhlmann 

كتاب Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd Edition Unz107tpxeip
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

1 Ceramic Processes and Products
1.1 The Ceramic Industry 3
1.2 Ceramic Processes 4
1.3 Ceramic Products 16
2 | Structure of Crystals
2.1 Atomic Structure
2.2 Interatomic Bonds
2.3 Atomic Bonding in Solids
2‘.4/ Crystal Structures
2$' Grouping of Ions and Pauling’s Rules
2.6 Oxide Structures
2.7 Silicate Structures
2.8 The Clay Minerals
2.9 - Other Structures
2.10 Polymorphism
3 Structure of Glass
3.1 Glass Formation 92
3.2 Models of Glass Structure 95
3.3 The Structure of Oxide Glasses
3.4 Submicrostructural Features of Glasses
3.5 Miscibility Gaps in Oxide Systems
3.6 General Discussion
Structural Imperfections
4.1 Notation Used for Atomic Defects
4.2 Formulation of Reaction Equations
4.3 Solid Solutions
4.4 Frenkel Disorder
4.5 Schottky Disorder
4.6 Order-Disorder Transformations
4.7 Association of Defects
4:8 Electronic Structure
4.9 Nonstoichiometric Solids
4.10 Dislocations
Surfaces, Interfaces, and Grain Boundaries
5.1 Surface Tension and Surface Energy
5.2 Curved Surfaces
5.3 Grain Boundaries
5.4 Grain-Boundary Potential and Associated Space Charge
5.5 Boundary Stresses
5.6 Solute Segregation and Phase Separation at and Near
Grain Boundaries
.7 Structure of Surfaces and Interfaces
.8 Wetting and Phase Distribution
 Atom Mobility
.1 Diffusion and Pick’s Laws 219
.2 Diffusion as a Thermally Activated Process 227
3 Nomenclature and Concepts of Atomistic Processes
4 Temperature and Impurity Dependence of Diffusion
5 Diffusion in Crystalline Oxides 239
6 Dislocation, Boundary, and Surface Diffusion
7 Diffusion in Glasses 257
7 Ceramic Phase-Equilibrium Diagrams
Gibb’s Phase Rule
One-Component Phase Diagrams
7.3 Techniques for Determining Phase-Equilibrium Diagrams
7.4 Two-Component Systems
Two-Component Phase Diagrams
Three-Component Phase Diagrams
versus Temperature
 Phase Composition
7.8 The System Al203-Si02
The System Mg0-Al203-Si02
7.10 Npnequilibrium Phases
Phase Transformation, Glass Formation, and
Kinetics 321
Formal Theory of Transformation
8.2 Spinodal Decomposition 323
8.3 Nucleation
8.4 Crystal Growth
8.5 Glass Formation 347
8.6 Composition as a Variable, Heat Flow, and Precipitation
from Glasses 351
8.7 Colloidal Colors ,
* Photochromic Glasses
Glass-Ceramic Materials in Glasses
, Photosensitive Glasses, and
 Phase Separation Solids
Reactions with and between
Kinetics of Heterogeneous
y.z Reactant Transport through a
9.3 Reactant Transport through a Fluid Phase
9.4 Reactant Transport in Particulate Systems
9.5 Precipitation in Crystalline Ceramics
9.6 Nonisothermal Processes
Reactions 381
Planar Boundary Layer
Grain Growth, Sintering, and Vitrification
10.1 Reefystallization and Grain Growth
10.2 Solid-State Sintering
10.3 Vitrification 490
10.4 Sintering with a Reactive Liquid
10.5 Pressure Sintering and Hot Pressing
10.6 Secondary Phenomena
10.7 Firing Shrinkage
 Microstructure of Ceramics
11.1 Characteristics of Microstructure
11.2 Quantitative Analysis
11.3 Triaxial Whiteware Compositions
11.4 Refractories
11.5 Structural Clay Products
11.6 Glazes and Enamels
11.7 Glasses
11.8 Glass-Ceramics
11.9 Electrical and Magnetic Ceramics
11.10 Abrasives
11.11 Cement and Concrete
11.12 Some Special Compositions
12 Thermal Properties
12.1 Introduction 583
12.2 Heat Capacity 586
12.3 Density and Thermal Expansion of Crystals 589
12.4 Density and Thermal Expansion of Glasses 595
12.5 Thermal Expansion of Composite Bodies 603
12.6 Thermal Conduction Processes 612
12.7 Phonon Conductivity of Single-Phase Crystalline
Ceramics 615
12.8 Phonon Conductivity of Single-Phase Glasses 624
12.9 Photon Conductivity 627
12.10 Conductivity of Multiphase Ceramics 634
13 Optical Properties
13.1 Introduction 646
13.2 Refractive Index and Dispersion
13.3 Boundary Reflectance and Surface Gloss
13.4 Opacity and Translucency
13.5 Absorption and Color
14 Plastic Deformation, Viscous Flow, and Creep
14.1 Introduction 704
14.2 Plastic Deformation of Rock Salt Structure Crystals
14.3 Plastic Deformation of Fluorite Structure Crystals
14.4 Plastic Deformation of A1203 Crystals
14.5 Creep of Single-Crystal and Polycrystalline Ceramics
14.6 Creep of Refractories
14.7 Viscous Flow in Liquids and Glasses
Elasticity , Anelasticity, and Strength
15.1 Introduction 768
15.2 Elastic Moduli
15.3 Anelasticity
15.4 Brittle Fracture and Crack Propagation
15.5 Strength and Fracture Surface Work Experience
15.6 Static Fatigue
15.7 Creep Fracture
15.8 Effects of Microstructure
Thermal and Compositional Stresses
16.1 Thermal Expansion and Thermal Stresses
16.2 Temperature Gradients and Thermal Stresses
16.3 Resistance to Thermal Shock and Thermal Spalling
16.4 Thermally Tempered Glass
16.5 Annealing
16.6 Chemical Strengthening
 Electrical Conductivity
17.1 Electrical-Conduction Phenomena
17.2 Ionic Conduction in Crystals 852
17.3 Electronic Conduction in Crystals
17.4 Ionic Conduction in Glasses
17.5 Electronic Conduction in Glasses
17.6 Nonstoichiometric and Solute-Controlled Electronic
17.7 Valency-Controlled Semiconductors
17.8 Mixed Conduction in Poor Conductors
17.9 Polycrystalline Ceramics
 Dielectric Properties
18.1 Electrical Phenomena 914
18.2 Dielectric Constants of Crystals and Glasses 931
8.3 Dielectric Loss Factor for Crystals and Glasses 937
8.4 Dielectric Conductivity 945
8.5 Polycrystalline and Polyphase Ceramics 947
8.6 Dielectric Strength 960
8.7 Ferroelectric Ceramics 964
Magnetic Properties
9.1 Magnetic Phenomena
9.2 The Origin of Interactions in Ferrimagnetic Materials
9.3 Spinel Ferrites
9.4 Rare Earth Garnets, Orthoferrites, and Ilmenites
9.5 The Hexagonal Ferrites
9.6 Polycrystalline Ferrites

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