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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 10th Edition الثلاثاء 18 يوليو 2017, 11:52 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design 10th Edition Solution Manual الإصدار العاشر
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Preface xv Part 1 Basics 2 1 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design 3 1–1 Design 4 1–2 Mechanical Engineering Design 5 1–3 Phases and Interactions of the Design Process 5 1–4 Design Tools and Resources 8 1–5 The Design Engineer’s Professional Responsibilities 10 1–6 Standards and Codes 12 1–7 Economics 13 1–8 Safety and Product Liability 15 1–9 Stress and Strength 16 1–10 Uncertainty 16 1–11 Design Factor and Factor of Safety 18 1–12 Reliability and Probability of Failure 20 1–13 Relating the Design Factor to Reliability 24 1–14 Dimensions and Tolerances 27 1–15 Units 31 1–16 Calculations and Significant Figures 32 1–17 Design Topic Interdependencies 33 1–18 Power Transmission Case Study Specifications 34 Problems 36 2 Materials 41 2–1 Material Strength and Stiffness 42 2–2 The Statistical Significance of Material Properties 46 2–3 Strength and Cold Work 49 2–4 Hardness 52 2–5 Impact Properties 53 2–6 Temperature Effects 54 2–7 Numbering Systems 56 2–8 Sand Casting 57 2–9 Shell Molding 57 2–10 Investment Casting 58 2–11 Powder-Metallurgy Process 58 2–12 Hot-Working Processes 58 2–13 Cold-Working Processes 59 2–14 The Heat Treatment of Steel 60 2–15 Alloy Steels 62 2–16 Corrosion-Resistant Steels 64 2–17 Casting Materials 65 2–18 Nonferrous Metals 67 2–19 Plastics 70 2–20 Composite Materials 71 2–21 Materials Selection 72 Problems 79 3 Load and Stress Analysis 85 3–1 Equilibrium and Free-Body Diagrams 86 3–2 Shear Force and Bending Moments in Beams 89 3–3 Singularity Functions 91 3–4 Stress 93 3–5 Cartesian Stress Components 93 3–6 Mohr’s Circle for Plane Stress 94 3–7 General Three-Dimensional Stress 100 3–8 Elastic Strain 101 3–9 Uniformly Distributed Stresses 102 3–10 Normal Stresses for Beams in Bending 103 3–11 Shear Stresses for Beams in Bending 108 3–12 Torsion 115 3–13 Stress Concentration 124Contents xi 3–14 Stresses in Pressurized Cylinders 127 3–15 Stresses in Rotating Rings 129 3–16 Press and Shrink Fits 130 3–17 Temperature Effects 131 3–18 Curved Beams in Bending 132 3–19 Contact Stresses 136 3–20 Summary 140 Problems 141 4 Deflection and Stiffness 161 4–1 Spring Rates 162 4–2 Tension, Compression, and Torsion 163 4–3 Deflection Due to Bending 164 4–4 Beam Deflection Methods 166 4–5 Beam Deflections by Superposition 167 4–6 Beam Deflections by Singularity Functions 170 4–7 Strain Energy 176 4–8 Castigliano’s Theorem 178 4–9 Deflection of Curved Members 183 4–10 Statically Indeterminate Problems 189 4–11 Compression Members—General 195 4–12 Long Columns with Central Loading 198 4–13 Intermediate-Length Columns with Central Loading 198 4–14 Columns with Eccentric Loading 198 4–15 Struts or Short Compression Members 202 4–16 Elastic Stability 204 4–17 Shock and Impact 205 Problems 206 Part 2 Failure Prevention 226 5 Failures Resulting from Static Loading 227 5–1 Static Strength 230 5–2 Stress Concentration 231 5–3 Failure Theories 233 5–4 Maximum-Shear-Stress Theory for Ductile Materials 233 5–5 Distortion-Energy Theory for Ductile Materials 235 5–6 Coulomb-Mohr Theory for Ductile Materials 242 5–7 Failure of Ductile Materials Summary 245 5–8 Maximum-Normal-Stress Theory for Brittle Materials 249 5–9 Modifications of the Mohr Theory for Brittle Materials 249 5–10 Failure of Brittle Materials Summary 252 5–11 Selection of Failure Criteria 252 5–12 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics 253 5–13 Important Design Equations 262 Problems 264 6 Fatigue Failure Resulting from Variable Loading 273 6–1 Introduction to Fatigue in Metals 274 6–2 Approach to Fatigue Failure in Analysis and Design 280 6–3 Fatigue-Life Methods 281 6–4 The Stress-Life Method 281 6–5 The Strain-Life Method 284 6–6 The Linear-Elastic Fracture Mechanics Method 286 6–7 The Endurance Limit 290 6–8 Fatigue Strength 291 6–9 Endurance Limit Modifying Factors 294 6–10 Stress Concentration and Notch Sensitivity 303 6–11 Characterizing Fluctuating Stresses 308 6–12 Fatigue Failure Criteria for Fluctuating Stress 311 6–13 Torsional Fatigue Strength under Fluctuating Stresses 325 6–14 Combinations of Loading Modes 325 6–15 Varying, Fluctuating Stresses; Cumulative Fatigue Damage 329 6–16 Surface Fatigue Strength 335 6–17 Road Maps and Important Design Equations for the Stress-Life Method 338 Problems 341xii Mechanical Engineering Design Part 3 Design of Mechanical Elements 350 7 Shafts and Shaft Components 351 7–1 Introduction 352 7–2 Shaft Materials 352 7–3 Shaft Layout 353 7–4 Shaft Design for Stress 358 7–5 Deflection Considerations 371 7–6 Critical Speeds for Shafts 375 7–7 Miscellaneous Shaft Components 380 7–8 Limits and Fits 387 Problems 392 8 Screws, Fasteners, and the Design of Nonpermanent Joints 401 8–1 Thread Standards and Definitions 402 8–2 The Mechanics of Power Screws 406 8–3 Threaded Fasteners 414 8–4 Joints—Fastener Stiffness 416 8–5 Joints—Member Stiffness 419 8–6 Bolt Strength 424 8–7 Tension Joints—The External Load 427 8–8 Relating Bolt Torque to Bolt Tension 429 8–9 Statically Loaded Tension Joint with Preload 432 8–10 Gasketed Joints 436 8–11 Fatigue Loading of Tension Joints 436 8–12 Bolted and Riveted Joints Loaded in Shear 443 Problems 451 9 Welding, Bonding, and the Design of Permanent Joints 467 9–1 Welding Symbols 468 9–2 Butt and Fillet Welds 470 9–3 Stresses in Welded Joints in Torsion 474 9–4 Stresses in Welded Joints in Bending 479 9–5 The Strength of Welded Joints 481 9–6 Static Loading 484 9–7 Fatigue Loading 488 9–8 Resistance Welding 490 9–9 Adhesive Bonding 490 Problems 499 10 Mechanical Springs 509 10–1 Stresses in Helical Springs 510 10–2 The Curvature Effect 511 10–3 Deflection of Helical Springs 512 10–4 Compression Springs 512 10–5 Stability 514 10–6 Spring Materials 515 10–7 Helical Compression Spring Design for Static Service 520 10–8 Critical Frequency of Helical Springs 526 10–9 Fatigue Loading of Helical Compression Springs 528 10–10 Helical Compression Spring Design for Fatigue Loading 531 10–11 Extension Springs 534 10–12 Helical Coil Torsion Springs 542 10–13 Belleville Springs 549 10–14 Miscellaneous Springs 550 10–15 Summary 552 Problems 552 11 Rolling-Contact Bearings 561 11–1 Bearing Types 562 11–2 Bearing Life 565 11–3 Bearing Load Life at Rated Reliability 566 11–4 Reliability versus Life—The Weibull Distribution 568 11–5 Relating Load, Life, and Reliability 569 11–6 Combined Radial and Thrust Loading 571 11–7 Variable Loading 577 11–8 Selection of Ball and Cylindrical Roller Bearings 580 11–9 Selection of Tapered Roller Bearings 583 11–10 Design Assessment for Selected RollingContact Bearings 592Contents xiii 11–11 Lubrication 596 11–12 Mounting and Enclosure 597 Problems 601 12 Lubrication and Journal Bearings 609 12–1 Types of Lubrication 610 12–2 Viscosity 611 12–3 Petroff’s Equation 613 12–4 Stable Lubrication 615 12–5 Thick-Film Lubrication 616 12–6 Hydrodynamic Theory 617 12–7 Design Considerations 621 12–8 The Relations of the Variables 623 12–9 Steady-State Conditions in Self-Contained Bearings 637 12–10 Clearance 640 12–11 Pressure-Fed Bearings 642 12–12 Loads and Materials 648 12–13 Bearing Types 650 12–14 Thrust Bearings 651 12–15 Boundary-Lubricated Bearings 652 Problems 660 13 Gears—General 665 13–1 Types of Gears 666 13–2 Nomenclature 667 13–3 Conjugate Action 669 13–4 Involute Properties 670 13–5 Fundamentals 670 13–6 Contact Ratio 676 13–7 Interference 677 13–8 The Forming of Gear Teeth 679 13–9 Straight Bevel Gears 682 13–10 Parallel Helical Gears 683 13–11 Worm Gears 687 13–12 Tooth Systems 688 13–13 Gear Trains 690 13–14 Force Analysis—Spur Gearing 697 13–15 Force Analysis—Bevel Gearing 701 13–16 Force Analysis—Helical Gearing 704 13–17 Force Analysis—Worm Gearing 706 Problems 712 14 Spur and Helical Gears 725 14–1 The Lewis Bending Equation 726 14–2 Surface Durability 735 14–3 AGMA Stress Equations 737 14–4 AGMA Strength Equations 739 14–5 Geometry Factors I and J (ZI and YJ) 743 14–6 The Elastic Coefficient C p (ZE) 748 14–7 Dynamic Factor Kv 748 14–8 Overload Factor K o 750 14–9 Surface Condition Factor C f (ZR) 750 14–10 Size Factor K s 751 14–11 Load-Distribution Factor K m (KH) 751 14–12 Hardness-Ratio Factor CH (ZW) 753 14–13 Stress-Cycle Factors YN and ZN 754 14–14 Reliability Factor KR (YZ) 755 14–15 Temperature Factor KT (Yu) 756 14–16 Rim-Thickness Factor KB 756 14–17 Safety Factors SF and SH 757 14–18 Analysis 757 14–19 Design of a Gear Mesh 767 Problems 772 15 Bevel and Worm Gears 777 15–1 Bevel Gearing—General 778 15–2 Bevel-Gear Stresses and Strengths 780 15–3 AGMA Equation Factors 783 15–4 Straight-Bevel Gear Analysis 795 15–5 Design of a Straight-Bevel Gear Mesh 798 15–6 Worm Gearing—AGMA Equation 801 15–7 Worm-Gear Analysis 805 15–8 Designing a Worm-Gear Mesh 809 15–9 Buckingham Wear Load 812 Problems 813 16 Clutches, Brakes, Couplings, and Flywheels 817 16–1 Static Analysis of Clutches and Brakes 819 16–2 Internal Expanding Rim Clutches and Brakes 824xiv Mechanical Engineering Design 16–3 External Contracting Rim Clutches and Brakes 832 16–4 Band-Type Clutches and Brakes 836 16–5 Frictional-Contact Axial Clutches 837 16–6 Disk Brakes 841 16–7 Cone Clutches and Brakes 845 16–8 Energy Considerations 848 16–9 Temperature Rise 849 16–10 Friction Materials 853 16–11 Miscellaneous Clutches and Couplings 856 16–12 Flywheels 858 Problems 863 17 Flexible Mechanical Elements 871 17–1 Belts 872 17–2 Flat- and Round-Belt Drives 875 17–3 V Belts 890 17–4 Timing Belts 898 17–5 Roller Chain 899 17–6 Wire Rope 908 17–7 Flexible Shafts 916 Problems 917 18 Power Transmission Case Study 925 18–1 Design Sequence for Power Transmission 927 18–2 Power and Torque Requirements 928 18–3 Gear Specification 928 18–4 Shaft Layout 935 18–5 Force Analysis 937 18–6 Shaft Material Selection 937 18–7 Shaft Design for Stress 938 18–8 Shaft Design for Deflection 938 18–9 Bearing Selection 939 18–10 Key and Retaining Ring Selection 940 18–11 Final Analysis 943 Problems 943 Part 4 Special Topics 944 19 Finite-Element Analysis 945 19–1 The Finite-Element Method 947 19–2 Element Geometries 949 19–3 The Finite-Element Solution Process 951 19–4 Mesh Generation 954 19–5 Load Application 956 19–6 Boundary Conditions 957 19–7 Modeling Techniques 958 19–8 Thermal Stresses 961 19–9 Critical Buckling Load 961 19–10 Vibration Analysis 963 19–11 Summary 964 Problems 966 20 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 969 20–1 Dimensioning and Tolerancing Systems 970 20–2 Definition of Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 971 20–3 Datums 976 20–4 Controlling Geometric Tolerances 981 20–5 Geometric Characteristic Definitions 985 20–6 Material Condition Modifiers 994 20–7 Practical Implementation 996 20–8 GD&T in CAD Models 1001 20–9 Glossary of GD&T Terms 1002 Problems 1005 Appendixes A Useful Tables 1011 B Answers to Selected Problems 1067 Index 1073xv
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