Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18961 التقييم : 35389 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب ASME Dimensioning and Tolerancing الأحد 04 سبتمبر 2016, 10:49 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب ASME Dimensioning and Tolerancing
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
ASME CONTENTS Foreword 111 StandardsCommittee Roster vii 1 Scope, Definitions, and General Dimensioning 1 1 General 1 2 References 1 3 Definitions 1 4 FundamentalRules 1 5 Units of Measurement 1 6 Types of Dimensioning 1 7 Application of Dimensions 1 8 DimensioningFeatures 1 9 Location ofFeatures 2 General Tolerancing and Related Principles 2 1 General 2 2 Direct Tolerancing Methods 2 3 Tolerance Expression 2 4 InterpretationofLimits 2 5 Single Limits 2 6 Tolerance Accumulation 2 7 Limits of Size 2 8 Applicability of RFS, MMC, and LMC 2 9 Screw Threads 2 10 Gears and Splines 2 11 VirtuaVResultantCondition 2 12 Angular Surfaces 2 13 Conical Tapers 2 14 Flat Tapers 2 15 Radius 2 16 StatisticalTolerancing 3 Symbology 41 3 1 General 41 3 2 Use of Notes to SupplementSymbols 41 3 3 Symbol Construction 41 3 4 Geometric Tolerance Symbols 47 3 5 FeatureControl Frame Placement 48 3 6 Definition of the Tolerance Zone 48 3 7 TabulatedTolerances 50 4 Datum Referencing 4 1 General 4 2 Immobilization of Part 4 3 DatumFeatures 4 4 Specifying Datum Featuresin an Order of Precedence 4 5 EstablishingDatums 4 6 DatumTargets 5 Tolerances of Location 5 1 General 5 2 PositionalTolerancing 5 3 FundamentalExplanationof PositionalTolerancing 5 4 FeaturePatternLocation 5 5 ProjectedTolerance Zone 5 6 Nonparallel Holes 5 7 CounterboredHoles 5 8 Closer Control at One End of a Feature 5 9 Bidirectional PositionalTolerancing of Features 5 10 Noncircular Features 5 11 Coaxiality Controls 5 12 Concentricity 5 13 PositionalTolerancing for Symmetrical Relationships 5 14 Symmetry Tolerancing to Control the Median Pointsof Opposedor Correspondingly-LocatedElementsof Features 5 15 SphericalFeatures 6 Tolerances of Form, Profile, Orientation, and Runout 6 1 General 6 2 Form and orientation Control 6 3 Specifying Form and OrientationTolerances 6 4 FormTolerances 6 5 Profile Control 6 6 OrientationTolerances 6 7 Runout 6 8 Free StateVariation Appendices A Principal Changes and Improvements 197 Al General 197 A2 Figures 197 A3 Section 1, Scope,Definitions, and General Dimensioning 197 A4 Section2, General Tolerancing and Related Principles 198 A5 Section3, Symbology 199 A6 Section4, Datum Referencing 199 A7 Section5, Tolerancesof Location 200 A8 Section6, Tolerancesof Form, Profile, Orientation,and Runout 202 A9 Appendix A, Principal Changesand Improvements 202 A10 Appendix B, Formulasfor PositionalTolerancing 203 Al 1 Appendix C, Form, Proportion,and Comparisonof Symbols 203 Al2 Appendix D, Former Practices 203 Al3 Appendix E, Decision Diagramsfor Geometric Control 203 Formulas for Positional Tolerancing 205 Bl General 205 B2 Formula Symbols 205 B3 Floating FastenerCase 205 B4 Fixed FastenerCaseWhen ProjectedTolerance Zone Is Used 205 B5 provisionfor Out-of-Squareness When ProjectedTolerance Zone is Not Used 206 B6 Coaxial Features 207 B7 Limits andFits 207 Form, Proportion, and Comparison of Symbols 209 Cl General 209 c2 Form andProportion 209 c3 Comparison 209 Former Practices 215 Dl General 215 D2 Definition for Featureof Size 215 D3 Applicability of RFS, MMC, and LMC 215 D4 TangentRadii 215 D5 Datum Feature Symbol 215 D6 ProjectedToleranceZone 215 Decision Diagrams for Geometric Control 219 El Purpose 219 E2 FunctionalRequirements 219 E3 Referenceto Standard 219 E4 GeometricControls 219 E5 ChoosingOther Controls 219 E6 Use of Modifiers 219 E7 Datums 219 Index
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