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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy السبت 15 أكتوبر 2016, 9:20 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Foundations of Mechanical Accuracy Wayne R. Moore With an Introductory by Dr. George R. Harrison, Dean-emeritus of Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Moore Special Tool Company * Bridgeport, Connecticut
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents Introductory The Four Mechanical Arts 5. The Mooren of Design Base Cross-slide Table Column Quill Housing Final Geometry The Master Laps The Electronic Indicator and the Autocollimator . . . . 68 Final Inspection (After Table Fitted ) Geometry Environmental Effectson Castiron Foundry Techniques Machining of Cast Iron Elastic Deflection Temperature & Instability 1. The F L a T P L a N E Creating a Master Flat Plane 15 Minute Check for Flatness Granite Surface Plate Granite & Moisture Comparison Between Cast Iron & Granite . . . 2. Straight Edges Case History No. 1 Case History No. 2 Creating a Master Straightedge 3. The Female Double V Master Form Lean Center Distance Vertical & Horizontal Straightness Horizontal Parallelism Vertical Parallelism 4. M a C H I N E D E S I G N Coordinate Location Geometry as a Function of Machine Accuracy Straightline Travel Squareness of Travel Temperature Effects Machine Configuration The Planer-type Jig Borer The Horizontal Spindle Jig Borer The Compound-type Jig Borer Machine Way Design The V and Flat The Gibbed Way The Central V The Double V The 90° Form V-way 28 Standards of Length 91 28 Functions of the World’s Foremost Standards’ Bureaus, Contributed by an Official of Each: Bipm Bureau International Des Poids Et Mesures, Sevres, France. By P. Carre, for the Director, J. Terrien National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England. By L. W. Nickols, Head, Metrology Centre Physikaliseh-technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig, West Germany. By Prof. Dr. E. Engelhard, Leitender Direktor U. S. National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.c. By a. G. Strang, Chief Engineering Metrology Section, Metrology Division, Nbs 1. H I S T O R Y O F O F F I C I a L L E N G T H S T a N D a R D S In the Beginning The Egyptian Heritage Babylonian Contribution The Ancients and Proportion Roman Empire Unified Standards Early Standards in France Early Standards in England The Metric System Later English Standards Early Standards in America International Standard Light Waves - an Absolute Standard Npl 35 Ptb 40 Nbs 42. Physical Standards as Measured In the Bureaus The Precision Scale The End Standard Relative Merit of the Precision Scale and The End Standard Relation to the International Standard, Light Waves Conditions of Comparison Environment Material of the Standard Micro-geometry: Its Relationship to the Measurement of Length Elastic Deformation in the Gaging of Standards 3. Measurement in Science And Industry Significance of Machine Tools What Delayed the Development of Machine Tools? . . 137 Evolution of Cannon Boring Machines . James Watt Wilkinson's Cannon-boring Machine . Machine Tool Development in England Henry Maudslay Joseph Whitworth Measurement in American Industry - Interchangeability Eli Whitney Arms-making, Interchangeability, Machine Tools 147 The Development of Standard Machine Tools The Development of Accurate Measuring Instruments and Machine Tools in American Industry Brown & Sharpe Pratt & Whitney Carl Edvard Johansson Eskilstuna Rifle Factory Evolution of Coordinate-locating Machine Tools - Jig Borer Switzerland - Machines a Pointer (Sip Company & Dixi Company) Pratt & Whitney Jig Borer, 1917 Naugatuck Valley Moore Jig Borer 1932 Moore Jig Grinder 1940 Introduction of the Universal Measuring Machine. . . . 162 Taper Probe Measuring Machine (Cmm) Establishment of Moore Linear Standards. 4. Temperature Control Measuring Machine Laboratory Problem of Stratification Design Features Temperature-controlled Floor Standards Room Importance of 68°f [20°c] Temperature 5. Transferal of Accuracy 180 Temperature Precautions Method of Transferal Subdividing the Step Gage Step Gages Inspected by the Bureaus Second Generation Step Gages Moore Step Gage 6. Choice of Length-measuring Element For Moore Measuring Machine End Measure Precision Scale Lead Screw Laser Interferometer 7. Moore Master Lead Screw 187 Material of the Lead Screw Thread-grinding of the Lead Screw . . Lapping of the Thread Lead Screw Nut Lineup of the Lead Screw Step Gage Calibration of Lead Screw Periodic Error Moore Lapping Specialists Dividing the Circle 1. The Nature of the Third Mechanical Art Dividing the Circle Versus the Sine Principle Derivation of Present System of Relating Angular Magnitudes Mathematical Inconvenience of the Sexagesimal System 5table of Contents - Continued 2. T H E P R I N C I P L E O F S E L F-p R O V I N G T H E D I V I S I O N O F a C I R C L E Establishing the Divisions of a Circle Using Dividers The Theory of Calibrating a Divided Circle 3. T H E S I N E P R I N C I P L E The Right Triangle The Practical Application of the Sine Principle . . T H E Sine Bar Limitations of the Sine Principle The Sine Table Roundness 1. W H Y C O N S I D E R R O U N D N E S S? Nature of Out-of-roundness 2. M E a S U R I N G R O U N D N E S S 2 5 6 2 0 8 Diametral Circumferential Confining Gage Rotating on Centers V-block Three-point Probe Accurate Spindle 3. Two T Y P E S O F M E a S U R I N G S P I N D L E S Measuring Spindles Compared Rotating Table Overhead Spindle 4. M O O R E U N I V E R S a L M E a S U R I N G M a C H I N E S P I N D L E Need for an Accurate Spindle Measuring Machine Spindle Housing Design . . . . Spindle and Quill The Yoke Rotation of the Spindle Spindle Housing Travel 5. Not J U S T R O U N D N E S S, B U T G E O M E T R Y . . . 2 6 8 Measuring Machine for the Inspection Of Hole Geometry 6. H O W T O D E F I N E R O U N D N E S S ? Relation to Surface Finish Definitions of Roundness Compared 4. C I R C L E-d I V I D I N G I N S T R U M E N T S 2 1 6 The Rotary Table Optical Rotary Tables Mechanical, Cam-compensated Rotary Table . Accurate Worm-and-gear Rotary Table The Importance of Accuracy of Rotation In a Rotary Table 5. P R I N C I P a L a N G L E S T a N D a R D S Angle Gage Blocks The Polygon Calibration of the Polygon Criteria Effecting Polygon Accuracy Polygons Applied to the Calibration of Rotary Tables Interferometric Calibration of the Rotary Table Serrated-tooth Circle-divider Moore 1440 Precision Index 6. The 1 4 4 0 S M a L L a N G L E D I V I D E R Design Principles Setting an Angle With the 1440 Small Angle Divider Method of Calibration of the 1440 Small Angle Divider Use of the 1440 Small Angle Divider Precision Index Center 63. A P P L I C a T I O N S O F T H E U N I V E R S a L M E a S U R I N G M a C H I N E U S E O F Angular-measuring Instruments on the Universal Measuring Machine The Rotary Table The Precision Index Center The Micro-sine Table Rotary Table Mounted on the Micro-sine Table 1440 Small Angle Divider Use of the Strip Recorder Special Machines Employing the No. 3 or No. 1j/2 Base Construction 4. The No. 4 and No. 5 U N I V E R S a L M E a S U R I N G M a C H I N E S Applications of Large Universal Measuring Machines Special Designs 72-inch Measuring Machine Numerical Control of Measuring Machines 5. R U L I N G E N G I N E S - D I F F R a C T I O N G R a T I N G S Diffraction Gratings Ruling Engines for Diffraction Gratings - (Historical) Henry a. Rowland - Johns Hopkins University, 1882 . . 327 John a. Anderson - Johns Hopkins University, 1901. . 327 John a. Anderson, Harold D. Babcock - Mount Wilson Observatory, 1916 Albert a. Michelson, Early 1900’s John Strong - Johns Hopkins University, 1950 George R. Harrison - M.i.t., 1948 The Ruling Engine and the Lead Screw M.i.t. “b” Engine With the No. 3 Measuring Machine Base M.i.t. “c” Engine With the No. 4 Measuring Machine Base George W. Stroke Expectations of the M.i.t. “c” Engine Universal Measuring Machine Techniques and Applications . 1. The P H I L O S O P H Y O F T H E U N I V E R S a L M E a S U R I N G M a C H I N E U S E Benefit to the Manufacturing Process Example No. 1 - Workpiece Flatness Example No. 2 - Clamping Distortion Example No. 3 - Grinding Techniques Example No. 4 - Temperature Distortion Example No. 5 - Inspection and Machining Techniques Example No. 6 - Roundness in Relation To Location Example No. 7 - Close Measurement and Mass Production Example No. 8 - Economies Achieved by Close Measurement 2. U N I V E R S a L M E a S U R I N G M a C H I N E T E C H N I Q U E S Mounting Basics of Measuring Hole-location Through The Use of Coordinates Example No. 1 - Center of a Part as a Datum Example No. 2 - Two Line-up Holes as a Datum . . . . 291 Example No. 3 - Rotary Table Techniques . . Example No. 4 - Measuring Coordinates Of Small Holes The Standard Microscope Other Optical Arrangements Example No. 5 - Measuring Radius Size (Edge-finder Method) Example No. 6 - Pick-up Block Method Measure Diameter of Ring Gage - 3 Methods The Model No. 1j4 Universal Measuring Machine . .. 308 Readout on the Universal Measuring Machine Bibliography Index
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