كتاب Solidworks 2013 Bible - Matt Lombard
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Solidworks 2013 Bible - Matt Lombard

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18864
التقييم : 35108
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Solidworks 2013 Bible - Matt Lombard Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Solidworks 2013 Bible - Matt Lombard   كتاب Solidworks 2013 Bible - Matt Lombard Emptyالسبت 16 يوليو 2016, 10:26 pm

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Solidworks 2013 Bible
Matt Lombard

كتاب Solidworks 2013 Bible - Matt Lombard 78mye4s448u5
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Introduction xli
Part I: Introducing SolidWorks Basics 1
Chapter 1: Introducing SolidWorks 3
Installing SolidWorks for the First Time 3
Starting SolidWorks for the First Time 5
Examining the SolidWorks license agreement 5
Viewing the Welcome to SolidWorks screen 5
Using Quick Tips 6
Using Interactive What’s New 6
Customizing Workflow 6
Creating a new document 7
Exploring SolidWorks documentation 9
Accessing tutorials 9
Keeping up with what’s new 10
Moving from 2D to 3D 10
Checking out the Tip of the Day 10
Identifying SolidWorks Documents 10
Saving your setup 12
Using templates 12
Having multiple document templates available 13
Sharing templates 16
Understanding Feature-Based Modeling 16
Understanding History-Based Modeling 18
Sketching with Parametrics 20
Understanding Design Intent 23
Editing Design Intent 24
Choosing sketch relations 24
Selecting display/delete relations 24
Using suppressed sketch relations 25
Working with Associativity 26
Summary 26
Chapter 2: Navigating the SolidWorks Interface 27
Identifying Elements of the SolidWorks Interface 29
Using the CommandManager and toolbars 29
Exploring the CommandManager 29
Using toolbars 32
Using Tool tips 37
Managing toolbars 38
Customizing your workflow 40
Controlling menus 40
Changing cursors 43
Working with models in the FeatureManager and PropertyManager windows 43
Using the FeatureManager 43
Using the PropertyManager 46
Introducing the DisplayManager 49
Getting around the Task pane 49
Getting familiar with the status bar 51
Assigning tags 51
Making use of Quick Tips 51
Using SolidWorks Search 52
Searching for files 52
Searching for help 52
Using the 2D Command Line Emulator 52
Making the Interface Work for You 53
Customizing colors 54
Exploring default selection colors 54
Selecting background options wisely 55
Customizing strategies 56
Considering hotkey approaches 56
Organizing hotkeys 56
Using mouse gestures 58
Using the keyboard 58
Minimizing icons 59
Contemplating device approaches 59
Using touch and multi-touch support 60
Accessing macros 61
Saving custom interface settings 61
Working with multiple document windows 62
Getting the most from the Open command 62
Managing open files 64
Managing recent documents 65
Managing windows 65
Spanning multiple monitors 66
Summary 67
Chapter 3: Working with Sketches 69
Opening a Sketch 70
Identifying Sketch Entities 71
Using the Sketch toolbar 71
Using the Dimensions/Relations toolbar 96
Inferencing in Sketch 99
Exploring Sketch Settings 101
Using Sketch Blocks 103
Working with Reference Geometry 104
Creating planes 105
Working with axes 106
Using Coordinate Systems 107
Using points as reference geometry 108
Tutorial: Learning to Use Sketch Relations 109
Tutorial: Using Blocks and Belts 112
Tutorial: Creating Reference Geometry 115
Summary 119
Chapter 4: Creating Simple Parts and Drawings 121
Discovering Design Intent 121
Using symmetry 122
Determining primary or functional features 122
Predicting change 122
Determining the manufacturing method 123
Identifying secondary operations 123
Creating multiple versions 123
Creating a Simple Part 123
Deciding where to start 124
Building in symmetry 127
Making it solid 128
Using Instant 3D 133
Making the first extrude feature 135
Controlling relative size or direct dimensions 136
Creating the offset 137
Creating a Simple Assembly 137
Populating the assembly 138
Examining mates 138
Creating a Simple Drawing 139
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Part 140
Using sketch techniques 141
Using the Hole Wizard 144
Cutting a slot 146
Creating fillets and chamfers 148
Tutorial: Making a Simple Drawing 150
Summary 156
Chapter 5: Using Visualization Techniques 157
Manipulating the View 157
Using arrow keys 158
Using the middle mouse button 159
Using mouse gestures 160
Using the View toolbar 161
Adding scrollbars and splitters 162
Using the Magnifying Glass 163
Clicking the Triad axes 164
Using the View Tools 164
Zebra Stripes 167
View Orientation 169
The Standard Views toolbar 170
Annotation views 171
Using the DisplayManager 172
Applying appearances 172
Differentiating appearances and materials 174
Understanding appearances 175
Understanding overrides 176
Using appearances with Display States 177
Removing appearances 178
Using decals 180
Using scenes, lights, and cameras 181
Controlling scenes 182
Turning on the lights 184
Working with cameras 186
Using RealView 188
The Display Pane 189
Applying Color Automatically to Features 189
Using Edge Display Settings 190
Tutorial: Applying Visualization Techniques 191
Summary 196
Part II: Building Intelligence into Your Parts 197
Chapter 6: Getting More from Your Sketches 199
Editing Sketch Relations 199
Using Display/Delete Relations 200
Using SketchXpert 202
Getting More from Dimensions 203
Dimensioning from centerlines 203
Sketching with numeric input 203
Working with Sketch Entities 204
Moving entities 204
Rotating entities 205
Copying entities 205
Scaling entities 205
Modifying sketch 206
Copying and pasting sketch entities 207
Dragging entities 208
Creating a derived sketch 208
Using Sketch Pictures 208
Using three views 210
Compensating for perspective 210
Estimating sharp edges 211
Using Auto Trace 211
Using Sketch Text 212
Using Colors and Line Styles with Sketches 213
Working in Color Display mode 213
Assigning line color 214
Using the Edit Sketch Or Curve Color tool 214
Assigning line thickness and line style 214
Using Other Sketch Tools 215
Working with RapidSketch 215
Adding Sensors 215
Using metadata for sketches 216
Creating construction geometry 217
Sketching in 3D 217
Navigating in space 218
Exploring sketch relations in 3D sketches 219
Using planes in space 220
Using planar path segments 222
Defining dimensions 222
Using 3D sketch summary 222
Tutorial: Editing and Copying 222
Tutorial: Controlling Pictures, Text, Colors, and Styles 227
Tutorial: Using Metadata 230
Tutorial: Sketching Calculator 231
Summary 234
Chapter 7: Modeling with Primary Features 235
Identifying When to Use Which Tool 235
Using the Extrude feature 235
Creating a solid feature 236
Creating a thin feature 237
Exploring sketch types 238
Understanding the workflow 241
Understanding Instant 3D 242
Creating extrudes with Instant 3D 242
Editing geometry with Instant 3D 244
Working with the Revolve feature 245
Understanding end conditions 245
Workflow 246
Using contour selection 246
Introducing loft and boundary 246
Comparing the Loft and Boundary features 249
Using entities in a loft 250
Comparing lofts and splines 250
Understanding the need for surfaces 250
Exploring loft end constraints 251
Displaying isoparameter U-V lines 252
Using guide curves 253
Using centerline lofts 255
Using the SelectionManager 255
Choosing loft options 256
Workflow 257
Controlling Sweep features 257
Using a simple sweep 257
Using a sweep with guide curves 257
Using a Pierce relation 259
Using a cut sweep with a solid profile 261
Workflow 262
Understanding Fillet Types 263
Creating a constant radius fillet 264
Selecting entities to fillet 264
Using tangent propagation 266
Dealing with a large number of fillets 267
Making multiple fillet sizes 270
Rounding corners 271
Using the Keep edge/Keep surface toggle 271
Using the Keep Feature option 272
Creating variable radius fillets 273
Applying the values 274
Using straight versus smooth transitions 276
Recognizing other uses for the variable radius fillet 276
Using face fillets 277
Using continuous curvature face fillets 277
Using face fillets with the Help Point 280
Applying a single hold line fillet 281
Using a double hold line fillet 282
Using a constant width fillet 284
Applying a full round fillet 285
Building a setback fillet 286
Using Chamfers 289
Tutorial: Bracket Casting 291
Summary 296
Chapter 8: Selecting Secondary Features 297
Creating Curve Features 297
Working with Helix curve features 298
Using the Tapered Helix panel 298
Using the Variable Pitch helix 299
Workflow 300
Using the Spiral 300
Creating projected curves 300
Using Sketch On Faces 301
Using Sketch Onto Sketch 301
Using the Curve Through XYZ Points feature 303
Using the Curve Through Reference Points feature 303
Putting together a composite curve 304
Using Split lines 304
Using the equation driven curve 305
Selecting a Specialty Feature 305
Using Scale 305
Using the Dome feature 307
Using the Wrap feature 309
Using Scribe 310
Using Emboss 310
Using Deboss 311
Using the Flex feature 312
Applying the Deform feature 314
Looking at Point deform 316
Looking at Curve to curve deform 316
Looking at Surface push deform 317
Using the Indent feature 317
Using Intersect 318
Tutorial: Creating a Wire-Formed Part 321
Summary 324
Chapter 9: Patterning and Mirroring 325
Patterning in a Sketch 325
Debunking more sketch myths 328
Patterning a sketch 328
Using the Linear Sketch Pattern 329
Using the Circular Sketch Pattern 330
Mirroring in a Sketch 330
Using Mirror Entities 330
Using Dynamic Mirror 331
Using Symmetry sketch relation 332
Using Mirroring in 3D sketches 333
Exploring the Geometry Pattern Option 333
Patterning Bodies 334
Patterning Faces 335
Patterning Fillets 337
Understanding Pattern Types 337
Using the Linear Pattern 337
Using the Circular Pattern 340
Using the Curve Driven Pattern 341
Using the Sketch Driven Pattern 344
Using the Table Driven Pattern 345
Using the Fill Pattern 346
Cosmetic Patterns 347
Mirroring 3D Solids 348
Mirroring bodies 349
Mirroring features 349
Mirroring entire parts 349
Tutorial: Creating a Circular Pattern 351
Tutorial: Mirroring Features 352
Tutorial: Applying a Cosmetic Pattern 354
Summary 356
Chapter 10: Using Equations 357
Understanding Equations 357
Creating equations 358
Naming dimensions 358
Building the equation 360
Using comments 362
Using driven dimensions 363
Using equation tricks 365
IF 365
Using Global Variables 366
Using the Modify Box 368
Using Expressions 369
Controlling Suppression States of Features 370
Linking to External Equations 370
Tutorial: Using Equations 371
Summary 373
Chapter 11: Working with Part Configurations 375
Controlling Items with Configurations 376
Finding configurations 376
Deleting configs 377
Sorting configs 378
Activating configurations 379
Creating configurations 381
Creating a new config 381
Using Configuration properties and options 382
Using Advanced options 382
Using the Modify dialog box 383
Using negative dimensions 384
Using the Modify Configurations dialog box 384
Using Table Views 386
Adding custom properties with the Modify Configurations dialog box 386
Using custom property managers 387
Using derived configurations 388
Understanding how file size affects speed 389
Controlling dimensions 391
Controlling suppression 392
Controlling custom properties 394
Controlling sketch relations 395
Controlling sketch planes 395
Controlling configurations of inserted parts 396
Using Library features 398
Identifying unconfigurable items 398
Using Design Tables 398
Identifying what can be driven by a design table 399
Creating a Simple Design Table 400
Editing design table settings 406
Linked design table 406
Edit control 406
Options 406
Editing the design table 408
Using the Configuration Publisher 408
Tutorial: Working with Configurations and Design Tables 410
Summary 414
Chapter 12: Editing, Evaluating, and Troubleshooting 415
Using Rollback 415
Using the Rollback bar 416
Understanding consumed features 416
Examining the parent-child relationship 417
Rolling back features with multiple parents 418
Viewing consumed features in their original order 418
Showing the Flat Tree View 420
Using other Rollback techniques 421
Reordering Features 422
Reordering Folders 423
Using the Flyout and Detachable FeatureManagers 424
Summarizing Part Modeling Best Practice 425
Using Evaluation Techniques 429
Using Verification on rebuild 429
Using the Check tool 430
Evaluating geometry with reflective techniques 431
Using Zebra Stripes 431
Using RealView 433
Using Curvature display 433
Using Deviation Analysis 433
Using the Tangent Edges as Phantom setting 434
Using Geometry Analysis 435
Using Feature Statistics 435
Using the Curvature Comb 437
Troubleshooting Errors 437
Interpreting rebuild errors 438
Using SolidWorks RX and Performance Benchmark 440
Using SolidWorks RX 441
Using Performance Benchmark 444
Tutorial: Making Use of Editing and Evaluation Techniques 448
Summary 455
Part III: Working with Assemblies 457
Chapter 13: Building Efficient Assemblies 459
Understanding the Purpose of Assemblies 459
Identifying types of assemblies 460
Driving an assembly with a base part and mates
(bottom-up with mates) 460
Driving an assembly with sketches and planes
(bottom-up with skeleton) 462
Modeling parts in place (in-context design) 463
Modeling parts as multi-bodies 464
Inserting a master model 466
Excluding some parts 466
Creating an alternative to multiple assemblies 467
Identifying the Elements of an Assembly 467
Working with assembly equations 468
Solving external references 469
Understanding global variables 469
Renaming 470
Recommendations 470
Using an assembly layout sketch 470
Working with virtual components 472
Creating assembly reference geometry 472
Comparing history-based and non-history-based portions
of the assembly tree 472
Understanding parts and subassemblies 473
Organizing mates 474
Applying assembly features 474
Using component patterns and mirror components 474
Using SpeedPaks 474
Using ghosts 476
Sharing self-contained data 476
Using SpeedPaks with drawings 476
Using Subassemblies 476
Creating subassemblies from existing parts 477
Inserting a new subassembly 478
Dissolving subassemblies 478
Organizing for performance 478
Solving mates 478
Using flexible subassemblies 478
Organizing for the Bill of Materials 479
Grouping subassemblies by relative motion 480
Organizing groups of purchased components 481
Depicting an assembly process 481
Influencing item numbering 481
Separating steps 482
Patterning considerations 482
Using Folders 482
Creating folders in the FeatureManager 483
Using Add To New Folder 483
Using Create New Folder 483
Adding items to existing folders 483
Reordering items in the tree 484
Working with Tree Display Options 485
Showing feature names and descriptions 485
Showing component and config names and descriptions 485
Using names other than the part filename in the assembly FeatureManager 486
Using Component Reference per Instance 487
Viewing features, mates, and dependencies 487
Tutorial: Arranging Assemblies 489
Tutorial: Managing the FeatureManager 492
Summary 493
Chapter 14: Getting More from Mates 495
Applying Mates 495
Mating through the Mate PropertyManager 496
Understanding the mate workflow 496
Changing the view and model position 497
Applying the Select Other command 498
Using Multiple Mate mode 498
Taking advantage of SmartMates 499
Alt+dragging a SmartMate 499
Dragging between windows 501
Using Mate references 501
Mating with macros 501
Mating for Motion 502
Analyzing degree of freedom 503
Setting up successful motion 504
Working with Advanced and Mechanical Mate Types 506
Symmetric mate 506
Cam mate 507
Width mate 508
Gear mate 508
Rack and Pinion mate 509
Limit mates 510
Screw mate 510
Path mate 512
Linear Coupler mate 513
Hinge mate 514
Belt/Chain 514
Editing and Troubleshooting 515
Editing existing mates 515
Troubleshooting assembly mates 516
Troubleshooting warnings and errors 517
Examining Mate Options 518
Reviewing Mate Best Practices 519
Tutorial: Mating for Success 520
Summary 524
Chapter 15: Patterning and Mirroring Components 525
Using Local Component Patterns 525
Creating local pattern references 526
Patterning the seed only 527
Using the Instances to Skip option 528
Using Mirror Components 529
Setting the orientation 531
Creating opposite-hand versions 531
Completing the task 531
Using Feature-Driven Component Patterns 532
Understanding Other Pattern Options 533
Tutorial: Creating Component Patterns 535
Summary 537
Chapter 16: Working with Assembly Sketches and Layouts 539
Looking at the Techniques 539
Using the assembly layout sketch 540
Using master model 544
Using the Layout Feature 545
Using the Layout workflow 546
Working with virtual components 548
Balancing advantages and limitations 548
Tutorial: Working with a Layout 549
Summary 555
Chapter 17: Using Assembly Tools 557
Placing Parts without Mates 557
Using the Move Component options 558
Using Free Drag 559
Moving Along Assembly XYZ 560
Moving Along Entity 560
Moving By Delta XYZ 560
Using To XYZ Position 561
Using the For Positioning Only option 562
Building parts in place 563
Using Proximity Tools 563
Using Interference Detection 564
Displaying the results 564
Ignoring interferences 565
Using Component View 565
Selecting Options 566
Display options for non-interfering Components 566
Using Clearance Verification 566
Using Dynamic Clearance 567
Using Collision Detection 568
Using Physical Dynamics 569
Using Sensors 570
Selecting Components 572
Selecting with a volume 572
Selecting suppressed components 573
Selecting hidden components 574
Selecting subassemblies 574
Selecting parts mated to another part 574
Selecting internal components 574
Selecting Toolbox parts 574
Using the Advanced Select options 574
Reading AssemblyXpert Results 575
Using Defeature 577
Using the Hole Alignment Tool 578
Summary 579
Chapter 18: Using Libraries, Assembly Features, and Hole Wizard 581
Using Library Features 581
Getting started with library features 582
Applying the library feature interface 582
Using the Task Pane 582
Using Design Library 583
Exploring other Design Library functions 586
Storing annotations 586
Location of the Design Library folder 587
Storing library parts 587
Using sheet metal forming tools 588
Using assemblies 588
Using routing 588
Using Smart Components 588
Creating Library Features 588
Creating a library feature 589
Understanding library limitations 589
Creating a new library feature 589
Saving the library feature 591
Changing the display of the library feature thumbnail 592
Creating a library feature from an existing part 594
Adding folders to the library 595
Locating and Internal dimensions 596
Creating Assembly Cuts 596
Using the Feature Scope 598
Propagating features to parts 598
Making Fillets and Chamfers in Assemblies 600
Using the Hole Wizard 601
Using the Hole Series 602
Hole Series interface 603
Basic Hole Series steps 604
Hole Series quirks 605
Creating Weld Beads 605
Working with Envelopes 608
Understanding Smart Components 610
Using Smart Components 611
Getting started with a simple Smart Component 611
Auto-sizing Smart Components 614
Making Smart Components 616
Getting started with a simple Smart Component 616
Creating an auto-sizing Smart Component 619
Managing files with Smart Components 623
Editing Smart Components 624
Tutorial: Working with Smart Components 625
Tutorial: Working with Library Features 628
Summary 635
Chapter 19: Controlling Assembly Configurations and Display States 637
Using Display States 637
Controlling display states and configurations 637
Using display states with drawings 640
Using part display states in parts 640
Understanding Assembly Configurations 640
Applying configurations for performance 640
Suppressing components and features 640
Configuring SpeedPaks 641
Using part configurations for speed 641
Getting familiar with the Advanced Component Selection 642
Looking at the Isolate function 642
Finding features with the Simplify Assembly tool 643
Controlling display performance 643
Using configurations for positions 645
Positioning with mates 646
Positioning with sketches 647
Applying configurations for product variations 648
Using design tables for assembly configurations 649
Working with Modify Configurations and the Configuration Publisher 649
Looking at assembly configuration dos and don’ts 650
Tutorial: Working with Assembly Configurations 650
Summary 654
Chapter 20: Modeling in Context 655
Understanding In-Context Modeling 655
Working through a simple in-context example 656
Starting a new assembly 656
Inserting a new part 656
Introducing virtual components 657
Creating the part geometry 658
Saving a virtual component 658
Creating an in-context part 659
Editing the driving part of an in-context reference 661
Weighing the advantages of in-context modeling 663
Anticipating problems with in-context modeling 663
Identifying alternatives to in-context modeling 664
Using Assembly layout modeling 665
Using Multi-body modeling 665
Dealing with the Practical Details of In-Context Modeling 665
Understanding the in-context process 666
Starting out in-context 666
Working in-context 667
Looking at in-context best practices 674
Working with multiple contexts 674
Using in-context with configurations 677
Using in-context with motion 679
Working with in-context with multiple instances 679
Using in-context and file management 680
Using in-context and mates 680
Identifying circular references 680
Using skeletons and layouts 681
Using in-context in libraries 681
Removing relations 681
Deciding whether to use mating or in-context 682
Communicating design intent 682
Using Other Types of External References 683
Using inserted parts 683
Working with split parts 683
Using mirror parts 684
Tutorial: Working In-Context 684
Summary 690
Chapter 21: Editing, Evaluating, and Troubleshooting Assemblies 691
Working with Mates 691
Listing mates in the Mates folder 692
Listing mates under the component 693
Replacing features with mates 694
Working with the View Mates tool 695
Using the View Mate Errors window 696
Using the MateXpert 696
Editing mates 698
Editing File Management Issues 700
Using Save options and Pack and Go 700
Replacing components 703
Forming and dissolving subassemblies 704
Moving parts in and out of subassemblies 705
Moving mates from an assembly to a subassembly 705
Evaluating Assemblies 706
Using the AssemblyXpert 706
Identifying FeatureManager symbols 707
Using the Isolate function 708
Using Reload 709
Summary 710
Chapter 22: Working with Large Scale Design 711
Using Large Design Review 711
Updating Large Design Review 713
Resolving components 714
Taking Snapshots 714
Creating a Walk-through 714
Creating a GridSystem 717
Starting the GridSystem feature 718
Creating the sketch 718
Using the GridSystem PropertyManager 719
Understanding the GridSystem output 720
Viewing the Grid Components 721
Transferring Data with the IFC File Type 722
Summary 724
Chapter 23: Animating with the MotionManager 725
Familiarizing Yourself with the MotionManager 726
Understanding the terminology 726
Driving an animation 727
Planning an animation 728
Identifying elements of the MotionManager 729
Using display options 729
Using the MotionManager interface 730
Formatting output 730
Using the Animation Wizard 731
Creating a rotating animation 731
Creating an exploded view animation 733
Animating an assembly 734
Creating an explode 734
Putting the rotate into an animation timeline 736
Adding the explode to the animation 737
Making a part look flexible 738
Collapsing the exploded assembly 738
Animating a zoom 738
Animating a changing mate 739
Animating the View 740
Driving the view with key points 741
Using the Orientation and Camera Views feature 741
Disabling playback of view keys 742
Introducing the timebar 742
Creating key points 743
Zooming and free view manipulation 743
Using Interpolation modes 745
Correcting mistakes 745
Using paths to control cameras 746
Recalling the Walk-through feature 746
Rotating the model using a path 746
Going beyond 100 percent or 360 degrees 749
Animating with Key Points 749
Getting started 750
Using the timebar with key points 751
Copying and mirroring motion 752
Adjusting the speed of actions 753
Outputting the animation 754
Looking at other options 754
Running test animations 755
Selecting a compressor 755
Animating with Basic Motion 755
Using gravity and contact 755
Using motors and springs 756
Animating a chain and a spring using motors 757
Summary 759
Part IV: Creating Drawings 761
Chapter 24: Automating Drawings: The Basics 763
Comparing Templates and Formats 763
Changing existing templates 764
Maintaining different templates or formats 764
Creating custom drafting standards 765
Creating Drawing Formats 766
Customizing an existing format 766
Using sample formats 766
Editing a format 767
Managing text 769
Using custom properties 769
Entering custom property data 769
Displaying property links 772
Displaying errors and link variables 773
Creating linked properties 773
Using the Title Block function 774
Creating a format from a blank screen 775
Creating a format from an imported DWG/DXF file 776
Saving the format 778
Using second sheet formats 779
Adding new sheets 780
Reloading formats 780
Creating Drawing Templates 781
Using Predefined Views in drawing templates 781
Aligning Predefined Views 783
Populating a drawing with Predefined Views 784
Scaling Predefined Views 784
Understanding the limitations of Predefined Views 784
Using styles and blocks in templates 784
Using custom properties in templates 786
Saving a template 787
Creating Blocks 787
Summary 788
Chapter 25: Working with Drawing Views 789
Creating Common View Types 789
Using the View palette 790
Using Model Views 791
Open documents 792
Thumbnail Preview 792
Start Command When Creating New Drawing Option 792
Reference Configuration 792
Select Bodies 792
Cosmetic Thread Display 792
Number of Views and Orientation 793
Import Options 793
Display State 793
Display Style 793
Scale 794
Dimension Type 795
Cosmetic Thread Display 795
Using the Projected View 795
Using Standard 3 View 796
Using Detail View 796
Pre-drawing a detail circle 796
Drawing a detail circle in-line 798
Editing a Detail View 798
Working with Section Views 798
Using a Partial Section View 800
Using a Half Section 801
Using an Aligned Section View 802
Editing a Section View 803
Creating Other View Types 803
Using a Crop View 803
Using a Broken-out Section View 804
Drawing the closed loop 805
Selecting the depth 806
Editing the view 807
Using a Break View 808
Using an Auxiliary View 810
Using an Alternate Position View 810
Using a Predefined View 811
Using an Empty View 812
Using a Custom View 812
Converting a Drawing View to a sketch 812
Saving a view to DWG/DXF 812
Using a Relative View 812
Using the 3D Drawing View Mode 813
Changing view orientation and alignment 814
Using Display Options in Views 815
Using Display States 815
Using Display styles 816
Selecting a Component Line Font 816
Using layers 816
Working with tangent edge display options 816
Choosing view quality settings 819
Distinguishing Views from Sheets 819
Tutorial: Working with View Types, Settings, and Options 820
Summary 826
Chapter 26: Using Annotations and Symbols 827
Using Notes 827
Setting up a workflow for placing notes 827
Making use of fonts 828
Using text boxes and wrapping 828
Using Fit Text in notes 829
Patterning notes 830
Placing notes and leaders 831
Adding a leader to a note 832
Using multiple leaders 832
Using jogged leaders 833
Aligning notes and balloons 834
Adding styles 835
Using Format Painter 836
Linking notes to custom properties 836
Hyperlinking text 837
Adding notes and symbols 837
Using Blocks in Drawings 837
Inserting blocks 838
Creating blocks 840
Editing blocks 841
Using Symbols 841
Using symbols in notes and dimensions 841
Creating custom symbols 842
Using Center Marks and Centerlines 842
Tutorial: Using Annotations 844
Summary 846
Chapter 27: Dimensioning and Tolerancing 847
Putting Dimensions on Drawings 847
Using Insert Model Items 848
Using reference dimensions 850
Rapid Dimension 851
Reference dimensions and the DimXpert 852
Using the DimXpert 853
Annotation views 855
Driven dimension color 855
Ordinate and baseline dimensions 856
Autodimensioning 857
Reference sketches 858
Understanding dimension options 858
Dimension Text 858
Primary Value Override 859
Display Options 860
Witness/Leader Display 861
Break Lines 861
Formatting dimensions with the Dimension Palette 862
Adding Tolerances 863
Changing precision values 864
Using Geometric Tolerancing symbols 864
Using Dimension Styles 864
Aligning Dimensions and Annotations 865
Using the alignment tools 866
Inferencing alignment and grid snapping 866
Using Dimension Palette alignment options 867
Arranging dimensions automatically 867
Tutorial: Working with Dimensions and Tolerances 868
Summary 872
Chapter 28: Using Layers, Line Fonts, and Colors 873
Controlling Layers 873
Working with layers in imported 2D data 873
Working with layers on the sheet format 875
Adding dimensions and notes to layers 875
Working with components on layers 875
Using assembly colors on drawings 876
Using assembly parts on layers 876
Controlling Line Format 877
Using the Line Format settings 878
Setting the End Cap Style 878
Setting the line thickness 879
Setting the line style 880
Changing the Color Display mode 880
Hiding and Showing Edges 880
Tutorial: Using Drawing Display Tools 881
Summary 884
Chapter 29: Working with Tables and Drawings 885
Driving the Bill of Materials 885
Examining the SolidWorks table-based BOM 886
Creating table-based BOM templates 886
Setting a table anchor 887
Using BOM types 888
Using configurations 889
Locating the Keep Missing Items option 889
Choosing Zero Quantity Display options 890
Assigning item numbers 890
Displaying the BOM contents 890
Controlling the appearance of the table-based BOM 891
Dissolving, combining, numbering, and restructuring
for indented BOMS 892
Adding columns or rows 892
Editing BOMs 893
Retiring the Excel-based BOM 894
Using Design Tables 895
Placing Hole Tables on Drawings 897
Using Revision Tables 899
Using General Tables 902
Working with Tables in Models 902
Tutorial: Using BOMs 903
Tutorial: Using Hole Tables 906
Tutorial: Using Revision Tables 908
Summary 910
Chapter 30: Creating Assembly Drawings 911
Combining Parts and Assemblies on the Same Drawing 911
Dimensioning assembly features 911
Assigning the document driving the custom properties 912
Using Multi-Page Templates 913
Using Views with Special Assembly Functions 915
Using the Alternate Position View 915
Creating views of an exploded assembly 916
Adding explode lines 919
Showing exploded view 920
Creating section views 921
Excluding parts from section views 921
Isometric Section 922
Aligning the view 922
Adjusting the hatching 922
Broken-Out Section View 924
Drawing the closed loop 924
Selecting the depth 925
Editing the view 926
Using Color in Assembly Drawing Views 926
Setting Up Drawings of Large Assemblies 927
Using detached drawings 928
Working with lightweight drawings 929
Using SpeedPak with drawings 930
Using Draft quality views 930
Tutorial: Creating a Simple Assembly Drawing 931
Summary 934
Part V: Using Advanced and Specialized Techniques 935
Chapter 31: Modeling Multi-Bodies 937
Using Powerful Tools Effectively 937
Comparing multi-body modeling with assembly modeling 938
Using multi-body techniques appropriately 939
Understanding Multi-Body Techniques 940
Creating complex shapes across bodies 941
Using tool bodies and Boolean operations 943
Using the Indent feature 943
Using the Move/Copy Bodies and Combine features 945
Using local operations 946
Using the Flex feature 946
Using the Shell feature 947
Patterning 948
Simplifying very complex parts 949
Bridging between solids 952
Modeling for undetermined manufacturing methods 952
Creating Multi-Bodies 954
Using disjoint sketches 954
Turning off the Merge result option 954
Applying the Feature Scope to bodies 955
Using the Rib feature 955
Using the Delete Solid/Surface feature 956
Creating multi-bodies with the Cut feature 956
Managing bodies with the Split feature 957
Splitting with a sketch 958
Splitting with a plane 959
Splitting with a surface body 959
Adding bodies using the Insert Part feature 959
Working with secondary operations 961
Starting point 961
Using Intersect to modify bodies 961
Managing Bodies 962
Using Body folders 962
Hiding or showing bodies 965
Deleting bodies 967
Renaming bodies 967
Tutorials: Working with Multi-Bodies 968
Merging and local operations 968
Splitting and patterning bodies 969
Summary 972
Chapter 32: Working with Surfaces 973
Introducing Surfaces 973
Understanding Surfacing Terminology 974
Exploring the Knit function 974
Using the Trim function 974
Using the Untrim function 975
Hybrid modeling 975
Understanding Non Uniform Rational B Spline 976
Using developable surfaces 976
Using ruled surfaces 976
Defining Gaussian curvature 977
Surfacing Tools 977
Classifying the Extruded Surface 977
Using Boundary Surface 979
Characterizing the Offset Surface 981
Using Radiate Surface 982
Knit Surface 983
Using Thicken Surface 984
Using Planar Surface 985
Using Extend Surface 985
Using Trim Surface 986
Using Fill Surface 987
Using MidSurface 988
Using Replace Face 990
Using Ruled Surface 990
Using Intersect 992
Tutorial: Working with Surfaces 993
Using Cut With Surface 993
Using Offset Surface 994
Using Fill Surface blend 996
Summary 1000
Chapter 33: Employing Master Model Techniques 1001
Using Pull Functions 1003
Understanding the Insert Part feature 1003
Understanding the Insert Into New Part feature 1006
Using Push Functions 1007
Working with the Split feature 1008
Splitting a body 1008
Assigning names automatically 1009
Creating an assembly 1009
Working with the Save Bodies feature 1009
Tutorial: Working with Master Model Techniques 1010
Summary 1014
Chapter 34: Using SolidWorks Sheet Metal Tools 1015
Using the Base Flange Features 1015
Using the Base Flange/Tab feature 1016
Using the Sheet Metal feature 1018
Gauge Table 1018
Bend Radius 1019
Thickness 1019
Bend Allowance 1020
Auto relief 1024
Using the Flat Pattern feature 1025
Using the Edge Flange feature 1027
Edit Flange Profile 1027
Use default radius 1028
Gap distance 1029
Angle 1029
Flange Length 1030
Flange Position 1030
Trim side bends 1030
Curved edges 1030
Using the Miter Flange feature 1031
Using the Hem feature 1033
Using the Jog feature 1034
Fixed Face 1035
Jog Offset 1035
Fix projected length 1035
Jog Position 1035
Jog Angle 1035
Using the Sketched Bend feature 1035
Using the Closed Corner feature 1036
Faces to Extend 1036
Faces to Match 1036
Gap 1037
Overlap/Underlap ratio 1037
Open bend region 1037
Coplanar faces 1038
Mirroring and patterning in sheet metal 1039
Mirroring sheet metal features 1040
Patterning sheet metal features 1040
Forming tool feature 1041
Creating forming tools 1041
Forming Tool Library 1042
Placing a forming tool 1042
Special techniques with forming tools 1043
Using the Lofted Bends feature 1045
Using the Unfold and Fold features 1047
Making Sheet Metal Parts from Generic Models 1048
Using the Normal cut feature 1049
Using the Rip feature 1050
Using the Sheet Metal feature 1051
Using the Flatten Bends feature 1051
Using the Process Bends feature 1052
Using the No Bends feature 1052
Using the Flat Pattern feature 1052
Using the Convert to Sheet Metal feature 1053
Using Other Methods 1054
Working with imported geometry 1054
Making rolled conical parts 1055
Mixing methods 1055
Using Multi-Body Techniques with Sheet Metal 1056
Using Insert Part 1057
Using multiple Base Flanges 1057
Tutorial: Working with the Insert Bends Method for Sheet Metal Parts 1058
Tutorial: Using the Base Flange Sheet Metal Method 1062
Summary 1067
Chapter 35: Creating Sheet Metal Drawings 1069
Making Sheet Metal Drawings 1069
Getting the Flat Pattern 1070
Understanding flat patterns and configurations 1070
Showing bend lines and bend notes 1072
Showing the bounding box for the flat pattern 1074
Showing bend areas on the part 1075
Making Drawings of Multi-Body Sheet Metal Parts 1075
Displaying bodies on the sheet metal drawing 1076
Using a cut list in a sheet metal part 1077
Managing cut list properties 1078
Placing the cut list on the drawing 1078
Saving a cut list template 1080
Summary 1080
Chapter 36: Creating Weldments and Weldment Drawings 1081
Sketching in 3D 1082
Navigating in 3D space 1082
Understanding sketch relations in 3D sketches 1083
Creating planes in space 1084
Limiting path segments 1085
Using dimensions in 3D sketches 1086
Using the Weldment Tools 1086
Using the Weldment feature 1087
Introducing the Structural Member feature 1088
Grouping selected path segments 1089
Locating and orienting the profile 1090
Using disjoint sketch segments 1091
Using custom profiles 1091
Adding corner treatments 1092
Using arc segments 1093
Patterning bodies and sketching with symmetry 1094
Creating configurations 1094
Using the Trim/Extend feature 1095
Using the End Cap feature 1096
Working with the Gusset feature 1096
Using Non-Structural Components 1097
Using Sub-Weldments 1098
Working with Cut Lists 1098
Using Cut-List Properties 1099
Excluding and reordering cut list items 1101
Using weld beads and fillet beads in weldments and assemblies 1101
Creating Weldment Drawings 1104
Tutorial: Working with Weldments 1106
Summary 1113
Chapter 37: Using Imported Geometry and Direct Editing Techniques 1115
Understanding the Basics of Imported Geometry 1115
Gaining experience with imports 1117
Understanding the results of imports 1117
Demonstrating some data import 1118
Using direct converters 1122
Handling import errors 1124
Repairing import errors automatically 1124
Repairing import errors manually 1125
Tricking data into working 1126
Ensuring that you get good data 1126
Converting point cloud data 1127
Understanding the IFC file format 1128
Understanding the Traditional Role of Direct Edit Tools 1128
Defining the role of direct edit tools 1128
Understanding the strengths and limitations of
direct edit tools in SolidWorks 1129
Using SolidWorks Direct Edit Tools 1130
Combining direct edit with history 1131
Combining direct editing with imported geometry 1134
Handling imported data with FeatureWorks 1134
Tutorial: Importing and Repairing Solid Geometry 1135
Tutorial: Flex and Freeform 1136
Summary 1140
Chapter 38: Using Plastic Features 1141
Using Plastic Features 1141
Using the Mounting Boss 1142
Using the Snap Hook and Snap Hook Groove 1145
Using Lip/Groove 1146
Using the Rib feature 1148
Using draft in the Rib feature 1150
Ribs and multi-bodies 1150
Using Intersection Curves as reference 1150
Terminating ribs 1151
Using thin features 1153
Using Draft 1154
Neutral Plane draft 1154
Parting Line draft 1155
Step draft 1155
Some draft limitations 1156
What to do when draft fails 1157
DraftXpert 1157
Using Indent 1157
Working with Shell 1159
Using Multi-thickness Shell 1159
Using Shell Outward 1160
Understanding the Shell workflow 1161
Using the Vent feature 1161
Using Plastic Evaluation Tools 1164
Using Draft Analysis 1164
Basic 1164
Gradual Transition 1165
Face Classification 1166
Find steep faces 1167
Understanding the Draft Analysis workflow 1168
Using Thickness Analysis 1168
Using the Show Thin Regions option 1168
Using the Show Thick Regions option 1169
Understanding the Thickness Analysis workflow 1170
Undercut Detection 1171
Understanding the Undercut Detection workflow 1172
Summary 1172
Chapter 39: Using Mold Tools 1173
Working with the Mold Tools Process 1173
Preparing the plastic part for Mold Tools 1175
Shelling the part and applying draft 1176
Adding the plastic part to a blank part 1176
Using the Scale feature 1177
Inserting Mold folders 1178
Parting lines 1179
Initiating the shut-off surfaces 1181
Parting surface 1183
Working example 1184
Using the manual options 1184
Repairing the manual mode parting surface 1186
Tooling split 1188
Using the Core feature 1189
Intervening Manually with Mold Tools 1190
Passing shut-offs 1190
Creating non-planar parting surfaces 1192
Summary 1194
Appendix A: Finding Help 1195
SolidWorks Help 1195
SolidWorks Web Help 1196
Contents 1196
Index 1196
Search 1196
SolidWorks Website 1197
Graphics cards 1197
Customer Portal 1197
SolidWorks Forums 1197
Knowledge Base 1198
Software downloads 1198
Release Notes 1198
What’s New 1198
Installation and administration guides 1198
CAD Admin Dashboard 1199
User Groups 1199
Online Forums 1199
Blogs 1199
Forums 1200
Non-Commercial Websites 1200
Appendix B: What’s on the Website 1201
System Requirements 1201
Windows versions 1202
SolidWorks versions 1203
Troubleshooting 1203
Customer Care 1204

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