كتاب Electric Circuits 10th
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 كتاب Electric Circuits 10th

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عدد المساهمات : 18984
التقييم : 35458
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Electric Circuits 10th
James W. Nilsson
Professor Emeritus
Iowa State University
Susan A. Riedel
Marquette University

كتاب Electric Circuits 10th Xvtnv9d75fxl
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

List of Examples xiii
Preface xvii
Chapter 1 Circuit Variables 2
Practical Perspective: Balancing Power 3
1.1 Electrical Engineering: An Overview 4
1.2 The International System of Units 8
1.3 Circuit Analysis: An Overview 10
1.4 Voltage and Current 11
1.5 The Ideal Basic Circuit Element 12
1.6 Power and Energy 14
Practical Perspective: Balancing Power 17
Summary 18
Problems 19
Chapter 2 Circuit Elements 24
Practical Perspective: Heating with Electric
Radiators 25
2.1 Voltage and Current Sources 26
2.2 Electrical Resistance (Ohm’s Law) 30
2.3 Construction of a Circuit Model 34
2.4 Kirchhoff’s Laws 37
2.5 Analysis of a Circuit Containing Dependent
Sources 42
Practical Perspective: Heating with Electric
Radiators 46
Summary 48
Problems 48
Chapter 3 Simple Resistive Circuits 56
Practical Perspective: Resistive Touch
Screens 57
3.1 Resistors in Series 58
3.2 Resistors in Parallel 59
3.3 The Voltage-Divider and Current-Divider
Circuits 61
3.4 Voltage Division and Current Division 64
3.5 Measuring Voltage and Current 66
3.6 Measuring Resistance—The Wheatstone
Bridge 69
3.7 Delta-to-Wye (Pi-to-Tee) Equivalent
Circuits 71
Practical Perspective: Resistive Touch
Screens 73
Summary 75
Problems 76
Chapter 4 Techniques of Circuit
Analysis 88
Practical Perspective: Circuits with Realistic
Resistors 89
4.1 Terminology 90
4.2 Introduction to the Node-Voltage
Method 93
4.3 The Node-Voltage Method and Dependent
Sources 95
4.4 The Node-Voltage Method: Some Special
Cases 96
4.5 Introduction to the Mesh-Current
Method 99
4.6 The Mesh-Current Method and Dependent
Sources 102
4.7 The Mesh-Current Method: Some Special
Cases 103
4.8 The Node-Voltage Method Versus the
Mesh-Current Method 106
4.9 Source Transformations 109
4.10 Thévenin and Norton Equivalents 113
4.11 More on Deriving a Thévenin
Equivalent 117
4.12 Maximum Power Transfer 120
4.13 Superposition 122
Practical Perspective: Circuits with Realistic
Resistors 125
Summary 129
Problems 130
Chapter 5 The Operational
Amplifier 144
Practical Perspective: Strain Gages 145
5.1 Operational Amplifier Terminals 146
5.2 Terminal Voltages and Currents 146
5.3 The Inverting-Amplifier Circuit 150
5.4 The Summing-Amplifier Circuit 152
5.5 The Noninverting-Amplifier
Circuit 153
5.6 The Difference-Amplifier Circuit 155
5.7 A More Realistic Model for the Operational
Amplifier 159
Practical Perspective: Strain
Gages 162
Summary 164
Problems 165x Contents
Chapter 6 Inductance, Capacitance, and
Mutual Inductance 174
Practical Perspective: Capacitive Touch
Screens 175
6.1 The Inductor 176
6.2 The Capacitor 182
6.3 Series-Parallel Combinations of Inductance
and Capacitance 187
6.4 Mutual Inductance 189
6.5 A Closer Look at Mutual Inductance 193
Practical Perspective: Capacitive Touch
Screens 200
Summary 202
Problems 204
Chapter 7 Response of First-Order RL and
RC Circuits 212
Practical Perspective: Artificial Pacemaker 213
7.1 The Natural Response of an RL Circuit 214
7.2 The Natural Response of an RC Circuit 220
7.3 The Step Response of RL and RC Circuits 224
7.4 A General Solution for Step and Natural
Responses 231
7.5 Sequential Switching 236
7.6 Unbounded Response 240
7.7 The Integrating Amplifier 241
Practical Perspective: Artificial Pacemaker 245
Summary 246
Problems 247
Chapter 8 Natural and Step Responses
of RLC Circuits 264
Practical Perspective: Clock for Computer
Timing 265
8.1 Introduction to the Natural Response of a
Parallel RLC Circuit 266
8.2 The Forms of the Natural Response of a
Parallel RLC Circuit 270
8.3 The Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit 280
8.4 The Natural and Step Response of a Series RLC
Circuit 285
8.5 A Circuit with Two Integrating Amplifiers 289
Practical Perspective: Clock for Computer
Timing 293
Summary 295
Problems 296
Chapter 9 Sinusoidal Steady-State
Analysis 304
Practical Perspective: A Household Distribution
Circuit 305
9.1 The Sinusoidal Source 306
9.2 The Sinusoidal Response 309
9.3 The Phasor 310
9.4 The Passive Circuit Elements in the Frequency
Domain 315
9.5 Kirchhoff’s Laws in the Frequency
Domain 319
9.6 Series, Parallel, and Delta-to-Wye
Simplifications 320
9.7 Source Transformations and Thévenin-Norton
Equivalent Circuits 327
9.8 The Node-Voltage Method 330
9.9 The Mesh-Current Method 331
9.10 The Transformer 332
9.11 The Ideal Transformer 336
9.12 Phasor Diagrams 342
Practical Perspective: A Household Distribution
Circuit 344
Summary 345
Problems 346
Chapter 10 Sinusoidal Steady-State
Power Calculations 358
Practical Perspective: Vampire
Power 359
10.1 Instantaneous Power 360
10.2 Average and Reactive Power 361
10.3 The rms Value and Power Calculations 366
10.4 Complex Power 368
10.5 Power Calculations 369
10.6 Maximum Power Transfer 376
Practical Perspective: Vampire
Power 382
Summary 384
Problems 385
Chapter 11 Balanced Three-Phase
Circuits 396
Practical Perspective: Transmission and
Distribution of Electric Power 397
11.1 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages 398
11.2 Three-Phase Voltage Sources 399
11.3 Analysis of the Wye-Wye Circuit 400
11.4 Analysis of the Wye-Delta Circuit 405
11.5 Power Calculations in Balanced Three-Phase
Circuits 408
11.6 Measuring Average Power in Three-Phase
Circuits 413
Practical Perspective: Transmission and
Distribution of Electric Power 416
Summary 417
Problems 418Contents xi
Chapter 12 Introduction to the Laplace
Transform 426
Practical Perspective: Transient Effects 427
12.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform 428
12.2 The Step Function 429
12.3 The Impulse Function 431
12.4 Functional Transforms 434
12.5 Operational Transforms 435
12.6 Applying the Laplace Transform 440
12.7 Inverse Transforms 442
12.8 Poles and Zeros of F(s) 452
12.9 Initial- and Final-Value Theorems 453
Practical Perspective: Transient
Effects 456
Summary 457
Problems 458
Chapter 13 The Laplace Transform in
Circuit Analysis 464
Practical Perspective: Surge Suppressors 465
13.1 Circuit Elements in the s Domain 466
13.2 Circuit Analysis in the s Domain 468
13.3 Applications 470
13.4 The Transfer Function 482
13.5 The Transfer Function in Partial Fraction
Expansions 484
13.6 The Transfer Function and the Convolution
Integral 487
13.7 The Transfer Function and the Steady-State
Sinusoidal Response 493
13.8 The Impulse Function in Circuit
Analysis 496
Practical Perspective: Surge Suppressors 503
Summary 504
Problems 505
Chapter 14 Introduction to Frequency
Selective Circuits 520
Practical Perspective: Pushbutton Telephone
Circuits 521
14.1 Some Preliminaries 522
14.2 Low-Pass Filters 524
14.3 High-Pass Filters 530
14.4 Bandpass Filters 534
14.5 Bandreject Filters 543
Practical Perspective: Pushbutton Telephone
Circuits 548
Summary 548
Problems 549
Chapter 15 Active Filter Circuits 556
Practical Perspective: Bass Volume
Control 557
15.1 First-Order Low-Pass and High-Pass
Filters 558
15.2 Scaling 562
15.3 Op Amp Bandpass and Bandreject Filters 564
15.4 Higher Order Op Amp Filters 571
15.5 Narrowband Bandpass and Bandreject
Filters 584
Practical Perspective: Bass Volume
Control 589
Summary 592
Problems 593
Chapter 16 Fourier Series 602
Practical Perspective: Active High-Q Filters 603
16.1 Fourier Series Analysis: An Overview 605
16.2 The Fourier Coefficients 606
16.3 The Effect of Symmetry on the Fourier
Coefficients 609
16.4 An Alternative Trigonometric Form of the
Fourier Series 615
16.5 An Application 617
16.6 Average-Power Calculations with Periodic
Functions 621
16.7 The rms Value of a Periodic Function 624
16.8 The Exponential Form of the Fourier
Series 625
16.9 Amplitude and Phase Spectra 628
Practical Perspective: Active High-Q Filters 630
Summary 632
Problems 633
Chapter 17 The Fourier Transform 642
Practical Perspective: Filtering Digital
Signals 643
17.1 The Derivation of the Fourier Transform 644
17.2 The Convergence of the Fourier Integral 646
17.3 Using Laplace Transforms to Find Fourier
Transforms 648
17.4 Fourier Transforms in the Limit 651
17.5 Some Mathematical Properties 653
17.6 Operational Transforms 655
17.7 Circuit Applications 659
17.8 Parseval’s Theorem 662
Practical Perspective: Filtering Digital
Signals 669
Summary 670
Problems 670xii Contents
Chapter 18 Two-Port Circuits 676
Practical Perspective: Characterizing an
Unknown Circuit 677
18.1 The Terminal Equations 678
18.2 The Two-Port Parameters 679
18.3 Analysis of the Terminated Two-Port
Circuit 687
18.4 Interconnected Two-Port Circuits 692
Practical Perspective: Characterizing an
Unknown Circuit 695
Summary 696
Problems 696
Appendix A The Solution of Linear
Simultaneous Equations 703
A.1 Preliminary Steps 703
A.2 Cramer’s Method 704
A.3 The Characteristic Determinant 704
A.4 The Numerator Determinant 704
A.5 The Evaluation of a Determinant 705
A.6 Matrices 707
A.7 Matrix Algebra 708
A.8 Identity, Adjoint, and Inverse Matrices 712
A.9 Partitioned Matrices 715
A.10 Applications 718
Appendix B Complex Numbers 723
B.1 Notation 723
B.2 The Graphical Representation of a Complex
Number 724
B.3 Arithmetic Operations 725
B.4 Useful Identities 726
B.5 The Integer Power of a Complex
Number 727
B.6 The Roots of a Complex Number 727
Appendix C More on Magnetically
Coupled Coils and Ideal
Transformers 729
C.1 Equivalent Circuits for Magnetically Coupled
Coils 729
C.2 The Need for Ideal Transformers in the
Equivalent Circuits 733
Appendix D The Decibel 737
Appendix E Bode Diagrams 739
E.1 Real, First-Order Poles and Zeros 739
E.2 Straight-Line Amplitude Plots 740
E.3 More Accurate Amplitude Plots 744
E.4 Straight-Line Phase Angle Plots 745
E.5 Bode Diagrams: Complex Poles and Zeros 747
E.6 Amplitude Plots 749
E.7 Correcting Straight-Line Amplitude Plots 750
E.8 Phase Angle Plots 753
Appendix F An Abbreviated Table of
Trigonometric Identities 757
Appendix G An Abbreviated Table of
Integrals 759
Appendix H Common Standard
Component Values 761
Answers to Selected Problems 763
Index 775

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