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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Modern Tribology Handbook, [Bharat Bhushan] الأربعاء 24 أغسطس 2016 - 20:34 | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Modern Tribology Handbook, [Bharat Bhushan] Volume One Principles of Tribology Editor-in-Chief Bharat Bhushan, Ph D , D Sc (Hon ) Department of Mechanical Engineering The Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Volume One SECTION I Macrotribology Introduction Bharat Bhushan, Francis E Kennedy, and Andras Z Szeri 1 Surface Physics in Tribology Phillip B Abel and John Ferrante 1 1 Introduction 5 1 2 Geometry of Surfaces 6 1 3 Theoretical Considerations 10 1 4 Experimental Determinations of Surface Structure 19 1 5 Chemical Analysis of Surfaces 23 1 6 Surface Effects in Tribology 32 1 7 Concluding Remarks 40 2 Surface Roughness Analysis and Measurement Techniques Bharat Bhushan 2 1 The Nature of Surfaces 49 2 2 Analysis of Surface Roughness 50 2 3 Measurement of Surface Roughness 81 2 4 Closure 114 3 Contact Between Solid Surfaces John A Williams and Rob S Dwyer-Joyce 3 1 Introduction 121 3 2 Hertzian Contacts 122 3 3 Non-Hertzian Contacts 137 3 4 Numerical Methods for Contact Mechanics 140 3 5 Experimental Methods for Contact Mechanics 144 3 6 Further Aspects 150 8403/frame/c10fm Page xix Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xx 4 Adhesion of Solids: Mechanical Aspects Daniel Maugis 4 1 Introduction 163 4 2 Adhesion Forces, Energy of Adhesion, Threshold Energy of Rupture 164 4 3 Fracture Mechanics and Adhesion of Solids 167 4 4 Example: Contact and Adherence of Spheres 175 4 5 Liquid Bridges 183 4 6 Adhesion of Rough Elastic Solids — Application to Friction 186 4 7 Kinetics of Crack Propagation 188 4 8 Adhesion of Metals 197 4 9 Conclusion 198 5 Friction Kenneth C Ludema 5 1 Introduction 205 5 2 Qualitative Ranges of Friction 208 5 3 Early Concepts on the Causes of Friction 213 5 4 Adhesion, Welding, and Bonding of the Three Major Classes of Solids 215 5 5 The Formation and Persistence of Friction Controlling Surface Films 216 5 6 Experiments that Demonstrate the Influence of Films on Surfaces 218 5 7 Mechanisms of Friction 219 5 8 Measuring Friction 220 5 9 Test Machine Design and Machine Dynamics 227 5 10 Tapping and Jiggling to Reduce Friction Effects 229 5 11 Equations and Models of Friction 230 6 Frictional Heating and Contact Temperatures Francis E Kennedy 6 1 Surface Temperatures and Their Significance 235 6 2 Surface Temperature Analysis 238 6 3 Surface Temperature Measurement 259 7 Wear Mechanisms Koji Kato and Koshi Adachi 7 1 Introduction 273 7 2 Change of Wear Volume and Wear Surface Roughness with Sliding Distance 274 7 3 Ranges of Wear Rates and Varieties of Wear Surfaces 274 7 4 Descriptive Key Terms 276 7 5 Survey of Wear Mechanisms 278 7 6 Concluding Remarks 299 8 Wear Debris Classification William A Glaeser 8 1 Introduction 301 8 2 How Wear Debris Is Generated 302 8 3 Collection of Wear Debris 306 8 4 Diagnostics with Wear Debris 308 8 5 Conclusions 312 8403/frame/c10fm Page xx Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxi 9 Wear Maps Stephen M Hsu and Ming C Shen 9 1 Introduction 317 9 2 Fundamental Wear Mechanisms of Materials 318 9 3 Wear Prediction 319 9 4 Wear Mapping 320 9 5 Wear Maps as a Classification System 322 9 6 Wear Map Construction for Ceramics 324 9 7 Comparison of Materials 328 9 8 Modeling Wear by Using Wear Maps 341 9 9 Advantages and Limitations of Current Wear Map Approach 354 10 Liquid Lubricants and Lubrication Lois J Gschwender, David C Kramer, Brent K Lok, Shashi K Sharma, Carl E Snyder, Jr , and Mark L Sztenderowicz 10 1 Introduction 361 10 2 Lubricant Selection Criteria 361 10 3 Conventional Lubricants — The Evolution of Base Oil Technology 366 10 4 Synthetic Lubricants 373 11 Hydrodynamic and Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication Andras Z Szeri 11 1 Basic Equations 384 11 2 Externally Pressurized Bearings 391 11 3 Hydrodynamic Lubrication 398 11 4 Dynamic Properties of Lubricant Films 422 11 5 Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication 438 12 Boundary Lubrication and Boundary Lubricating Films Stephen M Hsu and Richard S Gates 12 1 Introduction 455 12 2 The Nature of Surfaces 457 12 3 Lubricants and Their Reactions 459 12 4 Boundary Lubricating Films 468 12 5 Boundary Lubrication Modeling 479 12 6 Concluding Remarks 486 13 Friction and Wear Measurement Techniques Niklas Axén, Sture Hogmark, and Staffan Jacobson 13 1 The Importance of Testing in Tribology 493 13 2 Wear or Surface Damage 494 13 3 Classification of Tribotests 497 13 4 Tribotest Planning 498 13 5 Evaluation of Wear Processes 500 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxi Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxii 13 6 Tribotests — Selected Examples 501 13 7 Abrasive Wear 502 13 8 Erosive Wear 504 13 9 Wear in Sliding and Rolling Contacts 505 13 10 Very Mild Wear 508 14 Simulative Friction and Wear Testing Peter J Blau 14 1 Introduction 511 14 2 Defining the Problem 512 14 3 Selecting a Scale of Simulation 514 14 4 Defining Field-Compatible Metrics 516 14 5 Selecting or Constructing the Test Apparatus 517 14 6 Conducting Baseline Testing Using Established Metrics and Refining Metrics as Needed 517 14 7 Case Studies 518 14 8 Conclusions 522 15 Friction and Wear Data Bank A William Ruff 15 1 Introduction 523 15 2 Sources of Data 523 15 3 Materials Found in Data Bank 527 15 4 Data Bank Format 529 SECTION II Micro/Nanotribology Introduction Bharat Bhushan and Othmar Marti 16 Microtribology and Microrheology of Molecularly Thin Liquid Films Alan D Berman and J N Israelachvili 16 1 Introduction 568 16 2 Solvation and Structural Forces: Forces Due to Liquid and Surface Structure 568 16 3 Adhesion and Capillary Forces 572 16 4 Nonequilibrium Interactions: Adhesion Hysteresis 574 16 5 Rheology of Molecularly Thin Films: Nanorheology 576 16 6 Interfacial and Boundary Friction: Molecular Tribology 582 16 7 Theories of Interfacial Friction 587 16 8 Friction and Lubrication of Thin Liquid Films 594 16 9 Stick-Slip Friction 600 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxii Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxiii 17 Measurement of Adhesion and Pull-Off Forces with the AFM Othmar Marti 17 1 Introduction 617 17 2 Experimental Procedures to Measure Adhesion in AFM and Applications 624 17 3 Summary and Outlook 633 18 Atomic-Scale Friction Studies Using Scanning Force Microscopy Udo D Schwarz and Hendrik Hölscher 18 1 Introduction 641 18 2 The Scanning Force Microscope as a Tool for Nanotribology 642 18 3 The Mechanics of a Nanometer-Sized Contact 644 18 4 Amontons’ Laws at the Nanometer Scale 646 18 5 The Influence of the Surface Structure on Friction 648 18 6 Atomic Mechanism of Friction 652 18 7 The Velocity Dependence of Friction 658 18 8 Summary 660 19 Friction, Scratching/Wear, Indentation, and Lubrication Using Scanning Probe Microscopy Bharat Bhushan 19 1 Introduction 667 19 2 Description of AFM/FFM and Various Measurement Techniques 669 19 3 Friction and Adhesion 678 19 4 Scratching, Wear, and Fabrication/Machining 694 19 5 Indentation 703 19 6 Boundary Lubrication 708 19 7 Closure 712 20 Computer Simulations of Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Mark O Robbins and Martin H Müser 20 1 Introduction 717 20 2 Atomistic Computer Simulations 718 20 3 Wearless Friction in Low-Dimensional Systems 722 20 4 Dry Sliding of Crystalline Surfaces 734 20 5 Lubricated Surfaces 740 20 6 Stick-Slip Dynamics 752 20 7 Strongly Irreversible Tribological Processes 755 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxiii Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxiv Volume Two SECTION III Solid Tribological Materials and Coatings Introduction Bharat Bhushan, Ali Erdemir, and Kenneth Holmberg 21 Metals and Ceramics Koji Kato and Koshi Adachi 21 1 Introduction 771 21 2 Pure Metals 771 21 3 Soft Metals and Soft Bearing Alloys 772 21 4 Copper-based Alloys 774 21 5 Cast Irons 774 21 6 Steels 776 21 7 Ceramics 778 21 8 Special Alloys 781 21 9 Comparisons Between Metals and Ceramics 782 21 10 Concluding Remarks 783 22 Solid Lubricants and Self-Lubricating Films Ali Erdemir 22 1 Introduction 787 22 2 Classification of Solid Lubricants 792 22 3 Lubrication Mechanisms of Layered Solids 806 22 4 High-Temperature Solid Lubricants 808 22 5 Self-Lubricating Composites 813 22 6 Soft Metals 815 22 7 Polymers 817 22 8 Summary and Future Directions 818 23 Tribological Properties of Metallic and Ceramic Coatings Kenneth Holmberg and Allan Matthews 23 1 Introduction 827 23 2 Tribology of Coated Surfaces 828 23 3 Macromechanical Interactions: Hardness and Geometry 835 23 4 Micromechanical Interactions: Material Response 839 23 5 Material Removal and Change Interactions: Debris and Surface Layers 844 23 6 Multicomponent Coatings 852 23 7 Concluding Remarks 858 24 Tribology of Diamond, Diamond-like Carbon and Related Films Ali Erdemir and Christophe Donnet 24 1 Introduction 871 24 2 Diamond Films 872 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxiv Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxv 24 3 Diamond-like Carbon (DLC) Films 888 24 4 Other Related Films 897 24 5 Summary and Future Direction 899 25 Self-Assembled Monolayers for Controlling Hydrophobicity and/or Friction and Wear Bharat Bhushan 25 1 Introduction 909 25 2 A Primer to Organic Chemistry 912 25 3 Self-assembled Monolayers: Substrates, Organic Molecules, and End Groups in the Organic Chains 917 25 4 Tribological Properties 921 25 5 Conclusions 924 26 Mechanical and Tribological Requirements and Evaluation of Coating Composites Sture Hogmark, Staffan Jacobson, Mats Larsson, and Urban Wiklund 26 1 Introduction 931 26 2 Design of Tribological Coatings 938 26 3 Design of Coated Components 945 26 4 Evaluation of Coating Composites 949 26 5 Visions and Conclusions 959 SECTION IV Tribology of Industrial Components and Systems Introduction Bharat Bhushan and Stephen M Hsu 27 Slider Bearings David E Brewe 27 1 Introduction 969 27 2 Self-acting Finite Bearings 977 27 3 Failure Modes 1019 27 4 Slider Bearing Materials 1027 28 Rolling Element Bearings Xiaolan Ai and Charles A Moyer 28 1 Introduction 1041 28 2 Rolling Element Bearing Types 1042 28 3 Bearing Materials 1046 28 4 Contact Mechanics 1048 28 5 Bearing Internal Load Distribution 1057 28 6 Bearing Lubrication 1063 28 7 Bearing Kinematics 1067 28 8 Bearing Load Ratings and Life Prediction 1071 28 9 Bearing Torque Calculation 1074 28 10 Bearing Temperature Analysis 1079 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxv Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxvi 28 11 Bearing Endurance Testing 1082 28 12 Bearing Failure Analysis 1083 29 Gears Herbert S Cheng 29 1 Introduction 1095 29 2 Gear Types 1096 29 3 Tribological Failure Modes 1097 29 4 Full-Film Lubrication Performance 1101 29 5 Mixed Lubrication Characteristics 1110 29 6 Modeling of Tribological Failures in Gears 1115 29 7 Failure Tests 1122 29 8 Conclusions 1124 30 Rotary Dynamic Seals Richard F Salant 30 1 Introduction 1131 30 2 Mechanical Seals 1131 30 3 Rotary Lip Seal 1146 30 4 Nomenclature 1154 30 5 Defining Terms 1155 31 Space Tribology William R Jones, Jr and Mark J Jansen 31 1 Introduction 1159 31 2 Lubrication Regimes 1159 31 3 Mechanism Components 1161 31 4 Liquid Lubricants and Solid Lubricants 1162 31 5 Liquid Lubricant Properties 1165 31 6 Accelerated Testing and Life Testing 1175 31 7 Summary 1181 32 Automotive Tribology Ajay Kapoor, Simon C Tung, Shirley E Schwartz, Martin Priest, and Rob S Dwyer-Joyce 32 1 Introduction 1187 32 2 The Engine 1188 32 3 Transmission and Drive Line 1197 32 4 The Tire 1203 32 5 The Brakes 1209 32 6 Windshield Wipers 1212 32 7 Automotive Lubricants 1213 33 Diesel Engine Tribology Malcolm G Naylor, Padma Kodali, and Jerry C Wang 33 1 Introduction 1231 33 2 Power Cylinder Components 1233 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxvi Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxvii 33 3 Overhead Components 1246 33 4 Engine Valves 1249 33 5 Bearings and Bushings 1253 33 6 Turbomachinery 1255 33 7 Fuel System 1258 33 8 Fuels, Lubricants, and Filtration 1261 33 9 Future Trends 1267 34 Tribology of Rail Transport Ajay Kapoor, David I Fletcher, F Schmid, K J Sawley, and M Ishida 34 1 Introduction 1271 34 2 Wheel/Rail Contact 1275 34 3 Diesel Power for Traction Purposes 1308 34 4 Current Collection Interfaces of Trains 1314 34 5 Axle Bearings, Dampers, and Traction Motor Bearings 1321 34 6 New Developments and Recent Advances in the Study of Rolling Contact Fatigue 1324 34 7 Conclusion 1325 35 Tribology of Earthmoving, Mining, and Minerals Processing Jeffrey A Hawk and R D Wilson 35 1 Introduction 1331 35 2 Wear Processes in Mining and Minerals Processing 1333 35 3 Equipment Used in Earthmoving Operations 1339 35 4 Equipment Used in Mining and Minerals Processing 1344 35 5 General Classification of Abrasive Wear 1347 35 6 Tribological Losses in the Mining of Metallic Ores, Coal, and Non-metallic Minerals 1359 35 7 Financial Cost of Wear in Earthmoving, Mining, and Minerals Processing 1366 35 8 Concluding Remarks 1368 36 Marine Equipment Tribology Steven R Schmid and Karl J Schmid 36 1 Introduction 1371 36 2 Marine Oil Properties and Chemistry 1371 36 3 Diesel Engine Lubrication 1374 36 4 Steam and Gas Turbines 1380 36 5 Ancillary Equipment 1381 37 Tribology in Manufacturing Steven R Schmid and William R D Wilson 37 1 Introduction 1385 37 2 Unique Aspects of Manufacturing Tribology 1385 37 3 Metal Cutting 1394 37 4 Finishing Operations 1398 37 5 Bulk Forming Operations 1399 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxvii Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxviii 38 Macro- and Microtribology of Magnetic Storage Devices Bharat Bhushan 38 1 Introduction 1413 38 2 Magnetic Storage Devices and Components 1415 38 3 Friction and Adhesion 1423 38 4 Interface Temperatures 1447 38 5 Wear 1448 38 6 Lubrication 1482 38 7 Micro/Nanotribology and Micro/Nanomechanics 1491 38 8 Closure 1501 39 Macro- and Microtribology of MEMS Materials Bharat Bhushan 39 1 Introduction 1515 39 2 Experimental Techniques 1525 39 3 Results and Discussion 1527 39 4 Closure 1544 40 Mechanics and Tribology of Flexible Media in Information Processing Systems Richard C Benson and Eric M Mockensturm 40 1 Introduction 1549 40 2 Introduction to Foil Bearings 1550 40 3 A Simple Foil Bearing Model 1553 40 4 Other Foil Bearing Models 1556 40 5 Air Reversers 1558 40 6 Introduction to Wound Rolls 1561 40 7 Air Entrainment in Wound Rolls 1562 40 8 Nip-Induced Tension and J-line Slip in Web Winding 1565 40 9 Web Tenting Caused by High Asperities 1570 40 10 Mechanisms that Cause a Sheet to Jam, Stall, or Roll Over in a Channel 1576 40 11 Micro-slip of Elastic Belts 1579 40 12 Transport of Sheets Through Roller/Roller and Roller/Platen Nips 1582 41 Biomedical Applications John Fisher 41 1 Introduction 1593 41 2 Tribology in the Human Body 1594 41 3 Tribology of Artificial Organs and Medical Devices 1596 41 4 Natural Synovial Joint and Articular Cartilage 1599 41 5 Total Replacement Joints 1603 41 6 Wear and Wear Debris Induced Osteolysis 1605 41 7 Joint Replacement and Repair in the Next Millennium 1607 8403/frame/c10fm Page xxviii Thursday, November 2, 2000 12:59 PM xxix 42 Technologies for Machinery Diagnosis and Prognosis Richard S Cowan and Ward O Winer 42 1 Introduction 1611 42 2 Failure Prevention Strategies 1611 42 3 Condition Monitoring Approaches 1616 42 4 Tribo-Element Applications 1634 42 5 Equipment Asset Management 1639 Glossary 1645 Index
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