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عدد المساهمات : 18928 التقييم : 35294 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Tribological Design of Machine Elements الخميس 25 أغسطس 2016, 11:21 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Tribological Design of Machine Elements D. Berthe, D. Dowson, M. Godet, C.M. Taylor
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS Introduction Session I Session I1 Session I11 Session IV Session V Session VI Session VII Keynote Address The tribological design of machine elements H.S. CHENG 3 Review Papers Tribological design The aerospace industry J.A.DOMINY . 15 Tribological design The railways C. PRITCHARD and T.G. PEARCE . 23 Tribological design The automotive industry P.A. WILLERMET . 33 Tribological design The process industries J.D. SUMMERS-SMITH . 41 Seals Design of Controllable Mechanical Seals R.F. SALANT, 0. GILES and W.E. KEY . 47 Micro-elastohydrodynamic lubricant film formation in rotary lip seal contacts A. GABELL1 57 Lubrication of reciprocating seals: Experiments on the influence of surface roughness on friction and leakage A.F.C. KANTERS and M. VISSCHER . 69 Radial lip seals, thermal aspects M.J.L. STAKENBORG and R.A.J. van OSTAYEN . . 79 Cams Lubrication and fatigue analysis of a cam and roller follower B.A. GECIM . 91 Predictions of cam wear profiles R.H. FRIES and C.A. ROGERS 101 Cam and follower design A.D. BALL, D. DOWSON and C.M. TAYLOR 111 Belts Power transmission by flat, V and timing belts T.H.C. CHILDS AND I.K. PARKER 133 Power rating of flat belt drives A wear approach B.G. GERBERT . 143 Gears The relationship between uneven tooth contact loading and surface durability in flexible gear designs J.F. HARROPand A. TAM . 151 Temperature and pressure measurements in gear contacts with thin-film-transducers H. PEEKEN and p. AYAN(X3J-J. . 161 A static and dynamic analysis of misaligned gears with partial contact areas Ph. SAINSOT, Ph. VELEX and D. BERTHE . 167 Rolling Element Bearings [ 11 The Palmgren-Miner rule derived J.J. KAUZLARICH . 175 Prediction of rolling bearing life under practical operating conditions E. IOANNIDES, B. JACOBSON and J.H. TRIPP 181 Surface damage on rolling elements and its subsequent effects on performance and life J.C. HAMER, A.A. LUBRECHT, E. IOANNIDES and R.S. SAYLES . 189 Debris denting the associated residual stresses and their effect on the fatigue life of rolling bearing: An FEM analysis C.N. KO and E. IOANNIDES . 199 Session VIII Plain Bearings [I] Axially profiled circular bearings and their potential application in high speed lubrication S . BASM and D.T. GETHIN 21 1 Analysis of partial arc journal bearings E.W. COWKING 219 Elapsed time for the decay of thermal transients in fluid film bearing assemblies C.M.M. ETTLES, H. HESHMAT and K.R. BROCKWELL . a . 229 Design procedures based on numerical methods for hydrodynamic lubrication J.O.MEDWELL . 237 The effect of residual stress and temperature on the fretting of bearing steel M. KUNO and R.B. WATERHOUSE 245 The wear of hot working tools. Application to forging and rolling of steel E.FELDER . 253 The influence of debris inclusion on the performance of polymeric seals in ball valves B.J. BRISCOE and P.J. TWEEDALE 259 Rolling Element Bearings [2] Tribological characteristics of needle bearings S. BLAIR and W.O. WINER 269 Power loss prediction in ball bearings R.J. CHITTENDEN, D. DOWSON and C.M. TAYLOR 277 The effect of roller end-flange contact shape upon frictional losses and ax91 load of the radial cylindrical roller bearing H. KRZEMINSKI-FREDA and B. WARDA . 287 The study of roller end and guiding shoulder construction of roller bearings M. LI and S . WEN . 297 Dynamically loaded journal bearings: a modal approach to EHL design analysis A. KUMAR, J.F. BOOKER and P.K. GOENKA 305 Shape defects and misalignment effects in connecting-rod bearings P. MASPEYROT and J. FRENE 317 Transient dynamics of engine bearing systems S . BOEDO and J.F. BOOKER . 323 Thermal considerations in engine bearings G.A. CLAYTON and C.M. TAYLOR 333 Design requirements of ceramic sliding contacts R.J. GOZDAWA and T.A. STOLARSKI 345 Unlubricated wear and triction behaviour of alumina and silicon carbide ceramics G. KAPELSKI, F. PLATON and P. BOCH 349 The effects of surrounding atmosphere on the friction and wear of ceramics Wear performance of materials for ball screw and spline applications in Candu reactor fuelling machines P.E. DALE and R. TRISTANI . 365 Session IX Wear Session X Session XI Plain Bearings [2] Session XI1 Ceramics S. SASAK1 . 355 Session XI11 Review Papers Tribological design The power generation industry P.G.MORTON . Tribological design and assessment The nuclear industry T.C. CHIVERS . Tribological design The spacecraft industry R.A. ROWNTREE, E.W. ROBERTS and M.J. TODD Tribological design The electronics industry E.A. MUIJDERMAN, A.G. TANGENA, F. BREMER. P.L. HOLSTER and A. v MONTFOORTAND Optimum-design and automatic drawing of recessed hydrostatic bearings S. XU and B. CHEN Computer aided design of externally pressurized bearings G.J.J. van HEIJNINGEN and C.M. KALKER-KALKMAN A theoretical investigation of hybrid journal bearings applied to high speed heavily loaded conditions requiring jacking capabilities D. IVES, W. WESTON, P.G. MORTON, W.B. ROWE. * * * * Behaviour of a high-speed hydrostatic thrust bearing with recess inserts and grooved lands. D. ASHMAN, E.W. PARKER and A. COWLEY An experimental comparison between the performance of a ‘total cross flow’ and an equivalent conventional design hydrostatic journal bearing M. ABDOLMALEKI, A. SKORIN, F.P. WARDLE and R.A.E. WOOD . Information storage and retrievallmagnetic bearings Session XIV Hyrostatic Bearings Session XV Review Paper: Tribological design information storage and retrieval B. BHUSHAN Active magnetic bearing design methodology a conventional rotordynamics approach H.M.CHEN . Session XVI Knowledge Based Systems The incorporation of artificial intelligence in the design of herringbone journal bearings K. ISHII, B.J. HAMROCK and J. KLINGER Bearing selection using a knowledge based system R.T. GRIFFIN, M.J. WINFIELD and S.S. DOUGLAS . Tribology aids for designers C.J. THIJSSE LjtofAuthors . LktofDelegates
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