كتاب Engineering Economy 6th Ed
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Engineering Economy 6th Ed

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
Engineering Economy 6th Ed
Leland Blank, P. E., Anthony Tarquin, P. E.

كتاب Engineering Economy 6th Ed 993l1ox6o9o7
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Prefa ce xv
Chapter 1
Foundations of Engineering Economy 4
1.1 Why Engineering Economy Is Important to Engineers (and Other Professionals) 6
1.2 Role of Engineering Economy in Decision Making
1.3 Performing an Engineering Economy Study
1.4 Interest Rate and Rate of Return
1.5 Equivalence
1.6 Simple and Compound Interest
1.7 Terminology and Symbols
1.8 Introduction to Solution by Computer
1.9 Minimum Attractive Rate of Return
1. 10 Cash Flows: Their Estimation and Diagramming
1.ll Rule of 72: Estimating Doubling Time and Interest Rate
1.12 Spreadsheet Application-Simple and Compound Interest, and
Changing Cash Flow Estimates 36
Additional Examples 39
Chapter Summary 41
Problems 42
FE Review Problems 45
Extended Exercise-Effects of Compound Interest 45
Case Study-Describing Alternatives for Producing Refrigerator Shells 46
Chapter 2 Factors: How Time and Interest Affect Money 48
2.1 Single-Payment Factors (F/ P and P/ F) 50
2.2 Uniform-Series Present Worth Factor and Capital Recovery
Factor (P / A andA/P) 56
Sinking Fund Factor and Uniform-Series Compound Amount
Factor (A/F and F/ A)
Interpolation in Interest Tables
Arithmetic Gradient Factors (P/G and A/G)
Geometric Gradient Series Factors
Determination of an Unknown Interest Rate
Determination of Unknown Number of Years
Spreadsheet Application-Basic Sensitivity Analysis
Additional Example
Chapter Summary 81
Problems 81
FE Review Problems 88
Case Study-What a Difference the Years and Compound Interest Can Make 90
Chapter 3
Combining Factors
3.1 Calculations for Unifonn Series That Are Shifted
3.2 Calculations Involving Uniform-Series and Randomly Placed Single Amounts
3.3 Calculations for Shifted Gradients
Shifted Decreasing Arithmetic Gradients
Spreadsheet Application-Using Different Functions
Additional Example
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Extended Exercise-Preserving Land for Public Use
Chapter 4 Nominal and Effective Interest Rates 124
Nominal and Effective Interest Rate Statements
Effective Annual Interest Rates
Effective Interest Rates for Any Time Period
Equivalence Relations: Comparing Payment Period and Compounding
Period Lengths (PP versus CP)
Equivalence Relations: Single Amounts with PP ~ CP
Equivalence Relations: Series with PP ~ CP
Equivalence Relations: Single Amounts and Series with PP < CP
Effective Interest Rate for Continuous Compounding
Interest Rates That Vary over Time
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Case Study-Financing a House
Chapter 5 Present Worth Analysis
5.1 Formulating Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
5.2 Present Worth Analysis of Equal-Life Alternatives
Present Worth Analysis of Different-Life Alternatives
Future Worth Analysis
Capitalized Cost Calculation and Analysis
Payback Period Analysis
Life-Cycle Cost
Present Worth of Bonds
Spreadsheet Applications-PW Analysis and Payback Period
Chapter Summary
Problems 202
FE Review Problems 210
Extended Exercise-Evaluation of Social Security Retirement Estimates 212
Case Study-Payback Evaluation of Ultralow-Flush Toilet Program 213
Chapter 6 Annual Worth Analysis
6.l Advantages and Uses of Annual Worth Analysis
Calculation of Capital Recovery and AW Values
Evaluating Alternatives by Annual Worth Analysis
AW of a Permanent Investment
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Case Study-The Changing Scene of an Annual Worth Analysis
Chapter 7 Rate of Return Analysis: Single Alternative
7.1 Interpretation of a Rate of Return Value
7.2 Rate of Return Calculation Using a PW or AW Equation
Cautions When Using the ROR Method
Multiple Rate of Return Values
Composite Rate of Return: Removing Multiple i* Values
Rate of Return of a Bond Investment
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Extended Exercise I-The Cost of a Poor Credit Rating
Extended Exercise 2-When Is It Best to Sell a Business?
Case Study-Bob Learns About Multiple Rates of Return
Chapter 8 Rate of Return Analysis: Multiple Alternatives
8.1 Why Incremental Analysis is Necessary
Calculation of Incremental Cash Flows for ROR Analysis
Interpretation of Rate of Return on the Extra Investment
Rate of Return Evaluation Using PW: Incremental and Breakeven
Rate of Return Evaluation Using AW
Incremental ROR Analysis of Multiple, Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
Spreadsheet Application-PW, AW, and ROR Analyses All in One
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Extended Exercise-Incremental ROR Analysis When Estimated
Alternative Lives are Uncertain 308
Case Study I- So Many Options. Can a New Engineering Graduate
Help His Father? 309
Case Study 2- PW Analysis When Multiple Interest Rates Are Present 3 10
Chapter 9 Benefit/Cost Analysis and Public Sector Economics
9.1 Public Sector Projects
9.2 Benefit/Cost Analysis of a Single Project
Alternative Selection Using Incremental B/C Analysis
Incremental B/C Analysis of Multiple, Mutually Exclusive Alternatives
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Extended Exercise-Costs to Provide Ladder Truck Service
for Fire Protectionn
Case Study-Freeway Lighting
Chapter 10 Making Choices: The Method, MARR,
and Multiple Attributes
10.1 Comparing Mutually Exclusive Alternatives by Different Evaluation Methods 348
10.2 MARR Relative to the Cost of Capital 351
10.3 Debt-Equity Mix and Weighted Average Cost of Capital 354
10.4 Determination of the Cost of Debt Capital 357
10.5 Determination of the Cost of Equity Capital and the MARR 359
10.6 Effect of Debt-Equity Mix on Investment Risk 362
10.7 Multiple Attribute Analysis: Identification and Importance of Each Attribute 364
10.8 Evaluation Measure for Multiple Attributes 369
Chapter Summary 371
Extended Exercise-Emphasizing the Right Things
Case Study-Which Way to Go-Debt or Equity Financing?
Chapter 11 Replacement and Retention Decisions
11.1 Basics of the Replacement Study
11.2 Economic Service Life
11.3 Performing a Replacement Study
11.4 Additional Considerations in a Replacement Study
11 .5 Replacement Study over a Specified Study Period
Chapter Summary
Problems 410
FE Review Problems 418
Extended Exercise-Economic Service Life Under Varying Conditions 419
Case Study-Replacement Analysis for Quarry Equipment 420
Chapter 12 Selection from Independent Projects
Under Budget Limitation
12.1 An Overview of Capital Rationing Among Projects
12.2 Capital Rationing Using PW Analysis of Equal-Life Projects
12.3 Capital Rationing Using PW Analysis of Unequal-Life Projects
12.4 Capital Budgeting Problem Formulation Using Linear Programming
Chapter Summary
Problems 437
Case Study- Lifelong Engineering Education in a Web Environment 440
Chapter 13 Breakeven Analysis
13.1 Breakeven Analysis for a Single Project
13.2 Breakeven Analysis Between Two Alternatives
13.3 Spreadsheet Application-Using Excel's SOLVER for Breakeven
Chapter Summary
Case Study-Water Treatment Plant Process Costs
Chapter 14 Effects of Inflation
14.1 Understanding the Impact of Inflation
14.2 Present Worth Calculations Adjusted for Inflation
14.3 Future Worth Calculations Adjusted for Inflation
14.4 Capital Recovery Calculations Adjusted for Inflation
Chapter Summary
FE Review Problems
Extended Exercise-Fixed-Income Investments versus the Forces of
Chapter 15 Cost Estimation and Indirect Cost Allocation
15.1 Understanding How Cost Estimation Is Accomplished
15.2 Cost Indexes
15.3 Cost Estimating Relationships: Cost-Capacity Equations
15.4 Cost Estimating Relationships: Factor Method
15.5 Traditional Indirect Cost Rates and Allocation
15.6 Activity-Based Costing (ABC) for Indirect Costs
Chapter Summary 5 J6
Problems 5 J7
FE Review Problems 525
Case Study-Total Cost Estimates for Optimizing Coagulant Dosage 525
Case Study-Indi rect Cost Comparison of Medical Equipment
Sterilizati on Uni t 528
Chapter 16 Depreciation Methods
16.1 Depreciation Terminology
16.2 Straight Line (SL) Depreciation
16.3 Declining Balance (DB) and Double Declining Balance (DDB) Depreciation 536
16.4 Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) 541
16.5 Determining the MACRS Recovery Period 545
16.6 Depletion Methods 545
Chapter Summary 548
FE Review Problems
16A.1 Sum-of-Year Digits (SYD) Depreciation
16A.2 Switching Between Depreciation Methods
16A.3 Determination of MACRS Rates
Appendix Problems
Chapter 17 After-Tax Economic Analysis 568
17.1 Income Tax Terminology and Relations for Corporations (and Individuals) 570
17.2 Before-Tax and After-Tax Cash Flow 574
17.3 Effect on Taxes of Different Depreciation Methods and Recovery Periods 578
17.4 Depreciation Recapture and Capital Gains (Losses): for Corporations 581
17.5 After-Tax PW, AW, and ROR Evaluation 586
17.6 Spreadsheet Applications-After-Tax Incremental ROR Analysis 592
17.7 After-Tax Replacement Study 595
17.8 After-Tax Value-Added Analysis 599
17.9 After-Tax Analysis for International Projects 603
Chapter Summary 605
Case Study- After-Tax Evaluation of Debt and Equity Financing
Chapter 18 Formalized Sensitivity Analysis and Expected Value Decisions 620
18.1 Determining Sensitivity to Parameter Variation 622
18.2 Formalized Sensitivity Analysis Using Three Estimates 629
18.3 Economic Variability and the Expected Value
18.4 Expected Value Computations for Alternatives
18.5 Staged Evaluation of Alternatives Using a Decision Tree
Chapter Summary
Extended Exercise--Looking at Alternatives from Different Angles
Case Study- Sensitivity Analysis of Public Sector
Projects- Water Supply Plans
Chapter 19 More on Variation and Decision Making Under Risk
19.1 Interpretation of Certainty, Risk, and Uncertainty
19.2 Elements Important to Decision Making Under Risk
Appendix A
Appendix B
19.3 Random Samples
19.4 Expected Value and Standard Deviation
19.5 Monte Carlo Sampling and Simulation Analysis
Additional Examples
Chapter Summary
Extended Exercise-Using Simulation and the Excel RNG for
Sensitivity Analysis
Using Spreadsheets and Microsoft Excel©️
A.1 Introduction to Using Excel
A.2 Organization (Layout) of the Spreadsheet
A.3 Excel Functions Important to Engineering Economy (alphabetical order)
A.4 SOLVER-An Excel Tool for Breakeven and ''What If?" Analysis
A.5 List of Excel Financial Functions
A.6 Error Messages
Basics of Accounting Reports and Business Ratios
B.l The Balance Sheet
B.2 Income Statement and Cost of Goods Sold Statement
B.3 Business Ratios
Reference Materials 725
Factor Tables 727
Index 757

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