كتاب The Tribology Data Handbook - E. Richard Booser
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 كتاب The Tribology Data Handbook - E. Richard Booser

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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The Tribology Data Handbook
E. Richard Booser
An Excellent Friction, Lubrication and Wear Resource

كتاب The Tribology Data Handbook - E. Richard Booser L2byl9isooke
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of Contents
Section I Lubricant Properties
1 Typical Lubricating Oil Properties 3
Chun-I Chen
2 Comparison of Properties of Synthetic Fluids 34
Wilfried J Bartz
3 Polyalphaolefins 37
Ronald L Shubkin
4 Organic Esters 42
Bruce J Beimesch
5 Polyalkylene Glycols 49
William L Brown
6 Phosphate Esters 60
Douglas G Placek and M P Marino
7 Silicones 75
E D Brown
8 Perfluoroalkylpolyethers 80
Gregory A Bell
9 Polychlorotrifluoroethylenes 88
Louis L Ferstandig
10 Polybutenes 94
John D Fotheringham
11 Vegetable Oils — Structure and Performance 103
Saurabh S Lawate, Kasturi Lal, and Chor Huang
12 Additives — Chemistry and Testing 117
Syed Q A Rizvi
13 Greases 138
Richard C Schrama
14 Solid Lubricants 156
E Richard Booser
15 Viscosity of Liquids, Aqueous Solutions and Liquid Metals 159
(CRC Press)
16 Gas Properties 169
Donald F Wilcock
Section II Typical Lubrication Specifications for Equipment
17 Comparison of Viscosity Classifications 179
E Richard Booser
18 Military Specifications 182
Bobby D McConnell
19 Air Compressor Lubrication 242
William Scales
20 Automatic Transmission Fluids 248
(Lubrizol Corp )
crc3904-FM-001 qxd 8/6/2007 1:30 PM Page 5 (Black plate)
1997 CRC Press, LLC
21 Automotive Engine Lubricants 253
Yeau-Ren Jeng and Ron Desing
22 Diesel Engine Lubricants 263
Ron Desing
23 Electric Motors and Generators 272
E Richard Booser
24 Hydraulic and Turbine Oils 274
Ian Macpherson and Daniel D McCoy
25 Marine Diesel Engines 282
(Lubrizol Corp )
26 Railroad Diesel Engines 284
(Lubrizol Corp )
27 Slideways 286
Ian Macpherson
Section III Industrial Application Practices
28 Aluminum Production Equipment 289
Edward J Myers
29 Farm and Off-Highway Machinery 298
(Lubrizol Corp )
30 Food Industry Lubrication 303
George R Arbocus
31 Forest and Paper Products 309
Frederick J Villforth, III
32 Machine Tools 320
Douglas Vallance
33 Mining Excavation Equipment Lubricant Guidelines 332
Charles D Barrett
34 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lubricants 342
Kenneth C Lilje, Thomas E Rajewski, and Edan E Burton
35 Space and High Vacuum Lubricants 355
Robert L Thorn and Michael R Hilton
36 Steel Industry Lubricant Guides 364
Richard C Schrama and Daniel D McCoy
Section IV Lubricant Application Systems
37 Centralized Lubrication for Industrial Machines 385
James H Simpson, III
38 Oil Mist 396
Stanley C Reiber
39 Circulating Oil Systems 404
E Richard Booser
Section V Friction, Wear, and Surface Characterization
40 Surface Texture 415
V V Dunaevsky, Y -R Jeng, and J A Rudzitis
41 Typical Friction and Wear Data 435
A W Ruff
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1997 CRC Press, LLC
42 Friction and Wear Equations 445
Valery V Dunaevsky
43 Generalized Wear Coefficients 455
Valery V Dunaevsky
44 Friction Temperatures 462
Valery V Dunaevsky
45 Boundary Lubrication Relations 474
Richard S Fein
46 Lubricated Wear Problems — Symptoms and Prevention 486
Douglas Godfrey
Section VI Material Properties
47 Typical Properties of Sliding Contact Materials 493
A W Ruff
48 Rolling Element Bearing Materials 495
Charles A Moyer
49 Oil Film Bearing Materials 503
George R Kingsbury
50 Mechanical Properties of Gear Materials 526
Lewis Rosado
51 Wear-Resistant Hard Materials 540
William A Glaeser
52 Friction, Wear and PV Limits of Polymers and Their Composites 547
Thierry A Blanchet
53 Properties of Advanced Ceramics 563
S Frank Murray
54 Friction and Wear Tests on Advanced Ceramics 573
Amp Gangopadhyay
Section VII Tribological Surface Modifications
55 Tribological Surface Treatments and Coatings 581
Francis E Kennedy and Ursula J Gibson
56 Friction and Wear of Hard, Thin Coatings 594
Arup Gangopadhyay
57 Bonded Solid Film Lubricants 600
Robert M Gresham
Section VIII Component Performance and Design Data
58 Fundamentals of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication 611
Michael M Khonsari and D Y Hua
59 High Pressure Viscosity and EHL Pressure-Viscosity Coefficients 638
Richard S Fein
60 Rolling Bearings Performance and Design Data 645
Thomas Jendzurski and Charles A Moyer
61 Journal Bearing Design and Analysis 669
Michael M Khonsari
62 Design and Analysis of Hydrodynamic Slider Thrust Bearings 680
Michael M Khonsari and J Y Jang
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1997 CRC Press, LLC
63 Squeeze-Film Bearings 691
M M Khonsari and J Y Jang
64 Ring- and Wick-Oiled Starved Journal Bearings 708
Richard C Elwell
65 Porous Metal Bearings 719
Cris Cusano
66 Dynamic Seals 734
Alan O Lebeck, for the Seals Technical Committee, STLE
67 Gear Lubricant Selection and Application 781
Robert L Errichello
68 Brakes 800
Valery V Dunaevsky
69 Piston Rings 811
Valery V Dunaevsky
70 Magnetic Storage System Materials 823
Zunde Yang and Yip-Wah Chung
Section IX Metalworking
71 Metal Removal: Fluid Selection and Application Guide 831
Gregory J Foltz and Harold J Noble
72 Metal Forming 840
Ted G McClure
73 Microbial Control of Coolants 854
Alan C Eachus
74 Additives for Metalworking Fluids 862
Neil M Canter
Section X Monitoring, Maintenance, Failure Patterns
75 Elements of an Oil Analysis Program 875
James C Fitch
76 Wear Monitoring and Metal Analysis 889
Costandy S Saba
77 Laboratory Used Oil Analysis Methods 897
Mate Lukas and Daniel P Anderson
78 Gas Turbine Engine Lubricant Monitoring and Analysis 915
Costandy S Saba
79 Automotive Engine Oil Life Factors 923
Shirley E Schwartz
80 Automotive Engine Oil Condition Monitoring 927
Donald J Smolenski and Shirley E Schwartz
81 Diesel Engine Used Oil Analysis 935
Jack Poley
82 Rotating Machinery Vibration and Condition Monitoring 944
William D Marscher
83 Ball and Roller Bearing Troubleshooting 956
Thomas Jendzurski
84 Gear Distress and Failure Modes 986
(Falk Corp )
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1997 CRC Press, LLC
85 Filtration and Particle Count Classifications 1009
Charles A Moyer
86 Life of Oils and Greases 1018
E Richard Booser
Section XI Toxicology, Environment, Safety and Health
87 Toxicology, Environment, Safety and Health 1031
Joseph M Perez and Donald I Hoke
1 Material Hardness Tables, Tests, and Data 1049
Charles A Moyer
2 Viscosity Conversion Factors 1063
Douglas Godfrey
3 International System of Units (SI) and Conversion Factors 1069
(CRC Press)

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